In Safari, I save the webpage as PDF. Then, in Acrobat X or Preview, I copy the text and Paste into other programe, like word ,etc,So,the Chinese text can't display.
How so I make it so text in text boxes runs in the traditional chinese style. Characters in text boxes should run down the page instead of across the page.
Safari does not read Chinese in the email titles. It provides a series of question mark. When you open the email it reads the Chinese in the text fine??????? It is important as we receive lots of email in Chinese as well as English, makes sorting through messages impossible.
I purchased a new Mac Mini today (latest base version from Apple Store). I also purchased an LG 2240 (LED backlit) 22" monitor.
The monitor only has a VGA connection therefore I am using the VGA>Mini Display port converter from apple.
The monitor is generally working fine however the display / quality is very grainy, making the text very hard to read. Also although the text is crisp and jagged in quality.
Does anyone feel like the default text size in all applications is too small when your imac is set at it's best resolution?? I really hate to compromise some of the display quality by decreasing the resolution, but everything seems so small!!! I really hoped on a nice big screen i could look at things larger than I could on my laptop!! Is there anything I can do about this? I am new to Mac, so maybe I am just missing something.
Currently I'm trying to look up something in the SVN book on line, and it's all Greek characters. If I view page source, the characters are displayed in the proper font. Google searches show several others having this problem, but no one had a solution. Someone posted a solution here, but it was redacted for some reason and the only part that makes sense is that I should but a product called Suitcase Fusion. I refuse to pay money to make my Mac stop displaying characters in Greek font at random. In some circles that can be considered extortion.
I log on whether via Bonjour or Japer and successfully logged on,I can make screen sharing and that's all from ichat on mac osx 1.5.6, whnever anybody on my list sends me a text message, I can not see the text message at all or any notification that the person is sending me a message although on the other side, the other person in see me and able to send messages to me.
Bought my 1st Mac after 12 years on supersimple WebTV. NIB Rev 2 MBA SSD for $2K from eBay vendor 4 months ago. Facinated by it's capabilities, luminous screen and magazine-like form factor. Why can't I open many email attachments?
When I am on the internet sometimes my screen will not display certain characters or text boxes. When I was on a website the other day I was attempting to input some information and the screen would not display what I was typing or what would appear in the drop down boxes. And I have had this problem on several websites, but when I use a different computer it works just fine! I can't think of anything to do! I don't know what you may need to know about my computer but here is some information:
Model Name:MacBook Pro Model Identifier:MacBookPro3,1 Processor Name:Intel Core 2 Duo Processor Speed:2.2 GHz Number Of Processors:1 Total Number Of Cores:2 L2 Cache:4 MB Memory:2 GB Bus Speed:800 MHz Boot ROM Version:MBP31.0070.B05 SMC Version:1.16f10
I live in China, its great, but I hate the firewall. Ever since they blocked Youtube, I've been trying to get a good connection to a proxy server. I still have not found a good enough proxy to watch youtube. So I am looking for a paid VPN, but I don't know what would be the best to go for. Since my connection in China is bad enough I need a VPN that doesn't slow down my connection any more.
My co-workers use Chinese Windows on their PC and when they send me a document, my Mac interprets some Chinese characters as garbled. If I copy that garbled text and place it in Chinese Windows, it can be read fine.
Is there some kind of setting I can change or software I can install on my Mac so I can read all Chinese characters perfectly?
Not sure if this is the right section or even if someone else has listed it, but the video on the link below (UK broadsheet 'The Times') shows a new Mac trojan. Good commercial for Sophos anti-virus too of course! [URL].
I'm able to write chinese under MacOSX, but how to add pinyin along chinese characters? I want to see and print both (chinese characters and their corresponding pinyin) in my documents.
Long Story Short never owned a Mac computer just the computers I used to use in school when I was like 10 yrs old. I bought a Mac G3 Blue and White upgraded to G4 500mhz and 1gb ram. Now it currently has OS 9.1 running on it I got a copy of Tiger I wanted to throw on it cause. I Heard it would run according to lowendmacs site so what the hell I'll give it a try so pop cd in turn computer off restart and nothing just starts up like normal in chinese. I just want Tiger english or hell even english at this point would be awesome I know like 4 symbols in kanji that is no where near enough to get by. HDD space is 40gig.
A friend of mine is interested in snow leopard because of the chinese handwriting feature. He has one of the original white macbooks. Will it work on that model or is it limited to the macbooks with trackpads that can do the 4 finger swipe?
I know I can input Chinese characters on a SL MBP, however I am too lazy to upgrade my MBP to Snow Leopard, well I just don't see the need to. The Mac Pro is my main computer, and I would love to be able to write Chinese characters with my Intuos4. Since SL has chinese hand input built it, is there anyway I can get it to work with the tablet? Or must I buy a program like Penpower?
I am fluent in Cantonese, and 50% of Mandarin, I cannot write anymore because I grew up in the States, but I can still write characters if I have the actual word right in front of me, which will be useful for when I edit minor documents with Chinese text.
I used Safari as my default browser. The language changes to Chinese every time I open a new tab, and I have to go to the bottom of the page to change the language back to English.
my macbook froze while typing something in simplified Chinese, using the desktop WeChat application. On rebooting, simplified Chinese has now vanished from the toggle menu, but more alarmingly, Chinese (in all its forms) has vanished as an option for Input Language in System Preferences. Macbook has been rebooted on numerous occasions since but no change.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)