OS X Yosemite :: Photo Booth Background (custom) - Image Reversed
Dec 5, 2014
I've been playing with Photo Booth on my new Mac, and most of the effects work. However, when I try the background effects (included and custom) the back ground image is not showing in the background, but instead in parts of the picture I'm trying to capture. Is there a way to adjust those settings?
MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014), Mac OS X (10.1.x), Photo Booth Application
In Photo Booth you can add custom backdrops however I am unable to do so with my new macbook pro.In photo booth if you click on effects and then click the box on the farthest right. Normally you should be able to drag and drop pictures for custom backdrops. It worked before on my old macbook w/ snow leopard. Unfortunately, Apple has very lousy documentation support for Photo Booth.
I was on photo booth when i accidentally erased an important video. Is there anyway that I can get it back without having to pay anything? I've looked in my trash but I can't find anything.
I did a video recording for my interview (for work purposes) and suddenly my Macbook freezes and then the Photo Booth app closed automatically and when I check the Photo booth library, the video isn't there. Can I retrieve it back??
I just purchased the eyeball microphone/webcam from Blue. The image shows up as reversed like in a mirror when using it in all applications (ichat,photo booth,quicktime X). Is there anyway to reverse the image so it looks normal again?
I've been using a custom login background tile by the usual method; replacing NSTexturedFullScreenBackgroundColor.png in System-->Library-->Frameworks-->AppKit.framework-->Versions-->C-->Resources. After the 10.7.4 update, my custom tile is still in the correct place, but the system is displaying the stock login .
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6), 8 x 2.8 GHz 10 GB RAM, Radeon 4870
I am using photo booth to record video I accidentally closed photo booth before I was done. Now I can't open the .mov file I keep getting err message The movie is not in a format that QuickTime Player understands. What do I do?
Mine never has, and the lady from Apple support is saying it isn't supposed to! I know it is... please verify for me that your 'video recording' inside of Photobooth records audio along with video!
My 2 week old, new mac pro has brought me much joy, I love it. However my son and my daughter, would very much like to play with the photo booth. Apples fire wire isight, is no longer produced and sells for big bucks in the used hardware arena.
Are their any of you out their that have any 3rd party webcams, that work well with photo booth? I know that their are plenty of plug and play usb webcams, that will work with the likes of ichat. But from what I have read is that photo booth is some what picky with usb web cams. Slow and unresponsive.
So, my photo booth booth effects are not working. They were working perfectly fine before, but now comic book, color pencil and pop art aren't the same. Any figure that its photographing looks black and comes out black. Theres no shading.
I seem to having a problem with Photo Booth thats kinda weird. I take pictures with Photo Booth, but once they are taken they dont show up in the little row on the bottom. They are in the folder in Finder, but they don't show up so I can view them in-program. Just an odd thing I thought I would see if anyone has a fix for.Nothing major, just a minor annoyance.
Somebody posted a pic of them with new effects and said " I am loving these new photo booth effects." I dont have them and I would like them. How can i get them.
I have an iMac OS X 10.4.11. and my version of Photo Booth does not have a Camera Tab for me to connect an additional camera, it only allows me to use it's own built in camera. Is there any way to get an update to my Photo Booth so I can get this tab? I have checked Apple updates but I can't seem to find anything for Photo Booth.
I just installed Snow Leopard last week. I was trying to take photos in Photo Booth but got this message: You can't use this version of the application Photo Booth with this version of Mac OS X. I have version 2.0.2 of Photo Booth. I'm very untech and I have searched some forums. Do I need to upgrade to iLife 09 in order to use Photo Booth?
Me and some friends were messing around on Photo Booth and we took a lengthy video (about 10 minutes) to put up on Youtube. We weren't done with the video and everything was still recording when I left for a minute.When I returned, Photo Booth was closed. My friend has never used a Mac before and he's not sure what he did. He says he was trying to quit out of another program and he might've accidentally quit Photo Booth. Either that, or he pressed the X, thinking it was the minimize button on Windows.Anyways, where is the part of the video that we actually recorded? Did the entire thing not get saved at all just because we might've quit out of the program near the end of our video?
I just upgraded to leopard on my MacBook Pro (2.4ghz Duo & 2GB ram) and have been messing around in Photo Booth, I noticed when I record a video with a video backdrop the process turns out sluggish and jerky. It only seems to be the backdrop that is quite laggy so I was wondering if this is just a case of there not being enough ram to handle it or is something else up.
I cant change effects while I am recording a video. I seen other people do it that have macs. I Cant find the bubbles effect or letters effect. Is this only available for macbook pro? I just have the macbook.
I just installed a pack of new effects to photo booth, and it shows out that photo booth keep crashing every time i try to change effect page... Is there any way i can remove the addons whitout removing Photo Booth?
If i have to remove Photo booth, and reinstall it, where can i download it again? Can any of you upload it so i can get it?
Photo Booth works fine with the first couple pages of effects but once I choose another page of effects (towards the end usually) Photo Booth freezes. I already repaired permissions and I have restarted my computer more than once (for other reasons) since this has started happening. I forget if this started happening before I installed Snow Leopard or after.
I recently did the latest software update to 10.4.8 Since then Photo Booth does not work at all. The screen is completely dark where before I could take photo's with it now I can't. What has happened? I purchased a LaCie 250 GB HD to backup my internal HD to. Should I install my OS onto it and let it be a startup disk or just backup to it as it is?
I downloaded the newest effects for Photo booth Composer FX Effects for Photo Booth 1.9.2 and whenever i added the effects there is a green line through the effect. I have downloaded other effects in the past so I don't know if the two cannot be used together and interefere. Also when I downloaded the effects it said we strongly recommend downloading these updates (and then it said a list of updates) I tried to update them but it said my computer did not need them. So basically, I have the effects set up on my photobooth, and they work, they just have green lines striking through the effect.
My photo booth icon is now showing a blank document, a pencil, a ruler, and a painting brush! I cannot open photo booth anymore. And my microsoft excel icon is showing an interrogation mark! I cannot open it either.