OS X :: External Hard Drive For Photos - Tiger?
Sep 11, 2010
Having been burning off my photos onto CDs for the past few years, I have been told it would be better to back them up onto an external hard drive (to speed up my computer and to have another back up... I am a heavy, heavy photograph user). My questions are:
1. Is it possible to completely back up my hard drive, and then use this hard drive in an ongoing capacity (sorry, I don't know the technical term!) on a daily basis using photoshop/bridge? Would this be incredibly slow?
2. What does partitioning (a word I've stumbled across in my googling) do/is this how I should be doing the above? My main objective, other than having an external back up, is to take 'bridge' and all my photographs off my internal hard drive.
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Jan 17, 2009
I just purchased a free agent go 500gb and tried plugging it into my powerbook g4. It was detected but i tried to mount it and failed. I then unplugged the external hdd. Now I plug it into my Mac and it does not detect the drive! Here is what is written in the log.
Mount of "disk1s1" failed
Verify and Repair disk "disk1s1"
** /usr/local/bin/ntfsfix has been disabled because of volume corruption issues.
** If you still want to try fixing your volume, use /usr/local/bin/ntfsfix from the command line...
Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit
Disk Utility stopped repairing "disk1s1" because the following error was encountered:
The underlying task reported failure on exit
1 non HFS volume checked
1 volume could not be repaired because of an error
I then reformatted the drive on my windows to ntfs (it came pre-formatted in NTFS). I plugged it in but the same thing still happens! Btw all this is done with macfuse + ntfs-3g. I have another external hard drive written in ntfs and it reads fine on my mac.
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Jan 29, 2010
For the moment I have my OS back up (10.3.9 )cloned to an ext FW HD. I have a 10.4 install or unpgrade disc (not sure which, nor if the disc is any good and would prefer not to risk screwing up my int.HD). Could I install Tiger directly to my ext.HD, thus being able to use the two systems depending on where I boot from. (if the install works?) Asking this because I'm not sure if I have enough free space on my Int HD (7GB) to do an Install and Archive, where as on my Ext HD I have about 11GB free space on the partition. Then if it all works could I CCC it back to my Int.HD?
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Feb 8, 2008
Can Tiger or Leopard server be installed on an external hard drive?
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Mar 27, 2012
How do I get photos from backup external drive on to my new hard drive on my MacBook
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 6, 2007
I have a huge catch of photos that I am currently scanning and would like to store digitaly, numbering in the thousands. Right now I'm using iphoto to store the ones I have scanned, but I have only a macbook with an 80gb hardrive, and an external drive of 320gb. Evantually i am going to run out of room. I am wondering what is the best way to transfer the photos to the external drive, so that I can delete the current photos from my internal drive to free up space, then later, when I have added more photos, transfer those to the external drive, without having to have all of them in the iphoto library photo catch? I am concerned that if they are all stored in the iphoto library folder on the external drive, then eventurlly, this folder will be too big to reload on my computer. Also, when I erased the photos already stored in the external drive from the internal, then added new ones, then tried to put those in the external drive from iphoto, the external asks me if I want to overwrite the iphoto library it has stored because the folder names are the same. I would like to be able to have several iphoto library files on the external drive, so they don't all go into one huge file. Does that make sense? If anyone has any experience with organizing a huge catch of photos, I would love to hear it, as this is relatively new to me.
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Sep 3, 2009
I am a new mac user with a used Macbook. I believe it is from 2007, but has been upgraded several times. I got this Macbook from my boyfriend. He moved overseas for a religious mission. I am not able to call him, only send letters. I am having an issue with the laptop and need help asap. Before he left, he cleared EVERYTHING off his Macbook onto an external hard drive to give me more space. The only problem is, he cleared too much off! We had a year's worth of pictures of us that were stored only on his laptop. Now I don't have a single copy of those photo's. I have access to his external hard drive, but I have no idea how to use it to retrieve those pictures. I believe all his pictures are stored on iPhoto. I really want those pictures off his hard drive, but I don't want to do anything to mess up the rest of the valuable information he has on the external hard drive. How do I get copies of the pictures off the hard drive and back onto the Macbook?
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Jun 24, 2014
How do I know photos are in external hard drive?
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Jan 23, 2009
I have already set itunes up so that all my music is on an external hard drive instead of my laptop.
