OS X :: Valve Announces Steam For Mac, Will Allow Mac And PC Online Play

Mar 8, 2010

Valve officially revealed Monday that its Steam online gaming service, along with the Source engine that powers titles such as Half-Life 2 and Left 4 Dead 2, is coming to the Mac in April.

Valve's library of games will be making the jump from Windows Machines, including Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike, Portal, and the Half-Life series.

"As we transition from entertainment as a product to entertainment as a service, customers and developers need open, high-quality Internet clients," said Gabe Newell, president of Valve. "The Mac is a great platform for entertainment services."

Jason Holtman, director of business development at Valve, said the partners who sell games through the Steam online service, are "very excited" about embracing the Mac platform. The statement would imply that developers other than Valve intend to make their titles compatible with the Mac.

"Steamworks for the Mac supports all of the Steamworks APIs, and we have added a new feature, called Steam Play, which allows customers who purchase the product for the Mac or Windows to play on the other platform free of charge," Holtman said. "For example, Steam Play, in combination with the Steam Cloud, allows a gamer playing on their work PC to go home and pick up playing the same game at the same point on their home Mac. We expect most developers and publishers to take advantage of Steam Play."

In addition, Valve confirmed that the forthcoming Portal 2 game will be the company's first simultaneous release for both Mac and Windows.

"Checking in code produces a PC build and Mac build at the same time, automatically, so the two platforms are perfectly in lock-step," said Josh Weier, project lead for Portal 2. "We're always playing a native version on the Mac right alongside the PC. This makes it very easy for us and for anyone using Source to do game development for the Mac."

"We looked at a variety of methods to get our games onto the Mac and in the end decided to go with native versions rather than emulation," said John Cook, director of Steam development. "The inclusion of WebKit into Steam, and of OpenGL into Source gives us a lot of flexibility in how we move these technologies forward. We are treating the Mac as a tier-1 platform so all of our future games will release simultaneously on Windows, Mac, and the Xbox 360.

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Software :: Valve Accepting Applications For Steam For Beta Program Can Work?

Mar 26, 2010

Valve Software this week quietly began accepting applications for a forthcoming beta program aimed at testing its highly-anticipated Steam for Mac online gaming service, several AppleInsider readers have discovered."We are going to conduct a closed beta for testing of the Mac client and Mac versions of Valve games," the company wrote on its website. "Participants will be selected to provide broad coverage of testing criteria. Please be honest in your answers as we need to test all types of users, systems, and software configurations."

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Applications :: Boot Up Steam - Mac Steam Mic Work For Limited Time?

Aug 4, 2010

Does anyone know how to fix this issue? I boot up steam and i go into preferences and test the mic it works perfectly then when i boot a game like team fortress the mic works for like 30 mins and stops, people have been saying that its a buzzing noise

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OS X :: Migration Assistant Move Over Steam And All Steam Games?

Oct 5, 2010

will migration assistant move over Steam and all the steam games or will it only move the steam client app then you have to redownload the games?

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MacBook Air :: Will Not Play Videos Online

Dec 7, 2014

My macbook air is running on OS X 10.9.5, with i5 processor, and for some unknown reason will not play videos, like short tutorial videos or demo videos for online shopping site.  The enable plug-ins is on.

MacBook Air, IOS X 10.9.5

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Applications :: Unable To Play Online Videos

Mar 16, 2009

I have an iMac 17" G5 1.6 intel with 2 Gb of RAM. I can watch videos with no problem unless I try to watch one online such as Youtube or something like a video on Fox news. I have a highspeed cable modem hookup through Cox Cable. I have tried switching between the airPort and direct ethernet hookup but is makes no difference. I don't have this problem with my MacBook Pro.

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Intel Mac :: How To Get Online Video To Play Continuously

Jun 8, 2012

When I play any online video, it stalls a minute then continues, stalls, then continues. I don't remember this being the case when I first got my IMAC.

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MacBook :: Missing Plugin When Try To Watch Video Or Play Online Game In Safari

May 22, 2012

While I'm in safari and I try to watch certain videos or play online games it says missing plug-in


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OS X :: Khronos Announces The OpenGL 3.3/4.0 Specifications?

