OS X V10.7 Lion :: Migration Assistant Didn't Move All Files
Jul 1, 2012
yesterday I moved all my files from my old MacBook Pro running SL to my new MBP 15,4. I used migration assistant and my time machine backup, that I had updated minutes before. Now I realized that some folders were not copied. Do you know where I can find a log regarding the moving process, so I can check which files were not moved?
MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Refurbished MacBook Air. Three attempts to use migration assistant to move files from MacBook to my newly acquired Air. Migration Assistant works fine until minutes to go and then "hangs" have left it connected for hours with "less than "X" minutes to go" and no files get transferred. On my third attempt this time without transferring applicaitons.
Info: MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 4GB RAM, 128 GB Flash drive
I bought a new MacBook Pro and used Migration Assistant. Went to open Word on my new computer and my old license/information did not transfer. This hasn't happened before.
just bought a new iMac. I have been using a MacBook and have faithfully backed up my hard drive using Time Machine.
I hooked up my external hard drive/time machine disk to the new iMac and selected this option in Migration Assistant. It transferred over my applications, but none of my photos, music, or documents transferred over. I did leave every checkbox checked for what to transfer.
Any idea what happened? How do I get my itunes music and iphotos transferred?
We updated Migration assistant on the macbook... We activated the Migration assistant on the new and old computer..
the new one is a macbook pro...it ran all day, and then said it had completed the migration. But we can't find the files, or nothing really got transfered..
I have tried to transfer my file from my old MacBook Pro on to my iMac using firewire. Did not managed to transfer everything across such as contacts and all my other important files. However, all the applications were transferred.
I have tried using the migration assistant. It will not go beyond my selecting a migration method - From another Mac. Nor am I able to use the system preferences file sharing options outlined on apple support. I am not permitted to select the internet sharing as instructed in step 3 (in issues with migration section)... so cannot proceed from there. Using the target option to transfer files isn't working either.
When I installed Lion to my current macbook pro I didn't relise there was a new timevault. I am unable to disable the legacy version as more disc space than I have available is required.Will I be able to start fresh WITHOUT timevault when I migrate to my new Air? Or will the legacy timevault transfer.
I installed Migration Assistant and everything seemed to work fine, transferred a bunch of stuff from my PC and it said it was complete. Now I can't find the transferred files anywhere.
However, before we did that we wanted to make sure all her documents/settings were on the MacBook Pro. So I went ahead and wiped the old MacBook Pro clean and then used Migration assistant from the MacBook to move all of her documents and settings. Needless to say this was the easiest migration I have ever done to a new system. And I am extremely happy that I work in an environment is mostly made up of Macintosh computers. So while all of you here know that Migration Assistant is the best, I am mostly writing this thread for those who do not yet own Macintosh computers
If i have 2 macbooks and want to copy one itunes library and iphoto library to the other macbook do i just use migration assistant (or whatever its called).. I want to just COPY not transfer and erase off the old one.. So i want to be bale to transfer it but still be able to play music on the old computer.. so i guess what im getting at is when using migration assistant does it transfer the files, or just copy and transfer?
I will be buying a new White MacBook soon. I want to share files between the new MacBook and my iMac (first gen. aluminum). Will the files I transfer from my iMac stay on my iMac once I transfer them? Migration Assistant seems to be the easiest way to transfer files from one Mac to another Mac from what I read from searching this forum. Also, I read in some threads that transfered files are sometimes hard to find on the new computer.
After running Migration Assistant from my 2006 Macbook to my shiny new Macbook Pro, the program told me 'Some files from "TrajanPro-Bold.otf" could not be transferred.'
I have acquired a used iMac with the original owners software/iTunes/settings still in place. Will the Migration assistant wipe everything on the computer and replace it with my files or will it add my files and change things to my settings?
have used migration assistant to transfer music and photo files from my mbp to imac - used network not firewire - all seamed to work - said it was complete - now cannot seam to find the files on the imac - was i a bit too hopeful that they would just pop in to iphoto and itunes? could someone let me know where they will be?
