OS X :: Eject Button On The Keyboard Don't Work After Windows Installation?
Aug 28, 2009
I installed windows xp on my macbook, only problem is I installed Windows over mac os x. So now when i turn on my macbook it loads windows xp from the start and the right click button and the eject button on the keyboard dont work. So now i am trying to reinstall mac os x and i cant find my os x disc, so i have leopard on a flash drive and i cant install it, and i have mac os 8 so i was going to try and install that and then open my flash drive and install leopard, but it wont boot, I help every button on start up and nothing works.
I would like to install a game for windows on my recently new iMac. And I know how to boot windows and everything from experience with my macbook, but my problem is basically this; When I try to install multi-disc games on the windows OS, whenever I get to the point where I am supposed to "insert disc 2" the eject button on my keyboard will not work, is there any workaround for this, I am running XP... (and leopard on my iMac).
Switcher here. First off, I can't for the love of god understand why apple didn't include a simple eject button on the chassi. Second, the eject button on the keyboard does not seem to work. It may be that I'm noob and all, but I tried both clicking and holding down the eject button on the keyboard. Result: a clicking the tray does some normal noise but nothing really happens?
As of this minute I'm in the process of installing Windows XP via Boot Camp on a Mac Pro. The problem I ran into is that the install CD I have is for an upgrade to Win XP. Since the installer can't find a previous version of Window, it's asking for a install CD for the previous version. I do have a Win 2K Pro install CD, but I can't eject the Win XP CD from the Mac Pro drive to put it in.
I rarely use my superdrive, so I thought it might be more practical to have the button eject my external hard drive(s). Is there a way to do this through OS X or a third party app?
I was installing windows with Bootcamp.so i started the installation process got past partition and now i am stuck on select cd-rom boot type no key board or mouse will work and i cannot eject the windows cd everytime i restart it goes to this screen..I tried a dell keyboard with usb and that didn't work any other suggestions.i feel like if i eject the cd it will help i just want to get back to Lion and all that awesome stuff on my computer.
i've had a Macbook for a couple years and I have some knowledge of OS X but this one has stumped me.My friend called me tonight and she told me on her new iMac that in the finder window, after clicking on Macintosh HD, the eject button was missing that should be next to the device.This apparently happened earlier today with a CD and happened when she called me with an External HDD.
She was however able to eject the stuff by either dragging it to the trash or doing "Open Apple" + E, key shortcut. I'm stumped on this because she was till able to eject the HDD or CD with the previous methods but the Finder, "eject" button for the devices was missing.
When I am in Mac's "Pages" or messaging in "Mail", the keyboard "END" button doesn't do anything. When I isited the Apple store, theirs didn't seem to work either, except when using Microsoft Word for Mac. Ironic, huh? Does anyone know anything about this??
I want to change the esc button to work with another keystroke. For example, I want to be able to press command >> delete and have the escape action work? It is like my own custom shortcut. How do I…
Not sure if this should be here but anyway. I am trying out Parallels to run Windows 7. I installed windows 7 on a partition of a second hard drive but couldn't get Windows to start up and finish set up so I went to parallels. Parallels is using the partition I created that contains Windows 7 of course. My problem is that I can't get my CD/DVD drive to eject when I press the eject button. This happens as soon as I launch parallels - from that point on the eject button has no effect. I installed parallels tools; I have sound and internet when using Windows but I have no way of ejecting the disk tray. Any suggestions. Is there an alternate command that can eject the tray like some other hot key or something? What am I missing?
I'm running 10.5.1 and Windows Vista Ultimate x64 on my Mac Pro. I just installed Vista, and then just taking a random guess, I decided to insert my leopard disc into the Windows OS, and sure enough, it showed up as "boot camp" and installed a whole bunch of drivers. Is that how it's supposed to be done? I couldn't find another way to get drivers into Windows.
Anyways, the volume keys work, but the eject key doesn't. Is there any way to make it work?
I've been accustomed to pressing the volume up button as the second to last key in the top row, but with the new MBA, there is an eject button replacing it. Why is there even an eject button if there is no built in CD Drive. Yes, some ppl use the superdrive, but i dont see how the rest of us need that button. Apple is trying to emphasize the lack of importance of the CD Drive itself, so why are they still adding this nonessential key?
I am trying to follow the following guide to do a triple boot, but I am stuck in Windows 7 installation triple boot snow leopard, windows 7, & ubuntu
I have done the following: 1. Did a clean installation of OS X Snow Leopard on hard drive (Not yet partitioned the hard drive)
2. Installed rEFIt I am not sure what the poster means by making sure it works by pressing the option button. I am assuming it means that I will be able to see the options I can choose when I press option? (I do see options to pick either "Hard Drive" or whatever disc in the DVD)
3. Partitioned 30 GB (or was it 40 GB? x.x I forgot sorry) space in Boot Camp Assistant for Windows installation. Chose the option to install Windows later.
