how the top sites feature actually works on the new safari. I've been using the new beta for the last week or so and it seems like the websites that appear in the top sites section are almost entirely random ones selected from my history. Some pages that i've visited once for only minutes appear right at the front of the list. I am failing to see any pattern based on popularity.
I couldn't figure out any obvious way to manually add Top Sites in Safari 4. I tried drag-and-drop, but it wouldn't work. After some digging, I found a TopSites.plist that lets me add sites manually. [URL]
I like Safari's U.I. very much, but, everytime I load around 5 pages at the same time it starts to freeze and give me the rainbow circle on the mouse pointer. If I open the same sites with Camino everything works great and even faster than Safari.
I do not want to quite switch to Camino, because its UI is ugly, but its really superior to Safari on speed terms and has the same compatibility as Firefox, because its Gecko engine (?). I will miss Top Sites and Safari's UI so much
How your Safari works? Is it fast and freeze free?
I manually put a couple of sites into the top sites area.. but then even after 'pinning' them into the sites area, they disappear when i re open safari.. it's really bugging me. can anyone help me out with this?
However, there is one site that i visit almost daily [URL] and yet safari never includes it in the Top Sites. Its never once been in there since I've had it...
But before anyone suggests so, have already reset the Top Sites by deleting the various plists from the safari folder in my library - didn't work, obviously.
Seems Glimmerblocker isn't working with the beta release of Safari 4. Anyone have any luck blocking ads? Also, I'd love to block flash. The inability to block flash is probably the main reason I could never use Safari full time. The browser looks amazing and is very snappy, but alas.... I need plugin support.
I'm using Safari 4 beta and it keeps crashing after no longer than one minute of use. I have deleted the plist, reset Safari, uninstalled and reinstalled, used multiple users, and no luck. I've been using it since it first came out with no problems until now. I did a search but all the threads I saw were about Safari 3 and none of them had a solution that worked yet.
I'm running 10.4.11, and each time I run the software updater, go through all the, install, restart etc... I open the software updater again, and the update is there again waiting to be installed! This update is that recent Safari 4 one. I've repaired permissions and tried again, but had the same result. Any ideas for a perplexed mac user?
I just downloaded Safari 4 beta from the apple site, installed it, restarted etc and everytime I launch it it crashes instantly. So, I uninstalled it (using the uninstaller), restarted, installed it, restarted again and still have the same problem. I've turned Growl off because I've heard this causes issues with some applications.
I'm having the "messenger: mac typing issue" and decided to go back to Safari 3. I downloaded it from Apple's site but when trying to install it doesn't allow me to select my HD volume because it says there is a newer version. How should I procede?
This just popped up in software update for me. First to post? This update is recommended for all users of the Safari 4 Public Beta and includes the latest security updates. For detailed information on the security content of this update, please visit this site:
My add-ons are all installed, and enabled, but most are not working. The plugins are all just gone, such as flash. I installed flash again, restarted, and it still doesn't have flash.
Has anybody been having problems with Safari's new Top Sites feature? I've had Safari 4 since the day it came out on public beta, and this feature hasn't seemed to get any better. I seriously dread having to open a new tab, because it automatically opens the awful top sites list. I close my eyes and cross my fingers and pray that I don't get the beachball of death for anywhere from 10-20 seconds. Sometimes it works quickly, especially if I keep testing it over and over. It pretty much just displays a visual of the bookmarks that I already have displayed going across the top of my screen, and I usually just click on the bookmark instead of having to hunt down the page and click on it.
I was very excited like everyone to install new Safari 4 and the excitement sustained for a while. Ubiquitously, it is visually delightful meeting Apple Standards. However, I lost lot of plugins that I had for earlier Safari version. Plugins like: DivX player, Real player are gone after I installed the new version. It is not recognizing by itself if there are missing plugins and neither I see an option where I can install by myself.
Has anyone else noticed that if you clear your history, past sites (based on your history) still show up in Top Sites? Anyone else think this kinda blows the whole idea of "clearing your history" if you do it for privacy reasons. Anyone know how to clear out your top sites?
thought of this last night, had some free time today. Maybe I'll go from the large setting to medium to small, dividing a picture by 24 would be crazy. Just thought I'd share.
When I start up Safari and load my home page ( it takes way to long (>30 seconds). After doing some testing I found out that Safari seems to be hanging when I make secure requests. I found that out by removing the Gmail and Google Calendar gadgets from my home page and it loaded right away. But then when I go to and log in I have to wait again. Also at that time I can't use any other tabs, they all just sit there and spin like they are loading.
Has anyone else had this issue? I know its a Safari issue because Chrome it just fine. Any ideas?
While navigating around Facebook, Safari continually hangs on Facebook websites beyond the home screen. I'll click a link and it'll go to a white screen and nothing with load. Then, if I try to go back to, it just remains on a white screen. If I load another website, though, it will work fine. I can't seem to get to load again unless I close Safari and reopen. I can use Google Chrome just fine without it hanging on any of the Facebook sites. Any ideas here?
Has anybody else noticed this. Recently in the last week it seems that Safari has been super slow on such sites like ign, myspace, facebook and sorts but over all just super slow.
For example, ill go on myspace, click on an approval and it just starts to load and stalls out. I then click stop and refresh and it loads fine. Its been doing it with almost all the sites actually but very noticle on the sites I mentioned above. Any clue? I know there is FireFox and Ie and sort out there but I like Safari and have never had a problem till now
Is there a reason for the delay in Safari's Top Sites (i.e. when you load a page, the page is dimmed for a moment, then loads). Is it possible to disable it?
I have been having this problem for a while. It happens every now and then, sometimes more often too. Sometimes at random times, when I try to access https websites in Safari such as Internet banking, signing in into eBay etc, it has an error.
It says "Safari can't open the page because Safari can't establish a secure connection to the server". To resolve this problem I always have to turn off my Airport and then turn it back on. See screenshot - [URL]
I've also tried opening it in Firefox and it also doesn't work. In Firefox, the error is "Data Transfer Interrupted: The connection to has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred." See screenshot - [URL]