So here is the deal: My father is transferring to a mac, but he wants the outlook stuff to come with him, and he picked me to arrange that:
1) I want to transfer Outlook files to Mac, contacts and adress book will manage, but I want all the tethering of the saved emails (All emails saved in folders and sub-folders in outlook) to remain intact.
2) I searched and saw some shady way of renaming the files and messing around with them, don't wanna use that.
3) I downloaded trial of 02M by little machines, but that could not connect to outlook and they don't really offer support. (installed latest updates from MS etc.)
4) haven't tried Thunderbird, but I think it just won't do the job.
mom recently got a Mac, which I'm about to start setting up for her. She was previously using an XP PC, and her biggest concern in terms of switching is making sure that she still has all her old emails on the computer. Is there a nice, easy way to transfer all data from Outlook Express (including all old emails stored on the computer) to a Mac? Broadening the scope a little more, is there anything I should know before I start backing up all of her files? Is there an easy way to go about moving everything from "My Documents" to the home folder on the Mac? I will have both computers on a home network as I'm doing this to make sure everything I'm doing is working as I'm doing it.
if you have done this before, can you advise what's the best way to export microsoft outlook contacts to mac?
I tried to export the contacts in CSV format but when I imported the file into Mac address book, many fields are missing.
Someone suggests to email contacts out as vCards to myself and open the email from Mac and drag the contacts to the address book. I haven't tried yet but just wonder what's the best way??
I have a Lacie external hard disk that was originally formatted for PCs. I have some files there, but more importantly, my iTunes library is saved directly on the Lacie (I have everything on apple lossless, so they are some big files). I will keep using this PC while connected to the Lacie hard disk to syncro my iPod.
The problem is that I bought a mac now and I wanted the Lacie hard disk to be able to transfer files from mac to pc and vice versa. I have already read that I would have to copy the files that are on the Lacie, reformat the Lacie and then paste the files back. My only doubt is that if I do this reformatting, will I have any problems using the iTunes library while connected to my pc and iPod?
I just ask that because every time I changed any iTunes library folder on the computer, the iTunes would say that the music file couldn�t be found and ask me if I wanted to look for the file. I didn�t want to reformat the Lacie to later find out that I would have to �look for� every single music file, because that would be nearly impossible. I don�t know if I was able to make my question really clear�
I'm banging my head against the wall with this problem. I have a new MBP 13", 4GB Ram, etc etc. When I transfer files across my network (or the office network), it will consistently fail to transfer a few of the files. For instance, I just tried to copy 50 photos to an SMB share on our server here at the office. The transfer window show the progress of 50 files, but when I look at the folder, there are only 48 files. Sometimes I get less, sometimes I get all 50. The same goes for my home network to an SMB share. I've confirmed this failure over N and G networks. The AP at home and the office are different models and I went as far as purchasing a new one for home since I thought it was the problem. Same results. Is there some hardware error going on here with my wifi card? Is there any way to test it? Are the SMB shares the problem?
I've got some mailboxes in Outlook 2003 on my Windows work machine that I'd like to export and open on my Mac, maybe saving them on a USB key and taking them home. Can I open or work with these on my MBP running Leopard? The emails only have to be read-only, even just being able to open and read them would be OK, but I'd also like the attachments, if at all possible. I can't currently test this on my work (Tiger) Mac as Mail isn't working. Any clues from the wise ones?
Can someone please help. I am trying to convert my pst files to work on a mac os x version 10.5.8. using thunderbird. I used thunderbird on windows vista to import my pst files to thunderbird. Then I saved the mail directory and transfered to my mac. I dont know what to do now. I heard you must rename some file to mbox.
I am a new Imac owner running Mac OS 10.6.5. I recovered .dbx files from my Outlook Express folder from my old Windows XP system. Right now I can't seem to open them. Can I open-save these emails that were stored in this Outlook Express folder.
I am expecting delivery of my first Mac on Wednesday. I have been using Outlook 2003 for years and wish to move my files to the iMac. I already have the Office 2008 software. Can I simply import the .pst files into Entourage?
If anyone knows how to import outlook pst files including mail messages, sent messages, calendar data, appointments etc. is this all possible in mac? I know a few programs have somewhat similar features, but, even if there is some solution coming out soon, like the new version of office with newer entourage? or leopard mail or even i heard a program like Daylite is similar.
I've decided to bite the bullet and upgrade to a 17inch Unibody MBP from the 15inch model. I love the size of the 15inch model but really need that extra resolution. I've got a buyer for my old laptop coming round tomorrow and I need to save all of my files and settings. My laptops been backing up to time capsule for the past month or so, will I be able to all of my settings from this or would it be a better idea to create a disk image and use that?
Has everyone else who's done the switch been happy with their new 17incher? I'm kinda worried that it'll be too big as the size of the one i've got now just seems perfect.
I'm not changing back to a Windows user, it's just that I *need* to get my contacts onto Outlook 2007 as well. My contacts in Entourage are organized nicely, with each contact's name and e-mail address. Really simple information. I then go to "Export", and choose to export the contacts to a "tab-delimited text" file (it's my only choice). Basically, I get this .txt file. I then go to my Outlook 2007, and have tried importing both "Comma Separated Values" and "Tab Separated Values" with my .txt file. Unfortunately, while each contact's name and e-mail DO get imported, the format is completely messed up. I get this "map field" window when I choose to import by Tab Separated Values, but I've tried all different combinations, and every time, the names and e-mails simply jumble up altogether. Has anyone tried importing Entourage contacts into Outlook 2007? And if so, can you please give me some instructions on how to do so?
