OS X :: Finding Internet Connection Monitor/logging App?

Apr 27, 2009

I need an app that will run 24/7 in the background and regularly (perhaps once a minute) check the status of my internet connection, logging all instances when the connection is down (this is to give me some ammunition to use against my ISP). Does anyone know of such a thing for the Mac?

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MacBook Pro :: External Monitor Slowing Internet Connection?

Apr 29, 2012

I recently purchased a 21.5" Samsung monitor that is connected to my late 2009 13" 2.26GHz 8GB RAM MacBook Pro through a VGA connection with the VGA to Mini DisplayPort adaptor. Since I've started using it, my Internet connection has slowed to a crawl. I've researched the issue online and external monitors can apparently created wireless interference. I'm using a 2011 AirPort Extreme 802.11n/b/g. Is there anything I can do to eliminate this interference?

MacBook Pro (Late 2009), iPad, iPod Touch (1st Generation), iPod Nano (1st Gen)

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MacBook Pro :: Internet Connection Slows Down When External Monitor Connected

May 22, 2012

When I close my macbook pro whilst it is connected to an external monitor the internet connection slows down?

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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MacBook Pro :: Finding Who Is Sharing Internet Connection (via Airport Express)

Mar 4, 2007

I have an airport express, which I use as my main router in my secure (WEP2) network. Just out of curosity, how would I see who is logged on in my network (ie: using my airport express)? Is there a widget showing me who's logged on?

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MacBook Pro :: What Does Connection Logging Enabled Mean

Dec 7, 2014

My Mail icon just wound not work when i clicked on it.  Opened up in safe boot mode and it fixed itself.  But then 'connection logging enabled' appeared on the Mail tool bar.  Mail works okay, but what does this the strange sentence mean?I use Mavericks, and my macbook pro is mid-2010.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6)

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MacBook Pro :: How To Disable Connection Logging In Mac Mail

Jun 2, 2014

How I can disable "Connection Logging which has set itself up in Mail, when the settings were changed for internet connection I am running OSX mavericks 10.9.3 ....

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OS X Mavericks :: Mail Running Slow - Connection Logging Enabled

Aug 23, 2014

My mail is running very slowly and it looks as if I have more messages saved and coming in that I believe I actually have.  I also have a message that reads "connection logging enabled" at the top that seemed to appear about a month ago and I don't know what it means.  Any reason for mail running slow, mail messages duplicating multiple times and for trash not emptying as it should?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Keep The Internet Connected To A Secure Network WPA2 Personal Without Logging In Everytime?

Apr 5, 2012

How do I keep the internet connected to a secure network WPA2 Personal without logging in everytime?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Home Folder Mounted After Logging Out Then Logging Back-in?

May 27, 2012

After I logged out of my account, I logged back in to see nothing on my desktop except for "Macintosh HD." I click on it and noticed that my home folder is mounted as a disk image under "Places." By "home folder" I meant the folder found at MacintoshHDusers ame-of-folder. I did not shutdown and login again, I logged out back to the main login screen, then logged in again under the same account. Shutting down the computer before logging in to the same account prevents this from happening, but logging out then logging back in causes it to happen.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Force System To Use Second Connection Of Network Connection List For Internet Access?

Jul 5, 2012

I have a MacPro Early 2009, 2 ethernet ports.Ethernet 1 is connected to the LAN and Ethernet 2 is connected directly to a SSL Matrix console (an audio mixer), whom driver needs the used ethernet port to be first of the list in the Network connections list in System Preferences.So when I browse internet I can't use the Matrix's software, and vice versa.I had to create 2 different network positions to browse internet and to work with SSL Matrix, one with Eth 1 first place, another one with Eth 2 first place, and I always have to swap positions.Is there a way to force OSX to use by default the 2nd connection of the list for internet access? 

