OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Kernel Panics On Startup - Won't Get Past Grey Screen?
Jun 21, 2012
So out of nowhere my unibody MBP (specs, etc below) locked up yesterday while I was watching a video using VLC. It stopped responding to anything so I held down the power button until it turned off. I waited about 10 minutes and turned it back on. Grey screen with spinning cog showed up for about a minute and then kernel panic. Held down power button until it turned off. Tried repeatedly - same results. Won't boot into Safe Mode - still get a kernel panic everytime. It will let me boot the machine into Target Disk Mode. It will boot from my Snow Leopard install disk where I ran Disk Utility and "repaired disk" and "repaired disk permissions" on both the drive and the volume. All the "repair disk" and "repair disk permissions" ended with messages in green type saying that the disk/permissions appear to be OK.Â
I have an external FW drive used for TM backups for the machine. A fair amount of data has been added since the last TM backup (which was less than 30 days ago) that, ideally, I'd like to not lose by resorting to restoring from a TM backup. It's not the end of the world if the last (roughly) 30 days of data/changes ends up being lost, but I'm willing to work on getting it back up and running without doing an erase and install and then restoring from a TM backup if at all possible.Â
Definitely if any other information or data is needed from me in order for anyone to assist, please let me know what it is and I'll do my best to provide it.Â
Hardware Overview:Model Name: MacBook ProModel Identifier: MacBookPro5,1Processor Name: Intel Core 2 DuoProcessor Speed: 2.66 GHzNumber of Processors: 1Total Number Of Cores: 2L2 Cache: 6 MBMemory: 4 GBBus Speed: 1.07 GHzBoot ROM Version: MBP51.007E.B06SMC Version (system): 1.41f2Â
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Aug 25, 2009
I am having trouble with my macbook: It wont load past the Grey apple start up screen with the spining gears, iv done Zapp on the PRAM, iv run ""/sbin/fsck -fy"". And I am now starting in Verbose mode, but its taking AGES, it must be loading for an hour now, its showing "Neb-computer /System/library/coreservices/loginwindow.app/contenst/MacOS/loginwindow: Login window Application started (Over and over and over again). I don't have an install disk.
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May 30, 2012
I sure hope your day is faring better than mine...To try and make my new issue easier to follow and to save face as I feel like an idiot, permit me to explain in bullet format:
First things first: I was running 10.6.8 SL on my 2006/7 model MacBook pro 15.4 w 2 gig sdram, right now I'm running nothing. When I turn on Mac it goes to grey screen and I see a folder/?/apple symbols rapidly interchanging on screen. This occurred after trying to use TM for my first time as I deleted some items I shouldn't have. In time machine all seemed kosher until the first attempt said not enough space on hd so I decided to only click on sys folder in TM. this was where prefs and files were accidentally deleted from after all. The kicker is my Mac still functioned I just noticed my HD no longer had a name, and a few other issues were happening, but I could access and open files, go online, etc... Post time machine none of that was possible! I tried first putting SL disk in but wouldn't read it, so tried restarting w disk in drive. HUGE ERROR on my part. This is where the grey screen desc above took its place. I looked on iPhone and have followed all available suggestions but have come to realize at some point I must have in error created a firmware Pw. I tried entering it but the lock simply stays put (when I attempted one of many fixes to my problem listed online). So now I'm left not knowing if whatever happened messed w my firmware pw or if I somehow chose something diff as pw but I highly doubt that. In any case, I have all of my life locked into a useless box now and I had thought this is why I bought external and used time machine. I've come to loathe TM. it's not as simple as I had thought otherwise none of this dshould have occurred. Does anyone have any ideas as to how I reset or altogether delete firmware pw, and best way to reinstall.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
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Jun 16, 2012
MacBook 10.6.8 startup goes to grey screen with apple, wheel and progress bar, and takes 5 minutes. This started only recently. What might be wrong?
