OS X :: Installed Snow Leopard - Load On Dvd?
Oct 7, 2009i just did a fresh install of snow leopard .. can i just load in my osx dvd and install ilife off of it ?
View 7 Repliesi just did a fresh install of snow leopard .. can i just load in my osx dvd and install ilife off of it ?
View 7 Repliesvideos from web sites do not load or load slowly spins
View 1 Replies View RelatedInstalled security update now my pogo scrabble won't load
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a c2d 2.0 ghz black macbook that runs 10.5.8 right now with 120 GB SSD. I was trying to install Snow Leopard on to it via the dvd that came with the new 27inch iMac I bought, yet after i pop in the DVD, the screen shows that "Snow Leopard cannot be installed on this computer," did some search, and tried the following
1 verify, repair disc image as well as disc permission under disc utility,
2. repartitioned the drive, I partitioned the drive and then revert it.
3. Boot the computer via Snow Leopard DVD, and under it, the screen still says " Snow Leopard cannot be installed on this computer" In other words, I can't even do a clean install.
I have never been so frustrated with my macs before, I tried digging around for answers on google and still no hope.
I copied my disc onto my hard drive when I first installed OS X [made a 10GB partition in DiskUtility] incase I needed the disc and wasn't at home.
Well, I don't have my disc, and won't have access to it for another week. I'm trying to set up a triple boot with OSX, Ubuntu, and W7. Can I load the Snow Leopard install DVD from that partition in my hard drive, while running Windows 7?
So I have a MBP 2010 model, and recently it froze, so I manually restarted the computer. After that, the gray Apple screen came up for about 2 minutes and shuts off. I have tried to repair my Snow Leopard install but Macintosh HD can't be changed. How can I reformat my drive? Or should I do something different?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI could use a bit of help updating my macbook from 10.4.11 to Snow Leopard. I have 10.4.11 and i'm updating to 10.6, Snow Leopard. I've already checked basic requirements, backed up and i'm ready to install.I chatted with a apple specialist when I purchased the dvd for snow leopard and asked if it was what i needed to upgrade all three of my macs; 2 running 10.5.8 and one running 10.4.11. They said yes. I had no trouble updating the machines running 10.5.8.But the one running 10.4.11 isn't so easy. The trouble is the install DVD will not boot and just shuts down the hard drives (the machine says 'restartto begin install' but when i restart the dvd spits out on restart). Does anyone know how to get the disk to install? Mounting the disk didnt work either, it allows me to begin the installation but then the machine reboots.
I'd done some research previously and was told by Apple that i needed to get the Box Set in order to upgrade my machine running 10.4.11. However according to apple's support forums url... the Snow Leopard upgrade should work. I just don't know if there are special steps.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
The current iMac will run well with snow leopard?
View 17 Replies View RelatedTrying to get icloud, installed snow leopard, now it says I need OSX, but my processor isn't right for it. Is this possible? Do I need to buy a nw computer? will I loose all my mobile me storage?
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In February I bought a new Mac Book Pro that came loaded with OS X Lion. I want to run Final Cut Pro on it. I bought FCP on ebay but can't load it because it is a PowerPC app and Lion won't load it. Â
I added a partition to my hard drive to load Snow Leopard, bought SL online and am trying to install SL.Â
If I try to run the install app from within Lion I get this message:Â "You can't use this version of the application install Mac OX X.app with this version of Mac OS X."Â Then in small print this:Â "You have Install Mac OS X.app 23.1"Â
If I try to boot from the SL Install DVD I get this message: "You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power button until it turns off, then press the Power button again." I do this and it always comes back to this same message.Â
I tried booting to the Recovery HD but can't get that to allow anything either.Â
MacBook Pro
I work in an office where we've picked up a few new MBPs. These machines have Snow Leopard and I'd like to install it on my machine running Leopard. Is there any way that I can install 10.6 on my machine using the Disks that came with the new machines?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI had ilife08 pre installed on my macbook pro. When i install snow leopard will it still be there? If not what should I do?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI installed Snow Leopard, it did it's thing (took about 30 min) then restarted. My question is how do I know if it took? I can't see anything different at all, which may be the case, but is there a place to look and see if my OS is now Snow Leopard?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI've got an iMac Intel Core 2 Duo running Tiger 10.4.11.I've successfully installed Snow Leopard 10.6.3 onto an external drive (or so the screen said).My mac recognizes the external drive as a start-up disk and allows me to select it as such. But upon restart, machine comes up in Tiger.My external drive is brand new, OWC Mercury Elite AL Pro using a fire-wire connection. After installation but two failed attempts at start-up, I ran first aid on the external and no repairs were necessary. Using System Prefs I selected the external as my start-up disk, hit Re-start, but machine still restarts from Tiger
The only other piece of information that may be vital, that I can think of, is that I misunderstood the "Mac readiness" of the drive when I took it out of the box. I first erased it (unnecessarily). Then I discovered this mistake, and made a point to re-format it using the GUID partition setting. Computer claimed that installation was successful upon installing Snow Leopard.But now, machine will not start up in Snow Leopard.
iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.4.11), 20-inch, 4 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
I installed some fonts and now have 1148 installed, many of which I wish to remove. However, Font Book 3.0 freezes on loading so I am unable to proceed. I am running OSX 10.7.4.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
There are a few fonts (OTF/TTF/PSF...) I have installed with Font Explorer X, what won't show up in ANY application.Even Text Edit won't display them.However this isn't a problem linked to Font Explorer because before this I had Suitcafe Fusion 3 and had the same problem.What makes it strange is that there are a few fonts of some families that DO show up although they are JUST THE SAME as the fonts that won't show up and are from the SAME family.
I cleaned my cache numerous times with applications like Font Finagler and checked everywhere for font corruptions or duplicates with applications like Font Doctor but nothing seemed wrong or corrupted.If I go and check the fonts in System Profiler it clearly says they are valid and enambled.Â
Now what makes it even more unexplainable is that when I install the fonts trough Font Book and shut down the font manager, they DO show up...Howevery I'm not really happy abouth that because Font Book is a crappy font manager and I paid money for a good one...
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I know this is probably a stupid question. I'm about to set up windows 7 on my iMac. I've recently updated to Snow leopard. My question is once I have windows 7 installed do I have to use the snow leopard disk, or the disk that came with my computer to load drivers?
View 13 Replies View RelatedI am running Snow Leopard on a new Power Mac which is part of a windows network. On the Windows server, there are a couple of shares that I would like the mac to use. I can manually connect to them and browse ok, but what I would really like to do is have them automatically load on startup and display on the desktop. I have tried connecting to the them and then dragging them into the login items, but on restart, they don't appear on the desktop.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to delete a load of disk permissions. They are continually needing to be repaired and I don't recognize any of the names of the apps, and if I do, I would prefer to uninstall them. Â
Is this crazy? The main reason is that I am using drive genius 3 which continually monitors the health of the drive using 'drive pulse'. It comes up with 'critical' repairs needed each day and they are the same ones so I would prefer to just ditch them if possible? Â
Also, what I would really like to know is how I can use the command line to 'batch' delete these suckers.Â
Intel Dual Quad Core Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.6), 12 GB RAM, Motu 828 Audio interface FW 400, Logic Mackie Control
My web developer has given me a .sql file to load into MySQL. I have MySQL started with a folder selected and a password set from the Server Admin. However, that is all I know how to do. How do I get thie .sql loaded into the database or do I need to create a database. My website will not work without it.
View 7 Replies View RelatedMy Macbook Pro was purchased in November 2010. Can't load Snow Leopard Have an iPhone 4s Want to sync calendar on my two devices.iCloud not a choice in my system preferences Can I do this with MobileMe?
iPhone 4S, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
After multiple updates failed to install on a restart, including a security and Safari update, many applications on my mac do not work.I am receiving error messages such as this: [code] This leads me to believe that multiple frameworks went missing in the failed update; looking in the frameworks folder, the only ones there are iTunesLibrary.framework, NyxAudioAnalysis.framework, and PluginManager.framework. Where can I download these missing framework/fix the problem if there is more too it than that? Finder, system profiler, system preferences all work. Activity monitor shows everything as normal.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Model Identifier: MacBook1,1
Installed Snow Leopard (retail box) onto a last-gen Aluminum MacBook Pro (2.6Ghz model). Did a time machine backup. Put in CD and upgraded. Rebooted with no peripherals plugged in and I get a kernel panic. There's only one user on this machine so I can't see if it's an account problem. I did the same thing on both my Macbook Air and 17" MacBook Pro.
Question: Do I have to now Reinstall Leopard (fresh)
Then update Snow Leopard
Then restore from Backup?
