OS X :: Time Machine & Spotlight Stopped Working

Sep 16, 2010

I'm running 10.6.4 on an Intel 2.4Ghz MacBook with 2G RAM.

Time Machine & Spotlight have both stopped working. I back-up to an external HD which is fine, (checked with Disk utility and dragging and dropping stuff onto it).

I have tried to rebuild the Spotlight data by putting my HD in the 'privacy' and then removing it, but this hasn't worked. It just hangs on 'estimating time......'.

Time machine seems to go through the checking process ok but then can't write the data across to the external.I have reinstalled the system but it's just the same.

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Applications :: Time Machine Backing Up To NAS, Stopped Working?

Aug 28, 2010

I had my time machine backed up to a NAS.

I used the hack of unsupported drives to make the NAS avalable.

The NAS is formatted as FAT32 (It came like that, and i use it with windows PCs, i dont know if i reformat it if it will stop working).

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MacBook Pro :: Spotlight Has Suddenly Stopped Working, Operating On Most Recent OS?

Jul 2, 2012

Spotlight opens, but when entering a search the lagtime for each letter typed is slow, then a hang, then the wheel of death, then spotlight closes. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Won't Work With Spotlight Index And Time Machine...

Jan 6, 2008

I notice that Spotlight only says "indexing" after I restart the computer, which isn't that often.

But that's not the only time it indexes, right? Does it index a file whenever it's created or moved?

And what about Time Machine? Again, after restarting the computer, my external backup drive that I use with Time Machine is indexed. But I never notice it being indexed when I don't restart.

Does Spotlight have to index it, or does TM handle that somehow? I mean, can I put my backup disk on Spotlight's ignore list, and still have Spotlight in Time Machine work fine?

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OS X Mavericks :: Time Machine Extremely Slow - Spotlight Never Finishes Indexing

Jun 4, 2014

I am really careful about OXS upgrades, I have a Macbook Air 13" 4GB/256GB ssd, 2013. last monday I finally did the Mavericks upgrade; Mountain Lion was working great, but as Yosemite coming soon, I thought that was a good time to do it. Guess what... 

Time Machine is NOT WORKING. I never had a problem with TM, and I use Mac since 90's, so I even can't remember when it came out, but I trade at least 4 Macs using TM and never had an issue.

Now, over Mavericks, it is taking forever. By just now, after almost 30 hours, it is backing up 8.57 GB of 60 GB. I already did the reformating of the TM's drive, it did not work.

I got a new HD external, reformatted on Disk Utility, turno ON and OFF and ON TIme Machine as I read it many times on other posts, and nothing.. It is just taking forever. I never saw this on any other OSX.

Spotlight is indexing too, taking too long, and probably this is the reason (or one of the reasons...) for TM take so long.

I started over wifi, I have an Aiport Express Extended thing, but my Macbook is really close to the first one, on the chain. I made sure that airport is connected to this one, and, it is.

I plugged my TrendNet USB-Ethernet cable, which works really great and fast. Nothing changes, System Preferences recognizes both connections, wifi and ethernet, both are working, but speed did not change at all...  

I can't really believe that Apple will leave Time Machine users on this ridiculous situation. But what to do next. 

MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)

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Software :: Apple Bluetooth Keyboard Stopped Working / Itunes Stopped Working

May 13, 2009

I installed 10.5.7 yesterday. Immediately after the installation was complete, my Apple bluetooth keyboard stopped working. Went into Bluetooth system settings, and it said that there was no bluetooth hardware found... (it's built into the machine!!)...

Also, every time I start iTunes, it gives some weird error about Adobe Flash player. I'm not at home now so I don't have the exact wording of the error with me, sorry...

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MacBook :: Screen Stopped Working All The Time?

Jun 5, 2014

Recently, my screen has been going out. Sometimes when I start it it will stay on until I touch the keyboard. Is there any way to troubleshoot it before taking in it to see if its not the bulb?


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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Time Machine Has Stopped Backing Up

May 20, 2012

Time machine has stopped backing up. Under the 'Backing up' progress bar it says that it is scanning thousands of items followed by preparing thousands of items and then cleans up. However, after all of this the latest backup remains the same and no fresh backup is made. I think the problem started when I added a new user restored using time machine (my wife's computer was in for repair and she needed a temporary home!).

