OS X :: Lost Photos From Albums?

Jan 4, 2010

I'm using 8.1.1 on a macbook and am a mac noob to a certain extent. Actually I'm not all that great on computers in general, so please bear with me.

I made new albums in iphoto and cut and pasted pics from photos to the albums. Some albums, in which I made copies to discs for jobs, now have no pics in them. The albums are still there, but are empty. Some folders that I didn't make discs from are missing pics also, while others have pics? And I can't copy and paste anything back into them. Weird... So. What did I mess up?

I thought all was good when doing the work and deleted pics from photos, just to tidy up a bit. They are now in the trash.

I'm a bit nervous to do anything more in fear of losing more. It's kind of a pain, because I am super buried in work and am short on time, but I need the photos back to make more cd copies for insurance companies, vendors blablablabla... So I have to just quit whining and get it done. But I have the willies about messing up. My time machine is not setup because It can't find an apple device to backup or something? My verbage is probably off there.

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IPhoto 11 :: New Albums Adding Unwanted Photos?

Nov 13, 2010

I have the new iPhoto 11' and each time I create a new album, random photos from my iPhoto library are added into the newly created album..

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OS X :: Unable To Find Lost Photos / Photos Showing In Screensaver

Jan 12, 2010

I know by the title you may be saying... here comes yet another post on iPhoto. But I have a suspicion it is much more than that. thus the post in the OSX category.Here is the short version...

I use to have a MacBook Pro (17" if that matters) with OSX 10.5 on it. Back in August '08 I bought a iMac (24") because I had to give the MacBook Back. When I set up the iMac I did the install that allows you to transfer your settings and files to your new computer before I erased everything on the MacBook.Some how I lost a bunch of Pictures I took and had on the MacBook. I just can't find them... i didn't have iPhoto on the MacBook but do on the iMac.

I thought I had lost the photos until one day I pointed the screen saver to my photo folder. Now I can see my photos in the screen saver slide show... but can not see them in iPhoto or in the Photo Folder.I have hope that they are somewhere on my computer but where and how can I get them into iPhoto?

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Applications :: IPhoto Smart Albums And Adding New Photos?

Mar 8, 2009

I'm trying out iPhoto for the first time.I've been scanning and cleaning up old photo albums the past few months and I generally sync them to my Apple TV units and I noticed there's a sync from iPhoto option and while an image viewer like Xee is nice in some respects, it doesn't organize by folder or album so I can quickly scan for photos between directories, etc. I have to "open" a new directory.

XnView (which is great on my PC) is still pretty much beta for the Mac right now. But it appears iPhoto can organize my albums any way I want it to and share across the network to another Mac, etc. so maybe it'd be a good way to organize.

The problem I'm seeing offhand is that I can import my photo by folder/directory (I've been organizing them that way as I scan/edit) and according the docs I've read a "Smart" Photo album is supposed to update itself as your library is updated, a simple test of moving a new photo into a folder that was already imported in no way "updates itself" that I can see.

If I added new photos to a directory, it appears I'd have to manually add those to iPhoto as I go, which could be a real hassle if I ever forgot to do it (basically it's like having to move/edit TWICE, once in the real world directory structure and then once more inside iPhoto.

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OS X :: Lost Photos - Can't Retrieve From Album

Jul 1, 2009

My husband attempted to create an album in iphoto w/ the photos of our daughter's birth, and now when we open the album, it's empty! Have we lost or pics forever?

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MacBook Pro :: Lost Photos On Computer?

Sep 9, 2014

While downloading .jpg photos Raw files from Nikon D60 into iPhoto 9.5.1 from my Sandisk SD card, lost some photos on my comp. IOS 10.9.4 where can it be?

it is not in my iPhoto. or in Trash. while downloading screen flickered i saw them but they disappeared.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Iphoto 9.5.1

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Intel Mac :: Iphoto Froze Then Lost All Photos?

