OS X :: Finding All My Photos?

Mar 2, 2009

how can i find all my photos from my iphoto library.

i cant seem to find them when i go in my pictures folder, but i see pictures when i try to upload on facebook.

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Software :: Pasting Photos - Finding Application For Digital Photography?

Sep 7, 2010

is there a program which i can use to paste photos digitally on to a page for lack of a better term to make a mosaic of different picture so i can print or email it

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OS X :: Unable To Find Lost Photos / Photos Showing In Screensaver

Jan 12, 2010

I know by the title you may be saying... here comes yet another post on iPhoto. But I have a suspicion it is much more than that. thus the post in the OSX category.Here is the short version...

I use to have a MacBook Pro (17" if that matters) with OSX 10.5 on it. Back in August '08 I bought a iMac (24") because I had to give the MacBook Back. When I set up the iMac I did the install that allows you to transfer your settings and files to your new computer before I erased everything on the MacBook.Some how I lost a bunch of Pictures I took and had on the MacBook. I just can't find them... i didn't have iPhoto on the MacBook but do on the iMac.

I thought I had lost the photos until one day I pointed the screen saver to my photo folder. Now I can see my photos in the screen saver slide show... but can not see them in iPhoto or in the Photo Folder.I have hope that they are somewhere on my computer but where and how can I get them into iPhoto?

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Applications :: IMovie Still Photos, Multiple Photos Become 1 Clip...

Jun 4, 2005

Okay, I was working with iMovie and did something cool...but I don't know how I did it or how to repeat what I did.

I managed to make one "clip" which consists of 6 or 7 photos (imported from iPhoto)...and on top of (inside of?) that clip is the "far far away" title (the Star Wars one). I tried to do the same thing again, and couldn't figure out how I did it in the first place! Oops. Any clues would be great (I tried highlighting several pics and dragging them down to the timeline together...didn't work. I also tried a few other things, but no luck).

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MacBook Pro :: Using Ti-Book Photos - How Do I Get The Photos

Oct 18, 2009

My old ti-book won't boot, tried it with the cd, zapped the pram, nothing. So I hooked it to my MacBook Pro via firewire and started it as a T drive. But I can't find our family photos or email (mac mail) files anywhere.

I've also searched the following:

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OS X :: Viewing Photos In IPhoto "Library - Photos" By Default

Dec 29, 2009

when viewing photos in iPhoto "Library>Photos", by default, each event is expanded (i.e., triangles are down, and all photos are visible). Is there a single command or keyboard shortcut that will collapse all the individual photos into headers only?

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Mac Pro :: Opening Photos .exe?

Oct 21, 2010

i have been given photos on stick but they are .exe, how do i open them

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OS X :: How To Transfer My PC's Photos To My Mac

Mar 13, 2006

I have the 1.67 GHz, 1.5 GB Powerbook G4 (the last one that came out before the new Intel chip one).

We have a lot of photos on my husband's PC, using the JASC photo software. I'm not sure if the software can only be used with a PC or not (anyone here know if you can simply put in the software disc and click on a "Mac" or "Pc" option? I'm pretty ignorant about computer stuff in general, as you can see.

What happens if the mac laptop will accept a disc of transferred photos but each photo has some file name permanently attached to it? Might that happen? Will the laptop recognize it? Can I transfer such photos into the photo software that the mac came with?

Finally, once we've figured out how to transfer the photos (or my favorites anyway) from the PC to the mac, how simple will it be to just transfer the future photos straight from my camera? It's a Canon A70 Powershot,

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OS X :: Gone And Done It Now - Trashed Photos

May 3, 2009

Well I've gone and done it now, moved some old photos from iPhoto to trash I though I did not want any more, and now my sister wants me to send her some of the photos I've gone and trashed (still in the Trash bin not deleted) the photos are mixed up in the trash bin with some other photos I really do not need again, but putting the individual photos back to iPhoto I now want to keep , will take me ages to do. Is there any way I can return just the recently trashed photos quickly to their original place in a quick way ?

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OS X :: How To Do - Emailing Photos

Aug 20, 2009

This has been bugging me for a while, and after finally attempting to solve the problem myself - and failing miserably, i thought i'd put myself at your mercy to find the answer.

