OS X :: Two Hard Drives - How To Uninstall Tiger From Second One
Feb 5, 2009
I got 2 hard drives, my main one has Leopard on it, and my second one has Tiger. Does anyone know how I uninstall Tiger so I can free up some space on the drive?
I need to either un-install leopard and re-install Tiger, or figure out how to get my ilife back. I don't know how. Changed everything but the serial number. Have 2006 Macbook pro. Came with tiger 10.4.8 and the disks. Worked fine. Then bought a retail DVD of Leopard 10.5.6 installed it , of course I selected install and erase and then lost my ilife and my mind. For three days and nights I have tried to fix this, and I am not a Mac whiz. Tried reinstalling Tiger, pwr up, while pushing C ,d, and T .No go. Says drive won't accept it Tried erasing the Hard drive with disk utility. Won't let me. Tried re-partitioning. No go. Changed everything on the disk utility there. no go Finally I just re-booted with Leopard (works but still no ilife) and got on this Forum.
Can anyone advise me how to uninstall Safari 4 from a G4 iBook running Tiger? I need to go back to Safari 3, but the system won't let me do an install that's a downgrade . . .
how to uninstall my current OS Tiger and install OS Leopard? I am using an iBook G4 1.42 GHz PowerPC with 1.5 GB RAM. 60GB HDD. Are my specs ok to run Leopard?
I'm looking at the specs page for the MacBook Pro and it reads this...
Your MacBook Pro comes standard with a 5400-rpm Serial ATA hard drive. Choose a hard drive with a faster speed for greater performance. Or you can choose a solid-state drive that offers enhanced durability.
Basically suggesting that the HDD option has a performance advantage over the SSD, but is this the case? I always thought SSDs could read & write quicker because they use solid-state flash memory as opposed to hard disks.
I want to go with the 256GB SSD but I want to know how it ranks in speed.
I have a Imac 20 with a small 3.5 hard drive and I have bought a bigger 360 gig 3.5 hard drive to replace the old one. I have the new one in an external case with USB 2.0 right now. Is there some way I can transfer the entire contents of the old hard drive on to the new one and then swap out the old drive with the new drive and not miss a beat?
I have to hard drives in my powermac. And I am running out of space with the one that has the OS on it.
I want to make the 2 internal hard drives i have appear as one so i can still install and use things that say "must have mac OS installed on this drive to use" or whatever.
i've heard of people using RAID to join them, but i want details on how i could do this.
I just purchased a free agent go 500gb and tried plugging it into my powerbook g4. It was detected but i tried to mount it and failed. I then unplugged the external hdd. Now I plug it into my Mac and it does not detect the drive! Here is what is written in the log.
Mount of "disk1s1" failed Verify and Repair disk "disk1s1" ** /usr/local/bin/ntfsfix has been disabled because of volume corruption issues. ** If you still want to try fixing your volume, use /usr/local/bin/ntfsfix from the command line... Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit
Disk Utility stopped repairing "disk1s1" because the following error was encountered: The underlying task reported failure on exit 1 non HFS volume checked 1 volume could not be repaired because of an error
I then reformatted the drive on my windows to ntfs (it came pre-formatted in NTFS). I plugged it in but the same thing still happens! Btw all this is done with macfuse + ntfs-3g. I have another external hard drive written in ntfs and it reads fine on my mac.
how to partition a hard drive, so I can boot a my Leopard image-file from a separate partition. who has enough patience & time to guide me through to complete this common task. I did the follow things so far to make a separate partition for my disk-image (Leopard Installer):
1. Launched Disk-Utility on Tiger 10.4.11 OS X. 2. Clicked on my hard-drive (149.1 GB). 3. Selected "Partition" in that menu (seen above the Volume Information). 4. Selected "2 Partitions" from the "Volume Scheme drop-down menu".
HDD Bay 1: 250GB Serial ATA 3Gb/s; 7200 rpm; 8MB cache
OSX: Tiger
I need to upgrade to Snow Leopard to be able to use newer Leopard & above only versions of software ie FCP, Aperature, etc.
The issue is that I would like to keep the Tiger OSX as I run Pro Tools LE 7 on it. Upgrading to Snow Leopard would render Pro Tools LE 7 incompatible and I would have to buy it again.
So here's what I'm thinking. I would like to install a secondary HDD in Bay 2 and install Snow Leopard on it.
Is it possible to have OSX Tiger on the HDD in Bay 1 and have OSX Snow Leopard on the HDD Bay 2? Could they each be a different startup to be selected via System Preferences or at bootup? I would only want to run one OS at any given time.
If so what would be a workflow for installing the 2nd HDD and setting it up with OSX Snow Leopard.
Also, compatible hard drives for the 2006 Intel Mac Pros seem to be harder to find now. I called Apple and they no longer sell any compatible internal HDDs.
I'm planning on getting a Mac Pro with multiple hard drives and was thinking about having a main drive for Leopard and documents, one for music, one for video and another for Windows. I was just curious to see how others have theirs set up and any if there is advice to be shared.
Does anyone know if I can partition a hard drive to put Tiger on the new MBP along with leopard. I want to maintain funcitonality of my old Minolta Film Scanner that only works with Tiger.
Having been burning off my photos onto CDs for the past few years, I have been told it would be better to back them up onto an external hard drive (to speed up my computer and to have another back up... I am a heavy, heavy photograph user). My questions are:
1. Is it possible to completely back up my hard drive, and then use this hard drive in an ongoing capacity (sorry, I don't know the technical term!) on a daily basis using photoshop/bridge? Would this be incredibly slow? 2. What does partitioning (a word I've stumbled across in my googling) do/is this how I should be doing the above? My main objective, other than having an external back up, is to take 'bridge' and all my photographs off my internal hard drive.
