OS X :: Unable To Get Mac Mini Intel Boot After Failed Uninstalling Safari 4 Beta
Feb 26, 2009
While uninstalling Safari 4 beta it freezed and after 15 minutes of waiting I made a forced restart. Now Mac mini shows the grey screen and won't boot.
What I've tried:
- Disk Utility from restore DVD
- fsck in Single-User Mode
- resetting PRAM
- resetting PMU
I'm having the "messenger: mac typing issue" and decided to go back to Safari 3. I downloaded it from Apple's site but when trying to install it doesn't allow me to select my HD volume because it says there is a newer version. How should I procede?
I like Safari's U.I. very much, but, everytime I load around 5 pages at the same time it starts to freeze and give me the rainbow circle on the mouse pointer. If I open the same sites with Camino everything works great and even faster than Safari.
I do not want to quite switch to Camino, because its UI is ugly, but its really superior to Safari on speed terms and has the same compatibility as Firefox, because its Gecko engine (?). I will miss Top Sites and Safari's UI so much
How your Safari works? Is it fast and freeze free?
I have a new MacMini without the optiocal drive. This is a computer that someone tried to put Linux on and left it was a 100gb partition for the MacOS and the rest for the Linux installation. I want to get it back to one large partition.
I know that I need to get the computer to boot from something else because the Recovery partition is on the HDD. To that end I have tried to boot this from an external USB DVD-RW drive and when it starts to boot from the disk it reads the DVD and then goes to the 'circle/slash' screen. I then made a USB drive bootable and restored the dmg file for my Lion disk to it and tried to boot from that. It shows in the options and then immediately goes to the 'circle/slash' screen. I tried to flash the PRAM and got the same result. I tested both items on another MacMini and they work. The test computer was a previous model with the optical drive.
I have Mac Mini 1.5 solo that work very well for me and my son untill we updated the EFI 1.1 a week ago and never booted back up. I call apple and was told bad hardware maybe caused by update they send me to a Apple store to get it checked but there they said it was the power button not the flash. I had it plug in to the wall the hole time at home but when i took it there it booted as soon as he plug it in so he shut down and it did not boot, he unplug it for a few seconds plug it back no good with button but did boot a few second by itself. I replaced the button my self for a few hunder less then what Apple Was asking for (160.00 less). Still not luck. I feel i got screwed by Apple on this. Has anyone seen this and how it fix.
Every 5 mnutes my safari crashed and says its because of a plug in caled gamehouserestaurantrush plug in. I would like to get rid of this. I've been to preferences and gone to extensions but its completely blank.
After uninstalling pdf reader from adobe, I lost possiblitiy to opend pdf documents in safari. Usually, before installing adobe reader pdf documents opened nicely in Safari, with link to download or print a document. Now, all what opens is a gray page, without any content in it. When trying printing, I get blank page. Has anyone encountered this problem? How can I switch to old Safari behavior - native pdf reading ability, present in OSX?
Ive got the new iMac 2011 range, 21.5" and im purely installing windows 7 onto it for games. Im planning on playing guildwars2 when it comes out. Ive installed windows 7 perfectly fine already, it all works. However, i realised that you needed to install the drivers onto it in order for wifi, graphics etc to work. So i do so and it says right at the end of the burning process when it has to "verify" the CD and it says it fails. I tried to install the drivers anyway, most of the stuff work except a handful of really important things such as the ATI graphics, video card etc.
I recently received an iMac as a "gift"... turns out it has some problems. I am unable to reinstall the default OS (Mountain Lion) because I have yet to be able to partition the HDD correctly. The error I keep getting is: Partition failed with the error: Wiping volume data to prevent future accidental probing failed.At this point, the default Macintosh HD isn't showing, so it must of been erased/deleted.
I have a 2009 Mac Mini 2ghz that I was trying to install Leopard Server on. I have tried by booting from DVD, a second partition with the ISO burned to it, and even an external USB drive that has a full install of Leopard Server on it that successfully boots up a 2007 iMac. I have also tried to boot from 10.5 DVDs without any luck. The symptom is consistent - it attempts to boot and then reboots about 10 seconds later. This happens regardless of whether it is a physical DVD or an external USB drive. All DVD drives and USB drives are capable of booting the iMac.
I've reset PRAM, held down option keys to select boot drives, etc. I can't try target disk mode as I don't have a firewire cable handy. Booting into diagnostic mode detects no problems for both the short or long test. The machine is just out of warranty but did have a weird problem with network where it wouldn't recognize the network connected to a Netgear 716GS switch, no matter which port. 10 other computers connected to the switch without problem. I had brought it to the genius bar who couldn't determine any hardware problems and it worked with their network just fine.
Here is my current situation though: I can't start the apple side of my computer. When I try the option at the start, I get the infinite death spiral. I can, however, log onto the windows (vista) side without problem. (I've had no problem for a year or so. This past week, i connected to the internet via cable vs the normal wireless I use. I suspect that was the start of the downfall?)
I've read other people have had this problem with the beta, and they've had to reinstall the OS X. The first issue is that when I bought my apple, it did not come with the OS X software (or any other).
I have, however, purchased Leopard. Now that I have it, but only have access to my windows side, how do I load Leopard? (If I just install the disk, will it take care of erasing everything on my computer, including the partition and info from the windows side?
