OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: How To Remove Some Of Installed Fonts
Jun 12, 2012
I installed some fonts and now have 1148 installed, many of which I wish to remove. However, Font Book 3.0 freezes on loading so I am unable to proceed. I am running OSX 10.7.4.
There are a few fonts (OTF/TTF/PSF...) I have installed with Font Explorer X, what won't show up in ANY application.Even Text Edit won't display them.However this isn't a problem linked to Font Explorer because before this I had Suitcafe Fusion 3 and had the same problem.What makes it strange is that there are a few fonts of some families that DO show up although they are JUST THE SAME as the fonts that won't show up and are from the SAME family.
I cleaned my cache numerous times with applications like Font Finagler and checked everywhere for font corruptions or duplicates with applications like Font Doctor but nothing seemed wrong or corrupted.If I go and check the fonts in System Profiler it clearly says they are valid and enambled.Â
Now what makes it even more unexplainable is that when I install the fonts trough Font Book and shut down the font manager, they DO show up...Howevery I'm not really happy abouth that because Font Book is a crappy font manager and I paid money for a good one...
fonts must be messed up in Snow Leopard. Some system things display strange fonts. For example, my user name in upper right hand corner of the screen doesn't look right.ALso, the font on the "tabs," in Safari is not correct, and I can compare it to other SL computers.
I have run into after installing Snow Leopard on my machine. It is really the first complaint I have since I put the OS in on the 28th and I am just having time to sit down and toy around with it and I discovered this issue.
When I was playing around in a few Adobe applications, specifically Flash, it warned me when opening a project that I was missing a few fonts form the project and that they would be substituted.
Going into my font Library I looked for the fonts that it said were missing and confirmed that they STILL EXISTED in the folder. After double checking, I realized that a lot of my fonts were missing from the application.
After opening Word 2008, I noticed that a lot of my fonts missing from Word as well. I shut down Word and tried rebuilding the Font Cache by dragging the Word font cache file out to the desktop but Word did not rebuild it's font menu with the missing fonts.
Here's where it gets interesting. When opening an Apple application like Mail, all of my fonts that are present in the font folder show up. This is INCLUDING all of the fonts that are missing in Adobe and Word. Opening a program like Adium also shows that all of the fonts are there.
I did a search and I found soem sort of compatibility pack by Microsoft for Office 2004 that includes fonts like Calibri. My problem is I don't use Office, I use NeoOffice. I tried taking the Calibri font from my Windows 7 machine and dumping it into the fonts directory on the Macbook, but it doesn't look right Is there a special font pack I should download? Here is what it looks like - Calibri on the left, Arial on the right. I could use Arial, but in my next class I'm going to do alot of group work, and if I work on a file in Calibiri, and send it to everyone else in Arial they might get annoyed. Or if the formatting is changed due to changing a font I'll look like a dope ruining everything with his Mac.
I finally have broken down and gotten Pages to replace all my AppleWorks documents, of which there are many. There are a number of fonts in Appleworks that are different in Pages or not there. Is there a quick way to get them into Pages. I seem to forget how to do this as I'm getting old now.
Info: iMac (20-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8), AppleWorks 6.2.8 / Pages '09 v. 4.1
Trouble with fonts from the "Get Go". Now fonts are disappearing in my Adobe CS5 font lists while I'm working. Noticed in my System Fonts folder some fonts I had not noticed before. Is there any way to reinstall my system fonts without reinstalling the entire system. Also all the fonts in my system folder seem to be Windows True Type fonts. Is this correct?
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2 x 2.93 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon 64GB
Font Book is not disabling selected fonts. They continue to be loaded into any open application, causing slow performance. Besides removing the fonts entirely from Font Book, is there any workaround? I'm using OS 10.6.8.
I recently upgraded to OX 10.6.8 (MacBook Pro). Now Quark Xpress and Microsoft Word can't find the fonts. They both see the same list of fonts. The fonts are all windows true type fonts (.ttf). The list of fonts available does not include all the .ttf fonts in the library. There is no font folder anywhere that has only the fonts that these two apps see in it. The apple apps I tested see all the fonts in the library. Â How do I make the fonts available to the non-apple applications?
