OS X :: Switch To Mac - External Drive

Mar 7, 2010

I just bought my first Mac (arrives wednesday or something).. I wanna backup most of the stuff i have on my current PC (Win 7) - and i have a external drive for that. How do i ensure that the Mac will be able to "see" (read) the backup on this disk. I'm gonna format my PC and sell it, so not being able to read my only backup would pretty much suck! The drive currently formatted in NTFS (pretty sure it was when i bought it) and it's a WD My Passport Essential..

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OS X :: Using External Hard Drive To Switch Macs

Sep 29, 2009

I am switching from an iMac to a Macbook. I'll be selling my iMac later. I also have an external hard drive. My iMac and Macbook both have Snow Leopard. So we're good there. With an external hard drive, how do I "switch over" from Mac to Mac? Obviously I won't want to startup from the external hard drive. So just configure Time Machine on my Macbook and restore, just hand-selecting what I want transferred after going through the OS install on my new Macbook? Both computers have a different version of iWork though. So basically, how can I switch all of my programs/files over to my Macbook without overwriting the iWork-related programs? What's the best way? Hand-select Time Machine files/applications?

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IMac :: How To Switch Off Screen And Only Use An External Monitor

Sep 17, 2010

On my 2008 24inch iMac the screen has a problem ( dead pixels ) and I will get it replaced in the future , in the mean time I have a very nice large external monitor connected to the iMac which I use ok, what I am looking for is a way at first when booting up , to be able to see both the iMac's screen and the external monitors screen , then some how shut off / make blank the iMacs screen only leaving the external monitor on ?

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IMac :: Switch Off Internal Screen / Only Use An External Monitor?

Aug 15, 2008

On my 2008 24inch iMac the screen has a problem ( dead pixels ) and I will get it replaced in the future , in the mean time I have a very nice large external monitor connected to the iMac which I use ok, what I am looking for is a way at first when booting up , to be able to see both the iMac's screen and the external monitors screen, then some how shut off / make blank the iMacs screen only leaving the external monitor on ?

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IMac :: Switch Between Displayport Inputs / Using External Display Screen?

Mar 17, 2009

I have a MacBook Pro. I see that the new iMacs have a mini displayport input so that the 27" screen can be used with my MacBook Pro. I'm wondering how this works? Since there is obviously no button to push, how exactly do you switch between the iMac and the MacBook Pro displaying on-screen?

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MacBook Pro :: Switch Hard Drive From One To Another

Oct 23, 2010

I just ordered my new MacBook Pro. I will transfer my current hard disk in my old MacBook Pro (Unibody, 17") to my new MacBook Pro (Unibody, 13"). Will the current OS X installation and the programs "just work" given the change in hardware (17" unibody to 13" unibody), or should I expect any problems?

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MacBook Pro :: Switch To Another Available Wireless Network And Then Switch Back?

Dec 14, 2010

If I select from the menu bar another available wireless network (one without a password for example) and then switch back to my own wi-fi network, am I still safe?

Did the fact that I connected to another network present any risks?

I did not send any private info during that time, any risks of getting hacked?

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OS X Technologies :: AppleScript To Schedule Switch Off And After 1 Minute Switch On

Apr 15, 2012

Sometimes restarting is not enough: you need to power off your Mac, wait for a little, and power it on again.It could be a script which act like the "schedule" program in system preferences: it would switch off the Mac immediately, the add 1 minute to the current time and switch it on again.

mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.4)

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OS X :: Stop Mac Waking When Remove Or Switch Off USB Hard Drive?

Aug 1, 2009

The default behaviour of Macs seems to be to wake up from sleep whenever a USB device is disconnected or switched off. This is not very helpful for how I like to operate. I want to keep most of my files on an external USB drive without power-down feature so that I have fast access to them at the click of a mouse button (don't want to wait for the drive to spin up as can happen frequently if your drive has the power-down feature). However, I like to sleep my Mac several times a day, and when doing so would like to switch off the external USB HD until I get back. So you see the annoyance, but perhaps there is a way to disable this wakeup feature of Leopard. I'd be happy to learn it from you!

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Mac Pro :: Switch Boot Volume Or Move Bootcamp Partition To New Drive?

Jul 19, 2008

I purchased a new hard drive, my second Samsung 750 GB. My first one is partitioned, half for OSX half for Vista. Ultimately, I want to have a hard drive per operating system.