MacPro 4,1 8-Core 2.26 GHz, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 12Gb Ram

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Software :: Internet Connection Hangs Disconnecting Using Mobile Connection (GPRS, EDGE, UMTS)

Aug 21, 2006

I'm on holiday using my mobile phone (Nokia N80) to connect to the Internet over GPRS / EDGE / UMTS. Everything works like a charm, but often the Internet Connect applet drops the connection and just hangs disconnecting.

I'm running OS X 10.4.7 on a 17" Macbook pro, but I have the same result on a iBook G4, same OS X version, and even trying with a different mobile phone (Nokia 6600) and different network service provider.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Switch Users Without Logging Logging Out?

Feb 4, 2012

How do you switch users without logging logging out?

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OS X :: Internet Connection Keeps Dropping Connection?

Aug 12, 2009

I know there are a lot of similar threads all around different forums, but nothing really helped and I was hoping some of you smart ladies/guys can help solve this issue once and for all.

Here's the deal:

My main desktop computer (Compaq windows XP computer) is set-up upstairs where the cable router and linksys wireless router are placed (which is right next to the desktop on the desk). My Macbook (running Tiger and is 3 years old) and iMac (running Leopard and is not even 1 year old yet) are set-up downstairs in my new office. This room is in the basement, however the room is almost directly above the main office where the wired desktop computer resides.

Prior to setting up my office downstairs, my sister lived with my family in the basement and had her windows Vista laptop set-up without any internet connection issues. Her internet never dropped on her laptop, and neither did the connection on her wireless all-in-one printer/scanner/copier. Cell phone reception/internet connection in the basement is also great.

When I set up my iMac and Macbook however a few weeks ago, the internet keeps dropping connection! I do not understand this when my sister had no problems at all with her laptop getting internet connection, when she was living with us. The internet connection will stay good for either 10-30 minutes and then drop, or it could be good for up to an hour and then drop.

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OS X :: No Internet Connection After Connection To VPN?

Mar 31, 2010

I have a VPN service that I can connect to with other computers in my home network with no problem, But my leopard MBP, After connection to VPN server (pptp), the connection to internet dies. I still can ping by IP but cannot with domain names. I tried changing the DNS server of my connection but no luck.

I have to say that this happens after I select the "Send All traffic over VPN connection" option in advanced menu.

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MacBook Pro :: No Wifi Connection With External Monitor?

Aug 25, 2010

My problem right now is, when i connect my macbook to my hp external monitor wake the computer up in closed lid mode, my internet connection is lost, and it doesn't come back unless i restart my computer.

I'm using the new airport express.

how can i make it so i can connect my external monitor, use it in closed lid mode, and keep my internet connection

But it work in that scenario with the lid open.

I'm just trying/wondering how to figure out lid closed while can be connected with the wireless connection.

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MacBook Pro :: Connection To High Definition Monitor?

Dec 28, 2010

This must get asked an awful lot, so I'm sorry if I'm continuing the trend. I would be grateful for some advice on connecting a MacBook Pro (the type I think is often described as 'aluminum unibody') to a high-definition monitor. After reading the various guides on MacRumors and elsewhere, I have been led to believe I need a Apple Mini DisplayPort and and HDMI to HDMI cable. To be consistent I have found them both on Amazon - I'd be grateful if someone could check these for compatibility and what-not. Apple Mini DisplayPort to HDMI Adapter cable: [URL] HDMI to HDMI cable: [URL] if you think I'm being too cheap (they're both in pound sterling); I'm trying to get the cables cheaply, but obviously I want the two to work when they arrive. I don't know how easy it is to give advice on things like this, but let me know if more information is needed.

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OS X :: Slow Internet Connection While On VPN

Sep 26, 2010

I have configured my VPN (PPTP)... everything worksI did not checked "send all traffic over VPN connection".Still, when VPN is active, the speed drop is huge. I get timeouts and when lucky the page loads very slow.

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OS X :: Streaming And Internet Connection?

