OS X :: How To Use 24 Inch IMac As Target Screen

Apr 16, 2010

Does anyone know if it's possible to use a 24 inch iMac as a Target Screen? I know it's possible for 27 so there must be a hack or terminal command line that I can enter to achieve this.

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MacBook Pro :: 13" Target Display To IMac - Black Screen?

Apr 26, 2012

I have a MacBook Pro (13'', Early 2011) & iMac (21.5", Mid 2011) using a Thunderbolt Cable to Target Display. Everything was working find and I could Command F2 to Target Display as expected.However, about a week about this stopped working. Now when I try to Target Display the iMac goes to a Black screen (like it's switching to Target Display) and the MacBook Pro does nothing. The iMac will be at the Black screen until I Command F2 again (or disconnect the Thunderbolt Cable), then the iMac goes back to the normal display. I have tried another Thunderbolt cable with no luck. I have perform all software updates on both machines (now both running 10.7.3) and fixed Disk Permissions. I have also found that restarting my MacBook Pro allows this to function as excepected (Command F2, Blue Flashing Screen, Target Display on the iMac). However, this is not an ideal situation since having to restart my computer is time consuming.  

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IMac :: How To Use 21.5" As Larger Screen Via Target Disk Mode In OS X 10.5.8 Works

Dec 14, 2009

I'm traveling at the moment with my MBP 17". Arrived at my friends place who has a base iMac 21.5". Since I prefer to use the slightly larger screen to work off (even though my 17 MBP has more pixel density). So startup the iMac via TDM on my 17 MBP and to my surprise it works! - as my MBP only has leopard 10.5.8. I would have thought these iMacs would not run unless you have SL 10.6 loaded. It worked the 1st time, but crashed (grey vertical shade of death) twice after. On the 4th time it worked again. So that was weird (the inconsistency). Maybe 10.5.8 is NOT meant to be compatible with the new iMac's?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: 27 Inch IMac Screen Shuts Off During Screen Saver

Apr 26, 2012

My 27inch iMac screen shuts off during screen saver and does not come back on unless restart machine?

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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IMac :: How To Use 27 Inch Screen With PS3 / X360

Oct 20, 2009

Apparently there might be a way to convert the HDMI to a miniDV display.

Is this really possible?

Has anybody really achieved it?

What kind of cable/adapter do you need to buy?

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IMac :: Getting Screen Flickering On New 27 Inch ?

Nov 16, 2009

Supposedly this was fixed with 10.6.2

Anyone else still experiencing this?

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IMac :: New 21.5 Inch ... Getting Random Black Screen

Sep 24, 2010

The screen randomly turns black without any major reasons. It doesn't seem to be a sleep mode/screen saver thing as the music continues to play on. I can adjust the volume or pause the music with the keyboard but the screen just won't turn back on. I have to shut it down using the power button and it happened several time the last couple days. Anyone else experience the same thing and got a solution?

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PowerPC :: Screen Repair - 20 Inch Imac G5?

May 21, 2009

My lovely cat recently decided to walk around my desk while I was at work and knocked over my Imac, causing a large crack in the glass and the screen. I'm not technically capable enough to do the install of the screen/glass myself, but I was wondering what I should expect a repair from an Apple certified technician to run.

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IMac :: 27-inch - Dust Under The Screen - How To Clean

Jul 17, 2010

A few months ago, i noticed what looked like a streak across the screen, but it wasnt on the outside, it was on the under side of the glass. Now, the streak is very visible esp in natural lighting. Its not noticable at night, because the screen light shines through it making it invisible.

It looks like dust? But im not 100% sure, but it has a directional pattern which leads me to believe its being causes by the inner fans of the system, and that there are some gaps where the air flow is constant. Also, the streak is in the upper left hand corner mostly (no where on the bottom poritions). Im assuming that the place holder at the top-backside of the iMac, for the exhaust fans to expell the heat from within, is what is causing this air flow.

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IMac (Intel) :: 27 Inch - Screen Randomly Goes Off?

Jun 2, 2014

I have a 27" iMac. Just recently, the screen has begun to randomly shut off. I then have to squeeze the power button, followed by a click of the mouse. This will bring me back to my password screen. Sometimes, that would be it, other times, it will do it repeatedly, for no reason, and then settle down. 