I'm a newbie in mac, I used to have macbook white now I ordered MBPI'm concerned in transferring my data to the new machine can o set the migration assistant to transfer specific documents e.g only mail accounts and iphoto library without other clutters I have on my old machine??
second question is does migration assistant delete the files from my old machine??
I am trying to transfer music and photos from my Windows laptop to my new iMac.
All the files are stored under my User name on the laptop, but the Aisstant Manager only showes files located on the C: drive. I can also see the boxes Users and Administrator, but they are both empty.
How do I run the Assistant Manager so that it located all the files on my laptop?
When i used the migration assistant to transfer my files from my pc to mac, it seems i could not find any of my files. it said it transferred successfully, but nothing shows up on my mac. I did it twice? what else do i need to do?
IF I only have 1 Mac with data and setting that I do not want to loose, can I use a hard drive to migrate too data and setting until my Mac is for matted and ready to be re-loaded ? Whats the closest migration benefits I could get having 1 mac?
I wish to migrate from a MacPro 2009 to a newer MacPro but keep the original monitor. Can I operate Migration Assistant with only one screen? If one screen can be used, to which computer should it be connected?
I just purchased a new MacBook Pro as an upgrade from my MacBook Black Intel Core Duo. Is it better to set-up the new computer with my old files by connecting a FireWire between both computers or should I simply hook up my external hard drive with all my Time Machine Back-ups as the source for the new info?
I just purchased a new macbook and am attempting to transfer files using migration assistant. However, migration assistant on my ibook says that it will only work in transferring files to the ibook not from the ibook.
My intel iMac hard drive crashed. I had it backed up with Carbon Copy Cloner. The technician who fixed the hard drive put SL on the new hard drive. I tried to restore with CCC first but it didn't restore anything. I used Migration Assistant and it asked about duplicate user names so I gave it a new name to be safe. I now have all my apps but no files. I used MA again and decided to use the same user name this time. I ended up with 2 accounts with the same name but no files. I was hoping to end up with the same computer (e.g. same desktop, all files in the same folders as before, iPhoto, iCal, Address Book, Dashboard etc. all organized and acting the same way as before). Every looking and acting the same way with the exception of the subtle changes brought about by SL.
I'm transferring files from my MacBook Pro to the new iMac. I decide to use the Migration Assistant and proceed to connect both machines using the USB port. All looked nice in the beginning and the bar tab status started to fulfill indicate the advance and hours to finish. Since yesterday in both screens indicate "3 hours and 53 minutes remaining" and don't go forward. Looks like the process freeze.
I had an Imac running Snow Leopard... I mistakenly(?) thought i could change Permissions by selecting "Everyone" from the startup volume HD icon's Permissions panel and in turn, chose "Apply to All Enclosed Files and Folders" option thinking this would allow all other computers on a small office network to have total free and clear no-security-required, file-sharing read/write- access to this Imac's contents. After doing this and attempting reboot, I couldn't get access to the OS at all even after i ran DiskWarrior and DiskUtilities, so, wound up doing Archive/Install - but used an OS 10.5 disk because i (mistakenly)thought that my 10.6 Snow Leopard disk was only an Updater. So after installing 10.5 again I ran the OS 10.63 disk's installer, bringing the new System Folder up to Snow Leopard. I'm up and running - most system software updates downloaded/done. Problem is now this -- stuff like: Email Clients, Itunes, Browsers, any Apps that had associated data/content files isn't recognizing the old, original contents that belonged to them - instead, these apps all
I was attempting to use Migration Assistant to move files from my wife's old PC (Windows 7) to her MacBook Pro, which uses Lion. The first connection went fairly smoothly, but we were connecting over wifi so it moved very very very slowly. Also, I had neglected to turn off Windows update and that ended up crashing the transfer. I tried to restart the transfer today (after shutting down Windows Update, Firewall, and other stuff I could think of), but now the two computers won't speak to each other. Both computers show up as being on the network.