Can I do the same with iphoto?
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Mar 23, 2009
I would like to "copy" NOT "move" photos from the Mac to an external hard drive. How do I export it & still keep the photos in the Mac?
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Mar 24, 2012
iPhoto library from external drive opens using <option> key, but no photo file contents. Clues on where the photos reside?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Apr 12, 2012
I have just transferred photos from my camera to iphotos on my mac book pro and now I want to save the photos on my external hard drive
Info:Mac Pro
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May 7, 2012
How do I move photos from iPhoto to an external hard drive?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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May 2, 2012
I want to preserve my family photos and videos on an external hard drive as I am filling up my MacBook Pro storage, meaning I need to remove some videos from my MacBook so I can add more. It sounds like Time Machine will write over old files to keep more recent updates. Is there a way to mark certain files on the external hard drive as ones that should NEVER be deleted by Time Machine?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 20, 2012
I want to move my photos from my laptop to an external hard drive. I already own a Seagate which is formatted for a PC, with photos already on it. I do not want to lose those photos and have been told by Apple tech that the seagate can be reformatted for mac. How do I do this without losing the PC photos already on it. Is there any difference between photos transferred from a PC or a MAC ?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 22, 2014
I have several hundred files on an external hard drive which i used with my toshiba laptop, I purchased the Mac, (after years of consideration!) and now I find that I'm having real difficulty in uploading to the mac from that drive.
I have also purchased the lightroom version 5 (i had version 4 on the laptop, and am just aching to use this on the mac ...
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Oct 14, 2010
Last year I bought a MacPro Desktop, and just recently got iLife '09. I'd move all the photo's onto my external LaCie Hard Drive. and I'd like to move them back again, i.e direct iPhoto's to these photo's that are on my external Hard Drive. I've made an extensive search before coming on hear to ask, but I can only seem to find "How to send photo's from iPhotos onto an external Hard Drive, but I want to "send them back from the external Hard Drive" but keep them on the external Hard Drive so I son't use up internal Hard Drive space. I thought there might be an easy way to do this? Can somebody tell me how to do this, or point me in the right direction?
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Jun 17, 2014
Is there a way to get my photos off an old time machine backup from an external hard drive?
MacBook Pro with Retina display
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Mar 24, 2012
can i make a slide show of my photos in external hard drive without import it
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Feb 16, 2009
how to partition a hard drive, so I can boot a my Leopard image-file from a separate partition. who has enough patience & time to guide me through to complete this common task. I did the follow things so far to make a separate partition for my disk-image (Leopard Installer):
1. Launched Disk-Utility on Tiger 10.4.11 OS X.
2. Clicked on my hard-drive (149.1 GB).
3. Selected "Partition" in that menu (seen above the Volume Information).
4. Selected "2 Partitions" from the "Volume Scheme drop-down menu".
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Apr 27, 2009
Does anyone know if I can partition a hard drive to put Tiger on the new MBP along with leopard. I want to maintain funcitonality of my old Minolta Film Scanner that only works with Tiger.
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Mar 5, 2012
I have an iMac Intel Core 2 Duo running Tiger. What I would like to do is install Lion on an external hard drive and have the ability to boot up using either Tiger or Lion as the occasion arises. Reason being, I have some software apps that would no longer run on anything higher than Tiger and would require $1200 worth of upgrades. While I plan to eventually make such upgrades (and perhaps buy a new Mac to put it all on), for now I'm seeking an interim solution. In short, I want to take advantage of what Lion has to offer in the way of increased speed and flexibility (especially with internet surfing) while at the same time being able to boot up part of the time in Tiger to continue to run my older apps when needed. So, can it be done? Install Lion on an external HD? Or do I need to install Snow Leopard first, then upgrade to Lion? Or is none of this possible without buying a new computer and just keeping my old machine to run Tiger with the older apps?
iMac 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.4.11), 20-inch flat panel, 1 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
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Sep 3, 2009
Ok, this is the setup: got an external hard drive hooked up to an airport extreme via USB. I have a macbook that's a few years old with the intel core duo processor and running OS 10.4.11.
I want to be able to see/backup to this hard drive wirelessly from my macbook while on my home network. Basically, everything I've found online makes it look like I have to have my extreme on an 802.11n connection or whatever, which my macbook isn't capable of (intel core duo processor), right? The reason I say this is that all the instructions on how to turn this on circle around options that I don't see in my airport admin utility program.
