OS X :: Syncing Multiple Folders Over 2 Macs Wirelessly?
Jul 9, 2009
im kinda anal about backing **** up. that said...
im getting a MBP for school blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda
i need a program that will allow me to automatically sync files between both my macs. (preferably wirelessly)
id like the notes i take in class on the mbp to sync with the imac when i get home. Id like my picture folders, design work folders, and documents folders to be in sync on both computers whenever im home.
if i add new pictures on the mbp, take new notes, or work on a .psd file.
I want them available on the imac without me having to manually bring them over and vice versa.
i just need a way for the folders to sync whenever im home.
that way when i do a back up on my imac, it also has a back up of the folders on the mbp.
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Mar 11, 2012
I currently have a MacBook Pro and I'm considering buying an iMac for home use. I want to keep the files between both computers in sync. It would also be a plus to keep mail, contacts, photos, etc., in sync between both computers, but my main focus is files and documents.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 4, 2008
I haven't found anything via the forum search on this topic, but can remember, that this topic was brought up in recent months.
I have two Macs, one for the road and one for home.
As I have a digital camera, I store the images (jpg and raw) on an external hard drive.
I want to be able to have another copy of those files on my MacBook, for editing on the road, and when I come home, to copy the modified and new images and files back to the external drive.
I also edit some pictures on my iMac, so the process has to be vice versa:
Do any of you know of a software that syncs only the modified files back and forth, and doesn't treat one file (or set of files) as the master and the other as copy like FileSync?
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Jan 8, 2011
How would I go about syncing apps from 2 different macs?
I've downloaded apps on both my MBP and iMac.
When I sync on my MBP, if I go to try to get the apps off my iMac,
I erase the apps I got from my MBP.
What I did was network my computers and pretty copy from computer to the other.
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Jun 6, 2012
Is there a way to create folders on one iPad and sync the folders to multiple iPads? I have 23 iPads and I want to have all the folders match for easier access for students.
iPad 2
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Sep 12, 2010
Syncing between two remote Macs?
I have two Macs, one at each of two locations (home-office and business). One is a Mac Pro (2009) and the other is a recent MacMini, both with OS-X 10.6 and similar specifications.
Would like to have both machines seamlessly match so that I can travel between them with no loss of application functionality.
There is only one user, so one Mac will always have the more recent data.
I understand that there are work-arounds, such as just replacing everything with a new laptop. Or physically transporting an external drive, perhaps backed up via SuperDuper or Qdea for example.
But a backup/restore can take a long time (at each end). So, is it possible to do this without a hardware �sneaker-net� solution?
Third-party apps such as ChronoSync and Martian Slingshot would seem to offer some possibilities. But would that work with an Apple Mail database for example?
Obviously, it is the data that needs to be synced, not the apps, but would there be any issues with application licenses (since some Apps look at the machine ID)? And would it be necessary to sync the Library/Application Support files too?
And what about application updates etc?
Cloud solutions such as Dropbox and Mozy are great for smaller files, but some of the databases we use are several Gigs in size, which is way beyond their capability (both in upload time and capacity).
For example, even an iTunes database might have some minor changes each day, which would need to be synced.
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Jun 20, 2012
I have an iMac at home and a MBA all running Mac OSX Lion 10.7.3.Â
I use Mail/ iCloud and whilst all my email folders sync, the two inboxes do not and I am forever 'filing' emails into folders on both computers, with a lot of duplication.Â
Is there any way of having my combined inboxes (multiple accounts) all synced too?Â
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 6, 2010
I have 2 Macs, A Macbook Pro and an iMac.
I do use MobileMe and i know I'll be able to sync my mails that way, but due to the cost of internet connectivity in South Africa, I'd prefer not to be sharing my emails over the internet.
Is there a way that I can wirelessly sync my mails using my Airport?
Something automatic that would initiate the sync when both machines are detected on the network would be 1st prize.
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May 13, 2010
I've been looking at how to sync my two Macs.
There are lots of options out there but none I'm comfortable with:
DropBox. It appears that what people do is put their data files into the DropBox folder locally (or make symbolic links to that folder) and DropBox then monitors this folder locally, if changes are made it propogates the changes to their server and then out to other machines/devices under your account.
I could be wrong and it monitors both local and server.
Anyhow the trouble I have is that I've got tens of gigs and I don't see why I should ever have to take the bandwidth/time/security hit of using the Internet as the go-between.
Plus I'm uncomfortable with DropBox acting as a blackbox; i.e. no idea the logic it's using to determine changes, determine conflicts or manage resolution.
JungleDisk/BackBlaze with Chronosync. Using Chronosync means that you have full control and transparency, i.e. know logic and have logs.
