OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Move Backups From External Drive To New Time Capsule
Feb 21, 2012
I have an external drive I have used with time machine. I now have purchased a time capsule. Can I move the backups from the external drive to the new time capsule?
I'm a first time contributor so please forgive me if I seem a little "wet behind the ears"...I have a 2011 iMac (which replaced my 2006 G5 iSight model) and a 500gb Time Capsule.I have my iTunes Library (which is approximately 150gb) on the Time Capsule but, given the relatively modest 500gb on the capsule there is not enough room to back up my computer.I have been looking at 2tb external firewire hard drives and I am hoping to move my iTunes library onto one of these and then use the capsule to back up my computer with Time Machine (the Mac has an internal 500gb hard drive). I'm hoping this will be a relatively straightforward task! The downside with this is of course, I will not have a back up of my iTunes library...with the hardware that i have does anybody have any advise or better ideas!?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Time Capsule, External Hard Drive
I will be buying a new imac soon. I currently have the old fashioned, round airport which works fine. I'll need a new back up hard drive to do backups. Question: do people recommend the expensive time capsule for backups and for faster internet? Or is my old airport just fine and I should buy a cheaper hard drive for backups?
I've backup my Macbook Air Using time machine before reformat it to have window partition.However, after installing OS Lion 10.7.4, how do I restore back all my application and data on my last backup from time machine?
My Time Capsule backups are taking too long. Time Machine says it is indexing. However, I have had my Time Machine configured since I installed Lion last year and it has been making automatic backups every hour since. Why is it 'indexing' now, and why is it taking so long?
Right now I have an i5 MacBook Pro with a 320 GB hard drive. I want to move that hard drive to my Time Capsule via a USB enclosure and use a 60 GB OCZ SSD hard drive in my MacBook. Do you think this is a good idea speed-wise? Also, does anyone have any experience with using iTunes or viewing videos with a hard drive plugged into a Time Capsule that's a few rooms away? I'm probably only going to use the wireless hard drive to listen to music and maybe move files to it once in a while. Would that be too slow? I would unplug it from the Time Capsule and plug it into my Mac to transfer big files or install software that's on the external drive.
I have a late 2011 MacBook Pro 17 Inch with 750 GB of space on its hard drive. About a month and half ago I bought a 3 TB Time Capsule and I know that Time Capsule, together with Time Machine, basically takes periodic snapshots of your hard drive and will rearrange/clean/delete files on your hard drive. What I want to know is that since I'm about to run out of space on the internal hard drive can I move a good chunk of the data into the Time Capsule and free up that data on internal hard drive. Videos take up about 75% of my MacBook Pro's hard drive so video's are my biggest problem. If I can't do this with the Time Capsule I guess that's a con of the Time Capsule/Time Machine.
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have a MacPro, OS X 10.5.7. I have TM configured to back up to an external 1 TB firewire drive. I use Adobe Lightroom for photography. it provides a checkbox to allow you to backup all photos as you import them from your camera card. Adobe recommends selecting an external drive for these backups. But for some reason, it does not allow me to select the external drive that TM uses.
I have an iMac and send all my Time Machine backups to an Iomega 250gb external hard drive. Now Time Machine says the drive is full and cannot complete the back up- how can I delete some old back ups to make room for the latest one? And once I have room- restrict it to back up only once a week? I really want to use the drive for the music and photos- but fear not having a complete backup before i update to Mt. Lion.
I have an external 500gb drive plugged into my brand new Time Capsule. The 500gb drive basically stores my entire library of music and my iTunes points to this external drive.
Is it possible to have time machine backup all information on the 500gb drive to the time capsule, so encase the external drive takes a dump, I don't loose my entire music library? Maybe time machine is already doing this, I am not sure.
As my 160N series Linksys router neither has gigabit ports, usb connector or dual band networking, I am looking for a replacement.
When it comes to Apple routers I am looking at 2 options - either the base station with an external USB drive or get a 1TB capsule with the buildt in drive and worries regarding reliability.
What I like about the Time Capsule is that it is neat to have all in one, takes up less space and only has 1 plug to attach, while Iike the idea that I can just connect a bigger drive later on the base station solution.
1. Will the connected USB drive function just like the internal drive in the Time Capsule for Time Machine use?
2. Will everything be transparent to Snow Leopard?
3. In case of both units with an attached USB drive - can I control who actually can see the drive and access it?
4. Do they support this DNLA thing so that e.g . PS3 can access an attached drive??
I have a 1 TB external hard drive that I've been using as a time machine drive & also as a place to put random files i dont need on my computer and its starting to get very full. Most of whats on there is old backups from the past year & 1/2 that I have no use for anymore. is there a way to delete all of the backups that are on there right now without deleting the other files I've put on there. I have a bunch of projects and files on there that I cant put anywhere else and just format the drive. Basically, i need a way to delete all of my time machine backups off my external hd without deleting all my other files on there.
My time machine backups to an external drive stopped with a message that the backup could not be done because the drive could not be repaired and needed to be reformatted. Prior to reformatting I copied the TM backup file of 250GB to my desktop. My internal drive is 500GB and this only leaves me with 33GB of available space. I then reformatted the drive with the proper OS extended journaled and GUID partition. The external drive is 500GB. When I try to copy the backup file from the desktop to the reformatted drive the process begins normally with the message "preparing to copy files" but as the preparation process reaches 13,000,000 files it stops with the message "there is not enough sufficient space to copy files" even though it never even got to the actual file transfer. I have tried copying the backups in small batches to the new drive but I get an error message that backup files cannot be modified.
