OS X :: Possible To Resize The OSX Partition To Make It Bigger?
Mar 18, 2008
I have a MBP 2.4 SR and windows XP 32bit is installed on Boot Camp... I would like to know if it's possible to resize the OSX partition to make it bigger... Or do I have to uninstall windows and install it again...? Because I really need the space...
Btw, is there a program that can tell me what optional leopard software (printer drivers etc.) are installed?
All I want to do is simply shrink the size of my HFS+ partition and make my NTFS partition bigger. I tried CampTune but it doesn't detect my hard drive (common problem). I'm going to try iPartition soon. In Windows, resizing partitions was a snap. Doesn't seem to be that easy in OS X for some reason.
I was gonna try Disk Utility but it says that it may make my Boot Camp partition unbootable. I don't really want to take a chance. I just made my HFS+ partition smaller in boot camp, but it won't let me touch my NTFS partition. I'm thinking about going into Windows 7 and using Disk Management to extend the NTFS partition.
I made my windows partition too small. I use it mainly for games and didn't fully realize the size of games these days. I decided to use a 500gb hd that regrettably is USB. I kept windows on my mac but moved steam and all the games onto the hd. Now everything is slow to load (naturally) and it just isn't a great experience. What would I need to do to backup windows onto the hd, delete my partition, make a new bigger partition, then restore onto my mac?
I bought a macbook pro off ebay it's a 15in model # A1211 and I just put a new hard drive in it. The hard drive is a seagate 500gb 7200rpm. The real question I have is that I cloned my hard drive but in disk utility I cant just move my hard drive down extend my space to fill in the empty space for my mac partition. Also my hard drive is dual boot via bootcamp with windows 7.
I recently bought my mother a Macbook. It was a store display one but she had no problems with that. Anyways when we first boot it up I noticed that on the desktop there is a Time Machine disk. So I openMacintosh HD that there is only 17 gbs free out of 33 gb, so I check System Profiler to see if there is a smaller hd in there but the it says that the hd is 150 gb.
So I'm wondering how to delete the time machine partition and resize the Macintosh HD partition so I can give her the most space she can get.
So I guess when I first set up my Drobo I set it up with a 2TB limit per partition. Now I want to add more drives but maintain one bigger partition and not have to start a new one.Has anyone done this yet and would you be willing to tell me how? I basically want to reformat my Drobo so I can set my limit to 8 or 16 TB limit.Right now my drobo is showing up as two separate 2TB partitions.
I can barely see anything from my chair and couch, and I even have to use the second best solution. With the best solution it just gets too small, so I cant see anything. Is there any way to make everything a little bigger?
Im creating a Pyramid graph. Im using Microsoft word for macs. I can't seem to enlarge my final product to fit page size. adding a second smart graph (circular arrows). I need the pyramid to be the background and insert the arrows within the pyramid without interfering with the text.
I�m trying to help my mum set up her imac and she has asked me to help make the text bigger on the screen. I�ve shown her how to zoom on word/safari/etc, however ideally I want to make all the text on the computer bigger - eg. menus at top of screen, finder text, etc...
The first thing I tried was adjusting the display resolution from 1920x1080 to 1600x900 or 1280x720, but this seemed to make the screen blurry.
Does anyone know if there is any other way that I can help make the text bigger for all system elements?
In Leopard the Finder sidebar text was always too small. Is there a way to control the font size in Snow Leopard, maybe through the Terminal if anyone knows? Apple made everything else resizable in the new Finder but I can't figure out the sidebar text.
I have a 24" iMac and when my mom opens up Pages she can see the icons for Inspector and Fonts and everything just fine but she can't see jack ***** on the toolbar below that - the one with the font, justification, etc. options. I can make the Fonts and Inspector icons even bigger but can't do anything with the toolbar below that. Why? And why can't I find anything at all in Settings or on the Apple site about doing that? My mom isn't even a senior - no clue how anyone over 60 could see anything.
I can change the resolution of the whole screen but that's a pretty clunky solution.
All the tool bars are ways too small. It's painful to read. I know there're ways to work around this problem such as decreasing the screen resolution, or use the Zoom feature. These are only workaround solutions because decreasing screen resolution makes pictures look less sharp, and the Zoom feature is not that fun to have all the times on your screen. It looks like Apple should come up with a permanent fix, as it is clearly not acceptable fix. Hopefully some Genius will come up with an App that offers a better resolution.