I was going to put aside my concerns of using cloud storage (bandwidth/accessibility/security), however JungleDisk just purged around 60 gig of my data because a 2USD invoice failed to process and I was completely unaware of the invoice processing failure. So for now, cloud storage is out.
(if I do go to cloud, I'll try BackBlaze next time as JungleDisk clearly can't be trusted)
Sync over LAN between two Macs (e.g. via Bonjour) and use Chronosync to perform the sync.
Not a bad setup, but I've got the feeling that placing a third disk in between, is somehow cleaner and gives overall better protection.
Therefore I've decided to keep two Macs in sync, to use Chronosync plus a NAS (in my case a QNAP 639-pro) as the middle man.
Others must have done a similar setup (after all it's just a variation on using an external drive as the middle ground).
So some preliminary questions are:
do I need to be concerned that the NAS uses EXT3 (Linux) fielsystem; i.e. will ownership/group permissions or
extended file attributes be an issue?
Is there an issue with not syncing file metadata (.ds_store files comes to mind)?
Syncs take a very long time when you've got tens of gigs, however often it's just a handful of files changing, i.e. OmniFocus, Devonthink, 1Password plus a few active project files. So it seems it's a good idea to have a full sync and some quick sync.
Do people have a similar setup and can describe their Chronosync configs?
It would appear the safest option is to close down 1password, OmniFocus etc. on one machine before hitting sync on that machine, but this introduces overhead, but I guess it depends on how the likes of 1Password writes to file and when
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Jul 24, 2010
I have a Mac Mini, which I primarily leave running to access any files I store on it with my macbook pro being my main machine for daily use.
I will download/buy music on the Pro and will sometimes be a little while before synching it to the Mini via "Home Sharing". Now I have to do this manually right now, but is there a way to setup a script to automatically run on a scheduled basis on the Mini to check for media not in the Mini library and download them automatically from my macbook pro? I only have the two macs using Home Sharing.
I tried looking at scripts, but I saw stuff from using rsync, not sure if automating syncing via Home Sharing would even work by using an applescript of some type or if rysnc is what I would want to use.
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May 10, 2012
What exactly happens if I checkmark "documents and data" in the iCloud preferences on both my Macs? On iOS my understanding is that developers can build support for iCloud right into their apps, and so, only those apps that are coded to support iCloud syncing will be able to do it. However on the Mac, documents are not stored in an app-centric manner (and I'm glad because I loathe the app-centric document storage aspect of iOS).
So, I'm not clear what happens if you choose to sync "documents and data" over iCloud. Currently I use Chronosync to sync my documents folders between my desktop and laptop. However, this is a fairly hands-on process, and while I still plan on using Chronosync between my computers for several purposes, I would be happy to have iCloud sync certain documents and data between my Macs.
For example, I'd like iCloud to sync my Stickies, Downloads folders, and certain folders of documents like scanned receipts and saved web archives, etc. However I am scared to check the "Documents and Data" checkbox because I don't know what the heck it does. Is it going to scan my computer and upload everything in my documents folder? Or what? I read Apple's iCloud set-up guide but it did not give me a clue regarding this, and I didn't see any links to an advanced manual.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2009, 8-core 2.2ghz, 12GB RAM, 10TB
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Jul 4, 2010
I have a MBP and a MacMini. I wish to have my iTunes library stored on an external HD (which I will share on the network) connected to the MacMini.
I would like to see this same library on my MBP (presumably just point the iTunes on the MBP to the networked external HD for the iTunes folder??).
But now I wish to ensure that any changes made on one machine (additions, artwork update, playlists etc) are synced and show up on the other, and vice versa.
This should be applicable to both content purchases on iTunes and my own content ripped from my CD collection.
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Jun 7, 2009
I am a student that has a lot of papers to write. It would be awesome if I could save a document to my documents stack, and then have a script or anything automated that would sync the folder (once a week maybe?) to my windows pc/file server in the basement. This should be an easy task but I am not sure where to begin.
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Apr 4, 2009
I have all my media on an external Firewire 800 drive. On that drive i have multiple folders and sub folders. The problem is when I click on any of those folders it open the contains in a new window, rather than letting me just click through. it's frustrating as I can end up with half a dozen windows open to get to one file. This only happens on external drives. Is there a way to fix this?
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Jul 8, 2010
I work for a media company, we hire out our stock of macs to clients and they often come back full of unwanted files and applications, we want to create a single backup on our network that we can automatically sync our macs to when they come back from a job, so it gets rid of all the extra files and resets back to just being the software we want. Then when software updates come out we can just update the 1 backup and it will sync to all the macs. Is this possible?
