OS X Yosemite :: System Ran Slower And Some Web Pages Wouldn't Load
Dec 4, 2014
-OS X 10.9.5
-Processor 266 GHz
-Memory 2GB 1076MHz
-240GB Free out of 319 GB
A while back I "upgraded" to Yosemite and noticed my system ran slower and some web pages wouldn't load. I had Mountain Lion with less issues and less pinwheels. I went to YO to improve the slow loading but I now feel it is worse.
Should I return to ML or work out issues with YO? I've talked with a AppleRep a month back and did a PRAM reset and disc repair..My modem and router have been replaced without any notice in improvement.
Running 10.10 and I'm getting all blank pages when I print through the system or say Preview. Brother MFC-4710, upgraded firmware and downloaded new drivers. What is weird though is if I open a PDF from Chrome and printer directly from Chrome, it prints fine.
I've tried it on two laptops and both have the problem.
Has anyone else noticed that Safari is painfully slow the last few weeks? Mostly the problems are with gmail and facebook, but all sites are slower than Firefox. With both gmail and facebook, I can login fine, but when I click on something (a mail message, a person, a picture), it times out.
I've tried resetting safari several times to no luck. Firefox works fine. I'm having the same issues on my mac mini as well as my MBP. Both have 4GB Ram.
I've been using a LaCie Quadra 2TB Hard drive for a little over a month now.
I've been noticing in that time that whenever I have the HD mounted my system seems to run slower in that it has lots of sporadic hang ups. I get the spinning beachball in all sorts of programs from Safari to Microsoft Word.
I am of course assuming the Hard drive is to blame, so I was wondering:
Can running an external hard drive (for use with Time Machine and general storage) slow a system down (in particular applications)?
The hard drive is a 7200rpm drive and its connected via firewire 800 if that is of any importance.
I copied a lot of information to my friend's mid-2010 MBP, about 80GB of data. Used iChat - transfer took about three hours but it got there.Before the transfer her laptop was very quick - didn't have much installed, plenty of free space. After the transfer, the laptop still have a lot of free space (>100GB) but is very slow. Before the laptop would take maybe 1 minute to boot up.. now it's over three. She experiences bouncing beach balls when loading applications.
I just upgraded my hard drive in my macbook pro to the 500 GIG western digital 7200 rpm drive. Now it seems like my systems is a bit slower that when the 200 gig drive was in it.
After owning my Imac for about 12 months or more now I've noticed lately that it has become much much slower. I expected it to slow down just like all computers once you have used up a fair bit of memory space but I haven't used up much at all. I've tried to avoid using up too much space on my Mac by using an external storage drive but I'm wondering if that has the opposite effect? I've got the usual apps that help the Mac to run efficiently and I've followed various threads that show how to optimize the mac so I'm assuming there isn't all that much tweaking left to do... could be wrong though. A long time ago (i'm not sure what got into me) but I downloaded the apple developer software, I don't intend on using it but i don't what the correct names of the apps are and I don't want to uninstall the wrong stuff. I have tested the speed of my Mac with and without the external memory drive but didn't find much difference, but perhaps my tests weren't entirely accurate.
I have a 2009 24" imac, and in the past week sufring on the web is almost unbearable no matter what browser I'm using, theres nothing wrong with my connection as ive an iphone and an ipad and they both work fine. On certain websites it will not even load the page properly on others it takes forever (including this on). Ive unistalled flash and its still the same.
i read somewhere this could be to do with the router but I have no idea what do if it is.
My macbook is just over three months old, the other day my wireless internet connection cut out on it, but soon came back. Since then Safari is moving very slowly, every other page fails to load or will take up to a minute. To login to a page such as email or facebook is nearly impossible. When i have a page that will not load, the blue status in the url box usually doesnt go past the // in the http://, and it almost never fully reaches the end of the box Ive tried resetting safari and emptying the cache and it didnt help. I also contacted Comcast to see if it was a connection issue, but they found no problems.
I have a Macbook running Leopard and am having problems with the wireless internet at home. Everything works fine when I take my computer other places - just not at home. The trouble is that while some pages load fine, others do not display correctly or simply don't even load at all. The other computers on this network (all PCs) run fine, so I am guessing that it has something to do with settings on my computer, the router, or both. Unfortunately, though, I have no idea what to try.
I have a MacBook Pro, and its been working, but when I try to download pages from the app store, it won't work. The little load icon appears and the "buy app" button turns light grey, but after this, is does nothing. I've left it on for a full 24 hours, and it still sat there.
I have this very annoying issue with my Mac. (I have OSX v.10.7.3 Safari v. 5.1.5) Very often when I try to open a webpage it takes forever to load and eventually I either get a “Safari can’t open the page because the server where this page is located isn’t responding.” message or the page loads partially-no pictures or with a strange layout. After that when I re-lunch the page it shows up instantly. The strange thing is that when I don’t wait but instead quit and re-lunch Safari while it's loading the page, it loads straightaway. I can also turn my Internet connection on and off again and same thing happens. (WiFi or cable- it doesn’t matter) The problem is that I have to do it every time I click on a link. You can imagine what happens when I try to open more than one tab or window.This also happens on Chrome on my Mac but my Toshiba Win XP works perfectly so I don’t think it’s the modem or wifi. I don’t have any antivirus installed, no mackeepers either.
