OS X :: Finding Software Update Dodgy Since Upgrade?
Nov 18, 2008
Since upgrading from Jaguar to Leopard, I've been having no end of problems with Software Update. I installed to a clean drive from a 10.5.1 installation disk, but it gave old versions of iTunes and Safari, and Software Update showed that everything was current, even though 10.5.5 was available. I had to download all of those manually. After that, I got one Software Update list that was fairly long, and installed everything properly.
But since then, it's gone wonky again. It takes about 10 minutes to figure out what updates are available, and then it refuses to download them, claiming that it can't find the update server and to make sure I'm connected to the internet. My attempt tonight didn't even show Safari 3.2.
Does anyone know an easy way to pull apart the mighty mouse to repair the scroll ball? It won't scroll down (won't make the scratchy sound as if the sensor inside is clogged up or something).
I don't ever see rubbish like this on my mac - A POP up with no exit cues
I run ClamAx daily as I'm a Internet Marketer so pretty much live on this machine (and a pretty cool pc) all day and do plenty of downloading. Ive got this pop up on my screen this morning
The options are Visit website Update Later Download Now
This is definately not right. It has no label and no buttons to close or remove so I'm fairly sure its dangerous. How do I get rid of this blasted thing? I cant find out what or where it is?
On every 13" aluminium MacBook I have ever come across there is a very sensitive audio output port that cuts back to the internal speakers if you move the jack to much. Is this fixed with the new 13" MBP audio out/in port?
I have a 1Ghz PowerPC G4 iMac and want to delete everything and start again with Leopard. (it seems to be within the system reqs.) Problem is the DVD drive isn't functioning properly. It sees the OSX DVD but won't boot from it. Question - What's the best alternative method? Create a boot firewire disk?
I upgraded the internal hard drive in my MacBook Pro and cloned it from my old one via SuperDuper! after a Time Machine restore failed to boot. However, now the new hard drive's icon no longer sits in the top right corner of the desktop, despite it being selected as the startup disk. Instead there's just a huge gaping hole. If I move it there and then "clean up" the selection it shoots off down the other end of the desktop.
How can I permanently have the HD icon back where it used to be? I've tried repairing permissions and deselecting and reselecting the display of HDs in the finder prefs but neither worked.
I want to upgrade memory on my MBP with model no: MD313LL/ late 2011 to 8gb.What is the best ram to upgrade and how to do it. In crucial, I only found the 16gb ram. url...Can I upgrade to 8gb which is compatible to early 2011? url..
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have an upgrade question also. I have an older PowerMacG4 dual 1.25. Im running OS 10.4.11, it appears that I may be able to upgrade to 10.5. But will I be able to update to 10.5.8, it says that anyone running OS 10.5 can update, but I am unclear, as I thought I read that this requires and intel chip to do so.
Need to update my system so that I can sync and update my iPhone 4 that requires iTunes 10.1, which I can not install now.
I'm having difficulty downloading the newest software for my iPhone. Everytime I try to download the new software a dialogue box appears that says my iTunes is updated to the current version (9.2.1). First of all, why is that appearing at all? And second of all I know for a fact there are more recent versions of iTunes out there...I've seen it. So problem A: my iPhone software won't download so I can update it, I'm assuming I need to download the latest version of iTunes which brings me to Problem B. When searching for the latest update for iTunes, I can download it on my computer but it won't install because it's saying I need to update my OS to 10.5 or higher.
So...do I need to upgrade my OS in order to update my iPhone software and is there a way to go from 10.4.11 to 10.5 for free? If not why do I have to, in the end, pay to update my iPhone software now when I haven't done that since the beginning?
Btw my computer is a MacBook Pro 2.16GHz Intel Core Duo processor.
my iWeb is all screwed up after the 10.6.2 upgrade.i work on it everyday and yesterday was no exception, save it was on 10.6.1 and everything was OK. did the upgrade via software update to 10.6.2 and it went bonkers.- some links are broken. others are misplaced.- objects (arrows, photos, etc.) randomly placed throughout webpage.- text boxes resized on its own.- "save" = crash!it's a nightmare.
what's happened to apple's software updates? they used to be really good and i could always trust it. sigh. anyone else with this problem? or can offer a solution?
New update for Logic released today, unfortunately it strips out hyperthreading support that previously worked on quad mac pro and iMac i7 machines, causing a major drop in performance from the previous version. I would wait on upgrading until they have a 9.1.3 that fixes this major issue, or at the very least back up 9.1.1 before doing the upgrade.
I've been sorta not-so-patiently awaiting getting a new unibody Macbook and holding off to see if they bump the low end to 2.13 and a 250GB HDD. I expect that it'll probably be a silent update on the site and not mentioned in the keynote even if they do update them.