Just for those of you who are bound to ask me about my Energy saving settings: Computer to sleep – Never. Display to sleep – 15 min. 

It seems to me that this could be a hardware issue, but just incase any of you have had any experience of something similar, I thought I would ask. 

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), 27: iMac 2.7GHz Core i5

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IMac :: Have An Inch Wide White Stripe On My Screen?

Jun 11, 2008

I have an inch wide white stripe that runs from the top to the bottom of my screen. This is on an Imac. The cursor disappears when going through it but pops out on the other side. It doesn't move but I can drag my window back and forth to view the part the stripe covers.

Any ideas or should I locate a local mac repair person?

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Turn Off IChat On IMac 21.5 Inch Screen

Aug 31, 2014

How do I turn off Ichat on my IMac 21.5 inch screen?  Whenever I turn on the computer, the ichat screen just pops open all of a sudden? 

iMac, Mac OS X 19.9 Mavericks

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IMac :: The New 27-inch IMac Uses Up To 365W Versus 280W For The Old 24-inch!

Oct 20, 2009

The new 27-inch iMac uses up to 365W vs 280W for the old 24-inch! (going by Apple's published max. power consumption numbers. I doubt they would lie because it isn't exactly favourable for them to put in falsely high numbers in an environmental report).

That means there's some extra beef behind the extra components. Perhaps the ATI 4670 is a bit overclocked and the 4850 runs a bit faster than the old iMacs? Admittedly that 2.8 GHz i7 is going to suck a fair bit of power - the recent 2.8 GHz i7 860 model runs at a 95W TDP, however, the quad core iMac isn't available until November. So it won't be using the i7 860, and my guess it is using another custom processor, something a bit more power efficient, somewhere in between the 55W TDP of the old iMacs and the 95W TDP of the i7 860.

The difference between the power consumption of the two computers is 85W. The old iMac had a 24-watt digital amplifier, this new one has two 17-watt amplifiers. That brings the delta down to 75W. Say the iMac's i7 processor has an 80W TDP. That now brings the delta down to 50W. The new display likely wouldn't increase power consumption because of the LED backlight.

I'm not sure if I'm missing much (OK, two extra RAM chips may use another few watts), but there is still a fairly massive 50W unaccounted for.

Just a bit of fat to chew on

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Hardware :: Panel Used In Apples 24 Inch Cinema Display Is The Same As The 24 Inch IMac?

Sep 12, 2009

Does anyone know if the panel used in Apples 24 inch Cinema display is the same as the 24 inch iMac?

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IMac :: Base I3 27 Inch Or A Refurbished I5 Quad Core 27 Inch

Jul 29, 2010

Hello everyone, I'm currently looking to buy a 27 inch imac and can't decide whether to get a base i3 27 inch or a refurbished i5 quad core 27 inch. With the i3 I can get the student discount and qualify for the ipod, but the i5 is 23% off right now. Which should I get? Also is there a benefit of getting a 5 series graphics card over a 4 series graphics card?

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IMac :: 21.5 Inch Versus 27 Inch

Nov 18, 2010

I got a MacBook Pro back in April, my first Mac.

I love it so much. I'm really into video editing and HD video, but the problem is that my MBP is running out of harddrive space, and I'm longing for a bigger display and a better processor. (I have the 13" C2D). I'm going to pick up an iMac this Spring. But I wanted to know if I should stick to the Core i3 21.5, or spend more and go for the 27 inch.

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Power Mac :: Used Target Disk Now G4 Only Starts In Target Firewire Mode?

Apr 27, 2012

How do I get the G4 to not start up in Target Disk Mode?


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IMac :: 27 Inch IMac Display Versus 27 Inch Cinema Display?

Jul 27, 2010

Is the new 27 inch cinema display any different the the displays on the 27 inch iMac??