Mar 11, 2010



OpenGL 4.0 further improves the close interoperability with OpenCL™ for accelerating computationally intensive visual applications. OpenGL 4.0 also continues support for both the Core and Compatibility profiles first introduced with OpenGL 3.2, enabling developers to use a streamlined API or retain backwards compatibility for existing OpenGL code, depending on their market needs.
OpenGL 4.0 has been specifically designed to bring significant benefits to application developers, including:

two new shader stages that enable the GPU to offload geometry tessellation from the CPU;

per-sample fragment shaders and programmable fragment shader input positions for increased rendering quality and anti-aliasing flexibility;
drawing of data generated by OpenGL, or external APIs such as OpenCL, without CPU intervention;

shader subroutines for significantly increased programming flexibility;
separation of texture state and texture data through the addition of a new object type called sampler objects;

64-bit double precision floating point shader operations and inputs/outputs for increased rendering accuracy and quality;

performance improvements, including instanced geometry shaders, instanced arrays, and a new timer query.

Lastly, Khronos has simultaneously released an OpenGL 3.3 specification, together with a set of ARB extensions, to enable as much OpenGL 4.0 functionality as possible on previous generation GPU hardware; providing maximum flexibility and platform coverage for application developers. The full OpenGL 3.3 specification is also available for immediate download at [URL]

"The release of OpenGL 4.0 is a major step forward in bringing state-of-the-art functionality to cross-platform graphics acceleration, and strengthens OpenGL's leadership position as the epicenter of 3D graphics on the web, on mobile devices as well as on the desktop," said Barthold Lichtenbelt, OpenGL ARB working group chair and senior manager Core OpenGL at NVIDIA. "NVIDIA is pleased to announce that its upcoming Fermi-based graphics accelerators will fully support OpenGL 4.0 at launch."

"AMD sees the release of OpenGL 4.0 as another major accomplishment for the OpenGL ARB," said Ben Bar-Haim, vice president of design engineering at AMD. "AMD contributes to the Khronos workgroups, and we consistently find that Khronos is successful at developing healthy, thriving, and evolving open standards such as OpenGL and OpenCL."

"OpenGL 4.0 continues the ARB's schedule-driven roll-out of new functionality, and this significant major release enables developers to access leading-edge GPU functionality across multiple platforms with full backwards compatibility," said Neil Trevett, president of the Khronos Group and vice president at NVIDIA. "OpenGL continues to be a keystone in the Khronos API ecosystem, through driving innovation into OpenGL ES and WebGL™ to bring high-performance programmable graphics to mobile platforms and the Web, and by interoperating with OpenCL to create a seamless visual and compute platform for application developers."

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OS X :: 10.6.4, OpenGL, Blizzard/Valve

May 19, 2010

With the recent release of Steam for Mac, and the countdown to the release of Starcraft 2, I've been thinking that Blizzard and Valve should (or current are) actively pursuing Apple to make OS X more compliant with OpenGL, and at the same time increase effieciency of their graphics card drivers. Both of these companies are having the potential market for Mac gaming grow every day, and need their clients to run as smooth on a Mac as they would on a PC. I followed the dev builds of 10.6.3 somewhat closely, and remember seeing the builds add in compliance with OpenGL 3(?), so my question I'm asking is: Do you think Blizzard and Valve are actively working with Apple to increase performance for their games?

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Software :: Google Announces Free Web Video Codec As H.264 Alternative?

May 19, 2010

At its annual I/O conference, Google has unveiled its plan to release a video codec it acquired as a royalty free alternative to the ISO MPEG's H.264. Google was joined by Mozilla and Opera as browser vendors that would be including support for the new codec, dubbed WebM. Mozilla's Firefox currently does not support H.264 because doing so would require purchasing a license from the ISO.WebM is, as the name suggests, targeted at the web and not intended to replace H.264 across the board. As such, the project can be focused on a narrower set of engineering goals. WebM also supports HTML5 delivery of web video, as unlike H.264, it can be used to deliver web-based videos to any modern web browser, not just the commercial products of large companies like Apple's Safari, Google's Chrome, and Microsoft's Internet Explorer.

