OS X :: Streaming Sirius / XM Through Mac To Xbox 360

Apr 16, 2009

As it stands right now, I bought/use Connect 360 to stream the media from my Mac to my 360. But I can't figure out a way to get the Sirius streams to play on my Xbox 360.

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Applications :: Connect360 No Longer Streaming To Either Xbox 360

Jan 18, 2010

My connect360 software stopped working all of a sudden. Latest version of connect360. Macpro running latest version of Leopard with all latest updates. I have two xbox360's, and both of them stopped working at the same time. Connect360 is running on the macpro. It says it is sharing, and sees the xbox popup. Says it is authorized.

On the xbox..
It sees the macpro. Sees the directory structure. When I click into a movie, it hangs there for a good 5 minutes. Then finally comes up with PLAY. When I play, it fails with "Lost connection to PC". Movies that were working previously now are not (nothing is working). Recycled router (all pc's, ps3, xboxlive are all working fine), uninstalled/resinstalled connect360. Rebooted a zillion times.

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Software :: Streaming Music And Movie Files To Xbox 360

Sep 23, 2008

I recently got an XBox 360 and wanted to stream music and movie files to my Xbox. Somebody pointed to Connect360, which works great: [URL]. Due to the fact that I only have 250 Gb on my iMac hard drive, I decided to keep my movie files on a 500 Gb external hard drive. With Connect360, I can't stream files from the hard drive. I tried creating aliases to both the folder and to individual files. The only files that will stream to my XBox are files residing on the iMac hard drive.

1) Folder aliases are not detected by the XBox.
2) File aliases are detected by the XBox but will not play. The error message is something along the lines of an unsupported media format (I'm not at home right now), despite the fact that a copy of the exact same file will play if it's on the iMac.

Would creating the symlink in a Unix command prompt make any difference?

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OS X :: Sirius Player Not Working On Mac?

Jul 21, 2010

I tried to log onto the sirius online radio and it keeps saying username error/password incorrect blah blah blah. When I try to log in on my windows it works just fine. This doesn't seem to me a plugin error because I can't even get past the login server apparently. I don't know whats going on I tried calling sirius and they just told me to call Mac. I figured I would ask here just in case someone has had this problem before.

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Applications :: Play Sirius Satellite Radio Through Itunes?

Nov 27, 2007

i've got an imac with an air-tunes express, and i'm trying to find away to play sirius satellite radio through itunes so i can run it through my home stereo.

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PowerPC :: Ibook Streaming Video / Video Streaming Is Choppy

Jul 20, 2009

I have an Ibook g3 700mhz 384 MB and having dificulty watching streaming video for ex. cnn.com or any other. I can watch movies on flash drive and dvds no probs or from harddrive but streaming is very choppy. I know connection is not the issue (I have broadband) and streaming works fine on sony desktop running xp 1ghz with 256 mb ram. What gives?

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Applications :: Capture Streaming Video - App For Capture Streaming Video?

Aug 19, 2004

Any mac apps out their to capture a streaming video? Version Tracker has one, but didn't work at all. I'm trying to capture a mms://~~~.wmv stream

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OS X :: XBOX 360 Emulator For Mac

Apr 18, 2008

Is there anything out there that I could use so I can pop a xbox 360 disk into my mac and play the game? I have a loaded macbook pro so, the system pref are up there for speed and graphics. I'm aware that the xbox 360 is one powerful machine and that people had some trouble making a emulator work on a pc. I've done some research and what I've found is that some people use mac g5 for game servers running 360 games. I'm also noticed that they made guitar hero 3 for pc and a bunch of xbox 360 based games for it. Since you can play that on a pc, wouldn't one think that an xbox 360 emulator for a mac would work? I would like to find an xbox 360 emulator for the mac os x. Can anyone help me out? If there isn't a such thing right now, what would one have to do to make something like this become a reality?

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OS X :: Recording TV / Xbox 360 Onto Mac

Mar 2, 2010

I need a solution that won't cost me thousands. I want to record my Xbox 360 gameplay in good quality, without sacrificing playing in HD, and I don't want to spend over $150 or �100.

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OS X :: Can Stream Through My Xbox 360 But Cannot On MBP?

May 26, 2010

When I stream through my Xbox 360 it works perfectly fine, the buffering prevents any jitteriness or stuttering. However when I try and stream on my MBP it gets jittery after about the first 3-4 minutes. For the first few minutes it is fine.

