OS X :: How To Copy Data Using Diskwarrior?
Sep 1, 2010
An HFSJ mac HD crashed from another mac. I connected it externally, via USB, to a working macbook pro and installed diskwarrior on the working macbook pro's hard drive.
I started diskwarrior from the OS (I didn't boot using the disc) and it ran for a few days, trying to rebuild the directory for the crashed mac HD.
It concluded that the crashed mac HD was mechanically failing and could not replace the original directory with the rebuilt directory and, therefore, it could not display an original and preview pane, side-by-side.
It was, however, able to offer just the preview of the rebuilt directory and advised that I copy the data off to another storage device, which I am attempting to do now.
The problem is the preview directory is locked and read-only.
When I attempt to copy files over to another storage device, OS X, with respect to the preview directory, indicates that "The operation cannot be completed because you do not have sufficient privileges for some of the items.
I clicked on get info for the preview directory and the permissions are grayed out. There is a checkmark for the "Ignore ownership of this volume" checkbox. For my username, it says read and write, and I am the sole user on this machine.
it also has "staff" and "everyone" as usernames, where "staff" is read & write and "everyone" is read only. The lock is locked and, like the rest of this section, grayed out and cannot be changed.
I realize that DiskWarrior automatically locks the preview of the rebuilt directory. But how am I supposed to copy files to a different storage device if I can't change permissions?
Edit: I should mention it is DiskWarrior 4.2 and Mac OS X 10.5.8. The crashed Mac HD I am unsure, but I found a user guide on it for Tiger. So, it is probably 10.4.x
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Apr 15, 2012
I Am Unable To Copy The Data FRom My Mac To External HDD ??
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 24, 2012
I backup my photography on a WD My Passport. I have only used PC's with this in the past, I am now trying to back up some more files and it won't let me copy them to the drive. The permissions say that I have read only access on my Mac. I have read some threads, and they all say that I have format the hard drive to change the permissions and that I will not be able to copy over files bigger than 4G. I have RAW files that can get quite large so limiting the size is an option.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 25, 2008
Probably a stupid question but I can't figure this out as it is not covered in the User's Guide or in the FAQs on the Fantom website. I have an PowerMac G4 with an old Fantom 120GB external drive which is nearly full. I have purchased a Fantom Drive High Speed USB 2.0 (750GB.) How do I transfer data from my old Fantom to the new one?
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Aug 17, 2009
Macbook pro 13' running 10.5.8 has intermittent issues with usb 2.0 mass storage drives but not jump drives. Here is the issue, my gf just got a brand new mac book pro 13'. This is great for her no more asking to use my unibody macbook. She plugs in the drive I have used for a very long time with my mac my pac etc. with not a hint of issue. The drive shows up copy's stuff off ok. However when it came time to return the data back to the drive it gets about 10% through and just hangs. Here is what I have done. I first thought ok might need a reboot. Then I went with the ok I will check her disk for issues. This is a 3 day old mac book by the way. I found random permissions errors with quick time which has never been run. After the fix the issue goes away for that boot.
The issues seems to come back after a re-boot or so. I go ok enough of this I format the mac with the system disk, then I update to the latest updates from apple. Plug in the drive and still having issues. Run the permissions repair same issues exactly format to format. I have also run the deep test off the system disk the machine checks out through that so I have ruled out ram on her system as a possible culprit. I am at a loss on this machine. I have gone so far as to format the external drive replace the data from my network server and try that. Still no luck. On my box there is no issue it time machines great it copy's data like a usb 2.0 drive should.
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Sep 27, 2010
I have experienced a main 320GB hard drive failure in my 24" iMac - which isn't as bad as it sounds as 1) I was considering an upgrade anytime soon anyway, and 2) I have a fairly recent backup. I am taking it to mac repairs tomorrow in Manchester so they can replace it with a 1TB drive - however, I want the original hard drive back on which I am planning to take the most recent data off it that wasn't backed up - so was hoping to shove the damaged SATA drive into an existing USB enclosure, plug it into my new iMac, fix any damaged areas on the drive, then restore what data I need (if retrievable)
But, a colleague has told me tonight, that I can only do that if the enclosure has a Firewire connection - I won't be able to achieve it with a USB connection - can't see why, but can anyone confirm if that is correct? - he seems to think it's something to do with how Disk Utility reads from a drive, the security on the drive, and the file structure but he wasn't sure!
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May 26, 2010
I've got Win7 pro and XP Pro as virtual machines. No bootcamp. I'd love to copy certain chunks of large data straight across when both virtual machines are running but don't see a way to do it without using a USB drive, etc.
