ICloud :: Will A Restore From Time Capsule Wipe IMac
Apr 24, 2012
My iMac was stolen by burglars on Friday. Sunday evening, when I found out, I ordered a remote wipe (from my Air) on the stolen iMac. Apparently, it hasn't yet come online, though, so the wipe hasn't happened. Today I went a bought a new iMac, and right now I am restoring my (old/stolen) iMac onto my new iMac to a Time Capsule that the thieves didn't find. Suddenly, I got very worried: When it finishes restoring, and says "hi" to the internet, - will it appear to be the stolen iMac and be wiped?
In other words: how does iCloud identify the stolen computer - by the machine, or by it's content?(pretty worried right now, since I don't remember the six digit code that will need to be entered IF it is wiped; I made it up when I was completely frantic from the shock of walking into a home that was broken in to.)
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Nov 29, 2010
I'm getting a new 13" MBA, upgrading from a 2006 macbook. I have it all backed up to time capsule. Can I just connect the MBA to my time capsule and restore the macbook image?
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Nov 17, 2010
i just got a new imac and thought i'd firewire from my old one, but doing this is set up after the intro video only let me register in my ex's name (who the older mac is registered to) - i obviously dont want this! how do i reset my imac so that i can register it without his name as the owner of the imac?!
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Jul 2, 2009
I have a MacBook Pro and a Time Capsule, the other day I reinstalled Mac OS X Leopard because I had problems with it. I am trying to restore my info from Time Capsule to my MacBook Pro after installing Leopard but it just says that its restoring from time capsule to volume and has been for about 24 hours! Does anyone know how long it should take? There is around 180GB of data to transfer.
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Aug 25, 2009
I use a hotmail account for personal email. A few days ago Microsoft sent out an update that gave much better integration with Entourage, and I set up the required POP account and all was well. However, thinking I didn't need the previous account any longer I deleted it, and with it, all of my personal saved folders. I have a Time Capsule backup that dates prior to the change. How I might recover just the filed emails that were on my MacBook?
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Dec 6, 2014
I tried to restore a Time Machine Backup but once the recovery process start there a pop up saying that Time Machine can´t modify or delete desktop and everything stops!.
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Oct 29, 2009
i did a last minute backup before i sold my late 07 Mini last weak and I was a little apprehensive abouthow well the restore would work on the new 2.53 mini.
Well I can now say I am very impressed, i turned on the new Mini and it asked if i wanted to restore and gave me a few options. i chose the TC and it was off and running, it took about 2hrs. when it finished it was like i was still using the old Mini, a perfect image clone. all my email, pictures, docs, etc. were there just like i left them.
so for those who have never done a restore you have nothing to worry about (as long as your TC doesn't crap out first LOL)
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May 6, 2012
My Macbook came up with an error, saying the HD needed repairing - I had no problems, and wish I hadn't listened to it!
After trying to repair, it came up with errors, then wouldn't reboot. I had no problem previous to this point. The only option seemed to be to restore from Time Capsule.
Time capsule restored overnight, but then just went to the spinning wheel and doesn't look like it has completed the process. The last time I looked it said 35 mins to complete the restore, but now there is a grey screen and a spinning wheel.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 14, 2012
How do I restore dat from time capsule to mynew macbook pro?
time capsule, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 10, 2014
I just updated iTunes to 11.4 and now have lost my playlists. Can I restore them from a Time Capsule backup, and if so, how?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Cinema Display, Time Capsule
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Dec 21, 2008
So I had to wipe and reinstall Mac OSX.5 (or at least the Apple store genius did). I backed it up just before I took it, and now I am trying to restore completely from the login selection (restore from a time machine backup).
It recognizes my time capsule, and my time machine drive, and it goes to the window where it asks you to choose what to transfer: "User name, network and preferences, applications folder, and finally my files and folders" At first it said "calculating..." for all of them, but all of them except the applications folder finished. It has been over 3 hours and the applications folder is STILL "Calculating" and will NOT let me select transfer.