I would have thought, given the pace of innovation, that we might have had hard drives larger than 1 TB by now. Has anyone heard of any potential rumors?
Looking at Seagate site, even newegg, the hard drives for mac are incredibly more expensive. I doubt the interface is different, so the only other option is how it is formatted.
If the drive is formatted differently, at an extra cost, I am curious if OSX is capable of formatting externals on its own? Can I buy a standard drive and format it natively in OSX?
I only ask, because after coming from Home Premium, several hardware utilities are non-existent.
I have a 15" MBP with 256ssd installed and a 13" MBP with a 250gb 5400 drive. I prefer to use the 13" as my main computer and want to take the 256ssd drive from the 15" and put it in the 13". Then take the 250gb drive from the 13" and put it in the 15" How hard is this to do? I've not done something like this before. Since I'm swapping an ssd with a regular hd is it as easy as following the instructions on this forum, remove the screws and swap the drives? After that's done I'll need to overwrite the 15" software and load the OS and drivers for the 13" on to the ssd drive. Is that as simple as taking the restore disk for the 13" put it in the drive and reinstall the OS? Or, should I just take it to the local authorized Apple Dealer and have them do it? (We don't have an Apple store nearby.
When I was on OS Tiger I had all my iTunes content on an external drive to free space on my iMac, content being 224gig on a 300g external HD. I'm now on Snow Leopard and would like to use the Time Machine facility but it says I don't have enough room to carry out.I still have 224g of iTunes on ext and I have 198g available on a 300g Mac HD. Can I split the iTunes content over the two drives i.e music on one and movies on another? If yes, how? Or, to use Time machine effectively should I look at other options?
Ok, this is the setup: got an external hard drive hooked up to an airport extreme via USB. I have a macbook that's a few years old with the intel core duo processor and running OS 10.4.11.
I want to be able to see/backup to this hard drive wirelessly from my macbook while on my home network. Basically, everything I've found online makes it look like I have to have my extreme on an 802.11n connection or whatever, which my macbook isn't capable of (intel core duo processor), right? The reason I say this is that all the instructions on how to turn this on circle around options that I don't see in my airport admin utility program.
So is this possible, or am I gonna have to get a new macbook before I can do this. If I get leopard or snow leopard would I be able to do this with time machine, or do I need to be able to do 802.11n for that, too?
I have an intel iMac (non-aluminum) without an operating system. But there are lots of important files on the iMac's hard drive. Can I install OS X Tiger on it without erasing any files, and still have them be accessible on the computer? If so, how?
For the moment I have my OS back up (10.3.9 )cloned to an ext FW HD. I have a 10.4 install or unpgrade disc (not sure which, nor if the disc is any good and would prefer not to risk screwing up my int.HD). Could I install Tiger directly to my ext.HD, thus being able to use the two systems depending on where I boot from. (if the install works?) Asking this because I'm not sure if I have enough free space on my Int HD (7GB) to do an Install and Archive, where as on my Ext HD I have about 11GB free space on the partition. Then if it all works could I CCC it back to my Int.HD?
Would like to sell my old iMac, but have yet to figure out how to wipe it clean of my files, etc.. Have old operating system of tiger 10.4.11 IMac is from 2006. Do not have OS X install disc anymore.
Our Mac Pro crashed, and upon reboot, both the internal raid as well as the external firewire drive that happened to be plugged into the machine at the time, are both 'locked' and we cannot unlock them. We've tried toggling the 'user and permission' choices from the 'custom' setting that they are now showing to read/write... and it just snaps back to 'custom'!
Same if we try to change to just READ or just WRITE...etc...nothing...
Just a gray icon of a LOCK under the icons of the drives, and a warning anytime I try to access them, saying I don't have permission to do so.
I even unplugged the firewire drive and plugged it into another computer and it does the same thing! And I even made a new ADMIN and tried changing it with that, to no avail. Everytime I look at either of these drives, those 'users and permissions' toggles are back at 'custom' and they just won't relent!
Oh, and I also flashed PRam and 'Repaired permissions' on the boot drive [yes, the boot drive is working fine]
I need the media that is on these drive... a ton of video media on the internal raid, specifically... So I can't just repartition them from boot disk.
I just recently bought a Macbook Pro about 2 weeks ago. Everything's been working great up until today. First I noticed that my MBP wouldn't recognize my phone when I plugged it into the USB. (Its an Android phone - don't bash me for it) I just thought it was my phone at first. A couple hours later I tried transferring some files to my external hard drive (1TB iomega) and my MBP wouldn't recognize it. I plugged in another one of my external HD (320 GB Maxtor), same problem. I then tried my other external HD (500 GB Western Digital), same problem. I tried a different USB port, different cord, rebooting the mac, nothing seems to be working. It will recognize my ipod touch tho. Being that its happening on 4 different devices, I doubt its the devices themselves. Its not the cord because I tried 2 different ones, 3 if you count the one for my phone which uses micro USB.
I am very new to the mac world so other than the things I have tried already, I don't have a clue what to try next. Oh yea, one more thing, all my hard drives are formatted for pc being that I just recently bought my MBP, I had all these hard drives before my mac. And they have all connected fine to my MBP in the past week or so.
Anyone knows if you can have exclusively one hard drive to run mac and the other to run windows? I know about changing the cd slot to accommodate another hard drive. So I was just wondering if anyone has any idea whether this would work couldn't find anything concerning this online and can I still have the bootcamp thing where you can choose which os to choose from.
I'm trying to share a hardrive from my Macpro to my Imac. I have the sharing preferences turned on and have added the volume I want to share to the "shared folder" list. When I try to access it form my Imac I can see my mac pro but when I connect I can't see any folders.
I tried to share a folder from my Mac Pro boot drive and that worked !!!? I don't know why I can't share files from my other hardrives.