I have an Early 2011 13in MBP.For the last two days, I have had issues with web pages not loading on my MBP. Sometimes I can get a page to load and then after a few minutes of web browsing, the pages will no longer load. I was able to get the issue to "reset" by turning the wifi off and then back on, but now the pages will not load at all.
I tried using Google Chrome and Safari, but both browsers have the same issue. The last time that I used the computer was Friday. I did install a CAC reader on Friday and was able to use the computer that morning, but since yesterday the pages have stopped loading.
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I upgraded my internet yesterday to 100Mbps, and received a modem + router combo from my ISP (Charter). It is a Netgear CG3000D and I have another router hooked up, which is a Cisco/Linksys E3200. The problem I'm encountering is extremely slow page speeds, it'll take from 3 to 5 minutes for pages to load. My first thought was DNS, but of course I tried Google's Public DNS and OpenDNS. Unfortunately, they did not work. I called both the ISP and router manufacturer, but still no luck. I called Apple, but I'm not paying $49 for additional support. I'm assuming my Mac is caching something it's not supposed to. I do not live near an Apple store to see what's wrong. I went into safe mode and the issue still hasn't been resolved. There's multiple devices working fine, and I've noticed when my Mac is connected to my router, my PC goes haywire as well. And FYI -- I connected my iMac directly to the ISP's modem/router and it didn't work either.
I upgraded to Safari 5.7.1 and after that I cannot load pdf pages any longer. Prior to that version, pdf pages would load as usual in "Safari" format. Now, if I want to see the pages I need to control click the URL and ask for the pdf document to be copied in a folder. I can always go back to the previous version with Time Machine.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.16GHz Intel Core Duo
I have a MacBookPro5,5 with 8 gigs RAM and a clean/new install of Lion 10.7.4 on a newly formatted and parittioned HD using the GUID partition table. Safari will not open ANY web page. I have also installed both Chrome and FireFox. Both function normally, downloading and displaying web pages without any problems. Mail works fine but Safari opens to no page displayed and will not open any pages. Most of the time, when attempting to open any web page, www.apple.com included, Safari will crash. I've deleted all system items related to Safari and reloaded the current and several previous versions of Safari with the same results. I've also booted from an external drive and used "Disk Utility" to both repair and rebuild permissions on the internal drive. Have also run the current "Disk Warrior" to test the internal drive. Both utilities found no issues on the drive and every other piece of software works as advertised yet Safari refuses to work.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Fresh, clean install of OS
I have a 5-year old intel MacBook that I use strictly for browsing. In the last week or so, Facebook pages have taken forever to load. I have a 10mpbs internet connection (DSL) and all other pages load just tine on this computer. I have another Macbook with Snow Leopard (about 2 years old) and Facebook loads on it just fine. I've tried Safari and Firefox and I get the same results.
Info: MacBook (13-inch Late 2006), Mac OS X (10.4.11), Safari and Firefox
When I attempt to look at most pages, Safari acts as if the page is still loading the entire time. Unable to access Facebook or Huffington Post at all. I have emptied the cache, restarted the computer, but nothing works.
I have been having some problems with my MacBook Pro going slower and slower and then eventually grinds to a halt. I'm not sure what is causing it....Is there a log that will show me any memory leaks or at least what was using up the most memory/CPU at the time it freezes? a lot of times it freezes awhile after the screensaver kicks in.
Today, I've been having a lot of problems re: browsers loading pages. Sometimes, it'll load them partially/mostly, but images won't load. Other times, Safari/Chrome/Firefox will redirect me to Google. Still other times, the browser will say it can't reach the server.
I've tried restarting, repair permissions, and emptying the cache, and restarting the browsers many, many times. Usually one/some combination of these things will fix the problem temporarily, but it keeps coming back. Additionally, no matter how many times I repair permissions, problems crop up in System/Library/Java and System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework .
I've just redownloaded the Java Update 3 for 10.6, and I'm installing it now. I don't know if that'll fix it, but I'll update if it does. I'm running 10.6.5. The only thing I've noticed that changed before this problem started happening was my update to Safari 5.0.3. I have an aluminum iMac.
I just noticed that yahoo & google and some other webpages I load up are all caps when I am using my 27" IMac, why is it like that? It's pretty annoying, when I'm on my Macbook pro everything is normal.
i have already had to quit it 3 times today because it just wouldn't load web pages. i'm typing this in Opera now...
i can open web pages fine when i freshly open Safari, but then if i leave it for about 10 minutes, then come back and want to use it again, it's useless, and so far i haven't been able to access anything if i leave Safari open for more than 10 minutes.
i've just got the Security Update 2003-12-05 which is supposed to fix some Safari stuff... but this problem hasn't really started until yesterday.
just wondering, my safari is refusing to load certain internet poges. The best example i can give is when i try to log into facebook, i click the "log in" button after entering my details and it doesnt load and then gives me the Blue circle underneath the cursor and stays like this until safari is quit.
ive tried resetting safari and even restarting the macbook but i dont know what can be causing it.