Feb 16, 2012

Iphoto froze so I forced it to quit several times.  Then i did a safe boot and restated machine.  It would then open but all photos are gone.  How do I restore them?

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook :: Recover Lost Photos In Iphoto?

Jun 2, 2012

I tried rebuilding my Iphoto library to recover 90GB of pics and they are still not there.

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OS X :: Lost Everything On Media Drive - Music - Photos - Movies

Aug 30, 2009

in prepartation for snow leopard I decided i better do a backup of my drive. I turned to trusty old super duper. i did a backup using "smart update" which in the past has left all my files on my external drive intact and copied over my main drive. however today it decided to simply erase the drive and then do a backup. It's NEVER done this before in the past, and i've now lost everything on my media drive: music, photos, movies, everything. can i recover what was lost? or am i completed effed in the a? the irony: doing a backup and in the process losing everything that counted.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Lost About 8000 Photos On Iphoto, Getting Them Back?

Feb 20, 2012

I had about 10,000 photos on my iphoto folder.  Now I only have 3000.  How can I get them back?

iPhoto '11, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Iphoto Lost All Photos / Request To Server Failed?

May 29, 2012

I have a 2011 intel iMac. It is the (supposedly) powerful 3.1ghz i5, and i upgraded the RAM to 12 Gig. Before buying this machine I had a 2008 iMac and LOVED it, it was superb. But this machine is SLOWER than that one was?! I am running OSX lion, iLife 09 and iWork 11. I am having a nightmare with this machine, it hands constantly, i only have a few apps open and still it can take 5-10 seconds (beachballing) for finder to draw my files when i open a folder. This can't be right. I have reloaded the entire machine from scratch twice by  cloning files off and then MANUALLY rebuilding it (not using Migrate Assistant to ensure to i was not bringing any bad data or bugs across from old installation or old machine). It is slow as a dog, way slower than my old iMac which had a mere 2 Gig of Ram! If i open more than 10 browser tabs in Safari it goes so slow I can't use the internet. The machine crashes at least twice a week and just hands so I have to force shutdown, and my latest error is iPhoto just lost ALL my photos, 5 years worth and gives the error "Request to server failed" but says nothing else of any use. I am hoping to recover them with TimeMachine but wait and see on that score as nothing seems to be right with this machine so no doubt TM will play up as well.

I have VMWare Fusion installed, latest version. It does seem slower when running that, but it still crashed and plays up when that is not running so I am sure that is not the source of any problems, it just makes them a bit worse due to processor usage.Is it possible to get an iMac diagnostically checked (hardware) at an Apple store? It is still under warranty this machine, but I can't drop it off at a store without wiping all my data (clone) to external drive, because I have confidential information stored on it which I can't leave on if the machine leaves my office. I struggled to afford to buy this machine, and thought it would sky rocket my performance and speed after my old machine started to get slow due to age, but even at its worst it was never this bad. I am now a very very disappointed Apple lover, ex-lover?! One final point I should mention, I upgraded the RAM myself, using proper stuff from Crucial. I read that it didn't matter what order the RAM cards were fitted in, is that true or should I try moving them around? 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 12 Gig RAM, 3.1ghw i5

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Applications :: Orphaned Files And Repointing Links - Lost Photos And Exclamation Mark?

Jun 4, 2009

I browsed the threads on this and many sites before I thought I'd report back on my day with iPhoto - just so that those of you out there can benefit.Basically, and for those noobs that don't know the gen, iPhoto and iTunes both have an interface that work on showing you what you have by way of thumbnail or album sleeve image - then, upon selecting, linking your requirement to see or listen to the actual file itself buried somewhere else.This is a great system for a number of great reasons - that is until your links break. You see a thumbnail of a picture of uncle Bob you want to see so you double click it. You are rewarded not with a high rez image of Bob but instead a rather unimaginative and rude exclamation mark (exclamation point for you Americans). The link is broken - you have an orphaned file. It might not be lost or deleted - in fact it is probably still somewhere on your machine or external drives etc.

