OS X :: Automated Complete HD Backup At Shutdown?
May 1, 2010
How can I get a mac pro that after I am finished using it for the day once I start the shut down process I can get it to do a complete backup of the system drive after I walk away for the night and it will shut down once completed
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Dec 19, 2009
I have looked all over the internet but could not find what i need.An application that allows me to run automated backups of my FTP to my Mac.
Does anyone know of an app that can do this?
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Dec 11, 2014
Choosing Sleep from the Apple menu often results in a complete shutdown. My UPS has a new battery and there are no scheduled events.
Mac Pro is early 2008, running Yosemite (10.10.1). 2 x 2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon, 20 GB 800 MHz DDR2 FB-DIMM, ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT 256 MB.
Machine sleeps normally if Energy Saver scheduled items are set (computer, display, hard disks).
OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Dec 28, 2010
When I select "SLEEP" from the Apple menu, press the power button my cinema monitor, the power button on the tower or the system is set up to sleep after a certain period of time - the tower immediately powers off, not even a complete shutdown cycle occurs. No new software has been installed (previous to issue). I have already completed the following:
-Unplugged all USB devices (other than apple mouse/keyboard)
-Reset PRAM
-Reset PMU
-Swapped out RAM chips (and mem tested them - no issues)
-Repaired permissions
-Cleared cache's
-Repair Disk from Start-Up CD
-Rebuilt directory from Techtool Pro
System Info:
Dual 1.25Ghz
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Jul 2, 2012
TIME MACHINE ERROR:Unable to complete backup, An error occurred while creating the backup folder.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 6, 2014
Running OS X 10.8.5
Trying to backup to Passport Time machine. Has worked fine until a few days ago.
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Mar 20, 2012
I'm trying to back up my new iMac to an older time capsule. But it just won't do it. The error reads: "Unable to complete backup. An error occurred while creating the backup folder".
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Apr 1, 2009
I have been the proud owner of a Macbook Pro 2.5Ghz with 4GB RAM, running Leopard 10.5.6 for just under a year and I have never been able to get Time Machine to backup my files properly. Instead I have been backing up my really important files manually to an external NAS drive.
However, I would like to back up all files to an external USB drive using Time Machine. I have a Freecom USB2 drive which I purposely bought, but when I try to perform the initial back up I get a message telling me there isn't enough space.
My MacBook has a 250Gb HDD and my USB drive is 500Gb (465Gb available), so I have no idea why I am getting this message. I have ensured that no other devices are connected in case it was also trying to back up those (USB & NAS drive), but still get the same message. It says I need 698Gb of space to perform the full backup - where is it getting this from?!
Within the options it shows me a panel containing an entry 'Time Machine Backups' with a size of 154.4Mb, which I'm guessing is the directory that I am trying to save the backups to.
I'm probably doing something obviously stupid but would appreciate it if somebody could point it out for me.
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Feb 20, 2012
Unable to complete backup. An error occurred while creating the backup folder.
I got this several times on my Time machine error messages in the past 2 weeks. Bought a new 1TB drive, initialized it and it worked successuflly for 2 days now back to the same problem.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 29, 2012
Unable to complete backup. An error occurred while copying files to the backup volume.
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), External Harddrive
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Oct 2, 2010
My 1st Gen Time Capsule cannot complete a backup using Time Machine. TM says that the disk is not available, yet, it is mounted and I did a Disk Verify on it and it was "OK." Is this a sign of issues with the TC, itself? There hasn't been a backup done in 2 weeks AND internet speeds have been up and down during that time as well. I thought it might be my old "modem" or my ISP, but now I am thinking it might be the TC. If it dies, I think I might just get an AE and get a USB HDD for TM backups in addition to my weekly clones. It is too bad that Apple doesn't support TM backups on the AE and a USB HDD.
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Dec 30, 2008
I have an Imac 24" and a Mybook external HDD. ever since Leopard came out Ive been doing backups with time machine, then one day I start time machine for my weekly backup and this message comes up: "Unable to complete backup. An error occurred while copying files to the backup volume." Now I notice that my external HDD was almost not spinning while time machine was trying to backup the status bar of time machine saying how much files need to be copied and the total amount of space needed was super slow and stoped at something like maybe 10 mb I started time machine again same message. I though maybe Mac OSX needed some permission repaires. So I did just that and after that did time machine again same problem. then I said to myself maybe my External HDD has problems so I even formated the HDD, then stated Time machine again this time it was running smoothly just like before I had the problem but the problem came back after 6 gig being copied out of the 25 gig needed to complete the backup process. Now hope I dont need a clean install of my Mac OSX or maybe its my external HDD. maybe my USB having problems?