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Hardware :: Apple Remotes, Both Stopped Working At The Exact Same Time?

Jan 15, 2009

how to make them work?

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OS X :: Time Machine / Wireless Modem Stopped Hard Drive From Mounting

Feb 14, 2010

why I tryed using their wireless service, which would seem screwed my Hard drive. I installed a small application from Telstra (main telecommunications company in Australia) that allows you to connect via a USB modem to the internet wirelessly. After completing the installation, it prompted me to restart and I did so. However, before it shut down a dialogue came up saying it had to clear/reset the system cache or something like that. I clicked ok (only thing i could do) and my computer restart as normal and I had internet. The problems started when my time machine tried to backup; where it stopped while "preparing to backup" and came up with an error dialogue saying something like Time failed because it couldn't find the directory. I restarted my mac once more without the USB modem attached and tried the backup again, whereby i new error came saying it couldn't mount the drive. One more restart later and I now have a Time Machine that doesn't backup or see prior backups, and a Hard Drive that not only can't be mounted but isn't recognised as even a Media device by Disc Utilities.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Time Machine Has Simply Stopped Backing Up Any New Files?

Apr 28, 2012

I have a Macbook with OS X 10.6.8 and a 500GB external hard drive, which still has 208.5GB available. For some reason, Time Machine has simply stopped backing up any new files (documents, music, movies--anything). No items are set to be excluded from backups in Time Machine options except for the external hard drive itself. Also, no error messages appear, Time Machine seems to run just fine, but when I enter Time Machine, or look through the files on the hard drive, new files just aren't there. I am not very tech savvy, so I was not able to understand some of the answers people gave to similar questions on here. I did go to Pondini's website and followed as many troubleshooting instructions as I could understand (for example I did manage to do a full reset of Time Machine) but nothing changed. Do I just need to erase the entire backup drive and sart all over? If so, what will prevent this from happening again later on?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Mac Pro :: I Can't Seem To Get A Working Time Machine?

Nov 16, 2010

I can't seem to get a working Time Machine backup going on my Mac Pro, late 2009 model. It's been problem after problem with everything I've tried. Very frustrating as I definitely need a reliable backup for an extensive payload of work files.

First I tried Western Digital MyBooks that I carried over from a PC. Formatted, set up Time Machine, worked great for about a month. Then Time Machine started to fail and stop backing up. Numerous formats later and the same problem persisted. I swapped MyBooks for another identical 1TB external and had roughly the same problem -- worked fine at first then Time Machine failures after a few weeks of use.

Next up, I tried a Seagate external drive 2TB. Virtually same problems.

Finally, I tried connecting Time Machine with my 2TB Airport Extreme. Not even one backup successfully completed.

It's been a couple months and I have gone for way too long without a reliable backup. I'm looking for alternate hardware and software suggestions, please.

I've looked at Drobos but I'm seeing a ton of complaints and failures cited. What are some other good options?

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MacBook :: Time Machine Stopped Backing Up, "preparing"?

May 19, 2012

I recently moved and backed up an imac I left behind as well as my macbook using Time Machine. Everything was fine until Feb 27 when I was hit by a car and spent the next several weeks away from the computer.  When I did get the laptop back, I didn't have the backup drive.  Until a few days ago. So I reconnect and the backup starts with no problem until it finally tells me that I am out of space on the drive.  I decided that I should just dump the imac time machine folder since I had a duplicate on another drive.  That was much more complicated than I expected but I finally reclaimed a lot of space. The problem is that now when I connect time machine, it just says preparing backup.  I can enter time machine and see my last date before the accident, even going back into last year.  But it won't back up any more.   

I've looked at the forums and on one suggestion deleted the com.apple.TimeMachine.plist file after disconnecting the drive and then reconnecting everything but to no avail.  Here is the message on the Time Machine Widget buddy

Starting standard backup
Backup requested by user
Backing up to: /Volumes/2TB BB/Backups.backupdb
Event store UUIDs don't match for volume: Macintosh HD
Node requires deep traversal:/ reason:kFSEDBEventFlagMustScanSubDirs|kFSEDBEventFlagReasonEventDBUntrustable| 

My first thought would be that the backup I trashed was the one for the macbook and not the imac but the last saved dates would all be wrong and it wouldn't explain my ability to enter time machine and look back at my computer's history. Anyway, At this point I really want to just have a complete back up that I can use to wipe my drive and reinstall everything.