4. Inserted OS X Snow Leopard installation disc and boot from there.
5. Opened up the Disk Utility and partitioned a hard drive (called Hard Drive_2) via the Partition section as instructed by the guide. Formatted in MAc OS Extended (Journaled)
So now, in that area I see "Hard Drive", "Hard Drive_2" and "BOOT CAMP" (so I am assuming that is what the poster meant by "3 partitions".
6. Restarted the computer with Windows installation disc.
Problems occur right here: Problem 1: I do not see anything called "C something" as the poster said. But I do see something called "Boot Camp"
Problem 2: All the partitions that are available says that "Windows 7 can't be installed". So my question is am I supposed to "delete" a specific partition to install it?
I have pictures of the screen which I will upload later if this isn't clear enough.
In OSX (Leopard), is there a way to allow the actual physical eject button on my external DVD drive to actually eject the disk? Obviously it is not a hardware limitation, seeing as I can do this just fine in Vista...
So is there a terminal command, a .plist to edit, or even some 3rd party plug-in that will allow this to happen? It is really frustrating when OSX is locking up due to a bad DVD or something, or if I am in a hurry and need the damn drive to spit out the disk PRONTO..
I don't know if this is normal. However I have the mid-2009 uMBP, and the eject button on my keyboard doesn't eject the DVD or the eject an external device, even if i select the item on my desktop first.
I went to install Windows XP via bootcamp as I no longer have a windows XP machine, but still need windows XP for a few things work related. The install failed, the CD I used was kinda scratched and it missed a few of the files during installation so I skipped them (usually not an issue as they were driver files and such). Well the installed failed and cannot complete. Now I'm stuck in a vicious loop where it wants to try and complete the install every time it boots. I'm using a non-apple keyboard, when I try to hold down what would be the equivalent of command+option+O+F it does nothing and either starts the windows installation all over or tries to continue and finish the current install. No matter what, no luck getting the windows disk to eject.
I've added the Eject button to my menubar, but its only showing my Superdrive, not my external. Is this correct or can I get my external HD to show up too?
Just got a Pioneer 216-R DVD Burner. It worked great, extremely fast and fully functional. But when I pressed eject button it said I inserted a blank DVD(which I didn't) it asks what I want to open it with. What am I doing wrong? Or what's wrong with the DVD drive?!
I have a DVD stock in the drive of my macbook alum 2008. help How can i get it out.restarting with the eject button does not work. is there a button to manually eject the disck?
The "Eject" button on the MBA is supposed to used when a SuperDrive is connected, to eject the CD/DVD. But to many of us who don't use the SuperDrive, that function is useless and the key is wasted. I am wondering, could we somehow set it to work with other external devices like external hdd, USB drives, etc.? i.e., instead of going right-click on the device and then selecting "Eject ABC" before unplugging, simply click the device (on desktop), then press that little Eject button on your keyboard.
My apple keyboard number pad doesnt work on windows via bootcamp (works fine on osx 10.5.3), I have the latest firmware for the keyboard on macos and have checked the software update on windows but nothing fixes it, what can I do?
I'm using Fusion with my Boot Camp partition on my MacBook. I've got an external keyboard (Matias OSX Keyboard). My number pad doesn't work in Windows but does in OS X. I'm not sure if there is a num lock key or how to access it if that would make the difference.
I just recently purchased Snow Leopard and everything seemed to be going well. The installer popped up after I put it into my External DVD Drive and the installation was going smoothly but soon my MBP would restart and the installation would continue. The problem is that at around 35% completion, or in my case 32 minutes left, the disc would come out of the drive and any attempts to put it back in would result in the DVD drive promptly spitting the disc back out.
I don't think it's the MBP that is at fault since I would have received an error message or something of the like. My only guess is that either the Installation DVD is faulty or the External DVD Drive is causing the issue. I'm leaning towards the DVD Drive especially since it suddenly stopped reading the disc entirely while I'm typing this. I'm using an AmazonBasics USB 2.0 8x DVD Writer External Optical Drive which should be fully compatible with Macs.
Having a VERY strange issue with my new 27" iMac. I've tried installing XP twice now and everything works fine through the installation and after XP boot initially without any Apple drivers. Keyboard (wired) and my Magic Mouse work just fine.
Then I install the Apple drivers and after a restart XP does not recognize and keyboard/mouse. Even if I hook up a standard USB windows keyboard and wired mouse, nothing. Booting into Mac OS everything works fine, but nothing in XP, including safe mode.