Anyone else have problems streaming from Netflix?

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OS X :: Mac Airport To Xbox 360 Live

Sep 7, 2010

I am a NYU college student and have my macbook pro (running snow leopard os) connected to the internet via ethernet connection. My mac is sharing internet through it's ethernet connection and my ipod, blackberry, and friend's computers can connect via it's connection. However, the same does not go for my xbox 360. I keep getting a message saying "unable to connect to xbox live because my router can't assign an ip address" I have tried unplugging my internet for 30 seconds but it still doesn't work...neither does a direct ethernet connection.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Connect Xbox 360?

Oct 1, 2010

i got a macbookpro from early 2008.

can i connect a xbox 360 and play it on my macbook pro?

if so what cable/program would i need?

would the graphics still be nice and crisp like the normal screen of a macbook pro?

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OS X :: Connecting Xbox Through Airport?

Dec 9, 2010

I am trying to connect my xbox360 to the internet by sharing from my ethernet connection. I have the latest model xbox with built in wireless. Also my internet connection is pppoe because i am in Okinawa, Japan. It is NTT/OCN.

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Mac Pro :: Run Xbox 360 Into Ethernet Port?

May 9, 2008

Basically, I have a wireless router in my house that my Mac Pro connects to from a seperate room. I have an xbox 360 in my room with the Mac Pro. Without buying the $100 360 wireless adapter, could I configure it so I could run my 360 into my Mac Pro's ethernet port and piggy back off of my Mac's wireless connection to get on Xbox Live?

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Mac Pro :: Play Xbox 360 By OS X Interface

Jan 7, 2009

I want to know if it's possible to play on my xbox by the osx interface. Actually, I plugged it with my vga MS cable but my samsung SyncMaster 2443bw did not show me right the 1920 by 1080 (1080p). The image hidded the side because the image are oversized by a full screen zooming. So, Can I plug with my x360 on my Mac Pro to have a 1080p. I tried the elgato hybrid but there is only a rca plug & s-video so no Full HD.

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OS X :: Connecting To Xbox 360 Over Network

Feb 9, 2009

Just wondering if there's a free method of connecting the 360 to the mac over the network. I've found a couple of shareware programs which look good, stream video, itunes and iphoto, but all I'm really after is the ability to watch movies. Is this possible 'out of the box' or do I need to slap down the cash?

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OS X :: Connecting Mac To Xbox 360 Controller

Jun 30, 2009

I have found tons of things online on how to connect a XBOX 360 controller to my mac - anyone know how to go in semi reverse - Connect my Mac to my 360? I want to be able to type from my computer - so the typing appears on my 360. I normally play with my computer right next to me - so this would be convenient.

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OS X :: How To Get Burned DVD To Play On Xbox 360

Aug 11, 2009

I have a Mac Book Pro and am looking for a program that will convert my avi files into a format that can play on both my DVD player and My xbox 360.

I would Rather not have to pay anything but if it is needed its not a problem.

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MacBook :: NAT And Xbox 360 - DNS Range

Sep 10, 2009

Right now to connect to Xbox live like this
~wireless = ethernet
Actiontec router/modem(verizonfios)~~~~~~ macbook=====xbox360

Right now my NAT is set to moderate and I am trying to open it. I've tried opening ports but there are so many IPs/computers in the network settings I feel like it might be interfering. Another thing is that I manually set my ethernet ip to and my xboxs ip to This is obviously not one of my ISPs IP adresses so should I change it to one that is in the DNS range?

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OS X :: Internet Sharing Between Xbox 360 And MBP

Oct 2, 2009

I've got an LED unibody MBP and for a month or 2. I've been internet sharing my connection from my HSDAP broadband dongle to my Xbox 360 through an ethernet cable. It took me AGES to get going! A while ago I upgraded to Snow Leopard and it broke it. I have no idea why, and i spent hours yesterday trying to get it to work again to no avail! [URL]. That is the guide I am using and for the most part its fine. Long story short, the DNS keeps failing. "Move onto DNS. Enter the IP address of your wireless router (in my case, "") in both the primary and secondary IP address fields". Thats the part I am having problems with, as I don't use a wireless router, i dont know what to put in.

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OS X :: Internet Sharing Of Xbox 360 And Mac

Dec 23, 2009

My xbox and mac are both connected by router by an Ethernet cable. When I go to internet settings it say I might violate the terms of service of my isp(att yahoo dsl) Does doing the steps in the above link, will it affect anything that will violate the TOS, is their another. Safer way to connect the 360 to my mac?