I plan to 'clean up' my Time Machine/Time capsule completely, whereby I want to make it impossible for third parties to recover all or part of these old backups.After I have accompished this I want to start from scratch backing up my Mac.
I'm not sure why I thought of this but ... if someone were to break into my house and steal my MBP, they would probably take my Time Capsule backup as well. Now that wouldn't be good at all!!
If I set up a Time Capsule at work and a second one at home, will my MBP sync with each of them? Then I would have 2 copies of my system in 2 different locations.
I read the following paragraph on engadget and was slightly concerned:
So we spent the weekend playing with Time Capsule and we've discovered some interesting answers to all your questions, as well as a few accompanying annoyances. Our main takeaway? It's a solid product, but you shouldn't expect it to do anything more than back up your files -- and Apple really needs to step up and enable general NAS support for Time Machine. Read on!
Can someone briefly explain what NAS is?
Also, this can only be used for backups? I was planning to use it as my MAIN DRIVE! Is there a problem with that? I was gonna keep all my music, photos, movies, etc. in there.
Please do advise if you are familiar with the situation!
i have all my music on a external drive, and i want to copy it to my time capsule as a backup. but since my music is over 300gb. it will take a long time to copy, is it ok to leave the drive on overnight and let it copy all the music to the time capule?
I'd like to split my TC into a backup drive and an external hard drive. Apple support tells me they don't support this function, but it's possible. Anyone have any experience doing this?
I've been using my Time Capsule for about 5 months with no major problems. Recently I've had a lot. The last few days I've been having issues with backing up. It would start up and go for a few minutes then I would get a message that the backup has failed due to network interruption. I reset everything multiple time and no luck. I now have it sitting on my desk as a extension of my 802.11g network. Periodically I notice the status light go from solid green to orange and blink for a few seconds then back to green. Would there be anything that would be causing this. I made an appointment Monday to see a Genius. I'm hoping its just a faulty unit that can be replaced.
I've been backing up my old MacBook Pro for over a year. I sold my computer two months ago and purchased a new Macbook Pro this week. I went to my time capsule and it's only showing a backup from June 2009 when my backups have been for all of 2009. Time Capsule is showing 250GB of space used so my backups have to be there somewhere right?
Just got the time capsule, going to use it for wireless time machine back ups of my laptop. I would also like to connect an external drive to the time capsule for movies and audio files that are too big for my laptop.
I notice if I connect my owc 7200 rpm external drive via the USB port to the time capsule, things are a bit sluggish when I access movie/audio files over the wireless...What if I purchased an external drive with an ethernet port? would it work if I plugged it into the time capsule? and if so would there be a speed increase?
I know I can add an external 1 GB drive to my time capsule, and have time machine do backups on that specific drive. If I do so, can I still use the internal 500 GB drive of my time capsule for network uses? or Time Capsule is restricted in a way that it can either use the internal harddrive, or an external USB one, but not both at the same time (one for backups only, the other for a network storage drive).
OK, kinda a long story. Pardon the ranting, but if feels like everything is going wrong and I'm getting pretty tired of it.
I was going along nicely with my Mac. Then I had a time-sensitive iMovie project that was going totallly screwy. I ended up buying Lion hoping that would fix the problem. It didn't spent several more hours trolling forums and figured out it was a weird problem with the software.
So... then I was stuck with Lion. Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Rosetta Stone, etc. don't work on it. Not cool. Would have been nice if I was warned before doing this. So, I figured I'd go back in my Time Machine backup. However, I was really busy and didn't get to it until a few weeks later. I'd never actually used Time Machine, but when I went into it I was astonished to find that it backed up on the hour, filling up the external hard drive so it only kept backups for a few weeks. And of course, it was too late to backup to my old OS. So not cool. Who in the world needs an hourly backup??? I'd much prefer a weekly backup a little further back. That's just absurd.
So, anyway, I had the old Time Machine backup. I figured if I messed up, I could always restore to the recent Lion backup. So, I restored to Snow Leopard from the disk, wiping the hard drive. Then, I tried to go in and get my files off of the external hard drive/Time Machine backup. It didn't recognize I even had an external hard drive plugged in.
So... I decided to go back to Lion, maybe I needed to be in Lion to access the Lion backup. Spent hours putting Lion back on. And... still doesn't even recognize that there's an external hard drive plugged in. What gives?
I've been trying to think of what all could be the problem here. Did I just think I was backing up to the external hard drive this whole time, when really I was backing up to the computer? No, because it would send me reminders when the external hard drive wasn't plugged in. Is the cord or something broken to the external hard drive? I suppose it's possible, but just a few hours before I saw the Time Machine backups... And there is power to it.
Time Machine is not working correctly since installing Lion. I found (from using Adobe Bridge) that there seem to be automatic back ups being made 20 times a day and onto my hard drive! Usually I back up to an external drive specifically for back up using Time Machine. Now time machine takes several hours to back up when I have that disk wired in (with USB) and the Time Machine icon in the Apple menu is always showing that the back up is delayed.
I have a new mac mini and a vista pc on the same network. I want to have my pictures, videos and itunes library on a time capsule so I can access them with my mac and pc. I will not be using time capsule as a backup drive. What I want to know is if I can use an external HD to backup my time capsule content. Would it be better to plug the drive to the capsule with usb or to the mac with fw800? The reason I want a time capsule and not a nas is because time capsule is a router at the same time, which means I save space on my desk and dont have to mess around with different components for my network to work fast.
I have plugged in an external hard drive into my time capsule via the usb input. I have a main router for my network and internet and time capsule is connected to this wirelessly. The external drive doesn't show up as being attached to the time capsule and hence I cannot access any files. What do I need to do to be able to access it?