OS X V10.7 Lion :: Multiple Recent Files Open When Opening Preview?
Feb 13, 2012When I launch preview with10.7.3, the app opens multiple recent files. And how can I stop this?
iMac/MacBook Pro/iPhone 3G/Nano, Mac OS X (10.5.4)
When I launch preview with10.7.3, the app opens multiple recent files. And how can I stop this?
iMac/MacBook Pro/iPhone 3G/Nano, Mac OS X (10.5.4)
When I open files, usually .jpg, I sometimes double-click on it just to pop it open real quick to take a look at the larger picture. I still have Preview as my default graphic file viewer and up to 10.6, when I would do this it would just open the file. When I was done looking at it, I would quit Preview by hitting command+Q. Then a bit later if there was another file I wanted a bigger look at I'd follow the same process. I've been doing that for about 5 years.
With 10.7, following this behavior produces different results. If I open a .jpg, then close with command+Q, Lion "remembers" the last file I had open, and when I double click on a file, it opens the file that I clicked on AND any previous files that were open. This could go on and on endlessly. I tried it a few minutes ago and opened 10 files by double clicking on only one. The way that I've found to alleviate this is to first close the .jpg while in Preview, then end the program. This makes sense and everything, but if I tell Preview to close, it should assume that I'm no longer interested in the file that was previously open. I suppose all of this isn't too big a deal as it only adds one additional step to my daily behavior. But it's going to be a hard one to break after a few years of doing something else
Info:iMac (20-inch Late 2006), Mac OS X (10.7.3), Core 2 Duo 2.16 GHz, 3GB
For some reason I cannot open jpg files from a co-worker who previosuly sent files without any problems. I just bought a MacBook Air with OS X Lion & Preview won't open the files.
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I've just upgraded to Lion 10.7.3 and tried to open an excel spreadsheet but it only opens in 'Preview' which is uneditible.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I hand-create PostScript files, which are tested by being dragged to Adobe Distiller. This application is unhappy if the same-name PDF is busy. And if not busy, the same-name PDF is happily over-written. So far, so good. Until recently, whilst Preview had a PDF open, it could not be overwritten - somehow marked as busy, I guess. If closed, if could. But within the last two weeks this behaviour has changed. Preview 5.5.2 (719.25), under Lion, keeps them 'busy' even after the file is closed or Preview is quit. It fails to unmark as 'busy'. So I have to drag the PDF to the trash before Adobe Distiller will 'overwrite'.
I open a text file or image file and the LAST text file or pic I had open opens up with the one I want. Anyone know what's up with that?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
All of a sudden my tiff files that still could be previewed two weeks ago, before an update of Lion, won't open anymore in preview and powerpoint. The files are not corrupted, since photoshop opens them normally. Anything know about a bug in latest lion version?
MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Recently the preview program has stopped working. I cannot open PDF files or image files, i.e. jpeg. The only thing I can think of that I've done recently is installing a program called "MailRaider." I just uninstalled it using a program called "Appdelete."
I tried this suggestion from the apple discussion forum that did not work:
Go to the finder, find one of the PDFs you can not open. then click on that PDF one time. go to the file menu, chose get info from the file menu. the inspector window that pops up will include a section on open with. expand that section and click on the open with menu and chose preview. then click the "Change All.." button.
all PDF should now open with preview. you can repeat this process with jpegs, gifs, tifs, pngs, extra as needed.
What else can I try? Do I need to reinstall the preview application? If so, how do I do that?
how do I get Preview to be the default application in opening pdf files?
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
How do I disable the Preview Application from opening eps files by default?
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy friend and I are trying to move some software from her old computer to a new one. She burned a large installer .dmg file to two CDs, in 4 parts. Even having both discs loaded into the computer (one in the internal drive, the other in an external), we can't get the main .dmg file to recognize the two parts from the other disc.
When we try to copy the .dmg and .dmgpart files from the disc to the hard drive, we end up getting an error message, and Finder basically freezes. Is there any way to make this work with what we've got, or were they burned incorrectly to begin with?
The error message says:
"The Finder cannot complete the operation because some data in 'XXXXX.004.dmgpart' could not be read or written. (Error code - 36)"
The old computer is out of the picture right now, so we can't just copy the file(s) directly from there.
