OS X :: Transferring Programs To New Mac - Functional On Other As Well
Jan 21, 2010
I'm new to mac and I heard somewhere that if you have another mac computer then you can transfer you programs to your new one. My church has an iMac with Pro-Presenter, and Final cut on it. Could I get those on my computer but the program still be functional on the other one as well?
We have a couple of systems running 10.6.4. While the Cut function (Cmd+X) works in the applications, it's nonfunctional (grayed out) while in Finder. I'd really like to use Cut/Paste rather than dragging when moving files, as there's less chance for accidentally dropping them where they don't belong. Anyway, I can't seem to find how to make Cut functional.
I have a new MacBook Pro (100% up to date) and when i click links for PDFs, Safari opens up a new tab and the whole tab is a darker grey color and the PDF never displays. I have followed many suggestions of deleting this AdobePDFViewer file but unfortunately I do not possess it. So I downloaded Adobe Reader and installed it. I set it to not be the default and to not open PDFs from Internet. I deleted Adobe Reader and then I found the AdobePDFViewer file and I also deleted that. But I still can not view PDFs in Safari.
Imac core 2 duo running snow leopard 10.6.8. Tells me about uploads (airport, java and itunes, I think), then downloads, then cannot install due to "unknown error". Always. Even if I try one at a time.
I had my 2008 Mac Pro unpugged for a few days. When I turned it back on the USB ports weren't functioning. I can't reset the PRAM as my keyboard is not working.
I'm about to throw my HP Colorsmart C6180 out the window. The problems are mostly with the HP software, and my inability to get it to work with OSX 10.5.6 on my Mac Pro. Does anyone want to suggest a replacement that has all in one capabilities and actually is compatible with my computer?
I am searching for template(s) for Mac Office Excel or Word for invoice(s)? Are templates available for iWork - Numbers that are easy and functional? I send some electronically and receivers do not have Apple. Can Numbers templates be viewed by them?
Im currently using an Excel spreadsheet, but my business is expanding so I need to use something more functional. I have tried Sage and Quickbooks but didnt really like them, not to mention the price was ridiculous.
I am very computer savvy and am the neighborhood/work "go-to" guy for PC/Mac/iPhone/anything type stuff. I have been all Mac for about a year now so I am still learning. I currently have the lousy WRT160N Linksys router. I am very confused about Extreme/Express base station. All the mess about music and portability is confusing to me. Does it serve as a fully functional router?
After packing away my little brothers sawtooth 400Mhz with 384mb RAM and an 8Mb ATI AGP graphics card and then unpacking it I've been having a problem. When starting the computer up the screen shows nothing at all I have tested to see if the screen is broken and it seems to be functional. I think the card itself might be broken? BTW, I'm using the VGA slot and not the DVI slot on the back. I have also removed and cleaned the card just incase that might've been the problem.
[I know my title is asking for my Smarty pants comments from all jokesters out there, but hopefully I can get some help from the ladies on what they have used and like the best. Here is a link with a list of a few. Has anyone tried any of these or can recommend others?
When I click "shutdown" on my MacBook PRO, I get a popup saying "Safari Cancelled Shutdown" then if I try to close Safari the "Quit Safari" is gray and none functional. Even if I let it set for several hours and try again it has not resolved. If I hold down the power button and force shutdown, then when I reboot it works fine for awhile then repeats the whole cycle. All software is updated.
I have a question about using my new samsung tv as a monitor for my macbook. I have all the cables and such and my TV reads the computer. It actually shows the desktop background, mouse, and the toolbar on the tv... BUT....when i try and open a program such as safari or itunes it does not display the program on the monitor but rather on my macbook screen. It shows the program open on the tv monitor but it shoots off the screen and then opens on the macbook screen.
Also the mouse disappears from the tv monitor screen on the left side only, and when it does it becomes visible back on the macbook screen! Any tips or suggestions on how to get the programs to show up on the monitor instead of the macbook screen?
I'm considering upgrading my Macbook and I seem to remember there's a way to transfer everything (files, settings, programs?, etc) from one Mac to another. Is this correct or am I dreaming? If it does exist, what is it called so I can check up on it?
To make a long story shorter, I had to replace the HD on my macbook (now running a clean install of a 10.4 version, don't know which one right now as I am away). The old HD that was in the macbook prior to this only works connected via USB to the computer. Now I have to transfer everything from the sickly HD to the new HD. What would be the most efficient and easiest way to do this? I am most concerned about simple things, like documents, music files/directories, iphoto files/directories. I want to try to avoid having to reorganize things. And yes, I have backed up my hard drive in the past, mostly to dvds and to another HD in the past, but it has been about a year since I have done so.
