OS X :: Snow Leopard Safari Windows Are Trippin Out?
Aug 29, 2009Notice the Bookmarks bar is a different shade.
View 17 RepliesNotice the Bookmarks bar is a different shade.
View 17 RepliesI have just installed Windows 7 via bootcamp and everything went smoothly, the only problem is that i have lost my DVD of snow leopard and want to install the 3.2 drivers on windows 7, however it is to my understanding that i need to install 3.0 from the DVD first. Is there any way around this without ordering another copy of snow leopard? ?25 might not seem a lot but on a student budget i would rather not shell out.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm new to using Windows on a Mac but need to do it now for some video rendering applications that have transcoding, filtering, effects (like VirtualDub) that are only available on a PC.
I have a 17"MBP (3 months old), 2.8Ghz Duo, 4Gb RAM. I recently upgraded to Snow Leopard, was excited about 64-bit though I'm not an expert, I just heard it would be faster.
I didn't realize SL doesn't boot 64-bit anyhow, that you need to hold "6" & "4" at startup to get it to boot in 64bit mode. This surprised me because I figure many people assumed SL was 64bit! Just getting it to boot properly was a hassle. The 6 & 4 trick didn't work for me.
I had to edit the preference file which wouldn't save at first either because of permissions (I had to drag it to my desktop, edit it, save it, then drag it back to the folder and enter in my administrator password).
Only then did I realize my brand new eSATA Express Card didn't work in 64-bit mode. Upsetting because I just bought the hot new Sonnet Tempo card for $200 that claims to work with Snow Leopard. So until it works I'll be running 32bit mode on my Mac.
But if I want to run Windows 7, does this mean I can only run the 32bit version?
I want to know if you guys have a really slow windows 7 and/or Snow Leopard boot up time?I get a nasty white screen before the main selector kicks in.I'm using a mac mini late 2009.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have just got my mac and I enabled smb but I can't connect to windows computer. Does anybody know how to do it I called apple they didn't; know.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've tried Software update and am currently googling around to try and find a fix. but so far all I have been able to do is take a screen shot showing the error I get when I try to launch safari.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just installed Snow Leopard on my iMac and have experienced an ethernet problem with Safari, Firefox, Mail and Thunderbird; these applications work for about 1 hr. and then the applications will lose the ethernet connection even though System Preferences/Network shows that ethernet is connected. However, Skype works (no connection loss) while the aforementioned applications have lost their connections. This problem keeps recurring intermittently (approx every 1hr.
As a work-around to the problem, I go into System Preferences/Network/Configure IPv4: choose OFF in the drop-down, click on APPLY. Then in the same drop-down, select "Using DHCP", click on APPLY and wait for an IP Address to be reassigned. After this procedure, the applications that lost the ethernet connection will start functioning again. I am using a Linksys Router, DHCP with a 1 giga-bit connection, CAT5.
I downloaded the latest Safari version and when I try to install it on Snow Leopard, I get a message saying that I must have OSx 10.5.8 or later. I'm confused because I have 10.6 installed.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs anyone else having this problem? i go to download a program or file and it just takes me to a blank page. I can download fine with any other browser, i.e. Firefox, Camino, Shiira.
View 8 Replies View RelatedMANY of the images within Safari cannot be seen. MOST work, but this site doesn't: [URL]I checked Safari Preferences and Java is enabled.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), I erased OSX 10.7 'cause it slowed
My Safari has been crashing regularly for the last few days. It generally happens soon after waking up the computer from sleep, but also happens randomly after 10-30 minutes use (approx - I'm not really sure). I have been looking at various discussions and think perhaps it might be a trojan, but I am unsure if this is the case and if so, what I can do about it.
I cannot see pdfs in Safari 5.1.5 using Snow leopard. This started @ 2 weeks ago.
Mac G5 2x2.66 GHz Dual Core Intel X, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I cannot use safari. What steps should I follow to enable it again?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
As the previous segment detailed, Windows 7 and Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard aren't competing directly; instead, each is part of competitive strategy to either grow the Mac user base at Microsoft's expense, as Apple has been doing, or in Microsoft's case, to stop the hemorrhaging market share losses and reclaim leadership of desktop operating system development. How big is Windows 7? Microsoft's goal with Windows 7 is to lift Vista's derailed train and put it back on the tracks. Windows 7 itself is internally called Windows 6.1, essentially Vista Service Pack 2 (Microsoft is also preparing a scaled down Vista SP2 for delivery shortly before Windows 7 is released). Microsoft's executives have made no secret of the fact that Windows 7 is an incremental improvement to Windows Vista, with CEO Steve Ballmer calling it "Windows Vista, a lot better," and saying, "Windows 7 is Windows Vista with cleanup in user interface [and] improvements in performance." Mike Nash, Microsoft's vice president of Windows product management, called Windows 7 "evolutionary" but also a "significant" improvement upon Vista. The company has oscillated between describing it as either a major or minor release, depending on who the intended audience was. In October, Computerworld wrote that at the release of Vista, the company's roadmap suggested a series of alternating releases between major new operating system developments (like Vista) every four years, and minor updates in between.