At first I thought the way to go for this, based on some stuff I read here on Mac Rumors was to use winclone to clone the windows partition,restore it to the new drive, and then I don't know what.I did the restore, there were errors in the log though..something about the wrong kind of partition. Basically it's become a pain in the ass, and I'm thinking there has to be an easier way.

It occurred to me, I might be able to use "Install and Archive" to move the boot volume to the new disk, moving the user files and network settings with it. If I did this would I be able to expand the windows partition using winclone utilizing the full hard drive? Or could moving the boot volume to the new disk mess up my Windows partition?

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MacBook Pro :: Stuck On Apple Logo After Hard Drive Switch?

Sep 10, 2014

I recently bought a new macbook pro which I had set up and was running just fine. I then switched my hard drive from my old macbook (2006 black) which was running snow leopard. The Macbook pro will not move past the apple logo screen while the macbook starts up and willingly installs snow leopard on the new hard drive. I switched them back hoping that the macbook pro would recognize its old hard drive but no luck. I have a feeling its the old software as i read some where that you should not install older software on your mac than what it came with.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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PowerPC :: G-5 Quad With An External Dvd Drive And A External Hard Drive And 2gb Of Ram?

Aug 9, 2006

i have a power mac g-5 quad with an external dvd drive and a external hard drive and 2gb of ram. on my ext. hard drive i downloaded mac the ripper and that is where i put all my dvds, now today on my pmac i was using mac the ripper, popcorn, itunes, safari all at once and it froze up on me?why? could the ram be an issue? how may programs can i use at once with my pmac?

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IMac :: External Hard Drive Or External Dvd Drive

Dec 31, 2009

my mac has a pioneer dvd drive in it and it wont read my dvd+r dl and I am wanting to burn a mac os 10.5.dmg to it and install 10.5 but the dang thing is ejecting it. So what should I do to get it to work get the external dvd and run it from it or get a external hard drive and try it that way.

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OS X Mavericks :: Backing Up External Drive To Another External Drive?

Sep 8, 2014

I have recently bought a MacBook Pro (10.9.4) with a 128 Gb solid state drive. My intended backup strategy is to have all my documents on an external 1 Tb USB3 drive (i.e, not in the MacBook Pro)  and to back up that drive AND my Macbook (system, applications, mail etc) to another, powered 2Tb drive. I’m assuming I’ll have to partition the 2Tb drive first, by the way.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 2.9 Ghz Intel Core i7

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OS X :: Transferring Music To External Drive / Playing And Saving Music To External Drive?

Dec 11, 2010

if you'd be so kind...I've had my iMac for almost a year, but have yet to make the big switch totally.
I am getting an external drive today to store music, photos, etc. Simply enough to set them up and have items go directly to it instead of internal drive? I know it is, just want peace of mind

MY big ?...I have lots of music on itunes on my pc...can I take it off the pc and out onto the external to use with my imac? Still have to do two separate partitions, or? Or, easier to get all my music onto ipod, then use Expod to download to the external? Once it is all on the external, how do I call it up, easily? itunes automatically search to play music from it and save new music to the external or do I have set it up or assign things differently?

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Applications :: Installing ITunes On External Hard Drive / Playing Music From External Hdd?

Aug 19, 2007

In other words... I have moved my music library to the external hard drive, as per an earlier thread I read here on the forums. It worked like quite well. Now that it is working perfectly, I am having a hard time leaving well enough alone. It is never a good idea for me to think too much...Can itunes be installed and run on/from an external hard drive? If so, how?

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OS X :: Possible To Copy On An External Drive To Another External Drive?

Jun 10, 2009

a G_TECH external 500 that is not being acknowledged on the hard drive (I see it on Disc Utility but cannot access anything on it and it will not show up in my finder) I tried to click Repair Dick but it shows this message in red:keys out of orderI then tried to verify it (granted I really do not know what repair or verify would do ...) and it said it was unable to read it.I assume (but could be wrong) that since I can see that my hard drive exists in disc utility there IS a way to take the contents from that disc and save them to a different external.I have a WD passport and would like to drop the contents of the G-tech onto the WD so i can then wipe the G-Tech and fix it

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OS X :: Can't Write To External Drive - Now External Won't Mount?

