OS X :: Unable To Use HP LaserJet 1018 With Mac Mini
Jan 27, 2007
I have problems using my new HP LaserJet 1018 printer together with a mac mini. After looking on the net I found the printer program: foo2zjs, but since I am new in the Darwin/Unix world I had problem with the installation.
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Jul 18, 2007
I can get this printer at a really good deal but it seems it isn't officially Mac compatible. Has anyone been able to make it work with another driver? In particular, I'm planning on connecting it to a Windows XP Dell PC and then be able to print it on the network.
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Mar 21, 2012
I have loaded the HP driver, I see the printer in "PRINTERS" but it does not print. I am using 10.5 and the printer is using the parallel cable to usb port.
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Nov 13, 2005
I have an old Laserjet IIIp I'm trying to use with a new Mac mini. Before realizing that tiger had gimp-print bundled with it I installed it separately, so maybe that's the problem. Anyway, I use the printer setup utility, and click add, and it shows me a USB printer (without a name, that's odd.) I choose HP and then "Laserjet III Series," and whether I choose the 4.x driver or the 5.x driver, clicking add does nothing. No dialog, no spinning of the disk or the printer, just nothing.I know the driver supports this printer, and I know the cable in question (a Belkin USB->Parallel cable) works with gimp-print and even with this printer. Rebooting the Mac doesn't help, even if the printer is on and connected during the reboot.
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Sep 12, 2010
I have an Early 2009 Mac Mini with Mini DVI and Mini DisplayPort. And I have two 1080p HDTVs. The Mac Mini is capable of dual display, and I've gotten it to work before, so the issue is not the TV or Mac. And I have tried both Mirroring and No Mirroring.
I got a Mini DisplayPort to HDMI Adapter (#5311) and a Mini-DVI to HDMI Adapter (#4852) both from MonoPrice. And for some reason I can't get the Mac Mini to dual display, it's only one or the other.
Before I had a Mini Displayport Male and USB Male AUDIO to HDMI Female Converting Adapter (#5969) and I got video on both HDTVs, but not audio at the same time b/c one was USB and one was TOSLINK.
I'm not sure why I can't get video on both monitors. Any help?
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Mar 28, 2009
Just a warning, I bought a Mac Mini (2009) and wanted it to hook it up to my TV. My TV does not have HDMI or DVI inputs so I bought a Mini DVI to Video adapter from Apple.But I could not get it to work, then I googled for it and it seems this adapter does not work with 2009 Mac's since it does not output an analog signal anymore!
So anyone that wants to hook up his new Mac to an older TV set with the Video adapter, you are warned.I guess i'll have to buy a Mini-DVI to VGA adapter and then a VGA to SVIDEO converter..
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Apr 12, 2010
So our church just purchased a nice refurb iMac to use for media presentations during weekly worship services. We have a projector with a VGA cable, so I bought a mini display port to VGA adapter from apple so that we can connect our shiny new iMac to our big screen.
However, when we attempt to connect our VGA to our adapter, they don't fit together properly. It's like the screws on the VGA cable aren't long enough to screw into the adapter...thus, the cable won't stay connected to the adapter (it just falls out).
Someone suggested getting an S cable to replace the VGA cable, but Apple tells me there's no adapter to link the S cable to the iMac. I'm absolutely clueless...surely there is a way to connect my wonderful new iMac to the big screen.
Any ideas?
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Dec 26, 2008
I have a cheap hdtv. when i connect my macbook to it it doesn't get a signal (via mini dvi to hdmi) until i click "detect displays" on my laptop, then "gather windows," then when i set the display to the proper resolution (720) the image appears on my tv without a problem.
I just got a mac mini, and since i don't have two monitors I cannot use this trick. I get no image on my tv.
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Mar 18, 2009
Okay I'm writing this for anyone who feels the same as I did about doing this and is unsure whether or not to do it. Maybe it can help someone
Last night I finally got round to upgrading my mac mini to 4GB of crucial memory using a 1.5" putty knife, mini screw driver set, pizza cutter, bright LED torch and towel. And boy was I pooooooping it during the whole process!
But don't let that put you off as if you do your research, take your time, double check everything you do, then double check again, have all the tools by your side and you are not a clumsy oath then you should complete it with out any problems.
My main concern is how much pressure you have to put on parts to remove them, compared to how easy they seem to come off on the vids I've watched. And how easy they seem to put the frame and memory in and out. As this is certainly not the case for a newbie!
