I have my laptop, macbook pro, and its personalized to my life outside of school. (porn background, dock applications consisting mostly of games and music editors.) so on and so forth. want to start using spaces. have 2 completely different environments. One being my home use, which will have all the games on the dock and porn as my background. but the other space i want to be school ready. possibly have abit of clothes on the girl in the background image, as well as have different, school related apps on the dock. is this possible?
I'm a switcher from PC since March, and I thought I had become fairly proficient with OSX. There is a lot I don't know and never use, but I find my Mac experience to be very positive. Yesterday I discovered that I may have been using the Dock incorrectly. Here's what I did, what happened, and the obvious need for some clarification. I did not want the dock to become too busy with many app icons, so I created a folder for my favorite photo applications; Lightroom, Photoshop Elements, Bridge, and some Canon camera and printing programs. I liked the idea that I could just click on the one folder and it would fan open with all of the related apps. So, I simply dragged apps to the folder, and for months it seemed to work very well.
Yesterday I tried a Panorama feature in Photoshop Elements, and it was grayed out. So, I went to the Adobe PSE Forums and posted a message. A few very knowledgeable people answered, and we tried to troubleshoot the problem. We looked at permissions on the apps, and other stuff. At one point, I clicked on the app from within Finder, and it opened with the feature back where it belonged. I then went to the folder and by accessing there, it was gone. I'm not sure in which order this happened, but I did get a message that the app had been moved from its original location and needed to update itself. When I reported this to the export I was admonished that you can't add an app to a folder, you need to make an alias.
I trashed the folder and tried to redo it, but I recreated the same problem. So, I instead opened the applications from Finder and kept them pinned to the dock. They now work, but they clutter up the Dock. What surprised me was that in the Dock tutorials I saw on the Apple site and the other Dock related stuff I read elsewhere, it seemed as if simply dragging apps to the dock or folders on the dock was the correct procedure. If I did not do it right, what steps would I need to go through to create a folder on the Dock with related apps?
I consider myself pretty savvy and this problem arose when I tried to add my school's email to Mail.app... I took my computer into the Apple store and they were unsuccessful after about an hour of trying.
Now, I've read on Titan Apps (the section on the CSUF school portal) that you have to create a password solely for POP/IMAP access, and I did that, and I made a new Mail account with the new settings and I'm still receiving errors about the password not being right to get new mail.
Is there an application out there that will put the name of current song I'm playing in my menu bar, so I can see what the song is without having to stop what I'm doing bring the iTunes window up and then bring the window I was working in back the the front?It's such a hassle doing that, and some application that does as I described would be great.
So I've installed a few applications here and there that haven't really worked like I wanted them to. I recently installed Parallels and I hated it. I deleted everything I could find but when I search "Parallels" in my finder a bunch of other stuff appears. Is that all related to Parallels, is it okay to delete them all, or not? The only reason it bothers me is because my computer used to shut down literally 5 times faster than it has been since I install Parallels. I think maybe that was the problem and if I delete everything I can find related to Parallels it will shutdown faster.
I'd like to uninstall SIMBL. The only plugin I've ever used is megazoomer, and it doesn't work for 64-bit applications, and I don't want to have to run them in 32-bit mode. I deleted the bundle from /Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins, but aren't there any system-related files that need to be removed as well?
I did an uninstall of Firefox, wanting to just go back and start over, clean. I went into my profile & deleted that (after saving to USB). Now I'm wondering abt getting rid of the icon and how do I check to make sure there is nothing at all on my computer. Isn't that what I want in the event I just want to start over? I love Firefox and just want to get it back on my system, operating properly.
Any idea how iTunes 9 Home Sharing would handle media on a Network Attached Storage Drive? Suppose I change the location of my media to the NAS in iTunes settings and then set up Home Sharing. Then I add a song to one machine the song gets added to the library file the .mp3 gets copied to the NAS. If Home Sharing is on and they all refer to the same location for the media files, how would iTunes on the other machines handle that? Would it just add it to the library files on the other machines and see that .mp3 file is already in the proper location on the NAS drive?
Is there a way that I can hide the "Microsoft User Data" and "RDC Connections" folders that Microsoft 2011 creates. I've tried adding a "." in front of the folder, but it returns an error message that says that folders and files starting with a dot/period are reserved for system files. I then tried using a program called Ghost Sphere which did the job for hiding the folder, but then Microsoft couldn't access the file and just created another...putting me back where I started. So I searched the web for solutions but I couldn't find anything reliable. So my question is, are there any programs or methods that will let me hide a file in the finder but still let it be accessible to the program that created it?
I've been trying to change my docks theme for the past few days but have been unable. I've used Candybar, Dock Library etc. and none of them seem to work. I'm really annoyed because it used to work for me. Any suggestions on how I can remedy this problem?
props to Stuipdboy1000 on the heads up under Quick Links you can see iWork '11
Quote: Originally Posted by Stuipdboy1000
It's an official photo from the App Store page on Apple's website, not from the store itself. seems like Apple might have an iWork 11 release soon Apple edited the picture on the website to take out the '11 but it was there earlier
I WoW on a private server, and with the increased population, I have to wait in a queue for about 2 1/2-3 hours before I can actually play the game.
So I was just wondering: Would it be possible to Schedule my computer to turn on at 1:30pm, boot up world of warcraft, log me in, and click on the server that im active in?
I can currently connect to the school network from my home computer and access all my school files to work with. I was wondering wether it is in any way possible to connect to my home computer to get to my files from school?
