Applications :: Won't Work With WiFi / Constantly Drops On Snow Leopard
Aug 14, 2010
My WiFi on Snow Leopard on my MacBook Pro is constantly dropping. I went to the Genius Bar about the problem and was told to reinstall OS X, which I did, and now, it just happens more often! The only way to get it to reconnect is to turn the airport on and off. Or, when I select my network, it asks for the password, which it was told to remember.
I upgraded my 2009 15" MBP today to 10.7.3 and never had any issues with connectivity or wifi. Suddenly my MacBook Pro drops the wifi every few seconds and can't keep a stable connection. I know there was an issue with the iMac's and this problem but I never had this. Are you telling me in fixing this problem on the iMac, it broke the rest? Â
Updated this morning. Then it would not hold a wifi connection for more than 5 seconds at a time. Had to use Lion Recovery to install a Time Machine backup to 10.7.2. That took over two hours. After that wifi was semi-ok. Lion has always had a problem with wifi. I am very disappointed with how Apple has handled the Lion rollout. wifi think twice before installing this update.
My imac constantly drops my wifi connection. Sometimes it'll last 5 minutes, other times less than a minute. And, yet other times, it'll go on for 30 minutes. I've tried deleting the network and the adding it again, reset router, changed channels on the router and countless other solutions with no success. Sometimes, it does not even find my wireless network! My ipad, my wife's macbook pro and my mac air all seem fine on the network and do not drop the signal. What is going on? Could it be my wireless card? Is there any easy way to check if I have a faulty wireless card?
MacBook. 2Ghz Intel Core Duo. OS Snow Leopard 10.6.6. I'm running a 2006 MacBook with Snow Leopard. A few months back it started dropping wifi connection. Airport would show no connection but would list my network along with others in my building. If I tried to connect with my WPA password it would just time out. At this time I was running Leopard.
Since then I've done a few things.Tried running the Netgear router with no encryption at all (same thing happens). Will lose connection and then time out trying to connect I've tried the MacBook in a coffee shop with wifi access and at my parents (same NetGear router) and at my new apartment with a horrible Orange Livebox. Taken the MacBook in to see the genius bar at Glasgow Apple store. Worked fine for them, but I explained it was intermittent but we could not force it to fail. I'm sure if it ran for an hour it would. At present if I have the MacBook in the living room (where the Livebox router is situated) its fine and wont drop connection. If I walk some 5m to my bedroom it will work for approximately half and hour and then lose it. A few days ago I bought the Snow Leopard upgrade and installed it last night. MacBook runs a hell of a lot faster (yay!) but moving it away from the router and its dead as disco in half an hour.
So to clarify, the MacBook has been tested on 4 wifi networks/ locus with same issue. iPhone, Xbox 360 and PS3 all have no issues with dropping connection no matter where they are in the apartment.
Apartment is a new build and its walls are not made out of lead or kryptonite. Is this a hardware issue rather than software? When updating to Snow Leopard it was an update to the existing OS of Leopard not a clean install.
AIRPORT says the following in System Profiler.
Software Versions: Menu Extra:6.2.1 (621.1) configd plug-in:6.2.3 (623.2) System Profiler:6.0 (600.9) Network Preference:6.2.1 (621.1) AirPort Utility:5.5.2 (552.11)
At first i thought it must've been a hardware related thing but now it's happening on my new unibody MBP 17'' again too even though I hoped this issue would be fixed with SL.
I have a one year old Netgear wifi router that I use at home (two MacBooks and two iPhones connect to it).. Since Monday I have been battling with the the router via wifi (it works perfectly if I connect via cable). My macs or iPhones keep getting disconnected from the router, and when I try to reconnect it's a 10 minute hassle as it keeps timing out or stating the password is incorrect, when in fact it's not. When I do eventually reconnect via wifi it lasts only a short while before it disconnects again. And whenever I restart a computer from standby it won't automatically join the network and then I have to go through the whole timeout/incorrect password episode again. Also, before disconnecting it's sometimes incredibly slow. Even to connect to router's setup page takes five minutes load the page.
I've reset the modem, resetup my devices, chnages passwords, and still I get the same problem.