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Applications :: IMovie Still Photos, Multiple Photos Become 1 Clip...

Jun 4, 2005

Okay, I was working with iMovie and did something cool...but I don't know how I did it or how to repeat what I did.

I managed to make one "clip" which consists of 6 or 7 photos (imported from iPhoto)...and on top of (inside of?) that clip is the "far far away" title (the Star Wars one). I tried to do the same thing again, and couldn't figure out how I did it in the first place! Oops. Any clues would be great (I tried highlighting several pics and dragging them down to the timeline together...didn't work. I also tried a few other things, but no luck).

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OS X :: Trying To Burn Iphoto Albums?

May 12, 2009

using Disk Utility and I am totally confused. I am a first time MAC user and as I understand my system is Leopard. When I click on the disk utility and then burn What? Not even sure if this is the proper way to make copies of my albums, or should I just burn the entire photo list?

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Windows On Mac :: Get Back Lost Data/lost All Hard Drive Partitions After Windows Update?

Jun 26, 2010

I just booted into Windows and saw that there were some Windows Updates available and it asked me to reboot the computer however it failed to boot into Windows. So I restarted and tried to boot into OS X instead, but that didn't work either.

So I put in the OS X install DVD and checked out Disk Utility. Turned out that all my partitions where screwed up. There were 3 partitions listed as Windows_ldm, with incorrect sizes (I had 4 partitions before).

Long story short: I'm now reinstalling OS X and I lost everything I had on the drive, I think. I'll try some restore software once I've gotten OS X installed.

A little pissed right now... How the heck can Windows F up the entire drive?

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OS X :: ITunes Won't Play Some Songs / Albums?

Sep 29, 2010

I noticed this about a year ago. So, there are some songs that I cannot play in iTunes, on either my laptop or home computer. However, I can play them on my iPhone 3GS and my 3rd Generation iPod after being sync'd. A friend thought that it was perhaps these songs/albums were not "official" Apple iTunes downloads or not direct downloads from CDs. This is not correct, random songs from random mp3 sources including iTunes (Apple iTunes Store), and even complete albums (from CDs) are affected. Why is this? how can I correct this?

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MacBook Pro :: How To Hide Photo Albums

Dec 21, 2010

Whats the easiest way to hide photo albums? Don't want my new girlfriend to see old pics of other girls in the past.

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Applications :: IPhoto Alphabetizing Albums?

Jul 23, 2007

How do you automatically alphabetize all your albums in iPhoto's Source list?

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OS X :: Importing Iphoto Albums To New Imac?

Dec 17, 2007

we are trying to transfer many iphoto albums from iphoto5 to the new iphoto8.We have probably spent 50+ hours making our albums, that consist of 8000+ photos.Of course I can easily import the photos into 08.But the folders are unrecognizable.I have tried to many drag them, and still the same problem.

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Applications :: Mysterious Albums Appear In ITunes?

Jan 25, 2009

I checked complete my album just now and saw these two albums. Who the * is Yanni? I did not purchase these and the weird thing is, they aren't in my recent purchases nor did they appear in any receipts I was emailed. Is iTunes screwing with me?

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Applications :: IWeb Not Publishing Albums

May 19, 2009

So I never had this problem before but recently, my iWeb (09) will not publish any albums. Everything else, works ok but albums are no go. At first, I thought it was the fact of 300 pics so i toned it down to like 50. No go. Then I thought, ok, the pics came from my Sony and my friends Sony and another friends Canon, maybe there was a corrupt file somewhere. So I made an album with just a single photo from an old pic, same thing. And here is what happens, when you create an Album, you can insert the photos in no problem, but when you try to save or publish to MobileMe, it just freezes. You see the bar go across to create the sit and the album and like 1-% in, Arnold dresses up as Mr. Freeze and just blasts my iWeb. Now Freeze

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OS X :: Why Does IPhoto Hide The Same Photo In 2 Different Albums

Sep 16, 2009

I have the same photo in 2 different albums. I want to hide it one album but not the other. But when I hide it in one album it automatically hides it on both. Can anyone help me.