I am writing this from a Panera Bread, as my school's internet won't work on my MacBook since a fresh install of SL.There isn't much to say, except I cleared out all my old Airport profiles, and my old networks. My school will let me connect for about 5 minutes, then it kicks me off (I see the exclamation point over the Airport icon in the menubar). I checked a friends MB without SL, and she is connecting no problem.My school's network was never protected according to Airport (never saw the padlock), but whenever I would go to connect it would ask for my username and password.
I need to find a way to get into the admin account on my school laptop. The way I did it last was reset the PRAM and get into safemode to delete a startup file so I could make another admin account and change passwords that way. But I'm pretty sure the IT people at my school did something weird to these things. When you take the battery and L-bracket out and remove a stick of RAM and all that and hold down option+command+P+R to reset the parameter RAM, it doesn't even restart or ding. I've done this many many times last year so there's no chance I'm doing wrong. It's not just my computer that won't boot into safemode either. I'm cool with using discs, but I don't know if I'd need an admin password to use them.
I'm in medical school and I can watch videos of my lectures online when I am on campus ONLY (I suppose it only allows certain IPs on the site.) This proves to be very frustrating because I have to commute an hour to campus just to watch the videos. I was wondering if there was a way to just simply go to campus and download the videos. (FYI I'm not sure if this is helpful but I have I just got the brand new macbook, I have quicktime pro but I could only get the video (no audio). to get audio I had to download windows media player. I had flip4mac and that would only give me video only as well, no audio. I've been told that only WMP will work by multiple people. I have XP under bootcamp if that is at all helpful. But once again I would just like to simply download the videos so that I no longer have to come to campus to get them.
I'm having a little frustration with the wireless in my school. Every time I try to connect to "CPSWIRELESS", on my G4, it says it's connected, even if it automatically gives me an (inaccurate) random IP address. I've typed in all the IP address numbers & stuff (I've found one of the DELLs working with wireless) in system preferences, and the pasword to unlock it, and it will not get on. I even have a Full AirPort signal. I didn't just use the exact same IP address from the PC; I've changed the digits after the last decimal after that. Didn't work either.
I accidentally opened a virus folder off of my flashdrive from the school computer. I dragged the folder and .exe file to the trash bin and deleted them. I forgot what it is called but it put a restore folder in the flash drive. I was never given the prompt to put my password in to install anything (I wouldn't have if I was.)
I have a great offer from someone who bought a brand new MacBook Pro 13" this year. They have used it only a couple of times. They're selling it for $975 with Microsoft Office installed. 4GB Ram, 500 GB Hard Drive, 2.4 ghz, etc. Since I'm buying this Macbook Pro for grad school, I figure I'm still getting about a $200 discount, but I know apple usually gives a back to school discount of some sort - like a $100 gift card, or iPod touch, etc. Does anyone know the back to school rewards this year? What should I do? Buy the macbook pro from this guy or buy it from apple?
Yes I know that is a tall order, but is there a backpack out there which looks nice, accommodates the macbook pro 15" and also a fair amount of room for school books?
I bought a 13" MBP for $1099 along with the iPod Touch 8GB and Canon printer. I am having second thoughts about my purchase and would just prefer the Air for basic college needs and, of course, portability. If I do return/exchange at the apple store, can I do this by just exchanging my MBP for a MBA without my free iPod and printer promo being taken away? I have already given the iPod as a gift, but still have the printer on me. Also, I am heavily considering just getting a refurb off Apple.com but I think that will just make the process harder with the free iPod and printer.
Lol I've never had any tech problems with my Macs, and today at school I used a Windows box. The whole class had to use them (the reason why is not important). Anyway, for the whole hour and a half I didn't do anything because the ****** Winbox failed on me... Even the ICT teacher at the school didn't have a clue... Lol then she said that I'd be better when the school gets Macs
I am currently enrolled in a Korean university where Macs are an absolute requirement. I have bought a Macbook Pro 13" for this purpose, as they wipe the hard drive and reinstall the OS along with some other course software. I was wondering what other software the school might install to monitor what happens on this computer, as I find it very suspicious that the hard drive has to be wiped. After the school finishes this process, this computer can directly log into the school server, as well as print to network printers. They have installed iWork 2009 and some other course related software. In addition to this, the default Snow Leopard OS has been replaced by the regular 10.5 Leopard OS. I have become rather suspicious of snooping software, as none of the visibly installed software/features seem to require the usage of the older operating system. The bottom line: What other monitoring software might the school have installed, and is it safe to UPGRADE to Snow Leopard?
im going into high school after this summer, and i'm going into a special program which only has about 100 students, but my county has the worst funding in the state, so i'm not sure how good it is.now for getting into this program/getting me to do it, my dad is giving me 2000$.now i need to decide what computer i want, and i'd like to keep the entire cost of the computer under 1500 1600 at the max so i can buy some other new things like a bigger desk, a usb hub, etc. i currently have a dell xps m1330 1.8ghz intel centrino duo vista buissness 32-bit 2gb ram 120gb hd 2 usb ports, vga out, hdmi out, ethernet, 1394 firewire, and a cd drivei also have a dell mini 10 running windows xp.
So I been trying for awhile to get my school email to work with the mac mail client and finally got it to recieve but it won't send.How do I change smtp to pop for outgoing mail?
I Am using my phone to post this because my computer won't connect to the internet. I am at school and to access the internet you have to connect and then open a browser to accept terms. With my phone the login auto pops up when I connect and same with my iPad but my new MacBook Pro retina doesn't pop anything up and when I go to the browser and try to get the login page to show up all I he is network error. Wifi symbol shows and ! With an alert no internet connection. Tried running diagnostics and that did nothing. Restarted to no avail.
If you order a macbook pro, will you be able to get the new iPod touch or the old one?I tried making an order and it looks like it links to the old one, I just wanted to know if anybody is in the same boat as me.