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Feb 2, 2012
I have a mac pro running 10.6.6. Occaisionally startup gets stuck at a grey screen and requires a hard reboot or two. I've not found any correlation between what is plugged into the mac or not plugged in and the successful or unsuccessful startup. It just appears random. I've begun studying the console for anything that might indicate what's going on when this happens. One thing I notice is the following line: 2/2/12 8:37:31 AMcom.apple.launchd.peruser.501[134](com.apple.FolderActions.folders) Path monitoring failed on "/Volumes/LittleWet_02/SFX_aiff": No such file or directoryÂ
This line was the last line in the console before the hard reboot a few times, suggesting it might be the culprit. The volume it is looking for is an external HD that was connected to this computer once almost a year ago and never again. I can't determine what startup process is looking for that SFX_aiff directory, or why. Is there any way to tell this system to cease looking for that volume upon startup? Â
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Mar 15, 2012
My Snow leopard machine hangs during startup at the screen with the Grey Apple logo. It appears there is a SW issue with my OS X boot partition. Here are facts I have learned:The computer boots fine if I hold option at startup and select my boot camp partitionThe compute boots fine if I attach an external HD with OS X 10.6Running a disk repair from the external HD, I see the following two issues that are repaired. Also, note the last line about boot partitionsAfter this disk repair, the disk will still not boot, it hangs at the Grey Apple logo.Booting in safe mode does not resolve the issue, the machine will still not boot to a desktopBooting in Verbose mode, drivers initialize with the last succesful line being the ethernet drives (I believe) and then the hangup occurs. It is unclear what state the boot process is at on the hangup.Â
This situation has happen twice in the past few weeks. The first time I did a reinstall of OS X to resolve the issue. Then, the issue appeared again approximately two weeks later. I'm hoping to avoid a second reinstall (And really, avoid this issue in the future). It seems perhaps something in the boot partition table or the OS partition, although disk utility says the partition is fine. I have downloaded Test Disk 6.13 to look at the partition table, but I don't know how to interpret the outputs of that program. Â
MacBook Pro (15-inch Core 2 Duo), Mac OS X (10.6.3), 2 GB RAM, Boot Camp, Ex HD avail
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Mar 16, 2012
I'm running a MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2009) and am getting daily (sometimes multiple daily) kernel panics. It's been months since hardware changes (upgraded to 8Gb RAM, quality modules that work fine on other identical Macs). Today is the first day that it's happened more than once, but I hope that's not a sign of things to come... Here are Pastebin dumps of the Problem Report, System log, and Console log.Â
I haven't done any serious software updates in a while, but I did set up a Windows XP VM in Parallels Desktop, which has been running during most kernel panics. Maybe bad drivers that are incompatible or need updating? It sometimes runs for hours before a panic, so I don't think running in Safe Mode would be effective (unless I take it home overnight, which I may try). It seems that my problem is similar to another thread I found on this forum, but mine is a bit different, and I don't run any microsoft hardware (Logitech keyboard and mouse).
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 15" 2009, 2.66GHz, 8Gb RAM
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Mar 2, 2010
I convinced/helped a friend upgrade her 1.83Ghz CD MacBook to Snow Leopard. It has not been a smooth ride. Right off the bat there have been persistent and recurring DNS problems. She has also found that it won't shut down without her going through and quitting or force quitting open apps--skype being of particular issue. Tonight she had a kernel panic, it seems. It appears skype is the problem app, but this didn't occur before the SL upgrade. Is it coincidental or correlated?
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Jun 28, 2014
I Have a MacBook Pro mid 2009 13 inch and since yesterday the computer will not start, it simply shows a white screen, then the apple sign and then after several seconds this comes up and then it repeats again and again forever with a message that says " your computer restarted because of a problem wait or press any key to continue" but then after about five or six times it comes up wit. A screen that looks like the startup screen but in the middle of the grey/white page there is a circle with a cross through it where the apple sign should be.Â
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Sep 1, 2014
My friend has been having trouble with his 15 inch, early 2011 macbook pro. He is running OS X 10.9.4Â
It seems to work great until he streams media or connects to his school email. Â
I've taken a picture of what the screen looks like when it last froze while he checked his email:Â
Shortly after this, he had trouble booting the macbook back up. He would see either a blue screen with light and dark blue vertical lines. He would also boot up the computer and it would be stuck on the white loading screen without the apple logo.Â
I also have the console logs for the past few bootups:Â
9/1/14 6:09:13.000 PM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1409609353 0 9/1/14 6:09:35.000 PM kernel[0]: vm_page_bootstrap: 808086 free pages and 232298 wired pages
9/1/14 6:09:35.000 PM kernel[0]: rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: B4D1584E-DF66-3E8D-BED3-BF7EB17C5F80
9/1/14 6:09:35.000 PM kernel[0]: Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Oct 14, 2010
Got the iMac 27" Late 2009 (bought it when it came out). Its always had the 'pixelated' issue (see attachment) just before the login screen appears but I've never bothered too much as its not been a problem, until recently where I am getting a lot of 'Kernel Panics' (screen wipes down and locks done entirely, have to restart to get the system up and running again). I am starting to think that the screen issue is finally starting to shows its true colours. Yes, I've done the PRAM resets, disk repairs, up-to-date with all the software etc. No joy.
