OS X Server :: How To Use Tiger Server - Clients With Active Directory
Dec 15, 2006
I have a few labs that will be running Tiger. I have an XSERVE that is running Tiger Server. All of my users are stored on a Windows 2003 server in AD.
I know how to bind an OSX machine to AD. What is the best way to set up my mac labs/Xserve so that when the users log in they get their home folder on the Windows server but have their preferences managed by Workgroup manager?
I am running an open directory/active directory network. Authentication is from the Windows server 2003 active directory. It has worked fine until the last month. Now clients stop authenticating & when I check the AD plugin it says network accounts are not available. I can force the server to unbind, then renew the binding & everything works great.Is there any work around or fix for this other than upgrading the windows server to 2008?Â
I am running a 10.7.3 Lion Server bound to Active Directory. There are only several local admin users on the machine; everyone else authenticates against AD. AFP connections work fine, using both local and AD accounts. SMB connections work fine if you use a local account but any AD account is rejected as having the wrong password when connecting via SMB. I've tried using the adusername trick (our AD server is named "ad") even though you're not supposed to need that with 10.7.2 and above... it doesn't help.Â
I have tried both a Windows 7 client and a 10.6 client, specifying SMB as the protocol in the Connect To Server dialog. Both fail, and they also take several minutes before reporting the bad password (the slowness in responding is yet another problem I've read as being an issue). Checking the kdc.log file on the server I see:Â
2012-02-09T09:54:22 digest-request netr: failed user=AD\dlennie DC status code c000006d 2012-02-09T09:54:22 digest-request: netr failed with -1073741715 proto=ntlmv2 2012-02-09T09:54:22 digest-request: od failed with 2 proto=ntlmv2
I am using the full DNS name for the server, and on my test clients there are no firewalls or other network issues that would prevent connection to the server. We're mostly Macs here but the Windows users become a rather vocal group when something doesn't go their way. The confusing part to me is that AFP authenticates just fine and SMB doesn't.
i want to learn one think about Mac OS X Server 10.6.i have got 300 clients Windows and i want to setup Mac OS X Server work like a Active Directory same as Windows... (User's Account,Profile ....etc) is it possible with Mac OS X Server or not ?
I am managing a bunch of Macs and we are using Active Directory groups to assign certificates for 802.11x. I am binding the device to AD using JAMF software and was wondering if I could use a script to then add the deive to an active directory group.Â
I have been reading through the Lion Server pages for Active Directory and came across the following question. Does the procedure listed in the URL below allow the users whose Macs are joined to the OS X server, to login with Active Directory credentials. Pass-through auth. for lack of a better term. [URL]...The procedure reads as if it is just joining the server to the domain and not configuring authentication.Â
Im having all kinds of 'not found' issues with lion server but i think alot of them may stem from not being able to stop kerberos from running on Open Directory.Therefore currently im running two Kerberos realms OD and Active directory.. When I try and stop it in terminal it errors see below...Â
shutting down kadmind kadmind shut down shutting down kdc
then on server admin it shows kereberos for OD as "running".. still so i know it hasn't worked?
I'm trying to setup our xserve so our clients will authenticate against AD but have their prefs managed by OSX Server. So far I've got the clients logging on ok,group folders mount nicely and I can see AD users and groups from workgroup manager. But when I try to add a home directory for an AD user I get - 'Got unexpected error Error of type -14140 on line 1127 of PMMUGMainView.mm'. I get the same if I try to create a new active directory user so it looks like workgroup manager is having problems writing to the active directory.
We have a local Admin account on all Macs, enterprise wide, for local and remote administration.
All Macs are joined to Active Directory. Our users DO NOT have Admin rights.Â
On ALL our LION Macs (10.7.4), when joined to Active Directory, we lose functionality to the local Admin account.
We can log into the local Admin account, but the desktop is useless. Nothing opens. We cannot create any files/folders without getting an Access Denied error.
AND then best part... everything on the Desktop, files/folders, are gone! Almost like a bran spankin' new account. With no access to anything locally.Â
I have an OSX Lion 10.7.4 Server set up with Profile Manager and it is joined to AD.Â
I am able to see AD groups in the Profile Manager groups section. I can also see and add AD users and groups using the server app.Â
I have enabled the "Can Enable Remote Management" check box for Domain Users through Profile Manager. I have also added Domain Admins to the Workgroup group in the Server app. I'm not sure that I want or need either of these options, but they were suggestions to try. I am not able to log on to the Profile Manager or My Devices pages with AD logins.Â
I found these directions about nested groups in Workgroup Manager [URL] but I don't have a [URL] local group or any groups like are shown in the picture.Â
Adding 10 IMACS with OS 10.7 to my active directory domain. I would like for all users to have the same basic user settings at log in. how I can configure the MAC clients.
Mail on our leopard server suddenly stopped recieving extrnal mail about a month ago then around 2 weeks ago stopped receiving anything internally. When i telnet in it tells me the user is not enabled even though in server admin and WGM say it is. I have tried building a new server, ive had the mx records checked, the router and line checked, and the dns on the server is working fine.