I have an issue with emailing photos via mail. When i drag a photo from iphoto it inserts it into the new message but the picture takes up 3 /4 of the screen. When I email that picture to a PC it comes out the same way - so to view you have to save it and open it via the default viewer or you can view as is but you have to use the mouse to swim around in the gargantuan image.

I know you can send it as an icon - but i don;t want that as i like to have the picture displayed. I know you can change the size of the image by clicking down the bottom right - but that changes the resolution...i don't want to do that.

Is there a way to shrink the size of your images whilst maintaining full quality?

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OS X :: How To Transfer Photos From PC To Mac In

Dec 30, 2009

New to this, so hope this isn't an old question - I did look and couldn't find it I want to transfer my photos currently on PC to my mac. I have been told that if I do so through an external hard drive then they will load onto the mac as one event. If that is the case I'd prefer another way ... as I have over 19,000 photo's currently sitting in folders according to year, month and then the specific event.

I have an external HD and also Parallels Desktop.

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Can Add All Photos To ICloud

Mar 29, 2012

Can I add all my photos, including previously taken ones, to iCloud? I'd like to use it to store all my photos, but I have over 50K.

iPhoto '11

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MacBook Pro :: How To Add Photos To DVD RW

May 25, 2012

I have burned a folder of photos to a DVD+RW 4.7 GB and now want to add a few more photos.  There is room left on the DVD but and I have added the additional photos to the Burn Photo which I originally used however the process asks for a blank disk when I insert the previously burned disk. 

I have also separately placed the additonal photos in a separate burn folder and tried to add them to the same DVD but that didn't work either 

How can I add these additional photos to the already burned DVD?

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Mac Pro :: Can Photos With Mix Extension Be Used

Sep 1, 2014

I have many photos which I saved on disks from my windows computer.  I have a mac and now cannot open any of these photos.  Many have mix as the extensions. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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OS X :: How Do I Store My Photos Onto Hardrive

Sep 7, 2010

My computer's memory is complety full. Im trying to select al these photos (10,000) and drag them to my hardrive...no luck! ans then as a test I try to drag just one...no luck! Any advice out there?

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MacBook Pro :: How To Get Old Photos From My Iphone

Nov 10, 2010

my last PC is broken and I lost all my photos and didnt have them backed up, My New Laptop is a Mac Pro.. but cant work out how to get old photos which are already in albums from my iphone to my Iphoto Library

the only way I can see to do it is to email them over but theres 2000 odd photos which will take me so long...would be grateful if anyone knows an alternative way i can retrieve them

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OS X :: How Do I Move Photos In One Folder To Another One

Nov 14, 2010

How do I move photos in one folder to another one? Both are in the same external hard drive.

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OS X :: Using Photos As Folder Icon?

Jan 12, 2011

In Windows, you can use the photos within a folder as the folder icon. This makes it easy for visual artists to quickly find a work. Is there any way to do this on the Mac through a preference selection. I have hundreds of folders containing paintings and this was a helpful feature of windows.

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OS X :: Software For Resizing Photos?

Apr 9, 2008

I participate in several forums where I often post pictures of things. But the photos have to normally be less than 100KB. I don't have any purchased photo editing software yet for my Mac, is there something in iPhoto or somewhere else that would allow me to resize a photo for posting? If there's nothing on my machine that will do it, does Aperture have such a function?

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MacBook :: Transferring Photos From A Mac

Jan 7, 2009

i just bought a new aluminium macbook and i want to transfer my entire iphoto gallery on my iMac to the iphoto on my Macbook. i also have most of the photos on my iphone, but not in the camera roll album.

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OS X :: How To Batch Resize Photos

Jan 17, 2009

how do i batch resize photos in osx?

i have iphoto '08 and PS CS3

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Applications :: Aperture Does Not See All Photos?

Mar 3, 2009

After running the latest release of updates today (ilife, raw camera, etc.) Aperture 2.2.1 (whatever the latest release) no longer sees all of my photos - about half of my projects are missing from the Aperture program itself, however they are still in the library as I can get to them in finder.

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MacBook :: Emailing Photos - How To Do It

May 15, 2009

When I email photos from my new MacBook, they are not attached so someone receiving can save. They are just embedded in the email text in a small version that cannot be open and enlarged or saved. How do I do this simply without having to export from Iphoto to another programme (photshop etc)?

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OS X :: Can I Back Up And Recover Photos?

