OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Upgraded From 10.5.3 To 10.6.8 Now Printers HP5550 And HP940c Will Not Print From This
Jul 3, 2012
Upgraded from 10.5.3 to 10.6.8. Now printers HP5550 and HP940c won't print from my MacBook 1.1, purchased on 11.09.06. Went to Gutenprint and downloaded the GIMP and XQuark apps. but they just messed up my system and I trashed them. The HP printers say the drivers cannot be changed. I read in Apple's small brochure that "Snow Leopard makes sure you have the most up-to-date printer driver. If not, it downloads the newest version." This did NOT happed. I also have a MacBook Pro 7,1 and the printers work fine with that.
2 x macbook air's, 1x macbookpro ALL on the wireless network - can't see the wireless hp printers (7500A), usb works fine, printer can see the internet. but mac can't see the printer
Info: MacBook Air (13-inch Late 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4), and macbook pro 17"
We have a MAC Pro Tower with 2 older printers connected to it via ethernet (through our AT&T 2-Wire DSL/Router). We have a Xerox Phaser 6300N & an old Apple LaserWriter 12/640 PS.We have been running Leopard for quite a while with this setup & no problems. When we finally were able to upgrade to Snow Leopard which I installed on Thursday, 5/31/12.Now, our printers are not recognized at all. I've reinstalled & redownloaded the Xerox drivers about 5 different times,tried unplugging the printer from the router & plugging it into the back of the computer directly. Our speakers also did not work either, which was just a quick fix in the sound setup in Systems Preferences.
I finally called Apple Tech Support -- they had me reset the PRAM, then I was booted up to a Senior Tech guy that upon learning that the printers were connected via ethernet that "Apple could not help me as they are only trained & able to troubleshoot USB connections".
Now, I know that I am not the only one out there that has older printers connected to their MAC, and since the trouble started as soon as I installed Snow Leopard, there must be a solution -- perhaps a setting that was reset to the default when we upgraded or if Snow Leopard is not compatible with ethernet will a ethernet/USB converter do the job? I have even found an article about how to create a driver for the LaserWriter to work with SnowLeopard ... but the printer has to be recognized first.
Having printer issues after upgrading? Both my printers HP deskjet 6840 and HP officejet g85 will not print properly and I have been unable to find drivers for Mac OS 10.6.8 online.
When I print multiple checks they print in the wrong sequence. If I have checks 401, 402 and 403 in the printer in that order, they print 403, 402 and 401. How can I change this to print not collated?
All of a sudden we can't print anything. Have a couple of Macbook Pros, an iMac and two printers hooked up to Expresses through our Airport Extreme network. Printing usually works fine, now, nothing! When we go to print, the macs act as though everything's okay, but the printers don't respond. I tried hooking my macbook pro directly to one of the printers, and still nothing. Mysterious and I can't figure out how to even see what the problem is.
I have lost my printers in the System Preferences, Print/Fax window. When I click on the + sign to create a new printer, the window shows my laser printer listing , but only for two seconds when the window automatically closes. I cannot click on More Printers or any of the top buttons - the window still closes. My laser printer is on an Ethernet network.
When I quit iTunes the window closes and the glowing dot fades out. Then it comes straight back. Also I thought iTunes was now 64-bit? But Activity Monitor says its 32-bit.
Ever since I upgraded to Snow Leopard, I've had Safari crashing issues when performing certain tasks. One example is when trying to post image files to places like E-Bay or online forums. When I click "Add image" and select the file to be added, Safari crashes with an error message. The problem is easily repeated. I thought Safari was supposed to be "Crash Proof". I actually have more problems with it now than I did before.
I recently upgraded from 10.5.8 to 10.6.3 and now my computer is freezing up like crazy. I have all the qualifications to run SL ... but for whatever reason it is having MAJOR issues. how I can find out why my iMac is now freezing up?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Upgraded from 10.5.8
I have a mac osx 10.6.8 and just upgraded it to snow leopard can i now upgrade to lion?, I have a mac osx 10.6.8 and just upgraded it to snow leopard can i now upgrade to lion?