MacBook (13-inch Late 2006), Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Intel Mac :: Time Machine Back Up Stopped In Progress - How To Retrieve A Backup File In Progress

Jun 12, 2012

Time machine failed in progress as my hard drive failed.  I have an "in progress" file on my external harddrive that is about 160 GB.  I would like to try and load this back onto a new harddrive. Migration assistant is not responsive nor does Time Machine recognize the external drive when connected.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Time Machine No Longer Working?

Sep 7, 2010

So I use an external USB harddrive with my airport to backup my computer. The harddrive is 250gb and the computer is 250gb (with about 40gb free space) - previously this worked for backing up just fine...then one day it stopped and started telling me it required "251.46gb" but the drive only has "249.05"...why if I'm at only about 210gb of actual space being used?

So I reformatted the drive and tried again - same error...anyway to make this work again...seems so odd that it was always fine and then just quit one day.

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OS X :: Time Machine Not Working - How To Do Backup

Aug 4, 2009

i have got an Apple minimac 80gb 10.5.7 with leopard and i bought a small drive of i think it is 116gb and time machine seemed to work ok,but i kept getting msg saying full,i did an erase on small drive and in finder i can see a drive called untitled,but if i click on time machine there are no backup dates?

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OS X :: Time Machine Not Working - No Backups Available

Jan 9, 2010

Time Machine has always been working correctly but I no longer can make it work. I noticed no backup was available, only "Now" is in the time axis. So, I erased the entire disk and tried to set it up again, but still it doesn't work. 30GBs has been stored, but nothing is in the time axis except "Now". Any idea why it is not backing up?

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Hardware :: Time Machine Not Working - How To Repair It

May 14, 2009

I am trying to set up my external HD with my Airport extreme and make it as my time machine so it will back up without me having to connect the HD every time. I tried this and the HD does not appear so i can select it and choose it for the Time machine Drive of choice. What do i do. I have seen others can do this but i do not know why i am unable.

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OS X :: Time Machine Not Working With Screen Sharing?

May 7, 2010

I am running a Mac mini without any displays attached. I am using Screen Sharing on a MBP to control the mini over wifi.

Everything works fine except for one single issue:

The moment I enter Time Machine (to restore files) Screen Sharing's VNC connection doesn't seem to be updated.

How do I access Time Machine correctly with Screen Sharing?

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Software :: Time Machine Not Working Properly?

Aug 28, 2008

When I enter time machine all I see is the desktop of the date of installation and the current date, with nothing in between, and yet when I switch on my hard drive, time machine activates.

I do not leave on my external hard drive [iomega] as it tends to get very warm.

What if anything am I doing wrong.

I am using a new imac only a month old running Leopard.

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MacBook Pro :: Time Machine Isn't Working On First Backup

Mar 9, 2012

My new hard disk has used up some of it's capacity on unsuccesful back up attempts. 

MacBook Pro

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Time Machine Is Not Working Properly?

Mar 24, 2012

Time Machine can not find a file that I deleted just a few days ago, which is very annoying, because I can find the file just fine when I open my external hard drive (my Time Machine backup drive) with the Finder and navigate to the exact date and location where the file was located when I deleted it. 

Why is Time machine not working like it is supposed to?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X Mavericks :: Time Machine Backup Not Working

Sep 6, 2014

I'm in the midst of moving from a 2011 imac to a 2014 - I have/had 3 TM backups   1) before the 2011 crashed and was repaired - 2) from the interim 2014 imac that I restored and updated for the new computer and 3) a "carbon copy clone" of my current drive because the apple tech made me wipe the drive and start over and it failed.  

My computer will be here next week and I wanted to prepare.   However since the restore of the repaired 2011 NO TIME MACHINE will back up on ALL 3 drives the same error happened.   It would start fine and say it needed 17-22 hours to "create new" or "inherit"  and would start fine and then freeze somewhere around 15-20GB?????    I left it more than 6-7 hours and the freeze remained.  