Jul 10, 2009

I've not Time Machine'd in about 3 weeks. After working fine for several months, out of the blue I get this error. I think it was -61? "Get Info" said it was read only. I couldn't figure out how to make it write & read. Now, out of the blue, I can't even mount it.I'm at a loss. My iMac is on it's last legs and I'm playing with fire. I guess the first order of business is to mount the thing but it just does nothing or IDK how to force it to do this?

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Applications :: Running Itunes On External Hard Drive / Internal Drive Space Not Enough

Jan 2, 2011

This is what im trying to do. I have a macbook with 120gb hard drive. thats not enough space from my music collection. So i was wondering how to make itunes run off a external hard drive. I looked around and found was for a PC.

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Hardware :: Unable To Transfer Music From External Drive / Reformat The Internal Drive?

Jun 13, 2010

I recently bought a macbook pro and am making the transition from a pc to mac. It's all gone well so far, but I'm not sure what to do with my music. I currently have about 200 gb of music on my external hard drive (connected to my pc.) The internal hard drive on my pc does not have space to accomodate the files on my external.

I do not have the "Copy files to iTunes music folder" currently enabled because my internal doesn't have space. (And I like having the original music files in a separate location as I have over 30,000 songs). I don't know how to transfer my external and music to my macbook, since I will have to reformat the drive (which would erase everything on it, therefore I somehow have to make a backup either on my mac or on my pc. but what to do about the iTunes .xml file and iTunes folder on the internal pc drive??).

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Hardware :: Q950 Hard Drive & Connect External Drive To IBook Or Dell?

Jan 29, 2008

I have an elderly Q950 with an external hard drive with everything backed up onto it. The external drive is a Micronet ADV1000E, with a sticker on the back saying it's Macintosh or PC compatible. I also have an iBook laptop, & PC Dell Inspiron 1300 laptop. As I have the 2 laptops, the Quadra hadn't been switched on for maybe one year. On the weekend I tried to get it to boot up (with & without the external drive switched on), but all it does is display a grey screen with an image of a 3.5" disk with a '?' in the middle. If I start up from a Norton 3.5" disk it still can't find the external or internal drive. If I try booting up with my finger in the shift key it doesn't want to know.

1. Any idea why the Quadra isn't seeing either the external or internal drive & what can I try to do?
2. Is there any way I can connect my external drive to either my iBook or Dell? At the moment I have no cables to connect the old & new - are cables available & if so any idea where from? I've looked high & low but so far no joy.
3. Is it possible to remove the hard drive from the Quadra or the external drive & put in an external drive enclosure, then connect that to either laptop? I see there are drive enclosures available which are Mac & pc compatible. This by the way would be a major undertaking for me. I'm by no means a computer dunce but would be wary of trying it.

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Hardware :: Won't Show Up G-Tech G-Drive (500GB) External Hard Drive

Jan 16, 2008

when I went into the "get info" window for the G-Drive and switched the ownership/permissions dropdown from "read/write" to "no access". When I tried to switch it back to read/write, it would say read/write in the dropdown, but then I'd try to access the g-drive and I'd only get to the first set of folders--when I'd click on a folder, there would appear to be nothing in it. (Not sure if this is really related to my current problem.)
I then tried ejecting and remounting the drive, but it didn't show up on my desktop. Stupidly, I assumed my computer didn't recognize it at all and unplugged the firewire without ejecting thru disk utility. When I did this I got the device removal error.
I then plugged the firewire back in and tried repairing the disk in disk utility, but it said it didn't need repair. When I click on the G-Drive in disk utility the info at the bottom says:

Mount Point :/Volumes/G-DRIVECapacity :465.6 GB (499,973,603,328 Bytes)
Format :Mac OS ExtendedAvailable :
Owners Enabled :NoUsed :
Number of Folders :0Number of Files :0

0 Files! I'm worried about losing all my stuff! I then tried DiskWarrior (v4.0). When I first opened it I think the info at the bottom said "This disk is a Mac OS Extended disk. This disk does NOT appear on the desktop." I'm not quite sure about that "not" b/c after rebuilding the directory of the G-DRIVE I know it now says "This disk does appear on the desktop." Anyway, it's definitely not appearing on my desktop. After building the directory it said "All file and folder data was easily located. Comparison of the original and replacement directories indicate that there will be changes to the number, the contents and/or the attributes of the files and folders." And later: "19 files (and 2 folders) had a directory entry w/ an incorrect text encoding value that was repaired." And:

Disk Info:
Files: 51,646
Folders: 18, 493
Free Space: 65.42GB

I then clicked "Replace" whereupon it said it was successfully replace. But still it did not appear on the desktop even after ejecting, remounting, rebooting computer, etc.