Jan 2, 2011

i got an harddisc hooked up to my imac with alot of HD video content wich i normally watch on my imac itself.

my question is. can i also acces this drive over another computer on the same network? and stream the videos in HD to another pc/mac? and what would i need to do this?

is there also a way to do this directly to the television? (ofcourse i understand i need specific hardware for that.)

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Mac Pro :: Sharing Internet Connection?

Jun 27, 2008

My macpro for some reason doesnt have the signal catching strength of my macbook. I want to temporarily use my macbooks internet on my mac pro. I went to sharing and clicked share internet and plugged them into eachother via ethernet, but it didnt work...or i just did it wrong. Is there an easy way to do this?

One weird thing, I clicked on the wireless icon nd clicked create network. i created a network and enabled data sharing...i was able to access all the file on each computer respectively without plugging them into each other....how does this work? If they can share data without being plugged in why cant they share internet!?

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OS X :: DSL Internet Connection Drops With MB

Jul 23, 2008

I have been using Qwest DSL internet for the past year. But, for the past month I've had a problem with the internet going 100% out (for just 1 minute each time) when I'm surfing the internet or using Skype/MSN. It can happen 10x per hour or just 1x per hour. It happens most often when I'm demanding a lot from my internet connection, such as visiting graphic intensive sites (360 degree tours, etc.) OR when I'm using Skype with video/audio. It's sometimes predictable, but not always. Even if I try to recreate the 1 minute "outages" there isn't a guarantee I can recreate one of them.

Tech support has replaced my 2wire modem 2x. They have also checked my internal and external wiring. They've also changed ports and all sorts of things in the main office. They say I'm getting perfect speeds and a clean signal. They say they've done everything they can. And, honestly, it seems like they really have tried. And, the speeds ARE good, except for when the internet light goes completely Off and I lose my internet for just 1 minute. It then turns back on and the connection returns. (The DSL light and other lights remain on or just flicker).

My computer: I'm using a 3 month old 2.4 MB with Leopard and the basic Mac programs. I also have Skype and Adium, but not much else. No extra firewalls or anything.
My DSL modem: I have a 2wire 2701HG-D. Built in firewall.
Changes: I've not made any changes to my hardware or software. This problem seemed to come from nowhere. Everything was great and then these 1 minute outages started occurring.
Mac/Modem settings: Standard settings using WEP.
Other users: Just my MB (wireless connection) and very occasional use of a neighbor (wireless connection) who checks her email. But, she's often gone. And, these outages DO seem to occur when it's ME online and when I'm using the internet heavily.

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OS X :: How To Share Internet Connection

Mar 21, 2009

I've just got a Samsung BD-P1500, which is enabled for "BD Live" Discs.

It has an ethernet port on the back which I would like to use to get online. Why not :-)

The router I have is too far away to have a direct ethernet connection, so I was wondering if I could use the ICS feature in OSX.

I've had it working for my Xbox previously and it worked fine. Only lag experienced was when I was surfing on the MacBook at the same time.

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OS X :: 10a432 No Internet Connection

Aug 23, 2009

For some reason I thought it would be a good idea to upgrade to SL ahead of time, mainly due to impatience! However I now have no internet connection, it shows I have an IP address and everything works fine in windows on my MBP however when I boot to SL no go... Have tried re-installing and no luck...

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OS X :: Mac To PC Internet Connection Via Ethernet

Nov 23, 2009

I am sure this may have been asked before , but I am having a problem finding an answer. I have an iMac (2008) and my wife has a ACER E500 PC (No WiFi connection), running Windows XP Media Edition. The only internet connection we have is to my iMac, so as both my iMac and my wifes PC both have Ethernet connections , I am trying to share my iMac internet connection to my wifes PC via an Ethernet cable, I am having no luck in getting it working.

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OS X :: Self-Assigned IP - No Internet Connection?

Mar 5, 2010

I've been having some wireless connectivity issues on my MBP (OSX 10.6.2) for the past half hour. I came back from a jog and all of a sudden I don't have any internet connection...wireless is giving me "Alert: No Internet Connection" and when I go into the network preferences it gives me "Airport has the self-assigned IP address xxx.xxx.xx.xxx and will not be able to connect to the internet. Prior to this, I've had virtually no problems with my internet and I've made no changes to my laptop or gateway (2wire 3800HGV-B, using AT&T U-Verse).