I mostly use Preview.app (on Lion 10.7.3) to read and annotate relatively large pdf documents (articles, reports, etc.). While working on a given project I tend to have many pdf files open at the same time. I personally would like to have all of the pdfs I use open in a single window, so I have Preview set to "Open all files in one window" (Preferences > General). This setup initially worked very well since it allows me view all of my open documents in the sidebar (similar to tabs in a browser window). The problem is that when I switch from one pdf to another, the position of the pdfs (i.e., the page I was on when I switched to another pdf) is not preserved. This seemingly defeats the purpose of having this functionality in Preview,is this the intended behavior of this setting, or is this a bug? In either case, is anyone aware of a fix for this? I just want the documents I'm reading to preserve their positions when switching between them when opened in a single window.
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MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 256 GB SSD 13"
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MacBook Pro
does anyone know of a way (plugin or otherwise) to view pdf files in the camino browser without having to save them or open preview? i know about the pdfbrowser plugin, but that's for PPC only. ideally, i'm looking for something that will mimic safari pdf functionality... that's like the only reason i still sometimes use safari!
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So, how can I do it. When I click on the file, I want a window to be opened with emacs running and editing that file.
Here is how it goes, I download the file DMG file and it opens it with DiskImageMounter and it shows up in Finder after it is done downloading, I click on the package to install it and it will never open up; the prompt "There was an error opening this document. There was a Macintosh system error(-1409)"
View 2 Replies View RelatedAll of a sudden, I can't open/use the Preview app. I was going to pull the plist but I can't find any. In the process, I don't see a Library for the individual users.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
This didnt use to happen but now when I open Word or Excel it seems to want to open all the recent Docs that I have worked on as well?Â
Looked at all the preferences and cant find anything to turn this off or work out why it is doing this now when it didnt use to?Â
Mac OS X (10.6.5)
How do you change the default viewing of a PDF to Preview instead of Safari?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have been using preview to investigate screen shots I've been taking. The problem is preview is opening every single file I've viewed with it when I open it. I take a lot of screenshots.
How do I get image preview to open JUST the image I told it to open? How do I make it stop opening multiple images at once when I don't ask it to?
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
When I want to scroll through a folder with pictures, I usually drag the folder from the Finder to the Preview icon in my dock. Is there a way to open Preview with a keyboard shortcut? I know about pressing the spacebar to open Quicklook, but I prefer Preview.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy Preview application on my mac book pro (Lion OS X) won't open any pdf or jpeg documents. It just says ' the application Preview can't be opened. -1712' Â
Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I'm finally getting used to the extra steps required to save a doc in Preview now (but I hate it). What I'm noticing now is that when I open a document in Preview, it also opens the last doc I viewed at the same time..If I wanted to see the old doc I would've double clicked it.I use Preview all the time.There is no Preference to disable this strange behavoir.
iPad, iOS 5.0.1, MacPro, MacBook Pro, iPad, iPhone
I have this problem on my new MBA (2012) and mac mini (2011), both running the latest update of LION (10.7.4). Basically, if I am using preview, it shows up on my dock no problem and I can close windows/hide/quite no problem. Usually a while later, a copy of Preview ends up showing up in my FORCE QUIT menu (if I happen to be there), but is not visibly open. (see pic).
Odd that it occurs on both. Only things that are non-apple installed on MBA (and mirror with MM) are:
- MS Office 2k11
- Firefox
- ClamXav virus scanner
- Diablo 3
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2012, 13", 256GB SSD, 8GB RAM
When I open a photo with Preview, it opens all the photos I have viewed previously. How can I prevent that, other than manually clearing the list after each time?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I must be missing something. I've read the instructions for merging pdf documents in Preview, but it's just not working. Wants me to "duplicate" a file or something. This seems very un-Mac-like. I get 2 documents open, drag the thumbnails from one into another, one at a time, and then try to "Save As".
View 1 Replies View RelatedI like Preview.app to be my primary app to open pdf and pictures. When I want to edit I will open the app I need and drag document to the icon to open. Something changed and now Adobe Acrobat has become my default. I want to change back to Preview.
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Mac OS X (10.7.4)