OS X V10.7 Lion :: How Mountain Lion Might Work With Quicken For Lion Patch
Jun 16, 2012
After the disaster getting Quicken for Mac 2007 (or earlier) to sort-of work on Lion, has anyone checked if the Lion Compatible Quicken for Mac works on the new Mountain Lion operating system? Even though this isn't an Apple problem, I know I'm not the only person who would love to update to a new Mac; however, they all come with Mountain Lion, and many of us are terrified of losing financial data if there's another
I am thinking of upgrading from lion to mountain lion, simply to use the dictation feature, but I need it for "typing" papers in office for mac....word. Does it work for that, or is it geared more for sending messages?
I have read somewhere that the developers version of Mountain Lion would only work on the latest Macs and I was wondering whether the soon to be released version will be the same.
Yesterday I updated the software to OS X 10.8.5 and since then I haven't been able to use multiple programs such as Safari, Google Chrome, Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. What I should do to make the programs work again.
After upgrading my Lion Server to 10.7.4 my DNS isn't working. I checked the settings of my domain name provider, modem and my computer with lion server. The settings of lion server appear correct even the indication suggest that DNS is working. I already checked that my webserver is working. All other functions of my server work fine.
I spent some time avoiding Lion after being part of seeding, even to the extent of buying a new MacPro last year, that would not require Lion. I wish to stay with Snow Leopard until a new OS apeals to me, might be Mountain Lion, might be Puma or Lynx. I now see that I have been caught out - MobileMe, iCal, iSync, iDisk etc will end and move (with limited comparability to MobileMac) to iCloud, and so far, it seems that this requires Lion exclusively!
Is this really so? Has Apple really become so violently unfriendly to its friends and associates - its Users, that it will actively and knowingly ignore their pleas, for a return to intelligent Operating Systems and Applications - I was told recently that Apple was only interested in those who are not yet Mac users. This would be very sad.
It does fit though with Apple's behaviour regarding FCP - I'd used used FCP since version 1, now I must stay with the ever aging version 7 or go to Adobe or Avid - neither of whom I enjoy working with. I might just have to invest huge money into a Heavyworks or Quantel system - I loathed FCPX! But really this is ultimately about Apple's direction. Why has it now become so narrow, when once it was possible to be many versions behind the current and still function?
Info: Mac Pro 2.66ghz DP 4 x 1Tbs, with 12 Gigs SDRAMM, Mac OS X (10.6), ext DROBO 2Tbs and FW 400+800 Terabyte LaCie Big drives
My time machine backup isnt working for the last few months. The backup is located on a QNAP TS-670.
I can look for the TM and the iMac see the TM, but if I start the backup, a popup comes up. "The image of the backup-volume "/Volume/TMBackup/Danielas iMac.sparsebundle" cant be accessed. (Error -1)
Maybe it is not the exact error message in english, but I hope you know what I mean. Im working on a german system.
I can access the TM-Share through the finder (share: afp://[...]).
Here is the log I've got from the terminal: Danielas-iMac:~ danielawendling$ tail -f /var/log/system.log |grep backupJun 6 14:43:36 Danielas-iMac.local com.apple.backupd[323]: Failed to eject volume /Volumes/TMBackup (FSVolumeRefNum: -105; status: -47; dissenting pid: 0)
This morning I thought I was deleting the keychain password to one account, when I accidentally deleted all of my keychain storage items. I followed the directions from the Support Community to restore the Keychain Folder using my Time Machine backup. I even restored the .plist files.
However, now when I open a site in Safari, only the user name is pre-populated, but not the password. When Safari asks me if I want to save the password in my Keychain, an error message pops up telling me "A keychain cannot be found to store password." I'm given the option to Cancel or Reset to Defaults. I'm not sure what to do. I'm even afraid to restart my Mac fearing I won't be able to log in or connect to my wifi network.
I also cannot get any of my emails through the Mail application. It keeps prompting me to enter my password, but then won't allow me to hit the Okay button b/c it's grayed-out.
Info: MacBook Air, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), 3rd gen. iPod; 2nd gen. Shuffle; 3rd gen. Nano
just recieved my refurbished macbook air (2011) 2 weeks ago.Does it qualify for free upgrade to mountain lion ? The website only talked about "qualifying new mac system set..."
I am wanting to download the new software for my iMac when it comes out in the summer but I do not have the OSX Lion. So do I need to download OSX Lion before downloading Mountain Lion?
Whenever I try to install the latest preview of Mountain Lion, it says"Some features of OS X Mountain Lion are not supported for the disk "R2iMac". The warning directs me here: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4649 It seems like it'll let me continue, but once it restarted it eventually said the installation failed. The point is I do have a Recovery HD and I don't know what to do about this. Check out my partitions:And here's the error dialouge: Please advise.
Info: iMac 2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo 24", Mac OS X (10.6.4), 4GB RAM
I am currently running version 10.7.4 from what I read and what I was able to make out from my serial number I wont be able to upgrade from Lion to Mountain Lion as it says my imac is a late 2006 model.I am just curious if I am able to run Lion why Apple isnt supporting the older models that can? Seems odd to me and it is not in my budget to buy a new mac and my current one is running perfectly. I'm not sure how much I will miss out not having Mountain Lion.
I inadvertently deleted my OSX 10 Lion operating system on my Mac Mini -- tried redownloading it but continually received an automated response saying something like ".... unable to download the software, try again later" That is not an exact quote but close. I tried several times to download the software but always received the same message. I did verify that WIFI was up and working properly on my separate laptop.
Info: Mac mini (Mid 2010), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8)
Just upgraded to OSx Lion 10.7 and find that Quicken 2007 won't open as Lion does not support it. Quicken advises that it does not yet have Quicken for Lion but is working on it. Meantime I am stuck as I use Quicken all the time. I am wondering if it is possible to uninstall Lion using the Snow Leopard install CD. At present, Lion is a disaster and I'd like to get rid of it and go back to Snow Leopard. Apple really screwed up with this one.
I have many years of accounting on quicken and now I find I can't do this year's tax. Has anyone found a way to make quicken work or another program that will use the quicken data?
I have OS X and never bought LION as I dont know that much about this stuff. Do I buy OS X LIon now or wit for OS X Mountain Lion? Dont hate me because I'm a LUddite..
I was about to buy Lion so I can start using the extra space I purchased on Iclouds but I noticed that Mountain Lion is coming later this summer.Can I wait and simply install Mountain Lion without ever getting Lion?
when mountain lion will release this year if I upgrade my Lion OS to new Apple's new Mac OS what will happen to recovery HD partition? They said my Lion OS will be gone and everything will be Mountain Lion. I bought this Macbook pro late 2011 and its running Lion OS with recovery HD.
I know Mountain Lion isn't released, but I know Apple has published quite a bit of specs and requirments already. So my question, which I havent found an answer to...as it sounds a little rare. Would it be possible to send video and audio (think Netflix app, Apple Video app, etc.) from an iPhone to an Airplay Mac running Mountain Lion? I don't have a tv, don't really need one as my 27" LED dispay is just fine. But at times I'd like to send video at times from my iPhone to a Mac. One main reason is Netflix Silverlight messes with some software I have, rendering Netflix streaming impossible on the Mac. I have seen a Mac desktop app that will do this—Reflection app—but I beleive there is a lot of compression that effects quality.