OS X :: Snow Leopard + Entourage + Spotlight= Not Working
Sep 3, 2009
After installing Snow Leopard my email messages from Entourage are not showing up in spotlight searched.
I have tried going to Preferences-> Spotlight in entourage and pressing 'rebuild' but that doesn't seem to do the trick.
Any suggestions would be appreciated, as I heavily rely on this feature.
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Sep 3, 2009
After installing Snow Leopard my email messages from Entourage are not showing up in spotlight searched.
I have tried going to Preferences-> Spotlight in entourage and pressing 'rebuild' but that doesn't seem to do the trick.
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Aug 21, 2009
If I had to pick one thing that is a fundamental feature of the OS, not just Mac OS but any OS, it's the ability to find files - and that functionality is all but completely broken in Leopard. Spotlight in Leopard absolutely sucks. It doesn't find files, it's slow, and there are few options for how to sort found files.
I can't count the number of times that I have tried using it to quickly locate a file, but it can't find it, even thought it's right there on my hard drive. I manually navigate to the file, and yep, I spelled it right...there it is. But it just doesn't appear in the Spotlight results list.
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Aug 24, 2009
One of the biggest gripes i have with Leopard is Spotlight. I have a 4gb usb drive i put mp3s on to listen to in my car and every time i plug it in Spotlight starts indexing it which means i get stuck with slower read/write speeds until it is done. Is there any way in 10.6 to turn off Spotlight for external drives?
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Sep 25, 2009
I've been using happily Snow Leopard for a couple of weeks now but last night it just started freezing.
Everytime I open Spotlight and look for something I see the spinning beachball... the mouse still works but NOTHING else does (Dock, menus, Finder)... everything just freezes.
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Oct 9, 2009
When using spotlight I set my preferences so it doesn't find music and some other things. It works great for the spotlight popup, but in windowed mode, which searches "this mac", still searches for everything. Is there a way to get the windowed mode to only search the things I specified in spotlight?
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May 15, 2010
Earlier I posted a problem about the get info pane has something wrong in it, that the "more info" only shows the headline, while other things, like dimensions for the pictures, the bitrate of MP3 songs, etc.
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May 25, 2010
I have a problem with Apple Mail and I need someone to help me. I use Snow Leopard and want to use Apple Mail instead of Entourage. But, everyone uses windows around me and when I send email to them, they get my email as plain text. Here is my question... Even I made changing form plain text to rich text in preferences, my mails go still as plain text. Should I do something with Terminal? How can I fix it? Preferences richt text/plain text switch doesnt work.
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Aug 28, 2009
you can't sort your spotlight results by size unless you are in Icon view. How did they leave that out of List view? That is the only feature I'd hoped would be introduced in SL. It makes Spotlight searches as useless as they were in 10.5.
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Sep 11, 2009
The search integration of Spotlight with TextEdit: Typing in a search term in Spotlight, then opening one of the resulting files in TextEdit, then choosing Find in TextEdit used to immediately bring up the very same search term from Spotlight, so that you wouldn't have to type the very same (potentially very long) term all over again to go straight to the spot in the file.
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Mar 22, 2012
Spotlight has been indexing for four days now,; all it says is 'estimating indexing time.' Meanwhile, i can't search for anythign on my hard drive. how can i make it stop?
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Mar 28, 2012
The problem I am having is that my spotlight runs fine and then after a period of using my imac (2 hours) the searches take longer and longer to do. This happens when I am searching using a window. So by holding the alt cmd space bar and then keying in my keywords.
If i search by going to the magnifying glass in the menu bar it searches as normal but then clicking on show all results its back to being slow. If I reboot the mac it continues to run fast and then eventually goes slow. I have tried rebuilding the spotlight databases but this has not helped.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 27, 2012
I can't figure out how to stop Spotlight indexing, as it's been doing it since yesterday.
Macbook 2.4Ghz (White) 4GB RAM, Mac OS X (10.6.4), Logic Studio 8, Safari 5.0.2, iLife 08, iWork 08, Aperture 2
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May 31, 2012
I'm using OSX Snow Leopard. Spotlight was unable to find a document in a folder. It found several others that have almost the same name, but not the one I was looking for. By scrolling down in the finder window I found it without spotlight right away.
To better explain my problem:
I was looking for a document that was called "Paperless". Spotlight found several document in different folders like "Paperlessone", Paperless2" etc. But not able to find "Paperless"
I checked the Spotlight options and it says, that it is looking for everything.
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Dec 22, 2010
An odd problem that has recurred on two of the installations of Snow Leopard I've had on my 27" iMac is that for some odd reason, using Spotlight will cause a slow system death.
