OS X V10.7 Lion :: Need To Enter Password For Changing File Name Or Location?
May 24, 2012
All of a sudden, out of nowhere, I'm having to type in my password just to modify/change a file name or location. How do I get rid of this? I use Lion.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I want to change screenshot location from my Solid State hard drive with OSX on it, to my 2nd storage hard drive, how do I do this? I am aware of "defaults write com.apple.screencapture *location*" but I want to change the location to my 2nd drive which doesn't have OSX on it, every time I've tried to insert MacintoshHD2 in there it just doesn't work?
Have an old MBP. Just installed lion on it today. Previously, the computer had no password (at login, I would just hit enter so essentially the password was nothing). After installing Lion, that no longer works, and now I can't get into my computer.
Everytime I wake my computer from sleep, I get a pop-up message asking me to re-enter my password for my iCloud account. I click "remember this password in my keychain" and hit okay, but it still asks me every single time. What gives?
lately, any software that requires me to agree to accept a license and provide my Mac password will not complete the installation.  The window for installtion just returns to previous state of selecting an installation disk Using a MacBook 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, with OS 10.7.4, logged in with an Adminstrator account.Â
I try and start my computer, it gives the boot sound, comes up to the password screen, accepts the correct password, gives a white screen, then returns to the password screen. I am running Lion 10.7.4Â Any solutions before I call and take it in to Apple?
When installing apps through Installer (from .dmg disk images and .pkg packages), everything works smoothly until it asks me for a password. When I enter it, Installer goes back to the screen before it asked me for the password. When I click next, it asks me for my password, and the cycle repeats. I tried removing my password to no avail. I can install .pkg files from the sudo installer -pkg command. I dont know how to do this for installers that are in app form.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MBP Early 2011
It looks like the most recent revison to OS X, that being 10.7.4 moved, or otherwise changed the way the system displays the background image for the login screen. I use a custom image file for mine, and now that same file does not display in 10.7.4Â The file (my coustom image) is still there, but it looks like OS X does not use that file anymore.This is the file name:[URL] how to customize the login screen background in the new build?
I am trying to uninstall Virex 7.5. I have got the Terminal uninstall command which opens Terminal. So far, so good. However, Terminal is asking me for my admin password but it's not allowing me to enter it. The cursor is not blinking it's just a solid black oblong - just bl**dy sitting there! Absolutely no response to any key except the enter key - then terminal helpfully says, 'Sorry, try again' What's going on? I just wanna get rid of Virex!!!
Yes I know other people have posted this and gotten the answer that you just put it ion anyways and you wont see it come up but it works. Well I do not actually have a password set so usually I just hit enter with it blank but when I do that in Terminal it says sorry wrong password or something until I hit the 3rd try and it boots me.
Equipment: Mac Mini (Early 2009), Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GHz, 4 GB RAM, Lion. I started noticing my Mac Mini was having trouble reconnecting my Bluetooth mouse and keyboard, slow processing (spinning pinwheel of death), and programs freezing. I did a recovery within Lion from the recovery drive and it seemed to work for a week or so. It started acting up again. So, I decided to erase the HD and reinstall Lion. I basically use the Mac Mini as a server for all my iTunes content. Â
My iTunes default save location is to my Drobo storage unit. Now that I have reinstalled Lion, I am looking for the easiest, most convenient, and safest way to change the default save location in iTunes and then importing the media. It would be nice if it was possible to just simply change the default save location to the folder I previously had all my media saved in and it would just magically appear in iTunes. Everything was organized perfectly, which took hours of time and attention to details. Â
Info: Mac Mini, 2 13 Inch Macbooks, Mac OS X (10.5.7)
I have purchased a Bose Wave SoundTouch music system and am having major problems connecting to my Apple Time Machine WiFi facility. This WIFi works with various other domestic items. The problem appears to be associated with the Apple WiFi password. I have been using this password for several years before buying my Apple iMac without any problem. procedure for changing the WiFi password.
Recently, I had decided to change my MacBook Pro name. After reading the warning, I understood that everything would turn into defualt settings and I would not loose any other information. However, in result, after completing a restart; my computer made duplicates of music and pictures. To add on to this, the name change deleted my playlist, which I have no problems with, and made about 3 duplicates of every song in my library which consisted of about 28 gigs of music. Btw...all of the files are there, it is just that there are tons of duplicate files which need to be deleted because of this computer name change.
When I open up any of my folders from my desktop (Macintosh HD, My Documents) the folder is on the far right of the screen with about a quarter of it off the screen. It gets annoying to have to drag it onto the screen every time, then as soon as I quit and open it back up, it's back in that spot.
I changed the account preferences (in the System Preferences) so that the username is pointed to Data/users/username
The Finder icon in the dock still opens to to Programs/users/username, even after rebooting. All other apps appear to be using Data/users/username for saving files and other stuff.
How do I change the Finder on the Dock to open to Data/users/username?
I changed my admin password and now it won't let me log in. It keeps asking for my keychain password. I can't enter my old password or my new password. What do I do?
I have some scanned PDF's files with big size (10Mb - 15Mb). The original document doesn't exist. How can I change these existing PDF files to a smaller size?
I have a strange problem at least to me. Recently I moved my iTunes library to an external drive and all went fine. I used the consolidation tool to achieve the task and all went just fine. Since doing this every time I open iTunes the location of the library has changed back to my local drive.
For example...
I set it to: volumesmediaiTunes Media
and it is automatically changed to: usersmemusiciTunesiTunes Media
I used to have it so that whenever I take a screenshot it would go to a folder of my choice. But I have recently put a new hard drive in my MacBook and thus have a new Leopard install and do not remember how I originally set this up because it was such a long time ago.
Does anyone know what Terminal command or something that will let me make my screenshots go to something like User/Tyler/Pictures/Screenshots?
I'm fairly new to the Mac OS, having just bought my first mac not too terribly long ago. I have it installed on a 20-GB hard disk, and have run out of room. I'm wanting to migrate my Applications directory off of the root of my primary drive and onto my second 320 GB drive.
I dont know if this is possible, but I thought I'd ask.
Well i'm trying to burn a disk image onto a DVD-DRL using disk utilities. I get everything all into disk utility and the blank cd is there and the DMG. When i select burn and the burn options comes down, It only allows me to burn to the super drive and not to the blank DVD. I tried going along and just burning it to the SuperDrive and it didn't work.
I just installed a new harddrive and I made 2 partitions. One for my system, preferences and installed programs and one for my files.
The problem comes when i put things on my desktop or download stuff. These folders are on my system partition and when i download or save to the desktop temporarely, i have to copy the files later to my other partition and delete the original.
It would save me a lot of time if downloaded files and files saved to the desktop are written on my documents partition.
hence the question: is there any way to change your desktop and downloads folder location to another location/drive?
I just noticed that when I change the location for the weather app the F/C overlaps the text box. It has never done this before. What could be wrong with my macbook pro? here is a screenshot of it. http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/g...1at13012PM.png