I have a Mac Mini that my sister gave me because she said it stopped working. She said she wanted me to get all her photos off of it. Its a Model A1176 1.66/2X512/80/COMBO/AP/BT I tried playing with it and it powers up, shows the Apple on a grey screen with a spinning little icon.. It does that for about 30 sec and then turns off. I opened it up, took the hard drive out, put it into an external USB case and hooked it up to my Windows PC and loaded MacDrive 8 software. Got the drive to be recognized on the PC and backed up all her photos.
My add-ons are all installed, and enabled, but most are not working. The plugins are all just gone, such as flash. I installed flash again, restarted, and it still doesn't have flash.
Seems Glimmerblocker isn't working with the beta release of Safari 4. Anyone have any luck blocking ads? Also, I'd love to block flash. The inability to block flash is probably the main reason I could never use Safari full time. The browser looks amazing and is very snappy, but alas.... I need plugin support.
I do a lot of Mail Contents Of This Page or emailing of webpages to my friends. Mail often crashes now when I try to do this. I sent a bug report to Apple already.
I'm using Safari 4 beta and it keeps crashing after no longer than one minute of use. I have deleted the plist, reset Safari, uninstalled and reinstalled, used multiple users, and no luck. I've been using it since it first came out with no problems until now. I did a search but all the threads I saw were about Safari 3 and none of them had a solution that worked yet.
I'm running 10.4.11, and each time I run the software updater, go through all the stages...download, install, restart etc... I open the software updater again, and the update is there again waiting to be installed! This update is that recent Safari 4 one. I've repaired permissions and tried again, but had the same result. Any ideas for a perplexed mac user?
I have an Intel Mac mini (purchased in 2005 or 2006) with a fresh install of OS X Leopard on it. I recently changed the Startup Disk in the OS X system preferences to be the CD/DVD drive, and everything has gone downhill since there.
I inserted a CD and attempted to boot from it right after changing this setting. I noticed the CD drive spun up the disk, but after waiting several seconds a black screen appeared, saying "No bootable device — insert boot disk and press any key".
There were two problems here: first, the CD never ejected from the computer, and second, there was no response to any key press.
After restarting and shutting down a few times I got the Mac to spit out the CD somehow. I restarted, inserted the same OS X Leopard disk used to install the operating system earlier that day, and got the same "No bootable device" error.
I have a 2TB Hitachi Backup drive, and a 1TB Verbatim Portable drive, both are USB 3, and when they are connected and the iMac is switched off, it will not boot until I remove the drive.
How can I leave the 2TB drive connected and power up the iMac ?
The 2TB drive was purchased to be a Time Machine backup drive.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 3.4GHz Intel Core i7 - 8GB
wondering if anyone has encountered the same problem. Downloaded Safari 4.0 to play around with it and Mail has stopped working. From looking at the crash log see the following
I just downloaded Safari 4 beta from the apple site, installed it, restarted etc and everytime I launch it it crashes instantly. So, I uninstalled it (using the uninstaller), restarted, installed it, restarted again and still have the same problem. I've turned Growl off because I've heard this causes issues with some applications.
I couldn't figure out any obvious way to manually add Top Sites in Safari 4. I tried drag-and-drop, but it wouldn't work. After some digging, I found a TopSites.plist that lets me add sites manually. [URL]
how the top sites feature actually works on the new safari. I've been using the new beta for the last week or so and it seems like the websites that appear in the top sites section are almost entirely random ones selected from my history. Some pages that i've visited once for only minutes appear right at the front of the list. I am failing to see any pattern based on popularity.
This just popped up in software update for me. First to post? This update is recommended for all users of the Safari 4 Public Beta and includes the latest security updates. For detailed information on the security content of this update, please visit this site: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1222.
It is a 2008 intel iMac that had worked fine for the last four years until lion. Everytime there was and update or I rebooted, my Mac would freeze at some point of the login. A permission repair or just repair disk would solve the issue an everyone and a while, a restore from backup. Recently my Mac started to slow down to the point it froze for several hours and force quit would never open. I held the button and since then I have been in trouble. The repair permissions had a ton of errors but successfully repaired. But when I repaired the disk, it's hit a couple of errors but ultimately failed right after "Invalid Node Structure" that error has been consistent every time I have attempted a fix and it failed. I tried restoring from a backup to no avail. Then I wiped the drive and installed Lion (after a convienient 5 hours download) an it booted. I tried using it but it was extremely slow, let it sit over night and came back to it frozen. I had assumed it was slow due to indexing but after 12ish hours this didn't solve the issue. I clicked the apple button and it took a while to finally show up an restarted. Fro
There is wouldn't complete the boot. Froze at the apple logo or white screen with spinning mouse. Left that for several hours and stayed there. Tried repair and same issue. "ivalid node structure" redtating aftet that it just reboots and turns off a little bit after the chime. I have tried everything I could find on different forums without any success. I tried single user mode with the fsck commands and that failed also. I downloaded lion and made a recovery flash drive from another computer. I have since installed several new installations of lion after an erase and repartition. I took it to the apple store and they installed a fresh install of lion and it worked for a day then slowed down and froze. I would like to try everything possible before claiming the hardrive dead. I forgot to mention I have done PRAM resets in between the events I described as well as the SCM i think reset by unplugging. I have left it unplugged for over 12 hours, also have taken out all peripherals minus keyboard and mouse.