So is this possible, or am I gonna have to get a new macbook before I can do this. If I get leopard or snow leopard would I be able to do this with time machine, or do I need to be able to do 802.11n for that, too?
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Jan 26, 2010
I have an intel iMac (non-aluminum) without an operating system. But there are lots of important files on the iMac's hard drive. Can I install OS X Tiger on it without erasing any files, and still have them be accessible on the computer? If so, how?
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Jan 31, 2012
Would like to sell my old iMac, but have yet to figure out how to wipe it clean of my files, etc.. Have old operating system of tiger 10.4.11 IMac is from 2006. Do not have OS X install disc anymore.
iMac (24-inch), Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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May 8, 2012
how can i transfer photos to an external hard disk?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 22, 2010
I'm fairly new to macs and am having some problems. Here's the situation:
I've got a 3 year old 13" Macbook - 2.1 Intel Core 2 Duo, 1.83 Ghz, 512MB memory, 60 GB hard drive - I bought it from
Apple directly - it was a ""reconditioned"" one from the factory.
It has worked fine for 3 years, but lately has been getting slower and slower (most programs), and even the home screen has been acting weird, and loading up funny, if at all sometimes, and I get the "spinning beachball of death" much more often and/or for longer periods. I have all my files copied elsewhere, and I just figured I would start over and reinstall the 10.4 Tiger OS that came with it - I have the original grey install/restore DVDs.
In case it matters, the two install/restore DVDs read:
mac os version 10.4.8
AHT version 3AA18
disc version 1.0
So here's what I've tried so far:
-I booted up with the install/restore DVDs and have run the hardware checker several times. It says everything is fine.
-Also through the Utilities on the restore disk, i checked/repaired the disks and the "permissions" which showed up in the Disk Utility as the "Mac hard drive" or something like that, about 5 or 10 GB, and the main part of the drive, the "55.9 GB Fujitsu MHV2060BHPL". That all seemed to check out fine as far as the computer could tell me.
-I tried installing Tiger from the restore DVDs, the first time with the "archive and install" option. It seems like everything is working with the installation, and it gets through the second DVD, but when its done, it states that there are "software errors" and to try to install it again. (And no it won't boot up at all on its own...) I tried it again with another of the install options, I think it was "Erase and Install" - same thing. I also tried the "first time install option" too - same thing.
Next, since I got all my info off the computer already, I tried reformatting. First I used the function that writes zeroes over everything, for both the "Mac HD" and the "55.9 GB Fujitsu" drive too. Then I tried all three different install options again, starting with the "initial install" one. I also went into Disk Utility and used the format (and/or partition?) function and the drive has been redone with the mac os "extended journal" format, always with the same result as before. The whole thing (including the DVD test that it runs) seems to go fine with the install, but at the end it always says there are software errors and to try the install again... Is this possibly a hard drive problem (even though it "tests" fine)?
What if I ordered one of these:
Would that work in my macbook? Could I just replace the drive and go for another "first install"? Or is it likely something else?
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Jan 24, 2010
I know this is a reoccurring question, but I haven't found the answer to this specific flavour of it, so I hope you can help. I'm using iphoto 09. After initially using it with default setup, I've now unticked the 'Copy items to the iphoto library' in preferences.I've got an external (NAS, one that is plugged in the router) harddrive with all my photos on it. I didn't want to pull them into a library on my mac, and putting the iphoto library onto the NAS drive didn't work either (it wouldn't load the thumbnails). So I've decided to leave the photos where they are and point iphoto to them without importing them (by unticking that box I mentioned, which was described in another post). Deleting however is a problem. Ideally I would hope I can delete a photo in iphoto and it would be deleted on the NAS drive as well. I've read all the posts about deleting and then emptying the iphoto trash, which I did. I pressed all sorts of keys when deleting (cmd, alt, ctrl, shift etc. - didn't work either.
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Nov 12, 2009
if i delete files off my internal hard drive (Macintosh HD), will it still be on my external hard drive or will it just add to it?
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Dec 17, 2010
I try to securely erase big hard drive and Disk Utility in Tiger says Secure Erase. Pass 1 of 7. Estimated time 123 hours
Is this progress bar only for erase 1/7 or for all 7 passes (1-7/7)?
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