OS X :: Window Keeps Popping Up About An App I Deleted?
Sep 29, 2009
At times the below image keeps popping up when I open certain apps.
It is Adobe Air, I deleted this app but it seems to be still in my system. How do I make sure apps I deleted, like Adobe Air, is completely deleted out of my system?
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Mar 19, 2009
The keychain window keeps popping in various programs and I can't remember the password for how do I get the password? or re set the keychain?
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Sep 6, 2014
I recently downloaded MPlayerx and now whenever I am on a website and click on a tab, an add pops up in a new window. Is this a virus, if so how do I get rid of it? or what do I have to do to get this to stop? I deleted the app and went into applications and deleted that also but it keeps happening.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2012)
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Mar 22, 2012
Whenever I'm on my Mac-book Pro, I always get these pop up windows (like, the ones with the yellow triangle and exclamation mark). But before I can even read them, they close by themselves—they pop up for, like, less than a second and then close. It's kind of annoying, and I don't know if I should be worried about them or not... I would like to know what they say, but that's not going to happen apparently.
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Mar 20, 2012
I am an educator and my school system "upgraded" their Exchange Server and subsequently put Outlook on my computer. I configured Mail to pop over from Outlook, but now, I can't delete an email sent to my school email account without opening up Outlook and deleting it....it just keeps reappearing in my inbox. The problem is not the same on my iPhone or iPad, just on my MacBook Pro. So, I go for several days while the emails pile up, then open up Outlook and delete them one by one when I can't stand it anymore. Also, when Outlook is open, my computer runs at about 1/2 speed...everything slows and bogs down. Can I just delete Outlook from my computer?
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 8, 2009
I move a file to Trash or use the delete command a pop message comes up "This item will be deleted immediately. You can?t undo this action" - 'Show warning' is not selected in finder preferences. I have a nine day old 27" gi7 imac where I copied all the settings from my macbook pro via time machine. Both machines were on 10.6.2 and I am the only user - this problem only surfaced today. I ran Repair Disk Permissions with no luck and called Apple?.. they said that the only way to get rid of this was to perform a clean install making sure to back-up everything. I said that that was crazy and would involve me in having to invest in a new HD as I've already filled the imac with 500gb of stuff that has now been wiped over and I don't have a spare 500 gigs kicking around.
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May 21, 2012
Somehow I deleted the "address field" at the top of the Safari window. Now I can't type in an URL to go to a website. How do I get it back?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 19, 2014
When I access the user/groups window I can unlock the window to allow for changes. In order to delete a standard user you need to highlight the user you wish to delete and then click the minus sign in the bottom right hand corner. But, I cannot highlight the user I want to delete.
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May 18, 2010
I have a MacPro (Intel), and I had my Music folder on a second (non-boot) internal drive. That drive was getting full, so I bought yet another internal drive to put in one of the other bays, thinking to copy the folders to the new, larger-capacity drive. So I bought a 2 Tb drive and transferred all my MOVIES to the new drive, but then went back and deleted my MUSIC folder and emptied the trash. I knew immediately that I'd made a mistake.
I haven't written anything to that drive whatsoever from that moment on, so absolutely nothing should have been over-written. I have plenty of room on the new drive to which I can recover the deleted files. Unfortunately the folder/directory was very large, with over 20,000 files, mostly of podcasts/spoken word stuff, much of which is no longer available or would represent thousands of hours of download time, plus all my digitized folk music from long out-of-print LP records.
You'd think I'd be more responsible with >600 Gb of data! However, fortunately the drive is in good working order, it just requires a good recovery strategy. I know that services that do recovery charge a fortune, and because I haven't written anything to that drive and it still mounts without problems, I'm hoping I can do this myself with a good data recovery software package. Because I am talking about literally thousands of files, it is just too painful to think about editing all the metadata about each file (name, artist, album, etc.), and ideally I would like to recover the files and the file structure so podcasts are recovered as such, etc.
Is this at all possible?
If so, what are the relative merits of File Salvage vs. Data Rescue vs. Kernel for Macintosh (Nucleus Data Recovery) vs. VirtualLab Data Recovery vs. Stellar Phoenix? Is there something better than these--these are the only ones I found on a Web search. Are there any head-to-head reviews of which someone is aware?
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Mar 29, 2012
Try to open iChat window, version 4.0.8. in Time Machine. The TM window changes to a finder window. Is this normal for an application like TM? Trying to get back an open chat. not recorded.
G5, Mac OS X (10.5.4)
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Jun 28, 2012
I have previously used the GRAB utility to take a snapshot of an open Safari windiw, and the snapshot included the entire windiw contents. When I opened the snapshot in Preview, I could scroll up and down and view the entire contents of the original Safari windiw. Then, I tried it again a few hours later on a different Safari window, but I then got only the part of the windiw that was visible in the browser at the time that I GRABbed the window (i.e., when I took the snapshot).What do I need to do to get the entire windiw?
Mac OS X (10.6)
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Dec 4, 2014
Why is hiding a window / app not a 1-click window control? Perhaps with Option+Click as Hide All Others.Window controls exist to streamline common tasks; hiding is a very common task in OS X.
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Mar 23, 2012
I have both my gmail accounts set up with teh Mail app on my Macbook Pro , I went ahead and deletd a bunch of files, some that contain attachements and I emptied the trash, they appear to be gone, not really, if i restart the computer and start up Mail again and click the ALL MAIL box all the emails show up again!! and if i search a phrase or name via Spotlight all the emails show up again! I want the emails gone for good, I went into Mail Prefrerence and checked/unchecled all the necessary tabs, I also checked that I dont want messages saved offline, FYI when I check the email inbox via browser www.google.com / gmail teh emails arent there but they seem to be stored on my mac.