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Apr 25, 2012
Okay well, to start off, I got my MacBook from a distant family member who got a new one so they let me have their old one. They got it from a pawn shop so I don't have the disk that we got the OS from but it hasn't had any issues UNTIL NOW. I need to use my laptop for a homework assignment. Everytime I turn it on it'll just stay on the loading screen, I left it for 4 hours yesterday and it still wouldn't work. I reset the (insert acronym here) thing already, the thing where you press control, option, P, R keys at start up. because my assignment is on the laptop and it's due tomorrow.
MacBook Pro
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May 25, 2012
My Macbook Pro (2008) was upgraded to Lion 10.7.2 before I bought it used. It's always been slow and after a little while it won't boot up properly, it only gets as far as the apple logo with the spinning wheel underneath.
I've have used Recovery HD and Disk Utility to repair/verify the hard drive and after the repair it still won't boot up past the apple logo. I downloaded OSX Lion 10.7.4 (client combo) update onto an external drive but I can't install the update when using Recovery HD. I've tried mounting the existing hard drive onto an external drive, but I get an error mesage immediately.
There are only a few folders I need to take from the existing hard drive in the Macbook Pro. What can I do to either access my hard drive or get it to boot up properly? I have a retail copy of a Snow Leopard DVD that I can use. I believe I might have saved Lion onto a DVD a while ago, but Apple seems to insist we intall by downloading the latest Lion? Basically I need to access the hard drive without erasing the data.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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May 25, 2012
My Macbook Pro (2008) was upgraded to Lion 10.7.2 before I bought it used. It's always been slow and after a little while it won't boot up properly, it only gets as far as the apple logo with the spinning wheel underneath. I've have used Recovery HD and Disk Utility to repair/verify the hard drive and after the repair it still won't boot up past the apple logo. I downloaded OSX Lion 10.7.4 (client combo) update onto an external drive but I can't install the update when using Recovery HD. I've tried mounting the existing hard drive onto an external drive, but I get an error mesage immediately.
There are only a few folders I need to take from the existing hard drive in the Macbook Pro. What can I do to either access my hard drive or get it to boot up properly? I have a retail copy of a Snow Leopard DVD that I can use. I believe I might have saved Lion onto a DVD a while ago, but Apple seems to insist we intall by downloading the latest Lion? Basically I need to access the hard drive without erasing the data
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jan 1, 2008
This is getting ridiculous. Every time i shut down my macbook i get a kernel panic message. What's worst is that sometimes at the next restart i can't get my keyboard to work, even though i did the keyboard update. Anyone else getting these? EDIT: And because i'm an idiot, i missed the other thread about this: [URL]
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Mar 29, 2012
I have been using lots of software - indesign, photoshop, illustrator as well as other programs at the same time and my laptop started to slow down. I then tried to force quite pages and it wouldn't work so I had to force shut down. It then would not turn fully on and was on the grey screen for a long period of time. It eventually came back to homepage after about 30 minutes but did not fully load. It now wont go past grey screen and has a bar at the bottom.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Apr 1, 2012
My wife has a Macbook with an Intel Core 2 Duo processor (Macbook4,1). I am trying to replace the original SATA hard disk (160 GB) with an SSD. I have two SSDs here with me:Â
1) Intel 320 series, 160 GB
2) Crucial M4, 128 GBÂ
In both cases, after replacing the hard disk with the SSD, I am unable to get the Macbook to get any further than the "Mac sound" and grey screen.Â
In my first attempt, I cloned the original disk to the SSD on another computer, verified the data got on there OK, and installed the SSD into the Macbook. In subsequent attempts, I just formatted the SSD to see if the Mac would recognize it at all.Â
When the original hard disk is installed, and my Snow Leopard install DVD is in the DVD drive, during the boot, I can hold down the option key and get a boot choice of booting from the hard disk or the DVD. With either SSD installed, when holding down the option key I get no choices at all, it just sits there (it does access the DVD for a few seconds but then nothing).Â
I have another 160 GB "regular" hard disk here as well and when I install that I also get the choice to boot from the hard disk or the DVD (although booting from the hard disk does not work since it's a hard disk from a PC).Â
combination of Macbook and SSD, installing into the hard drive bay? I've seen many posts from people who have had success putting an SSD into their Macbook so I am assuiming it's possible.Â
Some more information about the Macbook:
Boot ROM Version: MB41.00C1.B00
SMC Version: 1.31f1Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 7, 2012
How do i get iMac to move past grey screen.