If anyone has any advice I'd really appreciate it. I'm pretty desperate here! Thanks!

(FYI I already tried going into the Finder permissions and unclicking and reclicking the box for showing disks on the desktop. Also, I plan on getting DataRescueII in case that's necessary, but i hope it isn't)

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Hardware :: Copy A Time Machine Ext Drive Contents To Another External Drive

Jan 14, 2009

I've got an external drive that was a Time Machine backup drive. It's at the police station as evidence for something and they will not let me take it back. However, they will let me come down and make a copy of it. I might only have one shot at this so I'm trying to think of the best way to do it successfully and quickly.

Can I just bring another external with me, my Macbook, and then copy the files from the Time Machine backup external drive to the other external drive? If so, what is the facility for doing this quickly? I'm kind of new at Macs and am unsure. I do not have an extra Mac that I can simply use Time Machine to restore to to replace it's contents.

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OS X :: Recover Data Fom Hard Drive / External Drive Stopped Mounting

Sep 4, 2009

So, I've been searching the forums, as I just had a 1TB (well actually a dual 500GB) external drive stop mounting and start clicking on me. I'm trying to find a way to recover files, and I know I've seen a lot of posts on DriveSavers, which. I was searching around, and I was wondering if anyone has ever heard of a company called "OneWorld Data Recovery." It was something I stumbled across, but I can't find any reviews, or nail down anybody who's used it.

Clearly, this seems fairly suspect, but I figured I'd check and see if anybody had ever heard of it or used it. Thanks!

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Intel Mac :: Using External Hard Drive As Both A Boot Drive And Timemachine Backup?

Mar 8, 2012

My internal 1TB hard drive on my iMac is dead and I don't have the money to replace it at the moment. I have everything backed up on an external 1TB drive using Time Machine. As a workaround for the time being,Is there any way I can install the system on the external drive and use that as the boot drive without erasing the Time Machine Backups?  It seems to me I would have to have two partitions for the external drive, one for the system, and one for Time Machine. But is there any way to add a partition without erasing the existing one with Time Machine only on it?  

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: External Drive Drive Shows Empty And 890 MB Of Files

Jun 8, 2012

So I bought a 2tb external drive to save space on my main drive - I copied all my movies and have been dropping a bunch of mini dv tapes onto it - but when I open the drive none of them show up 

When I get info in disk utility I get one that shows I have avaialble 1.99TB of 2 TB - and right below it says 890 MB are used - don't get it

Tried the disk utility and it says they are working fine .... repair did not seem to do anything

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Retrieve Old Emails From An External Drive After A Hard Drive Crash?

Jul 5, 2012

I was using Mail I have set up my email again, so I don't want to lose anything currently in my inbox, but want to retrieve old messages and addresses.  Running 10.6.8 OS.

iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Use FileVault To Encrypt Both Hard Drive And Time Machine Backup External Drive?

Jul 2, 2012

I would like to use FileVault to encrypt both my hard drive and time machine back up external drive. Does encryption noticeable slow down the computer.

MacBook Air (13-INCH, MID 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Backup Data On Hard Drive When Time Machine Is Setup On External Drive?

Sep 5, 2014

Basically I have a 750GB hard drive in my Macbook Pro and over 300GB is taken up with 'BackUp' data. This is more than the total of everything I have on the drive other than that. Time Machine has always been setup on an external drive and when searching all files on the Macbook there is nothing for backup files so don't know where it is coming from.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Applications :: Migration Assistant - Update Backup Bootable System Drive Image On External FW Drive

Sep 29, 2009

When I eventually upgrade to Snow Leopard, I'd ideally like to do a fresh install (I did Tiger>Leopard as an upgrade install), but I really don't want to have to go through the hassle of reinstalling all my apps afterwards. So, would the following work as a best-of-both-worlds alternative?

1. Update my backup bootable system drive image on my external FW drive
2. Wipe the drive in my MBP and do a fresh install of SL
3. Use the Migration Assistant to automagically copy all my data and apps over from the backup drive as if I was upgrading from an old Mac to a new one

On paper at least, it looks like it ought to "just work"... but I'm wondering whether or not Migration Assistant will work between a Mac and an external drive, or does it have to be between two actual Macs?

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