View 39 Replies View RelatedEver since I upgraded to Snow Leopard, I've had Safari crashing issues when performing certain tasks. One example is when trying to post image files to places like E-Bay or online forums. When I click "Add image" and select the file to be added, Safari crashes with an error message. The problem is easily repeated. I thought Safari was supposed to be "Crash Proof". I actually have more problems with it now than I did before.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIt doesn't work for me. I wonder if Glims is conflicting somehow. A reboot got it working, but it's a bit buggy. Sidebar won't turn off. Contextual searches aren't loading.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've been having problems with Safari and Firefox crashing regularly since installing Snow Leopard last week. I have a feeling it might have something to do with Flash, as earlier today Flash itself was crashing in my browser without actually taking the whole app down with it.
Thread 0 Crashed: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0 ??? 0000000000 0 + 0
1 ...romedia.Flash Player.plugin0x126fde38 0x12662000 + 638520
2 ...romedia.Flash Player.plugin0x1282290b 0x12662000 + 1837323
3 ...romedia.Flash Player.plugin0x129f576a Flash_EnforceLocalSecurity + 686794
how do I get my safari favorites from my powerbook (OSX leopard) to my new mbp (snow leopard)? Is there a folder that I go to & get them, then go to file import on safari?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI thought they were supposed to be fine-tuning this program?
View 24 Replies View Related[URL] This video shows a bug in Safari. The bug is when I quit Safari, Safari will restart. Now this only happens when I first login to my Mac and start Safari for the first time. if I quit Safari again. Safari will not restart. Has anyone else had this problem?
View 5 Replies View RelatedAs the thread title states, ever since I updated to snow leopard, both safari and firefox freeze up when I access the ESPN home page and occasionally a few other sites that I have never experienced problems with before on leopard. However, if i turn off the enable plug-ins button in the safari preferences pane, most of the sites work just fine. I thought it may be flash related but i have since updated the programs it it continues to freeze up on the ESPN page. side note, this happens on both my work and home computers (very different specs between the two).
View 19 Replies View RelatedI use Firefox as my main browser, but I'll occasionally use Safari. I'm running Snow Leopard and this tab UI bug just started happening in Sarafi. Here is a screenshot: I've deleted Safari using AppCleaner and reinstalled from the Snow Leopard install disk, but it did not fix the problem. Its not a huge deal since I rarely use Safari, just wondering if anyone else has experience this? It happens if I click a link on a page and "open in new tab"
View 10 Replies View RelatedSomehow my screen now has the tabs section on even when i don't have more than one tab. I was reading up on how to get rid of it, and i saw you could on Safari 3. [Look at attachment one]. When i looked at my tab section in preferences on Safari 4 it didn't have it [Look at attachment two]. i want to be able to click one the "Always show tab bar" and deactivate that. Is there a way that i can download Safari 3 for Snow Leopard?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI can't use links like buttons to download up-dates on sites.When I do that an another window opens and become at once dark with no router in the good window of downloads, so it's impossible to download (even i use right click of my mouse, no more menu to download).
View 2 Replies View RelatedSafari crashes every few minutes.
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I lost the web address and Google bar in Safari when I go to my Home Page?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)
Suddenly in the last few weeks my Safari preferences won't stay. I set a home page and "a new window opens with the same page" and within a few minutes, Safari has forgotten it and when I open Safari I just get a blank page. I have tried deleting the com.apple.Safari.plist file which works temporarily, then it forgets everything again.I am also having a problem with my monitors holding a calibration. I use a monitor test kit and the monitors aren't retaining the icc profile information. I mention this as it could be related??I have a Mac Pro 3,1 with a quad-cor intel Xeon running Snow Leopard 10.6.8.
View 1 Replies View RelatedLately I'm having trouble downloading pdf files that are open in the Safari window. I'm using the latest versions of Safari Adobe Reader on an IMac OSX 10.6.8. I used to download them simply with "command s", now it says "the document ... cannot be exported".
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Adobe Reader 10.1.3, Safari 5.1.5
Recently I have been unable to quit Safari, it starts running really slow and when I try to quit and restart nothing happens. The 'Quit' command under 'File' is greyed out and right clicking in the dock doesn't reveal 'Force Quit'; only 'Quit' shows but that doesn't work. The only solution is to re-boot the computer. This has happened a number of times recently.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8), iPad & iBook OS 10.6.8
how do i view PDF files in safari 5.1.7?
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