iMac (24-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 24, 2012
I purchased my Macbook in 2008, roughly July.
My fiance unknowingly shut down my macbook in the middle of start up. Before that it was running perfectly fine, I had no issues. After my fiance stopped the start up, the macbook won't turn on. It'll load up to the grey loading screen (example here)... It doesn't make much noise as it starts up either. I have all original discs that came with the macbook, if that helps any.Â
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May 26, 2012
I was having trouble submitting an assignment on the American Military University website. After I finally submitted and verified my submission was successful, Finder popped open a window, without being prompted, with a specific part of my "private" folder showing. In the info window it showed that I had read only privleges, but that a user named "wheel" had permissions. Thing is, there is no such user. I am the sole user, and that is not my user name. I panicked, thinking I was being hacked, and moved the entire "private" folder to the trash. It was over 5 gigs. I had to input my admin password after dropping the folder in the trash. Then, my system froze. Now I can't get past the grey boot screen with apple logo and spinning wheel.
I've tried zapping PRAM. I ran disk utility from both the install disk and the startup disk for live verify. NO errors found. Still won't boot. I tried safe mode, and got a status bar below the apple logo but it vanished before filling completely and then the MacBook just continued to hang there spinning the wheel without a status bar. Tried rebooting while holding shift-command-v and got to watch as the computer tried to boot in safe mode, but I got the following messages before the darn thing just began to hang there again:Â
getaddrlinfo(): node name nor username provided, or not known
getaddrlinfo(): node name nor username provided, or not known
getaddrlinfo(): node name nor username provided, or not known
getaddrlinfo(): node name nor username provided, or not known
launch_msg(): Socket is not connected
launch_msg(): Socket is not connectedÂ
MacBook Pro 13.3", Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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May 28, 2012
Today I was using my MacBook 2008 aluminum, and I ran out of battery so the system shut down the computer to save the files. I plugged in my computer to start it up but the screen turned grey for a while. I shut down my computer and turned it on and it started up to the grey login screen but it won't let me boot passed it. I have tried to get passed it in safemode but it did not work. I have tried to repair my hard drive and my permissions and reinstall osx lion but it didnt work.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.1.x)
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Sep 9, 2014
Went to turn on my Mac book pro 2011 or 2012 and it went to the grey loading screen with an apple, spinning gear and a loading bar. Once the loading bar completes my Mac book just turns off. It just keeps doing this, I tried to do a safe boot, but once it was done that it turned off and continues to do this circle of grey screen loading than turning off.
MacBook Pro
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Feb 5, 2010
Late 2007 MBP 15" kernel panics upon boot up and requires two /sbin/fsck -fy filesystem checks in single user mode/safe mode in order to get it to boot. Once you are at the login screen, it hangs after a bit/login and the screen starts flickering fast and visibly. There is also a faint visible "blotch/ink blot" like transparent area on the screen when it flickers (just to let you know, the screen looks FINE, no black blots (common for broken LCDs) and there does not appear to be any physical damage.
Anybody know what the heck might be going on? So far, I can already tell you that I DON'T KNOW if the machine was dropped or what the user did do to it (I'm only fixing it).