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Aug 7, 2010
I have an older G5 imac and a macbook can i use the same leopard box set on both computers even though i dont think it is a family pack?
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Jul 16, 2009
I have a new PC running Windows 7 RC, but I can't get it to find the shared folders on my Macs, nor can my Macs see the shared folders on the PC. Any ideas how to get at least one way working (preferably so that the Macs can see the PC).I'm running 10.5.7, and if I "Connect to Server" and dial in smb:// and the PCs IP address, I get a login window, but it won't let me log in. I have no password on the PC.
Also, I followed the advice in another post here, http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=635271), but it didn't make any difference.
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Dec 17, 2010
It seems like macmall and other places where I would typically buy a new mac are just not budging on prices like the used to. Is anyone finding anywhere that will actually deal with you, especially if you want to buy multiple computers?
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Apr 6, 2009
I've got a MacBook pro, an iMac and a Macbook. I want to sync my itunes, photos, and documents between all of them. What do people use for this?
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Feb 12, 2010
I've had a MacBook Pro for some time, and am now wanting to sync all my programs (preferably without mobileme).
Many years ago, I was able to network multiple mac computers and have each of those macs draw their information from a common file on the server. For example, the mail program on each computer would reference it's mail file in the library which was an alias that pointed to the actual data file that was stored on the server. This was an easy way of linking the email, so when mail was altered on one computer, the changes were made (in essence) to all computers.
I would like to do that with my iMac and MacBook, but also the music library, iCal, Address Book etc.
Is there a way to set my Time Capsule up as a server to handle something like this?
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May 12, 2010
I have a new 27"iMac following a smashed screen on my old 24" iMac. I have the time machine backup luckily!
But I have also managed to fix my old 24" with a replacement LCD panel.
So my question is this:
How do I restore from time macine to both iMacs so I have all my iTunes films & music on both machines? I also want to put all my iTunes on my Dads new iMac which is in a different house of course.
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Mar 14, 2012
I travel with a macbook air and usually take a copy of my entire "data" folder with me. When I get back to my imac I need to be able to ansfer any new or amended files from the macbook air to my imac.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jan 6, 2011
I'm sure this has been asked but I've looked through many of the pages on the news stories, and I've also looked on the OSX forums from today and didn't find anything, so . . .
I have three macs. An iMac for home, a personal MBP I use at work, and a mac mini connected to the TV. If I download an app from the Mac App store, will that work on all three of my computers? It appears to be setup similarly to the iTunes store, that each purchase is connected to your itunes account. If this is that case, then wouldn't one purchase work on all machines?
When I buy a movie from itunes I can play it on any computer (up to 5), along with any ipod, iphone, ipad.
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Sep 22, 2009
I am planning to use a 1TB network hard drive (NAS) to backup all three of our Macs. Will Time Machine from three different computers share this storage space, or do I need to partition the drive into three pieces so each computer has their own separate volume?
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Oct 19, 2009
Is there a good guide to having your ITunes library on multiple macs? I have found a couple of links and some stuff here but none of them seem very good, as they use third party software (Dropbox) or Automator scripts that you have to run everytime you open your library.
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Feb 28, 2010
So, I got my MacBook Air.Can I sync my MBA and my iMac (and, like I already am, my iPhone) Mail accounts with each other? The iMac and iPhone sync it great (read/unread/deleted syncs perfectly).
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Apr 21, 2012
I have 2 macs - mac mini and a macbook pro Both audio outputs of the computers are teathered to my speakers with a Y cable. When computer one is playing music to the speakers, I'll be using computer two for work purposes. Should computer two experience an audible alert (instance message, new e-mail message, etc) the music will dim for about 30 seconds. How do I prevent the "dimming" of the music?
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May 21, 2012
There are a lot of forums on this subject, but are specifically about Apple removing Keychain sync with iCloud. I cannot find any solution as to how to do it now they removed this option. Â
I have installed Keychain2Go but it just synced right away to "somewhere". I guess it's their servers. So I am concerned about that as I don't know this company. Â
So is Keychain2Go the only solution to sync Keychains now? I cannot find any other solution. Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 26, 2008
How do I sync the contents of say, the desktop and documents folders between my Mac Pro and Macbook Pro so the same files are always on both? I only want to do this over the local network because these folders are enormous and I need the syncing done fast.
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Aug 13, 2010
I am running SL and Mail 4.3 connecting to GMail (IMAP). I have an iMac and Macbook. Accounts on both are set up the same (as far as I can see) but both display different folders under GMail.
iMac has:
All mail
Sent Mail
Macbook has:
All mail
Id like to get it like the macbook setup where it uses the mac sent icon rather than displaying the sent mail folder and likewise with the trash icon and the bin folder...
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