Jul 1, 2009

First off let me confess I am pretty useless with this stuff compared to the people here. I have searched the forums and while there seem to be a lot of people with similar problems, I haven't really seen a solution that I fully understand or that would help me with my specific problem.

The Problem:

I'm using a 3 month old 13.3" Macbook with bootcamp installed. Recently I turned it on and OSX wouldn't load. I had not changed anything on the laptop at all. When it tried to load just got the grey/ blue screen and spinning gear thing. I turned it off and booted into windows no problem. Later I did it again but left it running and eventually OSX did load but the problem recurred when I shut down and now the OSX partition doesn't even show up when I start the computer. Nothing happens for a while and then windows starts. No OSX.

What I've tried:

After looking through the forums here I have tried booting into safe mode and single userness, whatever that is, and it's the same- nothing happens and then windows starts.

I've tried booting from the install disk and running disk utility on the mac partition (it shows up in disk utility) but I get the "invalid node structure" error and it says the disk can't be repaired. When I try to verify I get an error saying the disk "could not be unmounted" (I assume that is a euphemism).

Windows works just fine.

What I really want to know is whether I need to reinstall OSX and, if so, whether I can recover some data first. I just got back from a family wedding and have a number of photos that I hadn't backed up (duh) and I really want to try and get them off the disk.

I understand Diskwarrior might work, but I don't mind reinstalling OSX as long as I can back up the drive first. I have an external USB drive, but absolutely no idea what I would have to do to use it as a backup, or how to recover the photos from it if I do. There is mention on these forums of an "archive/install" option which sounds promising...

Sorry for the long post, just wanted to be specific.

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OS X :: How Do I Transfer Photos From My Ipod To My Mac

Jul 24, 2009

Ok so recently my hard drive died and i lost all my files including my photos from my computer. I know that i have all the photos on my ipod but i don't know how to get them off. I've searched and there are apps that remove the files but i don't have the cash to buy the apps. is there any manual way to remove the photos or a freeware app?

P.S I've tried going into the photos file on my ipod but all there is, are .ithmb 's that i don't know what to do with. BTW im running on Mac OS X Leopard.

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Applications :: IPhoto And Over 50k Photos

Aug 10, 2009

I have an extensive photo collection, around 50k images, mostly 3-5MB JPGs and around 1k 10MB+ RAWs. I have once tried to start managing them in iPhoto and attempted to import it on an old MacBook Pro with 2GB RAM. It was about 2 yrs ago on an old version of iLife. The performance was very bad - everything was extremely slow and I abandoned an idea at that time. Now I have MacPro with fast HDD and 10GB RAM and was wondering if I should try this again using iPhoto 09? Doe anyone manage that many images using iPhoto here? How is the experience?

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MacBook Air :: Transferring Photos From PC?

Sep 24, 2009

How easy is it if I have photos saved on my PC and stored on USB to get them on a Macbook Air?

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OS X :: Putting All Photos On An External Hdd

Oct 27, 2009

So I've got an old macbook and I've used up all my internal memory in photos (lots and lots of photos). I'm wondering if I can put all my photos on an external hardrive and then have iphoto use the external as it's source for photos?

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OS X :: Can't Upload Photos Online

Dec 16, 2009

I am trying to upload some photos to email and flickr - and only some of my photos are available (others are "greyed" out) I have done the apple key + I on my photos folder to change the permission so that everyone can read & write, and still half of my photos remain greyed out unless I change each one individually. How can I get it so that ALL of my photos are able to be uploaded?

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OS X :: Lost Photos From Albums?

Jan 4, 2010

I'm using 8.1.1 on a macbook and am a mac noob to a certain extent. Actually I'm not all that great on computers in general, so please bear with me.

I made new albums in iphoto and cut and pasted pics from photos to the albums. Some albums, in which I made copies to discs for jobs, now have no pics in them. The albums are still there, but are empty. Some folders that I didn't make discs from are missing pics also, while others have pics? And I can't copy and paste anything back into them. Weird... So. What did I mess up?

I thought all was good when doing the work and deleted pics from photos, just to tidy up a bit. They are now in the trash.

I'm a bit nervous to do anything more in fear of losing more. It's kind of a pain, because I am super buried in work and am short on time, but I need the photos back to make more cd copies for insurance companies, vendors blablablabla... So I have to just quit whining and get it done. But I have the willies about messing up. My time machine is not setup because It can't find an apple device to backup or something? My verbage is probably off there.

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