I reformatted my macbook pro with Snow Leopard installed about half a week ago and it has stopped connecting to our wifi. The icon it shows for wifi is no bars with a '!'. It sees our Internet in the menu bar but fails to connect properly. I have tried resetting the PRAM, that does nothing. All other computers in the house can connect to it. I've tried turning the laptop, airport and our house's Internet off and on again. None of this has worked. Any ideas?
I've been very frustrated the past couple of days with my 13" MacBook Pro running OS X 10.6.8. Every Mac application (iTunes, Mail, Garage Band, Safari, App Store) becomes unresponisive as soon as it is opened, and stays unresponsive until I finally manage to Force Quit it, which still takes a considerable amount of time. When I use Google Chrome, however, I have no problems at all.
I've tried creating another account and trying to run the apps on that account, and I run into the same problem: App opens and seems normal for 20-30 secconds, or unless I try clicking a link or try to play a song, then the Rainbow Wheel appears for as long as it takes me to Force Quit. I've updated all the software for the apps and tried many restarts, to no avail.
My mid-2012 Air, on Mavericks, falls off the internet constantly. The connection is also frequently usurped by BT Fon, to which I do not subscribe. Other Macs in the household have no problem with wireless connection.
i have a macbook and my gf has a mBP and we just recently go SBC/At&t DSL. but this stupid ass 2wire modem keeps randomly losing all its signal or something and takes about 5 mins to reset. I had this problem when i was at home with the same router. Does anyone know what to do?
o I took the plunge and giddily purchased Mac OS 10.6 aka Snow Leopard the day it was made available. Usually, I have very little worries being an early adopter to new OS releases considering the successful upgrade experiences I've had through the years of being a Mac user.
After upgrading to Snow Leopard from 10.5.8, my MacBook Pro 17" (2.6 GHz, 4GB RAM, 200GB @7200 RPM HDD, non-unibody) would consistently drop it's internet connection whether it was via Ethernet (wired) or through AirPort (wired and wireless are using DHCP). I've applied several supposed fixes suggested everywhere on the Googled web with limited success:* Reset Network settings, deleted "Automatic" settings and created a new setting (called untitled) * Zap the PRAM (hold Command+Option+P+R on restart) * Flush the DNS cache(using: dscacheutil -flushcache on the Terminal)
These 'fixes' worked only for a few minutes, and the internet connection would eventually drop again. NOTE: Although other computers and drives were visible on my network, and Instant Messaging via Adium is still functional, which is weird, I could not connect to the internet through a browser, or connect or even to the iTunes store.
Tired and frustrated at this point, I decided to finally call Apple Support (Case #134733179) and was suggested to try the following steps:* Shutdown the MacBook Pro, remove battery, disconnect the power, and then hold the Power Key for 15 seconds. After which I was told to replace the battery, reconnect power and zap PRAM and wait for 2 chimes before letting the keys go.
I was able to get connection for a while but lost it again after a few minutes of usability.And so I called again and was told this time to try:* Trash the SystemConfiguration folder (~/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration) and all of it's contents... then reboot.
The above suggestion seemed logical as it would obliterate any existing preferences that may be corrupted and affecting the connection setup. The system would then recreate a fresh preference file free of any lingering old settings. This again worked for a while, but sadly, my wired and wireless connection both drops within a few minutes of usage. It is also worth noting that simply restarting the MacBook Pro regains connectivity as well but drops after a few minutes on both Ethernet and Airport settings.
So today has been an unproductive day considering I spent all my efforts troubleshooting Snow Leopard (10.6) on the MacBook Pro, and couple that with the inability to use several key functionality such as SynergyKM to sync all three machines I have with one keyboard/mouse (not to mention the unpredictable behavior Adobe CS3 has been displaying (especially InDesign losing menus and drawing blank palettes!) and the loss of Letterbox's (plugin) features on and I am now forced to downgrade back to 10.5.8 via Time Machine Restore until Apple resolves or acknowledges this problem (or some knowledgable individual throws this dog a bone and help me out of this misery).In the meantime, I need to get work done and something as fundamental as a stable internet connection should have been high on Apple's "must work" priority list.
getting network issues with Snow Leopard on their macbook air? I bought the family pack and installed it on my MBP and black Macbook but the macbook air has been acting weird since the upgrade. The internet constantly drops and the browser simply get stuck trying to find a connection, other apps that require internet are also not responding. Usually after a few quits and restarts of the application the internet would come back normal but then later it would drop again. I know its specific to the Air because I dont get issues with the Pro or regular Macbook running right next to the machine. I have tried deleting the WPA2 account and readding it but the problem still shows up frequently. Using the Eithernet USB adaptor doesnt help either
I want to upgrade to Snow Leopard from Tiger 10.4.11. But I want to know which of the apps I have will work on Leopard to be sure that I want to upgrade. Which of these apps work on Snow Leopard? means I need this app to work in order for me to upgrade, so tell me if these apps with this mark don't work on Snow Leopard!