I currently have 3 partitions - 50GB OS X (HFS+); 70GB Vista (NTFS); and the rest is in Data (HFS+). I want to shrink Vista's partition by 20GB and add that space to my Data drive. However, OS X can't seem to touch Vista's partition; and when I try to shrink Vista's partition within Vista, it puts the space after Vista's drive (but I need it before Vista's partition).
I'm in Disk Utility and I can see that the Leopard partition takes up about half of the total disk space. There is nothing else on the disk, the partition just isn't that big. I wanted to expand the partition to fill up the whole disk but I get an error that the partition map is too small or something.
i had my hard drive partitioned in 2 partitions: my lion one and my bootcamp one like this:but as I started installing things in my bootcamp partition i realized i needed more space, so i tried to resize my macintosh hd to a smaller size to enlarge my bootcamp partition, but after i did that and realized I couldn't resize my bootcamp partition with disk utility so i though "well ill just resize my macintosh hd back and that will be it, like i did several times before" but the thing is that disk utility wont let me do so, so now it looks like this:
I have 32gb of unused space i have tried with different things. I have tried with the debug option in the disk utility by tipping "defaults write com.apple.DiskUtility DUDebugMenuEnabled 1" into terminal and mounting my recovery HD and resizing my macintosh hd but it didnt work I have IPartition 3.4.0 in Lion but i cant get it to work because my partitions are from where sytem boots.
ive tried making a start up pendrive but it's a literally never ending process and I also tried making a start up dvd with the 3 different options: when i hit the download template half way to finishing the download says an error has occured and tells me to try again, so i tried with instalation media but it keeps serching and serching without finding the templates. and when i hit the "use existing templates this happens:
i have restarted my mac but the problem remains. i dont know why this is happening because i have had up to 3 partitions with 3 different OS X running perfectly and when I erased the 2 OS X i didnt wanted I could resize my lion partition without any problem. so what I would like to do is in first instance to resize my bootcamp partition and make it bigger cause I need to install more stuff. i have seen many posts in which the say to run the Recovery HD on the free space left but my partition is smaller than my lion one so i guess i wont be able to do that?
summing it up:
1) i would like to make my bootcamp partition bigger, in case of that no being possible i would like to
2) make my Lion partition (macintosh hd) bigger filling those 32 gb of free space?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
My MacBook Air runs OS X 10.9.3. The HD storage is 256GB. I created windows 7 partition (150GB) by BootCamp when first use. So for OS X, there is 100GB left.Today I add a new partition of 30GB size from Macintosh HD to test installing OS X 10.10 Yosemite DP. The installation was successful, but the new look of OS, including Dock, Font, et al, is awful. I am disappointed and then erase the test partition in 10.9.3.
Naturally I wanted the 30GB back to 10.9.3, and used Disk Utility to resize the Macintosh HD back to 100GB.However, it simply doesn't work, the size of HD remains 70GB, no error message showed. I am sure I followed the support doument to resize partition.
i have a 13 inch macbook pro, and i want to set the screen size bigger than 1280 * 800, to maybe 1600 * 1200 or something. obviously i cant fit more than 1280 * 800 pixels in the 13 inch MBP screen, but I want it to function as kind of a 'cropped' screen - so i'd have to move my trackpad around the corners of the screen to see more of the desktop. i know it will look like crap and be a bit cumbersome, but i don't really care about that. is there any way to do this?
by the way, i don't NEED the ability to use my trackpad to move around the screen. i don't plan on using my MBP like this permanently, this is just for experimental purposes.
With Character Viewer open, the "Pictographs" and the "Emoji" characters appear too small to see their details on my 13" MacBook Pro. Is there a way to make them look bigger so I can see their differences better without having to click on each one?
Originally I had 2 partitions on the internal 500gb hd in my MBP, one was 455gb the other was 10gb that I used to mess around on. I do not remember what format the small partition was in last, it may have been FAT32. I wanted to delete the small partition and consolidate into one partition. My OSX partition is formatted macos extended. I went to Disk Utility and deleted the small partition by selecting it and clicking "-." There was grey space where the partition used to be. No problems here. Most of the options in Disk Utility are greyed-out.
I cannot select a different partition scheme. When I try to resize the partition either by dragging it to cover the grey space or by manually typing in a larger size, there is no way to apply the changes. The "Apply" button is continually greyed-out (See Image). If I try to resize the partition and then close the window, Disk Utility alerts me that I have an operation in progress and that unsaved changes will be lost. Disk Utility is not letting me resize my main OSX Partition, it appears that I do not have appropriate permissions to make this change - I am the only user/admin of this machine.