Info: iMac (20-inch Early 2006), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I am having way too many problems with Snow Leopard... I lost communications with two printers in my office, lost emails, and just having way too many things to fix (should have waited). Can I reinstall OSX 10.5 (that came with my MBP 15)? I still have the original disks that came with the MBP.
this will sound random but the 35 new desktop pictures that were leaked from snow leopard are not entirely there on my recently upgraded computer.notably, camo and the graffiti stuff. i just want to make sure my install didnt get boned and i am missing other more important things.
Bought a Mac pro last month. It can directly detect the printer and print. Suddenly it can't print and show the message driver can't find. From that day identify and issue was the spotlight didn't work. Immediately send the hardware to the nearest store. Store helper advise to format the machine. No choice I have to allow them do it. Before format I do raise out the printing matter, they are so confident and tell apple mac is auto detect. Unfortunatelly the printer matter wasn't resolve. Need advise on this matter. On the other hand, how to made an complaint about store bad service at the store. The outlets :- Switch outlet located at taiping branch. Perak . MAlaysia.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), iOS 5.1, Canon laser printer 6000
I'v been running Leopard on my wife's MacBook Pro since we got it in May. We have a Canon MF4150 attached to it via USB and have been sharing it out from the Mac. I have been using Bonjour and have been printing just fine from both my XP machine and my daughter's Vista machine. I just upgraded to Snow Leopard. I upgraded the drivers to the Snow Leopard compatible drivers from Canon and everything prints fine from the Mac. However, whenever we try to print from one of the Windows machine I get this popup on the Mac: "Canon UFR II Printer Driver key value specified for ticket does not exist.: 15512" And the printer is now "paused" whatever that means. When I try to unpause it, I get that some popup error. I end up having to delete the printer and re-add it to get printing (from the Mac) working again. I've deleted and re-added the printer many times. I even went to far as to remove the drive on the Mac manually (according to Canon's directions) and reinstall. I've deleted/recreated the printers on Windows using the Bonjour wizard.
After extensive Googling, I need to take a break, and find out if someone with more experience knows what I can try next...
I'm not the best when it comes to Networks, or even router configuration. I'll just put that out there, in case I've missed something obvious.
My router connection (DLink 2640B) was working perfectly fine before I upgraded to Snow Leopard. Now I cannot connect to any wireless network, and I cannot connect to the router administration page, either
The internet connection still works fine on two other laptops. Also, I can connect this iMac via the ethernet cable.
I've tried deleting the files NetworkInterfaces.plist, com.apple.network.identification.plist, and preferences.plist; I've tried rebooting my router; I've tried creating a new network. Airport sees all the networks, tries to connect, then it just says that it fails.
I have an Epson NX 510 printer that I have been able to print on easily up until a few weeks ago. I have upgraded my Macbook Pro to OS X Lion so I got new printer software and still my computer wouldn't recognize the printer all the time. Sometimes I can print and sometimes I can't. What can I do?
I just upgraded from a G4 running tiger to a macpro desktop running leopard.I have a hp designjet 800ps plotter connected via usb hub. Ever since I upgraded I have been unable to print. I installed the driver for this plotter off the leopard install dvd and then installed the latest driver from the HP website but to no avail. The plotter shows up in the printers list and when I send a file to the printer it says it is printing but then nothing happens. I really need to get this issue resolved so
I was wondering if anyone here has an Epson Artison 800 printer and has upgraded to Snow Leopard. I made the mistake of installing snow leopard last weekend, and have not been able to print since. I searched for new drivers and found a couple, but still have no luck.
I have a 24" iMac (purchased last spring) and an HP Deskjet 842C inkjet printer. The photo print quality was quite good under Leopard, but is very poor under Snow Leopard (I'm using the latest updated version 10.6.1 with the Gutenprint print driver, 5.2.3). The images have a noticeable bluish cast, and considerable banding. Changing the print quality and paper type does not solve the problem, in fact, the image quality usually suffers. HP has not updated the drivers since 2005.
So I'm trying to print to a network printer, connected to a Vista PC. My Brother (windows fanboy) is able to print just fine through his wireless PC (Win7) but I can't get my head around why I cannot. I saved a webpage that helped me out before (used on Leopard) which use to work but it no longer work http://forums.macrumors.com/showthre...print+to+vista
I have upgraded my soft ware to Snow leopard and now my almost brand new Epson SX 515W copier printer and scanner will not print. Massage Error:/ System/ Library/ Pri always appears. have ried down loading also disinstalled printer and reinstalled.