Need a TM expert...... this HAS to be a Mavericks OSX issue and I do not want to wipe another drive.  

iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), iOS 7.1.2

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OS X :: Time Machine Not Working Properly / It Lets Me Go To Desktop

Sep 1, 2010

take a look at the attached picture. Time machine only lets me go to the desktop and nowhere else. This hasn't always been that way and has started to do that recently. Is there a solution for this?

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OS X :: Time Machine Not Working Correctly/stuck On Backup?

Jul 17, 2009

I have been trying to backup my computer for the longest time. It has been stuck on (53.4MB of 62.5MB) for about 45 minutes now. Any ideas? It is on an ethernet connection.

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MacBook Pro :: Time Machine Not Working / Preparing Backup...

Aug 5, 2009

It just says "Preparing Backup..." It stays like this forever until I stop it and I tried re-connecting the hard drive. Why won't this work? I tried re-starting...

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OS X :: Snow Leopard With Time Machine - SMB Shares Not Working

Aug 28, 2009

On 10.5 I used to have time machine backing up to a remote smb share using the time machine hacks to create a sparsebundle image on the smb share. No longer working with 10.6 - always get an error. Why apple couldn't make time machine get along with smb shares natively out of the box is simply beyond me.

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Intel Mac :: Time Machine Not Working After Upgrading To Lion

Mar 17, 2012

I have a Time Machine 1.2 which worked perfectly on my old iMac OSX.  A few months ago I purchased a new iMac which came with Snow Leopard, and it worked well.  But when Apple came to upgrade me to Lion, the Time Machine no longer works.   Is it not compatible with Lion?? 

At one stage I was told there was no room on the disk.  I then tried to delete most of the previous backups, leaving only a handful of backups - but still no luck.  I think I might have messed up things by then trying to edit the "do not back up" list. I tried to exclude some programmes applications , and now I am told there are no disks available to be backed up.

It is not very clear on the "options" screen, what one should do. What does the + and - indicate, and is it necessary to remove any files at all if I want a simple regular backup procedure on my home computer.

Lastly - if I wanted to uninstall and reinstall the Time Machine - is there a procedure?? I can't find one.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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OS X Yosemite :: Internet Stops Working When Using Time Machine

Dec 4, 2014

I have a mid-2012 MacBook Pro running Yosemite 10.10.1 that has started something. Here's what it is doing: 

When I connect my external HDD for Time Machine to my MacBook Pro the internet stops working. By not working I mean, it is stays connected to the WIFI router with a full signal, but the internet, for lack of better words, ceases to function. I can't browse online, any app - like Mail - that uses the internet loses connection, and even background apps running on the top bar loses connectivity. If I run a Time Machine backup, eject the Time Machine external HDD, and pull the USB cable out of the MacBook it instantly goes back online and continues as normal. 

I've checked settings, excluded Dropbox and OneDrive from being backed up in case they were conflicting in some way, and have searched for any answer anywhere I could think of.

The external HDD I use for Time Machine is 750GB and is the same HDD that the MacBook Pro came with originally (I swapped HDD to a hybrid drive internally and put the original HDD into an external HDD enclosure which has been solid for me for over 2 years now). 

MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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OS X :: Time Machine Not Working Fine / Unable To Complete Backup

Feb 13, 2009

So I finally got around to getting a 1tb drive to hook up to my airport extreme to do TM backups. I have ~420gb to backup on my mbp's hard drive. To avoid an absurdly long backup, I did the initial backup via usb (took the better part of the day).

Just now I was excited because it finished - I hooked the drive up to the extreme, mounted the drive so that it would show up as an option in the TM pref pane for a backup disk, and thought I was good to go. However, when I tried to get TM to do a backup so I could see it work (by selecting Back Up Now from the menubar), it took a ridiculously long time "preparing" and I saw that it was trying to create a whole new TM backup on the drive based on my computer's network name. It even had the audacity to think that the previous backup file was ~2gb, which freaked me out because I thought it had deleted it. But sure enough when I canceled the new backup and hooked it up to my mbp again, the backup was the correct size.

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