Can anyone tell me how to transfer something from a DVR like TiVo or Dish onto my Mac or PC hard drive and then use the computer's DVD burner to burn it to a disk?
I've decided to bite the bullet and upgrade to a 17inch Unibody MBP from the 15inch model. I love the size of the 15inch model but really need that extra resolution. I've got a buyer for my old laptop coming round tomorrow and I need to save all of my files and settings. My laptops been backing up to time capsule for the past month or so, will I be able to all of my settings from this or would it be a better idea to create a disk image and use that?
Has everyone else who's done the switch been happy with their new 17incher? I'm kinda worried that it'll be too big as the size of the one i've got now just seems perfect.
If I have a HD in a MBP with both OSX and Windows XP through bootcamp, can I take this HD and install it in a new Mini and have it work without re-installing either OS?
My dad just got a G5 and wants to put some of this old stuff on the new computer from the G4. i have a firewire cable, could we just plug that in and start dragging stuff over? or whats easier
I have big (8gig) ISO files on my Macbook which I want to put on my PC running Win XP which does not have a connection. So networking is out of the question. I have an external HD, but it is formatted only to work with my PC. So using an external HD is out of the question. My Macbook has got into the habit of spitting out blank discs when I put them in - something I don't have the patience to get fixed at a shop right now. (I can't be without my laptop for any extended period). So burning a disc is out of the question. I tried turning my Mac into an HD by holding the T key on boot. But I cannot attach it to my PC via firewire because my PC does not recognise firewire (for some reason, though the port is there...). So...that's out of the question. I decided to try a USB transfer cable and went on a hunt for a USB cable which did not have USB on one end and a square plug on the other. I need one with USB on BOTH ends, that looks like a firewire but is a USB. It's awfully impossible to find such a thing in great number. I found one that was incompatible with Mac/XP transfers. I tried using a 16 gig USB drive but could only transfer 4gb chunks of data at a time. So what the hell am I to do now? How do I get this data off my mac and onto my PC?
I want to take the data on my current HDD and put it on another, bigger, HDD. All I have is one eMac, so I can't firewire into another computer. I don't have any money whatsoever.
i finally did it and bought a new MBP...now is there an easy way to transfer my itunes, photos and movies to the new computer? The guy at the store sold me a firewire cable with an adapter so my old Mac (the "pixar" iMac from about 7 to 8 years ago) with its 400 firewire speed could then be connected to the MBP...but I am scared... I would like to keep everything on the old machine for now and just copy them over...
I work at an independent film company that uses Mac Pro computers. I am about to upgrade one our Mac Pros, a Mac Pro 3,1, with a new, better HDD to use as a startup disk. I don't want to have to re-install all of our applications. How can I move all the applications and the operating system over? It's currently running 10.5.8. I hope to upgrade to 10.6 once the new drive is in.
Since there are no more restore discs included with MBPs I have attempted to use a USB kit but, when I try to transfer I get "error 254". The Samsung 830 shows up but, no dice.
So right now I'm in the process of replacing my current 24" iMac with a new 27" i7 iMac. I'm trying to get everything ready to move all my old files over to the new one. The problem I'm having is I just sold my current iMac online and I need to format it and get it to its new owner before I will have my new iMac. Which I wont have until next week. So I dont think i can use the migration assistant, right? I'm thinking I just need to move everything over to an external harddrive. I've moved all of my itunes files onto it and all my photos. But I'm not sure how to get things like all my email messages that are on this computer on there. I would like to have all my email messages on my new iMac. Can anyone help me accomplish this and let me know anything else I would have to do or know during this transition?
I just ordered my first iMac. (27" i7). When it arrives, I would like to transfer a few gigs (15-20) of data from my early '08 15" MBP to it. I won't be doing the whole Apple wizard transfer thing, as I only want a few folders, not all of my settings.
What would be the best way to transfer these files? I'm thinking firewire. My MBP has both the 400 and 800 port. Would this work well? How about ethernet?
I would like to order from Monoprice, as I still have a $40 store credit. Will this 800/800 cable work with both machines? I get so confused with all of the different cables they have.
I needed to make 40 dvd's. My burner is burnt out on my mac. I've created all the dvd's as iso files with iDVD. Now I need to transfer them to my PC that has a functioning burner. SOOOO... transferring 81.5 GB of data over a network will take days. Having said that, I'm using an unsecured network that drops out frequently. (I just moved in, it'll be weeks until the phone company can hook up my internet... we just had a hurricane and they're busy with repairs). Next idea, use a flash drive. Most of the iso files are bigger than 4Gb - so FAT32 is out. What's left?
which sounds promising, but once the files are split, how do I join them back together on my PC? Oh, and did I mention that this job is for a client and they're waiting on it. STRESS!!