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Feb 26, 2012
Any NTFC free drivers fo mac.? want to copy data from Mac to windows/External diskÂ
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 25, 2012
I have a white screen of death and I have tried to alt, cmd, p, r and unplug peripherals and the IMac and plug them back in etc. I did get it to boot from disc and was trying to create an image of my system but it can not copy it it has an input/output error. I tried to click on burn and the hard drive is not available. It is not mounted and will not mount. It will not verify or repair either. Is there a way to copy any of my data off the hard drive to an external drive?
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Feb 15, 2011
i need to copy data from MAc to my external hard disk, con'n can copy but iam administrator on the computer
Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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Nov 22, 2010
I've been using DiskWarrior for several years to optimize my hard drive and perform some hard drive maintenance.
It doesn't seem like it's been updated recently (ver. 4.2), so I'm beginning to wonder if the program has outlived its usefulness. Is there something else now that is better?
I use OS 10.6.5 on an iMac (mid 2007).
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Mar 29, 2009
Is there a way I can use disk warrior on my imac internal HD?
It tells me that I cannot due to it being the OS HD..
or perhaps, can someone recommend an other way to breathe some new life in my computer? (24" white imac) I notice it moves a bit slowly wen opening and closing applications..
including simple ones like firefox or safari. I've alreayd maxed out the ram at 3gb.
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Sep 24, 2010
is it normal when booting from disc to use diskwarrior to see the spinning loading circle thing and then the do not enter sign on mac pro?
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Jan 3, 2010
my intel mac OS X internal HDD crashed. (disk utility cannot mount hd, hdd grayed out) so i bought disk warrior online.
I'm currently running my OSX from an USB external HD. Install Diskwarrior in the external HD.
DW found my HD, click "rebuild" ...so far so good.
however, after running DW for about 10 mins, my computer goes to sleep. ever since then, I can't wake my computer to view the status of diskwarrior.
I hope DW is doing its thing but my external HD doesn't even blink. (i can hear the MAC is running?)
it's been 1 day now and still no sign of recovery??
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Nov 24, 2009
Can anyone tell me about their experiences with this app and recovering info from a filevault protected failing hard drive.
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May 10, 2010
I got this error from Diskwarrior and am wondering what the deal is?
Here are the details:
My 80GB hard drive crashed and burned on my Macbook Pro Dual 1.83 running 10.5.8. I used Carbon Copy Cloner to clone the drive before it went totally kaput and then cloned it back onto a new drive that I installed into the MBP.
Upon running Diskwarrior 3.3 on the new clone in the MBP to look at permissions, I got error -9997. Do you know what that error indicates?
Googling it tells me that, if you get that error in 10.3 or 10.4 via Disk Utility (not DW) then you are missing a basesystem.pkg file. See:
Looking back on the original clone, this file doesn't exist where the KB thread says it should so I'm assuming 10.5.8 doesn't use the same file in the same place.
I ran disk utility on the drive to look at permissions and other than a few corrected permissions, it didn't say there were any other errors.
So, which do I trus, disk utility or DW? Is this just a disconnect between the old DW 3.3 and 10.5.8 (I mean the old DW not reading 10.5 correctly for some reason) ?
Or do I need to do a clean install from the systems disk (something I really don't want to do if possible)?
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Mar 26, 2009
would anyone have any suggestion what to do? I am running DiskWarrior for the last two years.
Now I upgraded to 10.5.6 and run the latest version of DiskWarrior 4.1.1.
the program works itself up to Step 8 in the "Rebuilding Directory" window and than it stops while it says "scanning disk one moment please and then a window comes up and asks me to "Shut down my computer, holding down the start button for a few seconds.
I have a Powerbook G4, 1.67 mHz.
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Feb 20, 2012
Trying to boot up my MBP 10.6.8 with an updated DiskWarrior disk. Holding down "c" got me nowhere. Holding down "options" gets me to the screen showing the Mac HD and DiskWarrior DVD(which I just made, updated from the older DW 4.0). After choosing the DW, the computer just sits there. Is there a known problem with late-model MB Pros and DiskWarrior?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 4, 2014
My girlfriend was using her Macbook Pro as usually when the Safari browser froze. She used the power buttom to turn it off and when she turned it back on her discs were gone. Now it was only possible to log in on the recovery-10.9.3.Â
So I used the disk utility, which showed that her partitions under a new names (Toshiba 750 Gb something). I ran the verify Disk and repair disk tools, which told me that there was a "Invalid B-tree Node size error" or something. There's is some importatnt files on the her hard disk (and of cause no backup) so I didn't dare to erase it completely. So I read about it and figured that I needed to run the Diskwarrior software. Â
Diskwarrior couldn't find the right disk, but it found a disk called "customer" which we ran the software on. After this the disk changed name to "untitled" and the disk utility no longer found any problems, so I went home because I though I only had to setup the system again. I reinstalled the OS, but now there is only a user called "Other..." that needs a Name and a Password (neither of which we can figure out).Â
I cant boot the su (CMD -S) directly from startup. I can boot from the Recovery partition, but I can't run the "sudo" command from the terminal window found in there.Â
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Dec 14, 2008
I ran diskwarrior as part of my usual maintenance, but after quitting and attempting to restart from the hard drive, a blue screen eventually appeared and there it remained.