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Feb 17, 2012
I had a Macbook Air 11 latest version which I just sold. Now I have a Mac Pro 13 with a normal 750GB Disk. I did a complete restore of the last Time Capsule back up from the Air to the Pro. After this was completed I installed Lion latest release over the restored installation. Now everything is running but I still have the impression, that the pro is much slower than the Air - I guess one thing is the difference of performance between SSD and normal disks. But still the Pro has much more CPU power, right?
is there any chance, that through the restore procedure I did, the Pro hardware could have been corrupted as the backup did not match the target machine (Air to Pro)? Is there any way to check of the hardware is working as designed? I have been reading in the communities about the AHT tool, but I can not locate it on Lion, the "D" key has no effect and I have no Leopard Disks containing AHT...
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Mar 22, 2012
This morning my iMac acted up so I used Onyx to find out what's wrong and it said it needs to repair the disk.
I then restarted, pressed cmd + R and tried to repair it but it said that I needed to back up files and would have to format the drive. Ok, good thing I just backed up my computer before the imac acted up, so I formatted the drive sing Disk Utility and then proceeded to reinstall OS X Lion.
Right now, it is still downloading stuff and have at least 5 hrs to go.
My question is, what would be the next best course of action to take:
Restore from latest TM backup? (will this be a good idea since the HD failed and cause the HD to fail again?) As much as possible, I want everything as it was before the crash. Or would it be better to start from scratch and reinstall everything? The only impt thing I want restored are my photos ( only backed up with TM).
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7), 21.5"
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Apr 21, 2012
I am trying to restore data from my Time Capsule to my Mac OS X. The data is being restored through a local wirless network, it is about 24GB. How long should it take?
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Jan 30, 2010
I have a strange "/private" folder in my root directory (Macintosh HD) after a Time Capsule restore today. The folder is ~5GB in size, and appears to have been created during the restore process. The files in the folder have strange-appearing "system" file type names. Can I safely delete this folder? Not sure why its there, but given its size, I'd prefer to delete it.
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Oct 16, 2010
I've got a Macbook Pro with Snow Leopard installed, but it has been going sort of sluggish lately so I've decided to do a clean reinstall of Snow Leopard to try and improve things. I've got an up-to-date backup with Time Machine to my Time Capsule. When I do a clean install of Snow Leopard, will I be able to easily restore the files that I want to keep and the applications that I want to put back on my system (with their settings)?
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Mar 22, 2012
After a hard disc crash I've restored my system from a time caspule backup.now I can not login to my system, as it doesn't recognize my password and there's only one user.
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Jun 1, 2014
I store all of my photographs on an external hard drive which I backup with my Time Capsule. My external HD crashed and I need to restore the new external hard drive with the files from the Time Capsule. When I open Time Machine I get an error message saying to connect to a current Time Machine backup disk.
MacBook & iMac, Mac OS X (10.0.x)
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Sep 8, 2014
I have an external hard drive which shows all time machine backups but I cannot restore to an earlier time, restore button blanked out.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011)
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Jun 11, 2012
I was moving around some files from an old to a new macbook pro and I ended up deleting some files so now whenever I try to put a file on the desktop it says that I don't have permission to do that operation. I just got this macbook and cant access my old one at the moment, so the question is: how do I totally wipe the hdd and install osx lion again?
Is it possible to open my macbook in target mode and delete everything then when I start it up, open it in recovery/rescue mode and install lion again from the servers, or do I need to wait and get my macbook again? I just want to use it like a brand new machine (no personal data on it). I already tried reinstalling lion, but that did nothing.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1), Quad Core i7 15" 4GB RAM
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Jun 30, 2012
I deleted some important contacts from my Address Book, which is synched with iCloud, recently.I restored my Address Book from a Time Machine back up which had the important addresses still included.But every time I open Address Book on my MacBook, it tries to synch with iCould, which is missing the contacts and therefore immediately deletes them.I have turned iClound sync off in my System Preferences, but because the Address Book Time Machine backup I am trying to restore from has iCloud 'enabled' in the Address Book preferences, every time I open it, it resets my System Preferences back to syncing Address Book with iCloud and it deletes the contacts I am trying to restore upon the application start up.How do I actually restore Address Book from a Time Machine back up and keep iCloud from overwriting that?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Nov 4, 2009
What's the best way to return this macbook to Factory settings with all installed items gone, passwords, email, calendars, photos, music?