The weird thing is that the two wireless items in my house are my laptop and iPhone, which both lost wireless connection at the same time. While a reboot of my iPhone worked (it can connect to the wireless network fine now), my laptop still can't connect.

I've tried creating a new location in network preferences, no luck. I've changed wireless channels to see if that would work, nope. I've turned my airport wireless on my laptop on and off, as well as restart my laptop, nothing. I'm not sure where else to start...but I'll try to give as much info here as possible, to paint a picture.

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MacBook :: Can't Get Internet Connection

Jun 20, 2012

Can't get internet connection


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MacBook Pro :: Type Of Connection Which I Need For Running External Monitor?

Dec 27, 2010

I have an 09' 13 inch Macbook Pro and I want to get an external monitor so I can use my laptop screen and the monitor at the same time for more space. What type of connection capabilities should I be looking for in the monitor to ensure that my macbook will be able to connect with the monitory?

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OS X :: Monitor Connection For Video Editing And Graphic Design?

Apr 20, 2010

I have tried googling and searching this but haven't got much from anywhere, I am a student in a Broadcasting program and I have a late 2008 Macbook (Dual Core, 250gb, 2 gb ram; black casing). I am aware that the Pro versions support easy monitor hookups via the DV connections; however I am a poor, starving student with a large widescreen monitor that I primarily use for gaming. However I would also like to use it with my macbook for when I am doing video editing and graphic design. So essentially, will this Macbook in any way support a Plug and Play monitor (20 inch)?

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OS X :: Network At Home For Internet Connection

Sep 10, 2010

I am going to move into a new house soon. I am looking to network the house, so I can use the internet anywhere, share movies,etc. This is my current setup at my apartment.
1 x Mac Mini connected to my TV in the lounge
1 x Apple TV connected to the TV in the bedroom
1 x Main PC in the study room (which all my movies/tv series/music/etc... is stored)
2 x Laptops
1 x Apple 20" Cinema Display

The mac mini is connected via ethernet to the router & the apple tv is connected via WiFi. Its currently a small place so the apple tv can access the router's wireless signal. This is what I have in mind for our new house which kinda big in size. Trash the PC and buy a mac mini server and external NAS storage. The NAS storage will store all the movies/tv series/mp3's/etc. I currently have a ubiquity nanostation2 which I can setup to boost the wireless signal throughout the house so we can use wireless anywhere in the house & tv mac mini, laptops & apple tv can access the wireless (so i do not have to install ethernet cables throughout the house). Also in the future, I would want to install security cameras outside the house (still trying to find a good mac OS X security camera software). Before I buy the mac mini server & NAS, am i missing anything or is there another better solution?

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OS X :: Internet Connection Sharing With Xbox 360

Nov 28, 2010

Since it's possible to use a Mac as a wireless access point. I want to share my Ethernet connection through WiFi (not vice-versa), can I connect my Xbox 360 easily with that network or I have to painfully change the settings?

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OS X :: Internet Connection Lost Every Few Minutes

Nov 30, 2010

a few days ago I noticed that my Late 2009 Macbook seemed to lose its internet connection every few minutes just for a couple of seconds only to reconnect. I have no idea why this problem suddenly started occurring, I had not not modified any hardware or software. Strangely enough, this happens whether I use Wifi (at work) or Mobile Broadband via USB ( at home) so I don't think it can be blamed on the internet connection. Stranger still, I should probably not be talking of losing my internet connection but of not being able to access the internet: While again being in a few seconds of slump, I checked my Mobile Broadband Manager and it was not disconnected, upstream traffic was occurring! Just the downstream was at zero. I run windows with bootcamp on the same Mac and there the internet works without trouble. I have all the newest updates installed.

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