*1. 1password *2. Adobe Media Player, photoshop CS4, Premier Pro CS4 (works) *3. AIM 4. ClamXav (works) 5. DisApeAr *6. Divx PLayer *7. Dot.Tunes, Dot.Tunes HookUp 8. Flip4Mac (works) *9. GimmeSomeTune 10. Internet Cleanup *11. iSquint *12. Little Snitch (works) 13. MP3 Trimmer *14. PulpMotion *15. Screencap 16. Sponge 17. Spring Cleaning *18. Stuffit Deluxe *19. VisualHub (works) *20. VLC (works) 21. Windows Media Player *22. WireTap Studio
So which of these apps work on Snow Leopard, is what I want to know?
Will Elements 8 work on Snow leopard and where can I find one? Yes, I have looked in the stores and yes I can down load, but I want something I can touch.
After installing Snow Leopard, (10.6.8 In 2 GHZ Intel Core Duo) I have had a constant crashing issue. Usually every few minutes. I've lived with this since I upgraded.
I have a 2011 iMac 27 inch I purchased in around December. I have the most updated version of OS X Lion. My wifi connection to my router keeps dropping and losing connection. This does not happen to my other devices (MBP, iPhone, iPad). There was a fix for OSX Lion which worked for a bit but now it's happening again.
installing the 10.7.4 update on my 2011 iMac 27". The symption is that the iMac drop its Wifi connection after a period of time and when that happens the iMac cannot detect any wifi networks in my area (disabling & re-enabling Wifi on the iMac doesn't help). I have to resort to restarting the iMac to revive the wifi interface. Note that my other devices (including my iPhone and my MacBook Air)can connect to my Airport Extreme without any problems.
I was just running 'sudo port install git-core +bash_completion' on my new mid 2012 MacBook Pro 15". All dependencies where fetched perfectly until it was about to fetch the distfiles for "curl-ca-bundle". It tried to fetch "curl-7.26.0.tar.bz2" from 10 different locations, but failed on every. From then on, my WiFi dropped and I get connection timeouts for every WiFi I try to access.
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I always used Hotspot Shield to watch American TV shows on the internet from Canada as it blocks my IP address. Ever since installing Snow Leopard Hotspot Shield freezes my internet whenever I try to connect with it.
A few days ago I upgraded my MacBook system to 10.6.8 and afterwards when restarting the computer the screen became blue. Nothing happened and I tried to re-restart it. After this almost no applications are working including VLC-player, appstore, Mail, systemupdate, iTunes, skype etc. Games like the sims 3 are not working either despite the fact that I have tried to uninstall and then reinstall these games and programmes.
I just experienced something totally weird on my Snow Leopard. It starts suddenly dropping in the free memory (green) in my activity monitor with around 10 MB per second and the inactive (purple) memory grows. And it doesn't stop until it hits 10 free MB.
I have done some searches, but from the nature of my internet I hope you can understand if this question is a repeat, if so please point me in the right direction. I am using a August 2007 black macbook with airport extreme using 10.4.11 I am using a neighbors wireless network that is WPA. I live in Senegal and my computer is American, and I have heard that this might cause problems because of hardware. But the wifi connection works, it just bounces from full bars to no bars, spends a lot of time at 1 bar, and then when the connection drops and I try to rejoin the network, it says that there was an error. Sometimes, the network won't even show up. After long stretches of time trying to rejoin the network only to find an error, it will suddenly work. I have tried using interference robustness and relocating my computer. The router is just one floor above me, and when it was being installed (before they applied the pw) I had full bars. I think this is a mac problem because my host sister's PC does not seem to be experiencing problems. Also, due to the nature of the wifi (it belongs to my moroccan neighbors).