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Oct 5, 2009
Alright, I just got my macbook fixed, the service people changed my macbook's harddisc, but now I can't complete a time machine backup anymore.
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Jan 31, 2012
Time machine cannot complete my backup because 'an error occurred while creating the backup folder'.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Mar 24, 2012
Files can’t be copied onto the backup disk because it appears to be read-only. You may need to repair or reformat the disk using Disk Utility. If the disk can’t be repaired, you must use a different disk for backups. Open Time Machine preferences to select a different backup disk. Why is Time Machine insisting my drive is Read-only, when in fact it isn't? This is becoming a routine occurrence. What's troubling is the problem is easy enough to resolve by simply unmounting/mounting the Time Machine drive and selecting Back Up Now from the menu and it purrs like a kitten.
After performing the step outlined above, my latest Time Machine backup is tucked neatly away and everything is fine once more.
24-inch iMac 2.8GHz (early 2007), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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May 30, 2012
Backup to Time Capsule will not complete. This just started happening about a month ago. It used to work fine. I have tried deleting prior backups and reformatting the Time Capsule.
MacBook Air (13-inch Late 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 25, 2009
I've been using the same 500gb external drive since last September for my iMac, also with 500gb. A couple weeks ago I was getting an error saying that there was not enough room on the external drive to backup my computer. I posted here, and I was told to erase old backups. So I did that.
Now, I'm getting another strange error saying that the external drive requires over 500gb to complete the backup. I don't see how this is possible since the my computer doesn't even hold that much.
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Aug 5, 2010
I have an Imac 24" and a Mybook external HDD. Ever since Leopard came out Ive been doing backups with time machine, then ...one day..I start time machine for my weekly backup..and this message comes up: "Unable to complete backup. An error occurred while copying files to the backup volume."
Now I notice that my external HDD was almost not spinning while time machine was trying to backup ... the status bar of time machine saying how much files need to be copied and the total amount of space needed was super slow .... and stoped at something like maybe 10 mb ...
I started time machine again ... same message.
I though maybe Mac OSX needed some permission repaires. So I did just that and after that did time machine again ... same problem ....
Then I said to myself ... maybe my External HDD has problems ... so I even formated the HDD, then stated Time machine again ... this time it was running smoothly just like before I had the problem ... but the problem came back after 6 gig being copied out of the 25 gig needed to complete the backup process.
Now ... I hope I dont need a clean install of my Mac OSX ... or maybe its my external HDD ... maybe my USB having problems?
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May 18, 2012
I have moved a network time machine backup disk to a new computer. Now when the time machine starts a backup it produces an error message: "Time machine could not complete the backup. An error occured while creating the backup folder."
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 30, 2012
error msg: Unable to complete backup. An error occurred while creating the backup directory. - What can I do to fix this? I tried restarting.
Time Machine, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Feb 13, 2009
So I finally got around to getting a 1tb drive to hook up to my airport extreme to do TM backups. I have ~420gb to backup on my mbp's hard drive. To avoid an absurdly long backup, I did the initial backup via usb (took the better part of the day).
Just now I was excited because it finished - I hooked the drive up to the extreme, mounted the drive so that it would show up as an option in the TM pref pane for a backup disk, and thought I was good to go. However, when I tried to get TM to do a backup so I could see it work (by selecting Back Up Now from the menubar), it took a ridiculously long time "preparing" and I saw that it was trying to create a whole new TM backup on the drive based on my computer's network name. It even had the audacity to think that the previous backup file was ~2gb, which freaked me out because I thought it had deleted it. But sure enough when I canceled the new backup and hooked it up to my mbp again, the backup was the correct size.
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Apr 10, 2012
How do I know when my back up is complete to an external hard drive..
MacBook, iOS 5.1
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Aug 29, 2014
iMAC with OSX10.9.4 ; 8GB ram ; two partitions external disk formatted MAC jurnaled ; connected via Fire Wire or USB2 .