Install Leopard
Recover from time machine backup
Then install Snow Leopard
I don't have all day and really don't want to screw up the process. Is there any thing else that might say why this kernel panic is happening?
How I can watch BBC/ITV iplayers now that I have installed Snow Leopard?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
As part of Apple's plans to help trim the footprint of Mac OS X Snow Leopard, the new system will cease the customary installation of several gigabytes of printer drivers and instead load only the files necessary for existing devices, relying on Software Update to obtain new drivers in the future as needed.
Prepared for anything
Back in the late 80s, Apple began bundling PPD files for various PostScript printers with its System Software. The files identified features specific to each model, making it simple for users to take full advantage of each model. However, as the consumer market for printers expanded, expensive PostScript licensing was left behind for simpler and cheaper alternatives that relied on custom driver software unique to each printer manufacturer.
Microsoft began installing lots of third party printer drivers with the installation of Windows to make it simpler for users to install their printer without needing to obtain printer software themselves, a practice Apple also adopted. However, as printer manufacturers have expanded their printer software offerings to differentiate their hardware with special software features such as ink management and other add on utilities, the size of driver software has expanded rapidly.
Additionally, printer drivers are being updated more frequently and new printer models are appearing quickly enough to make it hard for operating system releases to stay current. Both Apple and Microsoft now support the ability of printer installation software to search for new or updated drivers online; Leopard began handling updates for HP drivers in 2007.
Just in time downloads
With the release of Snow Leopard this spring, Apple will put an end to the default installation of tons of drivers, according to people familiar with the latest test releases of the software. Instead, it will only install a select subset of drivers, including support for any currently attached printers or those that had been installed on the same Mac under previous versions of Mac OS X.
Sources say the system will review devices attached via USB and will scan the network for any printers advertised as available via Bonjour in order to create a short list of drivers that need to be installed. Any new printers that are attached after the installation of Snow Leopard will cause Software Update to check for drivers online.
This new policy will shave several unnecessary gigabytes from the Snow Leopard footprint, compounding the savings related to the new HFS+ file compression for compacting read only files and the compression and/or removal of unnecessary NIB files that will result in a greatly reduced size of applications on the new system.
Skinny new software
A similar practice has been put into place in GarageBand 09, which offers a series of free video instructions for learning how to play instruments. Rather than installing all of the videos by default, the new app allows users to download just the lessons they want, saving considerable disk space.
The same policy could also be applied to foreign language localization files and fonts, which currently consume lots of disk space but are only used by relatively small portions of the Mac OS X user base.
While software developers have historically relied on the luxury of constantly expanding, cheap hard drive space to ignore any need to be conservative in the amount of files loaded during installation, Apple's interest in deploying systems that use more expensive but faster SSD devices has resulted in new efforts to make Snow Leopard smaller and leaner than the system it replaces.
[URL] nor any twitter apps like tweetie or twitterific will load for me on my macbook pro since installing snow leopard.
I can login fine on my iphone and windows 7 pc on the same network. firewall is off on my mac. I have tried firefox and safari and clearing the cache. It just 'fails to open page' on safari and firefox. I have an AirPort Extreme router.
I have just upgraded to Snow Leopard and at the end of the upgrade the printer drivers failed to load. I have since updated them myself (Epson BX305) but still get an error message 'rasteroescpll failed'. I have an IMac previously running 5.8.0 and now running 6.3.0.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6)
I have no id� whats wrong, I want to install Snow Leopard(from the external) on my Core2duo Macbook pro, which is running Leopard at the moment.
I have a Snow Leopard image, and I have used Disc utility to partition the external hard drive (GUID), and I assume the partition and install went well on the external, because in Disc start the external appears as OSX 10.6.
Then the problem: The macbook wont boot from the newly made external it just gives me this sign (of course without the colours).
I have tried to start the macbook normal, and with the option key held down were the external pops up.
I have also tried to chose the external in disc start and reboot with no luck.
I have tried to start the Snow Leopard install(external) within Leopard where the install start fine, but when it reboots and wants to continue the install, the sign appears.
The external harddrive is a 5400rpm 40gb 2,5" which is only powered by the usb port maybe thats the problem?
I have iMac(intel) with lion installed. I created a new partition and I want to install snow leopard on it. can you please give step by step. I guess I have to go through Target mode by using another mac but just want to make sure if there is another way.
how can I run powerpc apps on lion so I dont have to install SL?