The main outer casing for a start takes a lot of force and you are not quite sure how far down to put the putty knife. You think your going to damage the clips or case, but it seem really robust, you just have to trust it and do a little bit a a time working your way around the base.
The 2 small antennas seemed like they were going to snap on removal, really where attached well. One more than the other which caused me some stress
The bigger corner antenna, comes of okay, just don't squeeze the clips in to hard, as I did and managed to bend one in to much so when re-fiting I had to bend it out so it locked into place.
The next bit - the screws... make sure you have plenty of small screw drivers, all the ones I had were not small enough, so had to make a quick trip up to the DIY store half way through the job! The screws are impossible to get out unless you have a magnetic screwdriver, I could only get one out, left the other 3 un-done but still in the frame
The ribbon cable came of easy taking my time with a small screwdriver. After all this the whole frame came out giving me access to the ram - this took some jigging, be careful of the antenna wires and the ribbon.
Ram came out easy, but the 2 sticks I put in were not so easy. I could not see exactly where they had to go in, and took some force to get them in. Think it's all about getting the right angle though.
Everything went back pretty easy apart from the frame, this was a bit awkward getting it to fit exactly, but eventually it popped in to place.
I now have 4GB and intend to do the same process again when I can decide on what hard drive to buy to replace the 120GB internal + I am going to do my brothers.
Overall I am very happy I have saved my self money doing it myself, and learnt about the inside of a mac mini.
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Jun 9, 2012
I have a mac mini. Full screen doesn't is too large for my monitor (dock doesn't show/top w/clock, etc) doesn't show, so have set smaller (don't know the term for it). As of today, the URL/search boxes do not appear unless I put it on full screen.
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7), new to Mac!
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May 13, 2007
My mac mini is getting hot and makes noise. Is this normal for a mac mini. What do I need in order to send it to warranty, under applecare.
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Mar 13, 2012
I have a new MacMini without the optiocal drive. This is a computer that someone tried to put Linux on and left it was a 100gb partition for the MacOS and the rest for the Linux installation. I want to get it back to one large partition.
I know that I need to get the computer to boot from something else because the Recovery partition is on the HDD. To that end I have tried to boot this from an external USB DVD-RW drive and when it starts to boot from the disk it reads the DVD and then goes to the 'circle/slash' screen. I then made a USB drive bootable and restored the dmg file for my Lion disk to it and tried to boot from that. It shows in the options and then immediately goes to the 'circle/slash' screen. I tried to flash the PRAM and got the same result. I tested both items on another MacMini and they work. The test computer was a previous model with the optical drive.
Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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Apr 24, 2012
my mac mini won't read dvd's
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 24, 2012
I cannot get updates:
The system recognizes I need updates then says:
The update cannot be saved
A network error has occurred. Check your internet connection and try again.
I don't think there is anything wrong with my connection, and I always get the same.
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Mar 12, 2010
I have a HP LaserJet 1020, I would like to use it with my Macbook Pro, however, HP doesn't make a driver for the Mac. Anyone know of a good place to get a driver for this printer?
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Nov 23, 2010
I have a 13' Macbook Pro running 10.6.5. I also have an HP Laserjet P1102 (works fine on my windows machine) connected via USB. Now I just need my Macbook to communicate with the damn thing. I downloaded a huge HP driver package from Apple's website, installed it (took up 700megs of space) but it still doesn't detect the printer when I go into System Preferences to ADD printer. Are there certain steps I have to do or recite some kind of voodoo incantation to get this to work?
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Sep 15, 2006
I need quite a bit of help here. Can somebody post for me detailed instructions on how to properly install the drivers for the HP Laserjet 1020 on my Macbook, such that it will print out documents without glitches?
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Dec 31, 2007
Has anybody installed an HP LaserJet 1000? I'm trying to do so onto an iMac, but not having any luck.
Been to the HP website and searched for drivers; they only show Windows drivers available for download. I downloaded some sort of generic program from HP, "HP LaserJet for Mac v5.5.2". It ran and installed some sort of stuff onto my Mac, and the Mac physically recognizes and identifies the LaserJet 1000 by name when I am in >System Preferences >Print and Fax > + ["add printers"], but the "Print Using" dialog box just reads "Please select a driver or printer model".
Auto Select does not work, and if I search through the list of built-in printers in Leopard (...>Print Using: >"Select a driver to use..."), a bunch of HP LaserJet models are listed, starting with the 1010 and incrementing upward. But no HP 1000.