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Oct 27, 2009
I've had Snow Leopard since the day it came out. And I installed it that same day. Since then Spotlight is constantly indexing and will not stop. I noticed about a week after installation when I went to use stoplight and it wouldn't let me because it was indexing. Now fast forward to today I still haven't fixed this problem because I never really needed to use it. So no I have the need, and I need to fix this problem. BTW I'm using a 13" aluminum Mac Book bought around June '09 the model right before the current 13" aluminum Mac Book Pro's
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May 5, 2012
Spotlight on my imac does not show attributes fields Is there a reason for this?
iMac, iOS 4.3.2
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May 17, 2012
It's actually one of five partions on the external drive, and the only one with a problem. Two of the other four are nicely on the Privacy List, and the other two are both indexed and kept nicely up to date. But the Fifth cannot be indexed, although it once was partially. I have run Spotless, which lists all other drives just as I expect but for this one it reports: "The Metadata Server is reporting that content indexing is DISABLED for the volume Fifth but the volume itself is reporting that the content indexing status is set to ENABLED." It is possible to find an 8Kb index on the volume, then Trash and delete it; Spotlight immediately re-creates another index-in-waiting but does not actually do the indexing or add anything in the folder. An added frustration is that the 'folder' is both invisible, locked and seems to be without 'ownership' or other conventional attributes.
1) I have done the primitive Add to Privacy and Remove Dance nothing has changed.
2) I have used Terminal, deleted all .Spotlight-V100 indexes, disabled Spotlight rebooted, renabled it and rebooted—nothing has changed. This included carefully following steps in other posters' accounts (some failed, some succeeded) and a site that gave a particularly thorough version.
3) I have used Spotless although it offers to do such things as Delete the empty index and re-start Indxing, it then reports it couldn't due to an unexpected error.
4) Some folks have pointed to another faulty invisible file variously naming it '.metadate_never_index' and '.metadataneverindex', to be found in '.hostconfig' or eleswhere at the root and destroyed, but I never didscovered anything like it. I did perhaps succeed in adding the line: SPOTLIGHT=-YES- to that file, based on another bit of advice, but it seems to have had no effect.
The terrible irony is that I use FindAnyFile and good ol' FileBuddy for all my searching. All I want is to 'Show Item Info' in Finder's View Options. Wouldn't you know that needs the Spotlight 'app'.Assuming the Spotless message is accurate, I need to convince the MetadataServer that indexing for that partition is enabled. How do I do that
McBk w/10.6.8, QkSlvrG4 w/10.3,10.4
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Sep 5, 2009
Did a regular upgrade of Leopard to Snow. Ran Entourage data base utility. Nothing happened. Waited 5 minutes figured that was long enough. If I can't fix a damaged data base, it may not be worth the upgrade. Can't get Office 2008 until late December. Suggestions? Reinstall Office?
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Sep 9, 2009
The new iPhoto 8.1 update breaks the email functionality to Entourage 2008, if you're using Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. iPhoto 8.1 can no longer successfully email photos to Entourage 2008. It worked just fine with iPhoto 8.0.4, but no longer works with iPhoto 8.1. This is a SNOW LEOPARD PROBLEM... it works just fine under LEOPARD. The steps to reproduce this problem are as follows:
1. Change iPhoto's preferences to use Entourage as your email client.
2. Choose a photo.
3. Click on the "Email" button.
You will get an error message from the Finder that states "Microsoft Entourage got an error. Can't get content of window'". So you are not able to email a photo through Entourage this way anymore. You have to do it manually.
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Sep 3, 2009
I'd like to install SL on my macbook air 2.13.... but I have a couple of questions for you, who already did it. Is the "spotlight search window" still flickering during a research? (it seems a problem related with SSD machines in Leopard). Is it now warmer? colder? same? How about the fan? Did you notice changes in the way SL use it? Battery life? This machine with SSD is pretty snappy... is it even faster now?
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Apr 29, 2010
I have a PDF library located inside a bundle. Spotlight does not appear to search inside this bundle even if I trigger the search from inside it. I need it to index the PDFs to allow searching for key words in the text of the PDFs. If I remove the PDFs from the bundle Spotlight works fine, but I then loose some functionality of the software that I am using. how to make spotlight do this? I am running Snow Leopard.
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Apr 3, 2012
I have a very odd problem. Spotlight can't find TextEdit anymore, even if I type the name of the app fully in the field. The app is right where it should be in the Applications folder. It hasn't been excluded from search and I have done a reindex of Spotlight but the problem persists. Other apps come up exactly right.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 13, 2012
I need to convert emails from Apple Mail on a 10.6.8 machine into Entourage 2004.