Also, during the fsck, I commonly get this: "Incorrect block count for pcscd.pub" it should be 16 (or 17) which gets me scratching my noggin (googled it, not much that I was able to do to fix the machine though). Fsck fixes that, but upon the next reboot after the kernel panic, I get it again in fsck.
We called the machine but of course when it was not bought the AppleCare was not registered (even though we bought it for the user) so right now we're waiting for Apple to register it (had to fax the receipts/POs) which usually in my experience only took few minutes to complete before we can even take it to the store.
My questions are:
1.) What is going on.
2.) Hardware problem? Bad Logic Board/GPU? Hard drive going bad?
3.) Software issue? Reinstall OS X?
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Jul 15, 2009
When I turn on my computer, the wheel keeps spinning and stops on the grey apple screen. If I leave it there for a few minutes, the fan gets really loud.
I tried pressing Apple, Option, P, R, but it only chimes once.
I also tried holding down shift and restarting.
And I tried holding down option and restarting.
I even tried to take out the memory and put it back in.
Nothing is working.
I have the startup disks, but I don't know how to put them in the cd drive.
Since the computer won't boot up, I can't open the tray.
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Mar 5, 2012
MacBook pro wont boot up. I followed steps posted on other threads:Â
1) command r
2) repaired hard disc (there were 3 errors, now all fixed)Â if I try to restart, computer still doesn't boot past the grey screen. Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 23, 2012
I had been using my MBP running Snow Leopard to play movies and music through a TV/stereo and brought it with me when I moved to do the same, but now it won't start it. I kept it asleep as I brought it on the plane, then when I got to my new apartment, it was frozen. I shut it down, then tried to turn it back on but it get stuck in the grey loading screen with the Apple logo.Â
I've tried starting in safe mode (it will bring up the safe mode loading bar, then that disappears and it gets stuck on the normal gray loading screen).I've also tried resetting the SMC and NVRAM.Â
Then, I tried to start it up from a friend's OS X install disk (but it came with his MacBook from the same era, so idk if it only works for MB and not MBP), but that doesn't work either (selected it as the startup disk by holding Option when booting up, then selecting it. It then goes to what it does normally except it will turn itself off instead of gettting stuck.)Â
I don't know what else to do. I'm assuming something is seriously broken. I'm hoping it might just need a reinstall or maybe a new hard drive, which I could do if it's not too expensive.Â
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.6)
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Apr 13, 2012
My MacBook will not load past the grey screen with the spinning wheel of death.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Nov 30, 2014
My computer died last night with each application not responding. I couldn't shut down normally so I held the power button to turn it off.Â
Next morning, I tried to boot the MacBook Pro and the boot process stalled at the grey screen with the Apple Logo and spinning wheel. I let it go for an hour and there was no change on the screen. Based on Apple's desk I ran Hardware diagnostics (extended with looping disabled) and got the following errorÂ
4HDD/11/40000000: SATA (0,0) Â
The screen shot is belowÂ
I ran this again with standard testing (no looping) and standard with looping and all gave the same results.Â
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)
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Nov 1, 2009
I have had a string of bad luck with my mac, a couple of days ago the screen started flickering and my mac froze (could still move trackpad mouse, not click). It started up fine again.. It did this a couple times more (had to restart pressing power button). Then it froze evereytime I put the power cable in it. I solved this problem with an PRAM reset.
But now it still freezes up, the screen will start flickering and i can only move the mouse. When i try to reboot it gets stuck on the grey screen. only once every 20 times Ill get into the os.
I have tried a pram reset, holding the power button, safe mode, hardware test (no probs found), starting up without external devices.
It wont boot from the cd if it is stuck on the grey screen...
Could someone may be tell me what to do? thinking about bringing it to the store tomorrow .
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Apr 26, 2012
My MBP(#1) is stuck in grey screen. I've tried 4 or 5 of the steps suggested to get the computer to boot up. I used Target Disk Mode to copy hard disk files to my other MBP(#2), then inserted the Mac OSX install disk, then turned off the MBP(#1) and restarted with the C key held down. Instead of getting the OSX installation, it remained grey and gave me repeating 3-beeping sounds. What does this mean?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
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