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MacBook Air :: Intel Announces 310 SSD Series - Adopts M - SATA Form Factor Used

Dec 29, 2010

[uRL] Only 40GB and 80GB though but it's great to see that m-SATA is being adopted by such big company. Maybe m-SATA is the future? No need to waste space with casings and stuff when a stick like that does the job too. Those should fit in MBA but there is no place for the screws.

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OS X :: Online Movies Play Differently When Logged In, And Wife Is Logged In?

May 16, 2009

I know there is something simple I�m overlooking, but I can�t figure out what it is. There is a website (subscription) that my wife likes to go to watch streaming movies and TV. When she logs into our iMac, goes to the website, and clicks on a movie to watch, the movie opens in the websites own movie player. When I�m logged into our iMac under my user name, go to the same website and click on the same movie, QuickTime launches and plays the video in a separate QT player. The QT and Safari preferences are set the same when either of us are logged in, so why when I log in do movies play in QT, and when my wife log in they play in the websites movie player? Is there something other than preferences that may be set different? What other settings should I be comparing? BTW, my account is the Administrator account.

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Software :: Didn't Get Into Valve's Mac Beta Program

Apr 21, 2010

Was just thinking to myself, it's almost May and Steam is still Window-only. Didn't seem to get into Valve's Mac beta program either.But there's news says their WebKit update is coming out Monday, at least for PC-users. Think we'll see the OS X version then?

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Windows On Mac :: Valve Games (HL2, TF2..) Crashing On Aluminium Via Bootcamp

Jan 28, 2009

I've recently installed the Orange Box on my Aluminium 13" Macbook (2.4Ghz).

At first, the games ran fine, but soon I started experiencing a lot of crashes (happened with HL2, HL2 Episode 1, Team Fortress 2, (haven't tried the others)). Sometimes the game just freezes (i hear a repeating sound), then quits. I get different error messages every time:

"The instruction at '0x0######' referenced memory at '0x#####'. The memory could not be 'written'"

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MacBook Pro :: Diablo Three, Starcraft Two, Guild Wars Two & Valve Games

Jun 4, 2010

these are the games i plan on playing when i purchase my new macbook i5 15inch. i know the processor difference between the i5 and i7 is barely noticeable especially for someone like me who doesnt do all that high-end rendering stuff. the only thing thats freaking me out is the difference in quality between these games with the nvidia 330m 256 mb vs 512 mb. some have said it'll make no difference as most games these days just use the speed of the card and not the space, and that the 330m is not even fast enough to take advantage of the 512mb....what would the quality difference be between the two for these games? i plan on getting the high-res screen, does that change anything?

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Software :: Steam CS Or CZ In OSX?

Apr 1, 2009

Has anyone got steam to work in OSX?? I play counter-strike and condition zero. I'd like to play these in my iMac w/o having to reboot into bootcamp windows xp. I'm currently trying CrossOver-Games but no luck.

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Software :: Civ 5 - Steam Or Retail DVD?

Nov 23, 2010

Civ 5 finally came out for Mac, problem is do I want the Steam or retail DVD copy? I don't mind the digital download too much, but what I want is the least onerous copy protection. I've also read online that the DVD copy still uses Steam for activation, but can't be certain.?

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Mac :: Steam PT On 2010 Mac Mini?

Sep 20, 2010

In the future, I'm going to buy an entry level Mac Mini, and upgrade its RAM to 4GB's. Will games on Steam (such as Half Life 2, Counter-Strike, TF2, etc) run fine?Also, for music production apps like Pro Tools, will I experience any low performance, or chugginess? I'm not really up on Mac OS X, but with 4GB's on my current PC, I can record and produce around 8-9 tracks and plus with ease.

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Applications :: TF2 On Steam Mac Not On Par With Bootcamp?

Sep 26, 2010

Has anyone played Team Fortress 2 on Steam for Mac? I just installed it today on my MBP (config is in my siggy), but I'm pretty disappointed because it's obviously not as smooth and fast as in my Bootcamp.I turned most of my settings to at least Med (and some to Low), turned off Antialiasing, but kept resolution of 1440x900, yet it's still laggy/choppy esp. when there's more people involved... (it was fine in Bootcamp on even better settings).I get like 20-25 fps in OS X, which pretty much sucks

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Mac :: MacBook Air 11.6 And Steam Games

Oct 23, 2010

Can anyone with an 11.6" MBA comment on how it can handle Steam games on OS X?I mean anything like HL2, Left 4 Dead 2, Team Fortress and stuff like that.If you could make a video that would be awesome!I am not really looking to use it for gaming, but if it can run some of these decently I might go with the larger SSD since I can put Steam games on all of my machines.