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Applications :: ITunes Mixing Up Albums

Sep 29, 2009

My iTunes 9 is making my songs not organize correctly by album. Most of the songs are grouped together in my library that are of the same album, but one album has separated songs. They are the exact same album and spelled correctly. I just bought them off iTunes and was looking for them in my library and couldn't find them when I looked at the rest of the album. I look farther down the list, and way farther down they appear. Album name is correct, but I guess iTunes just decided to not place them with the rest of the songs in the album in alphabetical order it should. My iPod touch lists the same albums multiple times when I search for albums. The album "classical" shows up almost 10 times in the list for some reason. The song list doesn't differ b/w them, and some songs are missing. All other albums are fine. What is going on here? Did my classical songs all of a sudden decide to become unique in a bad way?

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OS X :: Can You Organize Events Or Albums In IPhoto 09

Apr 9, 2010

Can you nest events or albums in iPhoto 09, like how you can nest folders in Finder?For example, rather than having 200 events scattered in my iPhoto library, can I group the 200 events so, say 50 are under "work", 50 are under "family" and the other 100 are under, say, "Ballparks"

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Applications :: Why Does ITunes Separate Albums

May 26, 2010

I made sure that all tags were the same, including album artwork, and I edited all of the album's information at the same time so that it would be the same. But still iTunes seems to see these guys as two separate albums.

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Applications :: Iphoto Events And Albums?

Jul 4, 2010

I have 20gb of photos stored on a portable hard drive. I'd like to copy all of them onto my macbook pro. When I download them to iphoto they show up under EVENTS. If I drag the individual folders to ALBUMS am I using up an additional 20gb of storage space on my hard drive since it doesn't look like the EVENTS folder has changed/moved?

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ITunes :: Cannot Sync Multiple Albums

Apr 11, 2012

I've just found out that I can not properly put my music on both iPhone 4S and iPad (iOS 5.1). 

try do the following and place the result here whether you see same behavior.


1. Enable Manual sync on you iOS device;

2. Drag and Drop any album from your library to iPhone -> songs start to transfer;

3. Now, while songs are transfering get another album and drop it to your iPhone;

4. ISSUE IS THAT: you should notice that the transfer of the first album is interrupted and the latest album is transferring ONLY;

So, at the end you have just several songs from first album and all songs from the second one. So, basically each new album you drag and drop interrupts previous transfer.

Info:iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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ITunes :: Any Way To Buy Albums On French Site?

Apr 23, 2012

I would like to purchase music from the French i-tunes store.  The music is not available in the US store.  I was told I have to be a resident of France, with a French Credit Card and adderss.  Seems rediculous in a world market to not allow electronic download purchases across the pond.  At the very least the French artists should be listed on the us site too.  I suspect the "cloud" has plenty of room.

MacBook (13-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ITunes :: Downloading Albums As Playlists?

May 3, 2012

After years of downloading single songs from iTunes, today I downloading an entire album.  I thought that a Playlist would be created for this album, but itwasn't.  So I manually created a playlist with the album name and then added all the songs.  Is this the correct way?  Or did I do something wrong?  Is there a way to download an entire album into a playlist of the same name?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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ICloud :: Some Of Albums In It Are Not Transferring To IPhone?

May 4, 2012

I am using Itunes Match but some of my library albums which show they are in the ICloud are not available on my Iphone. Itunes Match "matched" them okay (which I would expect as they include popular albums such as 'Oasis - Definitely Maybe') but when I go to my library via my Iphone they are not there (yet the rest of the Oasis albums are.) 

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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