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Laptops :: IBook G4 Black Screen Except For When In Target Mode

Sep 11, 2010

1st time posting to this forum. My iBook G4's (1.2 Ghz) screen flashes grey/white for a brief second upon startup and then remains black. No ghosting at all... simply black screen though computer is running fine. Later, I decided to connect it to my desktop Mac and restart it in Target mode, and was surprised to see the standard blue screen with moving Firewire logo screensaver on my iBook's screen - no different than anytime before when I've booted in Target Mode.

I ran Diskwarrior on my iBook's HD from my Mac desktop and all was clean so not a HD problem. Btw, I used SuperDuper to copy my iBook's HD to Disk Image for backup.

With some semi-calculated guessing on my part, I had come to the conclusion - prior to seeing the Target Mode screensaver on my laptop's screen - that the LCD screen had gone bad. As a result of what may have been flawed reasoning on my part, I purchased a used replacement screen off eBay from a reputable seller. I will be getting that replacement screen in a few days (including working inverter board).

My question here is can the LCD screen actually be bad and need replacing IF the Target Mode screensaver works beautifully on it? And the follow-up question is if it's not a bad LCD screen, what might the more likely problem be? It doesn't seem like it would be a backlight problem because moving yellow/orange Firewire logo of the screensaver looks fine.

A couple of things probably worth noting here:

Earlier before first experiencing my black screen issue, the power cord was accidentally jerked by a passing foot when laptop was on floor. It was enough of a jerking motion to move the laptop's position on the carpet but I didn't think it was that bad at the time... now wondering if something may have been pulled loose inside.

As those familiar with the iBook will know, the power connector light is orange when computer is turned off and it's also orange when laptop is in Target Mode (with the screen seeming to work correctly). However, when not in Target Mode and turned on with screen black, the power connector light is green as it normally would be. Is it possible the screen is powered via Firewire port when in Target Mode and therefore bypassing some screen power situation via the power connector? Obviously the power connector must be working if i'm able to power up the iBook without the battery installed.

Now for the other bit of info which seems important to me and I'm embarrassed to even admit to here.. Just prior to experiencing my black screen problem, i was plugging my power connector into an electrical outlet near where I was going to use my iBook... In the past, I have always done that PRIOR to plugging the power cord into my iBook. Regrettably, that time I already had the power connector plugged into my iBook. While attempting to plug the connector into the electrical outlet, the prongs did not easily slide into the outlet and I heard some popping sounds which didn't seem too bad at the time. But it was immediately after that when my iBook's screen failed to start up.

Thanking anyone in advance who may be able to offer up some expertise regarding my situation. Also I should say that I am running OS 10.5.8 on my iBook. I realize the easiest thing for me to do to get this matter resolved would be to simply take the unit into a local service center for repair... but the value of the iBook at this point wouldn't be worth spending a large sum of money for repairs I likely can do on my on. Over the years, I've learned how to follow direction pretty well when it comes to replacing defective items inside my desktop computers, so I'm not terrified of doing same with my iBook.

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Went Black And Also Not Showing Up In Target Mode

Sep 9, 2014

My screen went black after sleep and now I can't do anything anymore. I restarted a few times, tried to start from backup (USB) and also to mount in target mode via another computer, but nothing is working. I first thought the graphics card had gone, but that doesn't seem to be the case now as it's not showing via firewire. The computer is on as I can hear the drive spinning. it woul 

Nothing particular happened beforehand. It worked fine, although a bit sluggish earlier. I do maintenance quite regularly and it has been fine, except that the battery needs replacing. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5)

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IMac :: 27 Inch 3.06 Core 2 Duo Model Versus The 27 Inch 3.2 Ghz I3 Model?

Jul 29, 2010

I am trying to decide which of these two 27 inch imacs I should buy:

27 inch 3.06 core 2 duo model

27 inch 3.2 I3 model

Is the 27 inch 3.2 ghz I3 model a better value in terms of increased computer and graphics performance and is it better to get the 2nd generation model because of prior issues (i.e. yellow tinge)?

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MacBook :: Open It In Target Mode But Freezes At Startup Screen?

May 20, 2012

I recently had to replace my old mackbook with a mackbook pro. I need to recover some data from the old macbook but target mode isn't working. It keeps freezing at the apple start up (grey) screen.


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IMac :: Unable To Use Target Display Mode

Dec 16, 2009

So I have a Mac mini set up with Windows 7 only and then I have that connected to a 27" iMac with the miniDP cable.