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MacBook Pro :: Steam Requirements For A Mac?

Dec 25, 2010

Do you have the have windows installed on a macbook for steam too work? or can you just install it on the macbook apple software? I am going to get a macbook pro 13" (Not yet ordered) next week will it come pre installed with snow leopard?

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Mac Pro :: Checking Steam Performance?

Jun 22, 2009

In the Table below (attached), Bare Feats and OWC have reported the following results for the Copy, Scale, Add, and Triad functions of STREAM to produce a single speed rating in gigabytes per second.

Are you seeing compatible results when running Geekbench?

I have 16GB installed on a 3.2GHz 8-core. 8 x 2GB using all 8 slots, but only seeing 3.5GB/s

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Applications :: How Can I Install Steam?

Mar 7, 2010

Whit all the Steam talk going on, I was thinking why don't I try it. What would be the best pay/free program to use for the Steam app? Cross over? Or maybe Virtualbox?

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Applications :: How Can Use Mac Steam Instead Of Bootcamp?

May 10, 2010

After my experience with the Starcraft II demo I have to say I'm hesitant to use the Mac Steam and just stick with bootcamp. Because of DirectX, games just seem to run better on my Windows side. Anyone planning on scrapping Windows for the Mac Steam client? It's nice to see more games coming to Mac but they still seem crippled by OpenGL.

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MacBook Pro :: Steam For Mac Vs. Bootcamp

Jul 12, 2010

I'm forced to use my 13" mbp as my main computer for at least a couple of months. I had a desktop that I would normally game with but now that my sister is using it for schoolwork, that's not possible. I never even thought about using my mbp for gaming, let alone a 13" model, but now I'm getting desperate. I don't plan on running anything that intense. I usually play some Team Fortress 2 and Counter-strike: Source. My main question is: for those of you that have had experience, which would be a better solution for me? Using Bootcamp and installing Windows XP or getting Steam for Mac? I'm not sure how the process goes for Bootcamp. I'm imagining you would have to dedicate some hard drive space. On the other hand, I've heard that Steam on Mac runs pretty slow compared to it's Windows counterpart. Anyone know if this is true? Appreciate the help.

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Windows On Mac :: Getting Error While Trying To Install Steam?

Nov 21, 2008

Been trying to install XP (SP3 on my new Macbook via boot camp.
Install goes fine, ive been formatting the drive as FAT.
Once XP has booted i put the mac install disc in to update drivers and what not, every time i do this i get the error 2869.
I also got this error when trying to install steam.

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Applications :: How To Install Steam On Crossover?

Mar 30, 2009

I am trying to install steam onto crossover.I download the steaminstall.msi file that downloads off of steam, but crossover will not let me open the file to get to the .exe what do I do from there?I think the rest of the process is self explanatory, but if you could post a step-by-step, it would be awesome

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Mac :: Old Mac Pro Graphics Card That Is Running Out Of Steam

Nov 23, 2009

I've got an old (late 2006) Mac Pro Quad (2 x 2 x 2.66 gHz) Xeon 3GB RAM with a Nvidia 7300 GT (256 MB video ram) that is running out of steam (mostly when it comes to Flight Simulator FSX on the XP side). Still running OSX 10.4.11 but I could switch to 10.6.xxx if I have to So the question remains: Is there any good, simple, easy way to upgrade the graphics (512 MB at least) or do I have to buy a new Mac Pro?

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MacBook Pro :: Steam Downloading Speed?

May 14, 2010

Anyone else watching these? They are somewhat fast for my free copy of Portal, BUT Steam says 4.x MB/s while activity monitor is about half that. Curious to know why steam is off by so much, maybe to "misrepresent" to the customer Curious what you all are getting. I have the MBP hooked up with an AIRPORTBS @300mb/s, along with the standard Comcast 8/2 speeds.

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