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Hardware :: Xbox Cannot See ReadyNas?

Mar 20, 2010

I'm having a hell of a time getting my Readynas Duo to stream content to my Xbox 360. I cannot even see it on the xbox.AT&T router-----ethernet cable---->Airport Extreme------ethernet cable------->ReadyNas Duo

I have both the Airport Extreme and the ReadyNas configured to be in DMZ mode via the system setup on the at&t router. if you're wondering why I'm using 2 routers, its because the airport supports 802.11N and gigabit ethernet. I do have the ReadyDLNA streaming service turned on.The xbox cannot see the readynas downstairs. It's plugged in via ethernet to the STB (set top box) by the TV. It does get an internet connection, but not able to stream media. It did display the ReadyNas under PCs once for about a second.

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OS X :: Xbox 360 Connected To Macbook Pro

Jul 14, 2010

First I don't know where this kind of topic belongs, but I'm new here as you can see, and I just would like to receive help for this problem of mine. Alright, I get very confused when it comes to stuff like networking and I'm trying to get Xbox Live working by using my Verizon Wireless 5GB card plugged into my laptop and then connecting that with a ethernet cable into a port on the Xbox. I'm not sure if it's going to work but I'm going to try. ( as mobile broadband I heard is slower for things like online multiplayer.)[URL:....] I've followed these steps precisely however I don't think they apply to people with a wireless card but rather a wireless router ( which I'm not using. ) So I'm not sure what to internet share ( my mobile connection or airport) and what settings I should manually set for the Xbox ( The DNS, I.P. addresses, Gateway) I would appreciate somebody who has been in this unique situation before to help me out step by step or link me a better explanation of this.

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IMac :: Using As A Screen For Xbox 360

Aug 18, 2010

I bought a mini displayport to vga adapter to connect my xbox 360 with vga output to my iMac as the woman at the apple store told me this would work, however I can't get it to work, and reading here it looks like I need a box thing...is this correct?

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MacBook Pro :: How To Connect To XBox 360

Jun 2, 2014

I purchased a DVI male to HDMI female adapter on eBay, thinking I can connect my xBox 360 to it. I have a 15 inch MacBook Pro from Early 2008. I don't know how to work it or if it works.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3)

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Hardware :: Any Way To Use XBox Disc As External HD For Mac?

Mar 19, 2008

Can I use my old xbox hard drive as an external hard dive for my mac? If so, how do i do it?

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OS X :: Cannot Get Mac Mini To Share Internet To Xbox 360

Aug 27, 2010

Basically I have a g4 mac mini running 10.5 and I am trying to share from wireless to ethernet. I have that all set up in the internet sharing setup. I've tried many different tutorials online and I just keep running into an error saying it cant resolve the dns servers or whatever.

My router IP is
My macs IP is
I have the DNS numbers from my ISP

On the xbox I enter the ip of the xbox as
Gateway: (router)

Then my DNS numbers manually set, I've also tried using my macs and routers IP's as DNS and no dice. I just keep getting the same DNS error. i have a bunch of ports for xbox live opened to my xbox IP. It worked for me at one point when i was using tiger but now it wont on leopard.

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OS X :: Mac Address - Connecting Xbox To Wireless?

Sep 8, 2010

I just bought wireless for my room, but it obviously just uses my Mac address and therefore I cannot get wireless on any of my other devices. Is there a way I can get my Xbox to connect to the wireless? Can I make my computer become a router and give it a MAC address for anything connected to it?

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PowerPC :: Xbox 360 Cannot Access Internet

Sep 18, 2010

I'm abroad at university and the school has a pretty wicked proxy that prevents Xbox Live from getting through. I asked an IT guy about it and he said, "Man, I wish we could use it. I just don't know if it's possible." I took that as permission to try. I decided to log on to the school network with my iBook (old school, I know) and share my connection with my Xbox. I followed one of the many, many guides available online and set everything up. When I test my Xbox Live Connection, it connects to the network, accepts my DNS settings and then says, "Xbox can't access the internet." My computer is accessing the internet just fine, but my Xbox can't?

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OS X :: Internet Connection Sharing With Xbox 360

Nov 28, 2010

Since it's possible to use a Mac as a wireless access point. I want to share my Ethernet connection through WiFi (not vice-versa), can I connect my Xbox 360 easily with that network or I have to painfully change the settings?

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