At first, during installation, I have no issues; Windows is installed and drivers are done... reboot.

I start seeing artifacts, especially in dark areas (little sparkling pixels of colors--kind of like white noise except it's not everywhere and this is in color), also every few seconds the screen would flicker, and occasionally the screen would change to where the bottom of the be on top (hard to explain, but imagine a movie where the frame isn't centered and you can see the bottom of the previous frame and the top of the current one).

I figured it was an issue with the iMac, so I switched back to the iMac and there are no issues. I switch back to the Mac mini and screen is still messed up.

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IMac PPC :: Installing OS 10.4 From DVD In Target Disk Mode?

Apr 14, 2012

I have a iMac PPC and a iMac intel. Can I install OS 10.4 from a DVD in the intel iMac running Snow Leopard to the iMac PPC in target disk mode?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), PPC G5

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IMac :: Target Display Mode Not Functioning With AV360

Oct 23, 2010

I use a Belkin AV360 so I can play my Xbox 360 on my new 27" iMac using target display mode. it has been working flawlessly since I got the AV360 until today where I haven't been able to get target display mode to work.

I've checked it is not the Xbox 360 being the problem tested it on my housemates TV. am also pretty sure it's not the Belkin AV360 itself because in system profiler under USB devices it says the "AV360 miniDP Converter" is pluged in and say same in Windows 7 bootcamp under device manager. I also tried my laptop which has a HDMI out on it.

my laptop says there is a "Belkin dongle" plugged in, I set the laptop to use the Belkin dongle at a external display and still I can't get target display mode to work.

Normally when I turn my Xbox on it automatically goes into target display mode or I can press cmd + F2 so to switch between iMac and Xbox. I have also tested my housemates Xbox in my setup and still the same problem.

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IMac :: How To Use 27" Target Display Mode Connection

Dec 27, 2010

I am thinking about using my iMac as an external display for my Dell Laptop listed in my sig. Most of the time at home I can work on my iMac, but occasionally I use windows, and I have the dell for that. According to Apple:

"On the 27-inch iMac, the same port offers input, too. So you can connect any external source that has DisplayPort output � including a MacBook or MacBook Pro � and use your iMac as a display."

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IMac :: 27" Target Display Mode - More Info?

Oct 21, 2009

I just saw this new thing TDM, and I'm really interested, meaning I can hook up my MacBook to it and all sorts of other stuff. I've been trying to find more info on apple's site and google but there's nothing much mentioned.

Can anyone tell me what kind of cable is required? Will it eventually need like 10 adapter heads?

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IMac :: FYI 21.5" Does NOT Support Target Display Mode

Nov 8, 2009

Only the 27" iMac supports this feature. I'm seeing a lot of incorrect info thrown around the forums.

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IMac :: Target Disk Mode Gone Bad, Imp Data Erased?

Mar 17, 2010

I just attempted to transfer my files from my old powerbook G4 15" to my iMac 20" using Target disk mode. First I tried to use a firewire cable but it didn't work, I think I was using a 400-400 instead of a 800-400. So I used the option to connect to two computers over a shared internet connection using a password. I thought It would automatically transfer my photos and other files but it just transferred these weird extensions for applications and I don't recognize any of it. To make it worse, I tried to open photoshop on my iMac and now its asking for a password! None of the photoshop series would open, it's asking for a serial number. I had photoshop installed before and the guy doesn't live in my state who installed it for me and I don't have any of the original disks. I know Dell does system restore but Macs work differently. I wish I could undo this whole mess, I need photoshop!!

I dont have the original OS disk either, ughh I should have just splurged on a portable hard drive.

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PowerPC :: IMac G4 Won't Boot Into Target Disk Mode?

May 12, 2010

I just bought an 800 MHz iMac G4 , and whenever I try to boot into target disk mode it shuts itself down. I am connecting to an intel iMac, and the g4 has no OS installed on it (I am trying to install tiger using my dvd install dvd, the one with the black background and grey x which the G4 won't read). Does anyone know what could be causing this issue? I've already tried reseting the PMU and PRAM.

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