My fonts after i installed 10.6.8 Mac OSX. I cant open my fonts in freehand or photoshop cs5, before i could but now it cant find the font in the program. I can see font in suitcase and folders also. But graphic programs cant get it.
My user fonts suddenly don't show up in font book. I've tried all the standard fixes.- restarted in SAFE mode. - cleared the font cache- verified the disc- repaired permissions- reinstalled both font book and the user font folder from an older version in Time Machine- Verified all the fonts.
I haven't tried tossing them in another user account yet because I find the idea of having to reset up the entire user account alarming. Is there anything else I can try? These fonts all worked just days ago. Â
If I click on the fonts in the user folder they come up 'installed' and reappear. But as soon as I close and reopen fontbook they disappear again. Here's the general console readout (the short version, there is a lot more of the same.)   5/8/12 9:58:58 PM-Mac-JuniorFont Book[591]Warning##### ERROR: Could not get CTFontRef for file:///Users/terri2/Library/Fonts/Edward.ttf#postscript-name=Besafe; resyncing Font Book and XType 5/8/12 9:58:58 PM-Mac-JuniorFont Book[591]Warning##### ERROR: file:///Users/terri2/Library/Fonts/Edward.ttf#postscript-name=Besafe has no family name 5/8/12 9:58:58 PM-Mac-JuniorFont Book[591]Warning##### ERROR: Could not get CTFontRef for file:///Users/terri2/Library/Fonts/Jagged%20dreams.ttf#postscript-name=JaggedDr eams; resyncing Font Book and XType
[B]Issues:[/B ]Safari has garbled menus/text and so does [URL] Also the groups on the right in address book are garbled (the text looks out of place/corrupt ). The contacts look fine, it's just a couple group names, not all.
What i've tried: There are no duplicates in my font book. I repaired permissions. I've tried the demo of fontdoctor 7.6 but it says no errors, everything passed.
I'm completely stuck - anyone else have this problem?
I have a c2d 2.0 ghz black macbook that runs 10.5.8 right now with 120 GB SSD. I was trying to install Snow Leopard on to it via the dvd that came with the new 27inch iMac I bought, yet after i pop in the DVD, the screen shows that "Snow Leopard cannot be installed on this computer," did some search, and tried the following
1 verify, repair disc image as well as disc permission under disc utility, 2. repartitioned the drive, I partitioned the drive and then revert it. 3. Boot the computer via Snow Leopard DVD, and under it, the screen still says " Snow Leopard cannot be installed on this computer" In other words, I can't even do a clean install.
I have never been so frustrated with my macs before, I tried digging around for answers on google and still no hope.
I am running a fresh install of OSX Snow Leopard, and have been trying to install some the of the fonts I was using before using Font Book. The fonts are being added successfully and validating and are enabled. They are not showing up in any of my apps however, whether that be Photoshop, or OpenOffice etc. It seems that all types of fonts have issues, Opentype, TTF, etc.
Trying to get icloud, installed snow leopard, now it says I need OSX, but my processor isn't right for it. Is this possible? Do I need to buy a nw computer? will I loose all my mobile me storage?
I work in an office where we've picked up a few new MBPs. These machines have Snow Leopard and I'd like to install it on my machine running Leopard. Is there any way that I can install 10.6 on my machine using the Disks that came with the new machines?
I installed Snow Leopard, it did it's thing (took about 30 min) then restarted. My question is how do I know if it took? I can't see anything different at all, which may be the case, but is there a place to look and see if my OS is now Snow Leopard?