This blue screen flickered slightly and intermittently and when doing so the cursor would disappear.
Identical results occurred when booting from the leopard install cd, running disk utility, quitting and restarting.
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Sep 6, 2009
My iBook G4 (10.4.11 with 512MB) will not start up from the DiskWarrior disc.
I insert the disc and restart the computer holding down the C key until the screen comes up with the program on the screen and then let go of the C key.
The computer then promptly shuts down.
I have not had this problem before.
I have repaired the permissions using Disk Utility.
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Mar 4, 2012
I want to run Diskwarrior for directory repair either for maintenance, or after a hard crash – on my 2011 MacBook Pro. Diskwarrior falls out of date everytime Apple updates the OS. I'm currently running Lion. I downloaded the free updater to 4.4, (I have a 4.2) but it still does not boot my mac.I (sort of) solved the problem by installing a full-blown Lion OS on an external firewire hard-drive, booting from it and then running Diskwarrior. Older versions of DW will do directory repair, they just aren't bootable if out of date.What I want to do is to boot from a Flash drive, and then run Diskwarrior.I have created a bootable flash drive, which works, but boots into the Mac OS X Utilities window (the same window you get when you boot into Recovery mode. Even though I'm booted from the flash drive, this window does not let me access Diskwarrior.I also have a 2T Time Capsule attached, can I put a copies of Lion and Diskwarrior on that to solve the problem?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 30, 2010
The DVD drive on my Macbook Pro is not working, and I need to boot from a DVD to run Disk Warrior.
I have:
- An Intel-based Macbook Pro
- A Windows laptop with a DVD-R
- A USB 2.0 external HD
- A bootable Disk Warrior DVD
Is there any way to use my Windows Laptop to copy the bootable Disk Warrior DVD onto my external HD and make it bootable on my Macbook Pro? (ideally without having to buy software?)
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Jul 23, 2009
I have a hard drive that is in the process of dying and had to use Diskwarrior in order to rebuild the drive; luckily, it seems to have recovered my files.
I looked in Users/Library/Pictures to find my iPhoto Library file, however it doesn't seem to my newer photos that I imported into the library.
Is there a secondary/hidden location that the original files are stored in? Where exactly can I find them?
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Jan 15, 2009
I am running osx 10.5.4 on a brand new macbook. I have an old, crappy external hard drive that works intermittently with a bunch of large files on it that I am copying to my new, fancy external hard drive. Problem is, more than half the time, finder will report "unable to complete the operation because some data on 'filename' could not be read or written. (Error Code -36)"
This would be no problem, as I could then just cancel the copy and try again. But Finder freezes the copy window open, and it will not close by clicking on the "x" in the copy window. The only way to try again is to relaunch Finder. I do not want to force finder to quit every time I try to copy a file to my new drive. Is relaunching finder repeatedly bad for my system or hardware? Seems like a glitch. Is there a way around this?
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Aug 12, 2010
I think I have found a flaw in OSX 10.6.4 file copying..I normall back up my files, by dragging from a folder on my HD to an identical folder on my external HD.The folder I am copying has 86 files in it, but there are only about two dozen new files added since my last back up.I have been telling it by the dialogue box, not to replace identical files in the back up folder, and clicking the check box to apply to all."but when I press the dont copy button, in the copy progress box it says it is copying 86 files. WTF is going on...!@#$%^&*().
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May 27, 2012
Do I have to copy each file individually or can I copy an entire folder to external hard drive?
iPad 2, iOS 5.0.1
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Aug 26, 2014
How to copy one folder from Mac and copy to external HDD ?
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Sep 6, 2006
I have a EMac with Mac OS X vs 10.3.9 Prior user erased hard drive. Took to ADR data recovery and they scanned the hard drive and were unable to recover any data. Looking for input on other techniques to recover data from hard drive or other companies that specialize in Mac data recovery.
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May 27, 2010
i just got a new macbook pro 13" laptop and am trying to transfer my itunes music as well as some data i have compiled into a single folder from my (2005) Powerbook G4 12" laptop. Please help me out with this i have no idea how to do this and the Apple Store said they will do it for $100 and i just poured every penny i own into this computer and cannot sell me old computer to pay bills until i transfer this data.
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