Anybody successfully installed or using the HP LJ 1000?
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Jul 1, 2012
How does one add an HP LaserJet 4000N to a TimeCapsule based network with systems running 10.7.4? I had it working fine with a PowerPC based iMac; however, although I have the correct driver and have the printer hardwired to the network, it does not appear on the network, e.g., you do not see it in the Add Printer lists.
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Mar 16, 2009
I received my new mac mini last week and installed a few things on it over the weekend so that I can run it as an HTPC. Works great but I am having one issue and that is with the video signal. I have the mac mini connected to my Samsung 720p LCD TV with VGA using Apple's miniport to vga adaptor.
When the TV is already turned on and I start the mini or bring the mini out of sleep then everything works OK. However if the TV is off and I start the mini or bring it out of sleep and then turn on the TV, I get a "no video signal" message.
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Apr 16, 2009
I just have another question regarding the new mac mini. I heard before buying it that it had an outlet for a optical sound cable, so I went and bought the Mac Mini and an optical cable, got both today, hook up everything and now I dont see the outlet on the Mac Mini. How do you get optical sound from it?
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Nov 24, 2009
I have a Mac Mini Core Solo that I upgrade to a Core Duo and now I'm having a interesting issue wtih 10.6.2. When I try to empty trash it just seems to get stuck on preparing to empty trash and same thing when I try coping files out of a .dmg that has been mounted. If I do it via terminal it works fine, but doing it via the UI always locks up my finder. Thinking about doing a fresh install, since I did the upgrade from 10.5, thinking about just doing a fresh install of 10.6.2?
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Mar 11, 2010
My Imac G5 stopped working. Bad power supply or logic board. I took out the hard drive put it in an enclosure and ordered a new Mac Mini.
When the mini arrived I used the migration assistant to move everything over. Here are some issues:
1) Microsoft Office is there but the applications will not start up. I get a pop up that says that "this application will not work on this type of mac".
The Icons are also greyed out with a stripe through them.
2) I Work '08. Same as above.
I did check to see if there were any trial versions of this software on the mini and there is not.
I've also tried to look into the Old Hard Drive and see if any files were not moved over.
When I access the old drive it will not let me get into certain folders because it says I do not have permission. They have little red yeild signs beside them.
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Aug 17, 2010
Here's the scenario: I Let a friend borrow this iPod from me for about a year. She used Windows and her own music, and I'm pretty sure used "Manually Manage Music" to get the songs on it.
The iPod appears on my desktop, but only has one folder in it, which has one song in it...none of the other music can be found. It says "600 MB" is available, but it's a 4 gig iPod.
I want to try to restore it, but the iPod Mini won't appear in iTunes. I don't care about losing the music on the iPod, because it isn't my music. Do newer versions of iTunes recognize iPod Minis?
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Mar 21, 2012
I want to be able to transfer tiles between my pc laptops and my mac mini using external hard drives ans or usb sticks
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Mar 31, 2012
Can I really not install Lion because my mac mini only has 1GB of RAM? This is very disappointing. I've just got myself an iPhone 4S, so effectively I can't use any of the iCloud features because my mac mini can't run Lion. And apparently there is no alternative.
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Early 2009, Intel C2 Duo, 1GB RAM
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Sep 21, 2009
I've found out the hard way that Snow Leopard does not support the same printers as Leopard did and now I'm stuck. I spent the better part of the day researching how to get my HP LaserJet 4m Plus to work with the new OS and got nowhere. Can anyone tell me what I can do to get the printer to work with the new OS? The printer may be old but it functions flawlessly and only has about 50,000 impressions made, so it still has lots of life. I have it hooked up via ethernet and the cable is run under the floor to the other side of the office so adapting a serial/USB would not be doable or practical. I don't have the money to blow on a new printer so I would really like to make this work somehow. Any help would be much appreciated.
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Oct 30, 2007
So I installed Leopard, which went amazingly well, everything I have seems to work pretty well (including Cisco's VPN and Parallels)...my HP LaserJet 3055 All-In-One will print, but it will not scan.
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Aug 28, 2009
I've been hearing preliminary reports that all the workarounds for the 1020 do not work?
Before I install SL, I was wondering if anyone actually got their 1020 to work.
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Oct 4, 2009
i am having problem ever since i have installed snowleaopard with my printer ... i have an HP laserjet P1007.. i have already downloaded the updated version of printer software from the apple website...
whenever i try to print it shows ... printer offline.. what do i do...
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