During Backup the sistem get stack and display into the "details window" Time machine was unable to complete the backup because unable to complete the backup folder.
This problem happens with USB and Fire Wire. The file backups.backupdb is excluded from virus scanning.
Also happens time to time that (without doing things) both the partitions of the external disk disappaire from the desk-top and a message "the disk must be ejected properly" is displayed.
This two problems are independent une to the other. I have change the backup disk but both the problems persist.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 8GB ram ; external backup HD
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Jun 12, 2012
I'm using 10.5.8 and Time Machine on a time capsule which should have enough space. I've unchecked the "ask before deleting" option in Time Machine but no dice. I suspect that the problem stems from when I copied my iTunes folder into my public folder so that I can share among user accounts. It's not a copy of the folder but rather I moved it. Still, I think that time machine is trying to hold onto two copies.
iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 19, 2014
MacBook Pro mid-2012, 8GB RAM, 750GB hard drive, Mac OS X 10.8.5
One Time Capsule at home
One Time Capsule in vacation home
MBP backs up everything on internal hard drive to Time Capsule at home, where we live during summer and spring. When moving to vacation home in fall and winter, MBP backs up everything to Time Capsule in vacation home.
During the 6 months at each residence, the backups work great to the Time Capsule at that particular house. However, after some time (maybe a week?), Time Machine displays an error in Notification Center: "Time Machine can't complete backup to Home Time Capsule" (when in vacation home) or "Time Machine can't complete backup to Vacation Time Capsule" (when at home).
It's obvious that this occurs because Time Machine was set to back up to 2 Time Capsules and expects both of them to be reachable. Is there a way to suppress these Time Machine errors for the time that we're away from one of the Time Capsules?
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Mar 7, 2009
Can someone tell me how to configure Time Machine so it doesn't do a complete backup every time?I seem to get constant errors because my disk space fills up quickly. For some reason I don't think it did this when I first started using it. I use SuperDuper also, but have a drive connected to my iMac all the time for Time Machine.
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Jun 25, 2012
have a MacBook Pro 15" 10.7.4 which isn't working with TimeMachine any more When starting a backup, Time Machine tells me to backup 112kB (for example) .... an running and running, and after a short time "2kB from 112kB" ... and runnig and running and then "5kb from 112kB" and so on. The progress status is updating very slowly.
The weired thing is: the ".inProgress" file on the external hard drive (tried FireWire and USB connection) is growing to 85GB (the total used space on the hard drive) while Time machine status tells me it has saved some kB. And every backup is running in that way. Instead of backing up only the difference, all files where backuped - although the status is displaying a few 100kB - which should be the right size to backup.
- Repaired permissions > Same error
- Tried installing combo update > Same error
- Tried another external hard drive > Same error
- Tried cloning system to different hd > Same error
- excluded the Users home folder > Same error
- Interal hard drive speed > Over 70MB/s > OK
- External hard drive speed > Over 70 MB/s > OK
So had to be something with the System itself.
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Jul 30, 2009
Every day NASA puts up an "Image of the Day" Sometimes it is a really cool nightscape, sometimes it is great hubble photography, etc... I've been opening up the page every day and right clicking on the new image and saving it to a folder. Is there a way to automate this?
I'd love for my computer to automatically go to the page with the new image on it and save it to a folder. Sometimes I jsut don't have the time to get over to the page, or I jsut simply forget. Is there a way to automate this process?
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Apr 1, 2010
I was wondering whether anyone out there knows how to turn the mac automated speech voices to an audio track that can be used in a video. By the automated speech I mean the ones where you can type in what you want it to say, you can choose a voice, (I think one is called alex), then right click and click start speaking. I want to use this as an audio track in a video.
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Mar 30, 2012
I'm trying to fix an issue I had for a while with a automator script I want to use. I added several things it should do, test it, and it works fine. I use it usually as an workflow. But I tried to implement it through an iCal event! Which does not work. (and I checked already in preferences if the turn off all iCal alarms is unchecked) I the workflow basically to open when I first fire up the MacBook, but only once, not when I start it up again later n the day. So I thought about adding the workflow to the startup, but that would open it every time I start my MacBook. How can I get around that? By a iCal event? If yes, how can I fix it, that it starts not at a specific time (I don't start my computer at the same time every day) but when I first open it.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Lion
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