I read somewhere about pre TIger machines you could import directly via Entourage but not the newer OS's, something to do with eml and mbox?
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May 14, 2012
I want to list the files (Canon images, file names of the form img_xxxx) stored on an external drive (named WINBACK), a partition on a USB HDD. What I did:
1. Clicked on drive WINBACK in Finder.
2. Typed img in spotlight search box - Finder window changed to the full spotlight window. Window shows <Search: 'This Mac' "WINBACK">
3. Changed 'Contents' to 'File Name' so top line of display showed < Search: 'This Mac' "WINBACK" | 'File Name' >.
4. Clicked + to give a search line.
5. On search line changed 'Kind' to 'Name', changed 'matches' to 'begins with' from the drop down lists and then typed 'img_' into the search box.
6. Clicked + to give another search line.
7. Changed 'Kind' to 'File extension', and typed 'jpg' into the search box.
8. This gave a list of files img_xxxx.jpg (obviously 0 < xxxx < 10,000).
As there appeared to be some duplicates I checked the paths of the files. Some were from "WINBACK" but most were from various locations on the internal drive.
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Mar 25, 2012
"Photoshop CS" and "Acrobat 6.0 Standard" suddenly stopped working in my iMac, apparently after I upgraded it to MacOS 10.6.8 (the latest version of Snow Leopard). Both programs had worked normally until that OS upgrade. I deleted Photoshop CS and tried to re-install it from the original CD, but the installation never proceeds because I get an error message entitled: "Install Adobe Photoshop CS quit unexpectedly". This is the full error message:
Process: LaunchCFMApp [1516]
Path: /Volumes/Adobe(R) Photoshop(R) CS/Adobe(R) Photoshop(R) CS/Install Adobe Photoshop CS.app/Contents/MacOS/Install Adobe Photoshop CS
Identifier: com.MindVision.InstallerVISE
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Jun 20, 2012
Quicklook has stopped workingon my MacBook Pro OS 10.6.8. Pressing the space bar on a file yields nothing. Is there a way to update or reset it so it starts working again?
MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 19, 2010
I'm dealing with a crazy annoyance after upgrading to Snow Leopard - currently running 10.6.2. I have 2 duplicate, external, 1TB WestDig Drives. I have no problems accessing files from the Finder, but if I use Spotlight search or Smart Folders, the corresponding folders on the external drives never open on the first try. I always receive the message: The alias ??? can?t be opened because the original item can?t be found.
On the second try the folder opens fine. It seems that after my Snow Leopard upgrade every spotlight search on the external drive reveals "missing" folder aliases although the "aliases" appear as regular folder icons. I tried re-indexing spotlight but this did not solve the problem. External Drive volume in terminal:
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Mar 23, 2010
Firstly I am sorry if this has been posted before, but I did have a look at the Snow Leopard FAQ & a browse through the current topics. And secondly, I am also sorry if I am not using appropriate computer language to describe certain things. I have a 17 inch Macbook Pro I bought in the middle of last year. Before Snow Leopard. So when Snow Leopard came along I went for the upgrade without looking around at compatibility issues with certain software.
So after the upgrade, my EyeTV didn't work, and neither did my internet (I use the ones with the USB stick). So I couldn't even go online to get my EyeTV update. So in my (brief) panick I re-installed Leopard, which wasn't a great idea I guess, because all of a sudden my HD space went down to 50GB from my 500GB of storage. Now I know I didn't have the full 500GB since I did have some photos, music & videos on board. But surely 50GB remaining is quite ridiculous. I think it probably performed a Time Machine backup for me.
Anyway... that was awhile ago. And I was happy to carry on with what I had. But now I think I would like to try what Snow Leopard has to offer. But with only 18GB of space remaining, I think the best option might be to reformat and start over. What do you guys think? My other option is to try to delete as much as I can spare to make room for Snow Leopard. Sorry if this question is a silly one, but I have done a lot of things with my iPhone & with this Mac without thinking & asking first & I have always regretted it. Thanks for any help or suggestions you all can offer.
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Feb 17, 2010
I have mac mini (early 2009) running leopard and want to upgrade to snow leopard. I've bought a disk from a local store and when I try to install I get as far as 45 minutes to go when the installer reboots the computer and says it will continue to install after reboot. So it reboots kicks the disk out and reboots back into Leopard. The Apple site says it is probably a bad disk, so I got another one, still does the same. Apple also says it might be the dvd drive, I have no other issues with the drive, it installs the original leopard disks without problem, it reads video dvd's without problem, it verifies the snow disk as perfect.
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