I am using a trial version of Office 2011 for Mac! When I try to import the outlook pst files from my pc and follow the correct procedure it doesn´t work. Outlook only says that it has encountered an unknown problem and is shutting down.I talked with Microsoft support but they don´t support their trial versions only premium.That I think is funny because if the trial version is not working how can you trust them that the premium version is working.
I just ordered my first iMac. (27" i7). When it arrives, I would like to transfer a few gigs (15-20) of data from my early '08 15" MBP to it. I won't be doing the whole Apple wizard transfer thing, as I only want a few folders, not all of my settings.
What would be the best way to transfer these files? I'm thinking firewire. My MBP has both the 400 and 800 port. Would this work well? How about ethernet?
I would like to order from Monoprice, as I still have a $40 store credit. Will this 800/800 cable work with both machines? I get so confused with all of the different cables they have.
I needed to make 40 dvd's. My burner is burnt out on my mac. I've created all the dvd's as iso files with iDVD. Now I need to transfer them to my PC that has a functioning burner. SOOOO... transferring 81.5 GB of data over a network will take days. Having said that, I'm using an unsecured network that drops out frequently. (I just moved in, it'll be weeks until the phone company can hook up my internet... we just had a hurricane and they're busy with repairs). Next idea, use a flash drive. Most of the iso files are bigger than 4Gb - so FAT32 is out. What's left?
which sounds promising, but once the files are split, how do I join them back together on my PC? Oh, and did I mention that this job is for a client and they're waiting on it. STRESS!!
Hiya everyone. You may remember my older post about picking a computer for my girlfriend. Anyways, we ended up going with the Whitebook, 2.4 ghz, 160 hd, 2gb ram refurbed. Tomorrow night I'm going to help her get acquainted with the OsX and such.
Anyways, nothing like a night of intimate file transferring. Can anybody tell me how to transfer huge amounts of data between computers easily? I know this is an incredibly newbish question, but i've only ever added stuff to my Macbook, and sent files to friends, nothing more. How can I mass transfer about 80 gb from a pc to a mac?
I've got a portable hard drive that I use for time machine and for backing up my music and video files on my mac. I've just purchased a new vista PC and would like to transfer the music I've got (around 30 gigs worth) and the videos I've saved (an additional 30 gig) onto it, however when I plug the portable hard drive into my vista pc it doesn't recognize it?
I followed the instructions on the migration page but after typing in my iP address and share name in Connect to Server it asks for a Name and Password. I tried every combo I can think of and nothing works. What do I do?
I'm new to this site and I've been looking at it the past couple of days and decided to register. But my question is I have a MacBook running 10.4.11 and I have another MacBook running 10.5 is there anyway to transfer files between those 2 computers? Or no?
I have a Windows 98 laptop where I have a large amount of files (pictures, documents, etc.) that I have saved. I am wondering how I can transfer all of those files to my Mac OS X. The Windows 98 is not connected to the internet, so I am unable to do it that way (or it would require a considerable amount of time to e-mail files back to myself, much more time that I am willing to spend at this time) and I tried using a 3.5" floppy disks to transfer files to a Windows 98 computer that was connected to the internet, but the laptop could not read the disks. Additionally, the Windows 98 does not have an ethernet adapter but it does have a UBS connection.
I bought a UMB this past November and love it except I fell victim to the poor screen quality. I am very impressed with the new notebook lineup. It seems like they are now what they should have been in the first place. I am attempting to sell it and purchase a new MBP. I think I will go with the 15" since the larger screen is more affordable and would be worth it to me.
Now, if I get the new machine, what is the best way to transfer my files such as iTunes and iPhoto libraries, etc? I use Time Machine. I don't want to simply transfer all of my files and settings... I want to be somewhat selective as in I don't want older clutter on my new machine. So do I just plug my external hard drive with my time machine backup and I can pick what I want or do I just drag what I want saved to my external HD and drag them onto the new machine.
I am trying to transfer my user settings and music/photo libraries to my new MBP from my old Alu PBG4 (running 10.4.11), however migration assistant was unsuccessful over the wireless network (which i have a feeling may be because of the old PBG4). The old PBG4 only shows options for using a firewire cable with migration assistant, however when using the MBP it responds to the authentication code sent out and starts the transfer, but gets hung up after about 5 min.
I also have an external HD with a copy of my entire system, but can't figure out how to give the migration assistant access to it. Do I need to create a startup disk on my external HD for this? If so, how exactly do I go about doing that? I'd like to transfer only my itunes library with playlists, iphoto library w/ albums, and safari bookmarks, everything else can start fresh.
I have got the remote login enabled on my mac and I am able to successfully SSH to it from a Windows machine using Putty. Although once I have established the SSH connection, I want to be able to transfer files via it, and I know this is possible using get and put commands. Although when I'm in the SSH terminal via Putty, and I type 'get <filename> <filename>' it says that get is not a command. The same thing is with put.
How do I go about moving files between my macbook pro to a windows based laptop, I am forced to do this because I cant transfer files bigger than 4.5gb on an external.
I have an old MAC Powerbook G4 and I think the OS system (which is OS 10.2) is corrupt because it will not go past the apple on the screen to boot up. I would like to transfer some music in my iTunes library on that computer to my PC (which has Windows Vista) I have seen a tech hook this old MAC up to something and i think he was using Firewire and shazaam it showed a bunch of my files on the screen that I have seen nothing but blackness, an apple, or the thing that comes up on the screen when I hold down "T" while booting up. I have hooked both computers up using 6 to 4 Firewire and the MAC is not seeing anything. How did that tech guy get my files to come up on the screen available for transfer?
I have been using an iMac G4 for some years but have recently acquired a G5. How might I best transfer files from the old computer to the new one? Is there a quicker solution than filling memory sticks or sending email attachments to myself?