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Feb 12, 2010
I didn't know where best to put this, so hope this is okay to post here. I couldn't find anything similar.
I've Virgin Broadband currently running through my Time Capsule. It's the 10mbps service so assuming only 802.11g. I want to upgrade to the 20mbps service, but this uses 802.11n and need to make sure that;
a) My Time Capsule can send a signal, with limited configuration needed - it's already working, so assume they just send a new signal and it should still work.
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Apr 5, 2010
I recently sold my older MBP and already backed up the system via Time Machine. However, I need to wipe clean the hard drive for the new user. Is there a clear cut way to restore the system? I do not have the boot drive with me as I am traveling but would like to know if there is a way without using the disk.
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Oct 21, 2008
My dad has just bought a 20" imac along with the time capsule 500gb. He has a Bt business hub that is the dsl modem and router for his internet.
The Time Capsule was bought under the impression it would replace the Bt Hub. Having done a bit of post-purchase research I see that this isnt the case.
It was primarily bought as a backup so the fact it cant act as a wireless router /modem (i mean to be able to get rid of the business hub which is rubbish) isnt a major problem.
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Dec 28, 2010
I got time capsule for Xmas and I tried installing it today and I popped in the disk and installed it, which went alright. Now when I tried to set up my time capsule, it seems to have disabled my Wi-Fi network, even though it appears a strong connection, it just doesn't bring up my Internet anymore, even when I try to surf on my iPhone with Wi-Fi, it still doesn't work, so I am using my 3G network now.Also, can I not use time capsule to expand my hard-drive for more space on my operating system? I need more space, that's what I heard time capsule can do, in conjunction with backing up old files too.
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Aug 16, 2009
I have an old(er) iMac [24 inch white - 750gb - 3GB ram] that I have used for three years and just got a Mac Pro [3 TB - 8GB ram] that I am looking to set up for use with my other Apple stuff (AppleTV, Time Capsule, and iPhone)
Here's the deal - I have a baby at home (which means tons of pictures and video) and I wanted to figure out a way to best set up my gear to get the most out of it. I was thinking of using the iMac as an Internet/Media Streaming Machine and Use the Mac Pro for all my work/Photoshop/Editing stuff. Any thoughts?
And then there is Time Machine and the Apple TV - I have lots of stuff and am not sure the best way to set up my time capsule (1TB).
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Oct 23, 2010
I've seen several hard drives that all say that they are suitable to use with the Time Capsule feature on the iMac. Particularly I noticed a entire range of Seagate drives (Free agent Goflex Pro, etc). I am planning on getting one of the new iMacs with a built in 500 GB drive. Which TC drive would you guys recommend and what features are important?
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May 29, 2009
I have had my Time Capsule set up for about half a year, all worked fine with my old iMac. Now that I have copied the profile of my old iMac to a new one, I tried accessing the Time Capsule to do some deleting. It does open the Time Machine and shows the starry universe and all the screens, yet it won't show anything before today. How can this be? And, more importantly, how do I solve it?
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May 5, 2010
I'm buying a iMac i7 with 2tb HD and am thinking to go with a Time Capsule for backup. Can I just run the backup periodically, keeping it turned off most of the time? I see that the product lasts about 18 months, so I should get much more use if that 18 months were due to continuous running, and I only turn it on when needed. I'm sure it will be a few years before I ever get close to using 2 TB if ever, in that sense, would it be better to buy a 1 TB Time Capsule over a 2TB simply because of the longevity issues & my backup requirements, not to mention the expense?
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