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Oct 28, 2007
I just have a quick question for someone who may know a bit more than I do. I remember that usually when I pushed the latch release button on my Macbook Pro, the display lid would pop up so it was easy to open it. Now, however, when I press the release button the lid doesn't pop up at all. This makes it a little bit more annoying to open. Is this normal as time passes? Or should the display lid always pop up?
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May 6, 2008
Over the last couple days, I've been getting an allow/deny modal view popup from PubSubAgent, asking to use my credentials for an RSS feed(this started happening the day I played around with Times, so it's probably the cause). I hit always allow, but it keeps popping up every few minutes. Tried rebooting and the like, but it keeps happening.
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Jan 5, 2011
Should I be worried?
My concerns are that it might be too close to the screen and that I paid $1000 for a problem. Is there any way that I might be able to fix it without going to the Apple Store?
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Nov 18, 2008
So I have had my new aluminum macbook for 2 weeks now and love it except for one issue. About once or twice a minute it makes a really annoying popping sound from the right speaker. It sounds like a crackle and then a pop. It happens if volume is up or muted, headphones plugged in/no headphones, music/video playing or not. Basically it happens all the time, nothing will stop the sound.
My question is should this be something I worry about, and get replaced/fixed? This is my first macbook and love everything about it except this popping sound. I have yet to contact applecare or take it to the store as I'm a busy college student and the store is an hour or so away. Just wanted to get your guys opinions on this issue first.
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Jan 8, 2009
Searched this but didn't find anything similar.
I have a problem with a "q" button on my 2.4 Alu Makbook. If I press (normal gentle) the button several times near the left edge, the right edge of the button would pop out.
To put it back in I would have to push the button hard until a little click.
I took the button out completely and there is nothing wrong with it visually. Reattached and it still keeps popping out.
The fanny thing is that I only use macbook connected to the external monitor and keyboard so I really used a built in keyboard one or two times.
Has anyone had anything like that? Is there a way to fix it? Should I take to Apple Store?
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Dec 28, 2009
I keep getting a pop up about - Update.plist could not be reached - for the program Intego BackUp Assistant - but I deleted it.
How can I stop or fix the pop ups?
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Apr 19, 2010
I find the 'popping' sound that is made when changing volume on the Mac via the keyboard very annoying. Is there a way to eliminate that popping sound?
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May 9, 2010
Every so often I keep getting a download dialog box popping up asking me to download a afr.php file !
Any ideas what it is or how to stop it ? see image below.
24" Intel iMac
OSX Snow Leopard
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Aug 4, 2010
Whenever I put my mac mini to sleep, my speakers will make a pop sound about every second. The speakers are powered via usb cable plugged into the mac but they'll also pop if plugged into my dell. There's no popping if the speakers are plugged into my sleeping dell, when my mac is on, or if I turn the mac mini off.
Running OSX 10.6.4 Mac mini early 2009 version
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Jun 13, 2012
I bought my Macbook Pro from my friend but I completely rebooted the system and started off as if the laptop was brand new. But I keep getting this message on a lot of apps from the Mac App Store.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 24, 2014
How do I get rid of the very annoying mobile me box that keeps popping up? Its been doing it for years and so far I havent had a solution that works
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Jun 2, 2014
iMessage keeps popping up and asking me to sign in on my MacBook Air. I'm new to Mac and I am having a tough time getting around.
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Aug 15, 2010
I've recently set up a new home network. I keep getting the following error, which is my computer trying to connect to an IP address from my former network (an external hard drive that was set up as a shared server): Connection failed
The server "" may not exist or it is unavailable at this time. Check the server name or IP address, check your network connection, and then try again. The only button option is "OK." The error pops up repeatedly. The external drive does not appear in my list of shared servers. Since this IP address is no longer valid and never will be again, how can I make this error go away?
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Mar 23, 2008
My brand new 2.8 8-core mac pro arrived a couple of days ago, and needless to say its great..for the most part It's standard spec but with the 8800GT and the airport card.Although I use it with OSX for most things, I need to be running Vista for the odd bit of gaming, and more importantly for software development (still need Visual Studio and .NET)So i've installed Vista x64, installed the bootcamp drivers, and then updated the graphics to the latest Nvidia drivers
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Jul 3, 2008
I just received my new MacBook Pro (2.4GHz) to replace my older CD Macbook Pro from 2006 which was suffering fan problems.
My new MBP is great and faster, with the exception of a really annoying "popping" sound that is coming from the left hand side of the laptop. It's sporadic and might happen every few minutes, or every 30 sec. or varying lengths of time in-between "pops."
I searched the forum hear and didn't come up with virtually anything at all, but the Apple Support Discussions had several threads on the topic, most pointing to the Hard Drive and the sound possibly coming from the heads parking on the disk.
Could anyone offer any advice on the subject? I just got this brand new MBP from AppleCare and really don't want to have to go through all the work on getting another replacement if this sound is normal.
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Jan 29, 2009
Question: Is there a way to disable the Downloads folder from popping up every time you download a file?
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Apr 18, 2009
I rely on a program called SoundOn! to stop the popping sound on my Macbook aluminium while using external speakers. But, I seem to have done something (slash OS X seems to have done something) which means that the application now opens in Script Editor rather than a standalone application. When I go to the Get Info window in Finder to change the default application I cannot simply set it as an application and get a choice between TextEdit, Automator and Script Editor. I don't want any of these. How do I go about resetting this so it will work?
Also, maybe if anyone has a Cocoa application for the same purpose of keep-alive for the sound card I'd be really greatful, as this application was made for 10.0.0-10.2.x and hasn't been updated since 2003.
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