If we don't hear anything tomorrow, do you think they may be quietly updated on Tuesday or does it mean the unibody Macbooks won't be updated for awhile?
Was looking at the buying guide but didn't see anthing on the Time Capsule as to when it was updated last and how soon the next one might be. I will be buying one in the coming months and figured with the dropping prices of Hard Drives that maybe an updated Time Capsule might come out with a lower price
I need to update my itunes in order for it to recognize my iPhone as a device. To update my itunes I need the new OS X version. I click the apple icon on the upper left of my screen and click "software update." It searches for software updates, but it concludes that there are no updates available. Any clue why I can't update this Mac?
I'm thinking of buying my first Mac ever pretty soon. I can get an educational discount and also get a free iPod Touch if I buy before September 15. I understand that Snow Leopard will be available "in September" so I will have to receive it separately if I buy my Mac between now and then. So, I've never owned Macs before, so I'm wondering how the upgrade from Leopard -> Snow Leopard will happen. Is it like Windows where you can choose to do a "clean installation" or an "in-place" upgrade? Coming from the Windows world, I tend to lean more towards clean installations.
I have an 06/07 model 24" iMac - I believe it was the only one of that make that had an internal PCI express slot...currently with an nvidia 7600GT in it.
If I were to get dirty with some screwdrivers, would it be possible to upgrade my graphics card to something compatible with MacSteam? (Nvidia 8 series+)
Is there a way of finding out weather my mac has the Mac OS X 10.7.3 Supplemental Update installed. I can't see it in the Installed Software section of Software Update.
My son's school wipes the hard drive of their computers every year when they upgrade. I made a copy of my son's entire hard drive (10.8) before turning the MacBook Pro in to be "updated" (wiped and everything replaced with 10.9.4). Now my son has told me he made Notes he needs. what files do I need to replace from the backed up version of his system? I need to know how to locate the old files that I can not access by holding the option and going to the library etc because the old system files are on an external hard drive, not an active older mac.
I assume there is more than one file. We have not made any new Notes, so I'm OK to completely overwrite the new notes files with the ones from the older version. if there is any way to simply open the notes so I can copy and paste into Word, that would be fine too.
I promise to do my best :-)Could someone help me understand the difference between
1. An iMac 27" ( the computer ), a keyboard, a trackpad etc
2. An Apple screen 27" plus the most advanced MacBook Pro
As a matter of fact, I live on board an expedition vehicle, and mainly visiting the middle of nowhere. [URL]..How would I do the updates of a heavy iMac computer ?with the MacBook pro, I could go "to town" from time to time, and upgrade/update.
Regarding the work I do with my photos, is there a big difference between 1. and 2.ps that question might be strange (or stupid ) the fact is that, I don't have an Apple Store as a neighbor
how to obtain a bigger memory for my imac so that I can upgrade to OSX LIon and then to icloud? My imac currently has 1 Gb memory and I need 2 Gb apparently. Apple can no longer supply a 2 Gb memory. I will need to knowe hwre to buy a suitable memory and how to change it.
I am kicking around between upgrading video card in my 1st gen Mac Pro (2 x 2.66 dual core, 8gb ram) from 7300 Gt to ati 4870 vs. upgrading to a newer system altogether...
Newer MP has 2 x 2.66 quad cores, 12 gb ram with the 4870 card.) What kind of improved performance might I really expect or even notice when using photoshop, light video editing, 3d graphics.
I have not included costs because I want to focus on the performance boosts sans cost for the purpose of this discussion.
I have an iMac with Mac OSX 10.6.8 and 2.4 GH2 Intel Core 2 Duo processor.I want to upgrade to Lion so that I can use iCloud to share documents with my iPad.Do I have to upgrade to Snow Leopard first or can I upgrade directly to Lion?
Looking at getting a 13" MPB to replace my aging Macbook. I am aware of the imminent arrival of the next gen next year, but still seriously considering getting a current gen.
Anyway, I am debating between getting the 2.66GHz version with 4GB RAM and the 2.4GHz version with 8GB RAM. I already have a 500GB 7200rpm HDD which I will transplant into it. Some stage in the next year or so I will look into getting an SSD and optibay for it.
I know that if I get the faster processor I can upgrade the RAM at a later date, but is the faster processor worth the money, or would I be better spending on RAM?
Maybe this isn't the correct forum...I'm a newbie. Today, after checking and installing upgrades to my iMac OS X, I'm seeing a pop-up saying 'my existing messages need to be upgraded the first time I use Mail again." I'm not sure what it intends to do to my Mail messages and I'm slightly fearful because many of them are Outlook Express messages that were transferred from my old PC. Anyone gone ahead and done this 'mail upgrade' yet? and did you have any issues?