I've got an iMac Intel Core 2 Duo running Tiger 10.4.11.I've successfully installed Snow Leopard 10.6.3 onto an external drive (or so the screen said).My mac recognizes the external drive as a start-up disk and allows me to select it as such. But upon restart, machine comes up in Tiger.My external drive is brand new, OWC Mercury Elite AL Pro using a fire-wire connection. After installation but two failed attempts at start-up, I ran first aid on the external and no repairs were necessary. Using System Prefs I selected the external as my start-up disk, hit Re-start, but machine still restarts from Tiger
The only other piece of information that may be vital, that I can think of, is that I misunderstood the "Mac readiness" of the drive when I took it out of the box. I first erased it (unnecessarily). Then I discovered this mistake, and made a point to re-format it using the GUID partition setting. Computer claimed that installation was successful upon installing Snow Leopard.But now, machine will not start up in Snow Leopard.
Info: iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.4.11), 20-inch, 4 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
Apparently I have some corrupted fonts which I have not been able to remove. I disable them, restart computer and some enabled again. Attempt to remove via comand, occasionally they appear in trash but some have the grayed out "remove font..."
Installed Snow Leopard (retail box) onto a last-gen Aluminum MacBook Pro (2.6Ghz model). Did a time machine backup. Put in CD and upgraded. Rebooted with no peripherals plugged in and I get a kernel panic. There's only one user on this machine so I can't see if it's an account problem. I did the same thing on both my Macbook Air and 17" MacBook Pro.
Question: Do I have to now Reinstall Leopard (fresh) Then update Snow Leopard Then restore from Backup? OR Install Leopard Recover from time machine backup Then install Snow Leopard
I don't have all day and really don't want to screw up the process. Is there any thing else that might say why this kernel panic is happening?
I struggle reading text set in serif fonts and I wonder if there is a way to get rid of them altogether. I don't want to see them in the browser, in PDF, or anywhere else. For example, when Safari opens a page requestingÂ
can make my system report the first two options as unavailable or pretend that they are by rendering Helvetica under that name? at the browser/style level or system-wide.
I have no id� whats wrong, I want to install Snow Leopard(from the external) on my Core2duo Macbook pro, which is running Leopard at the moment.
I have a Snow Leopard image, and I have used Disc utility to partition the external hard drive (GUID), and I assume the partition and install went well on the external, because in Disc start the external appears as OSX 10.6.
Then the problem: The macbook wont boot from the newly made external it just gives me this sign (of course without the colours).
I have tried to start the macbook normal, and with the option key held down were the external pops up.
I have also tried to chose the external in disc start and reboot with no luck.
I have tried to start the Snow Leopard install(external) within Leopard where the install start fine, but when it reboots and wants to continue the install, the sign appears.
The external harddrive is a 5400rpm 40gb 2,5" which is only powered by the usb port maybe thats the problem?
I have iMac(intel) with lion installed. I created a new partition and I want to install snow leopard on it. can you please give step by step. I guess I have to go through Target mode by using another mac but just want to make sure if there is another way.
how can I run powerpc apps on lion so I dont have to install SL?
I have just installed Snow Leopard on my MacBook, and now all my applications have disappeared from my desktop plus I can't access to my User folder which contains everything including CS4 package. It tells me that I don't have permission to access these folders, which there is only 1 account user on this Mac. Â
Help!!! What do I do to get a permission to use my old folders from Leopard (10.5)?  And yes, I have backed up everything on my external hard drive before I installed this Snow Leopard! I was assured that I won't lose everything when I have loaded this on, only difference is the software is updated and newer apps but now I can't look into anything I had on my Mac! Â
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 13" aluminium late 2008 model
I recently upgraded to Snow Leopard on my Macbook and iMac. My camera will not Import any pictures since the upgrade onto the macbook only, the camera is recognised on the iMac in iphoto and the easyshare software. I had no issues with the camera using Leopard. The error message reads, "camera not detected, please retry" this is in the kodak easyshare software and the pictures will not Import into iPhoto either.
I have a Kodak M532 easyshare camera with a Sandisc SDHC memory card. The camera uses a usb lead. The memory card works on the iMac and it is also recognised in the Kodak printer memory card reader, so I don't think it is the memory card at fault. I took out the memory card then took some pictures, iPhoto and easyshare software recognised the camera and Imported them on the macbook.