I just configured my Snow Leopard Server to distribute Lion update's [URL]I also see that the sync is competed with all latets Lion update's and all are enabled. I've adjust all the settings on the clients:sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences com.apple.SoftwareUpdate CatalogURL [URL]The problem is that all my 10.6 and 10.7 clients doesnt see any availble update's and running the Software Update on the cllient i get the message "The software is up-to-date" I checked all the configs.....reset the complete SUS server and started all over but still the same issue!
I have updated some of my client machines to 10.4.9. My servers are still 10.3.9. My OD server is also 10.3.9. When my clients log on to the Tiger client machine (mobile users with local home directories) I can't view the loggin items pane in the "system preferences." The "loggin itmes" pane stalls and does not show the items listed. The user accounts seem to work fine and all managed preferences (live default website, several afp volumes logged in, and special dock configurations all seem to work fine. This has happen on all my Tiger client machines and to all OD users. It's weird. Also, all the manged preferences are on the groups the users belong to, not on the user records.
I've got a Leopard MacBook with Screen Sharing turned on and a VNC password set. I've got a Tiger iMac with Remote Desktop enabled and a VNC password set, with Chicken of the VNC on it to use with the MacBook. I've also got an iPod touch with Mocha VNC Lite on it (not a great client, and I still have an older version cuz the new versions took away functionality, but it's the only free one I found). By the way, I also tried this with the updated version of Mocha VNC, and it didn't make any difference.
So I've had this setup for months, hell almost a year, with no problems. I haven't used VNC from the iPod much lately, but when I tried to tonight, this is what happened:
Viewing and controlling the iMac from the iPod was no problem. Worked as usual. But when I connected to the MacBook, it would load the very top part of the screen (maybe 200-250 rows of pixels, I really don't know) and then seemingly freeze. No more would load, what did load wouldn't ever refresh, and even when I tried to blindly control with the iPod's keyboard, nothing happened. Only the VNC app didn't freeze, it was still responsive as ever, as if it was totally unaware that anything had gone wrong.
The weird thing is, when I go on the iMac and connect to the MacBook with Chicken of the VNC, it works fine again.
So basically...
iPod -> iMac, no problem iMac -> MacBook, no problem iPod -> MacBook, problem
Where could this be coming from? I don't know when it started exactly, but the only thing I can come up with is that it must have started when I updated to 10.5.8.
I'm trying to do something fairly simple — allow users from an external LDAP server to access services on my Lion server. Following Apple's instructions, I can't find the "Connect to Directory" choice in the Manage menu of Server.app. I always start by turning off OD by using Server Admin to configure as "Standalone Directory". This is what I see in Server.app after doing that.
Apple's instructions say if the Manage Network Accounts option appears, you need to first set up the server to host network accounts. So I click that option, which seems the be the same thing as creating an OD Master using Server Admin, as far as I can tell.Then I try to add a new user.For some reason, the "type" dropdown list exists, and lets me choose "Imported user from directory", even though I haven't setup any other directory server. Of course, when I search for a username, it finds nothing.Apple's instructions say to now choose "Connect to Directory" from the Manage menu, but that option doesn't show up. I only have what shows in the screenshot above, sans "Manage network accounts" now. How can I get this to appear?
I have just brought myself a Mac Mini Server Edition for my business and am struggling to set it all up so they work together. Ill quickly explain my setup - I have a Mac mini server connected to a 48 port Net gear router and currently have 9 client computers all of which are dell's running Windows Vista basic. I also have two non-network printers connected to the server and another network printer connected to the router.
Basically, I am having trouble making the clients talk to the server. For example, when i start up my MacBook laptop I can automatically log into my server and access files. However, the Server doesn�t seem to register on the Client computers.
It would be greatly appreciated if somebody could give a little input into how to network them. In addition to this, I have purchased a Domain Name and have paid for Domain Name Severing (i.e. it is live). I want my employees to be able to connect into the Server through this domain name via the VPN feature on the Mac Mini Server - does anyone know anything about setting this up?
I have an up to date Lion server that I have created a 10.7.3 netboot image with. The issue I am having is that in Server Admin, the netboot image shows in the images list, but does not show up on any client machine. I have tried re-creating the image using the same hard drive, as well as creating an entirely new image. The images just will not show on client machines
I'm trying to setup a macmini server with four different firewire drives (has this working in 10.6.8 working great) however in lion server you can only have ONE timemachine backup destination.apple put an Share items/Backups folder with a .com.apple.timemachine.supported file in it. and set permissions to a group com.apple.backup_access However i can't dublicate this setup and have the system accept an extra folder on another drive.Â
I've looked high and low. Can anyone point me to some USEFUL information regarding how to setup Lion 10.7.3 server's Software Update Service for 10.7.3 clients? Specifically, I'm tryng to figure out how to "point" 10.7.3 Lion clients to the server for their updates. Currently, the service is on and the queue is full.Â
I have configured OpenDirectory Service sucessfully to bind to a Windows 2000 Server (AD DC) and setup LDAPv3 etc. When I select the option to run as OpenDirectory Replica and fill in the relevent details for the AD DC and select save I get an error back reporting that it cannot connect to the server using SSH.
I have one client that my server "serves". I just replaced the hard drive and installed 10.5 on it. (So, my server is at 10.4 but the client is at 10.5). I'm trying to get so I can log in. I figured out how to get the client to see the LDAP (or Open Directory). The machine is now "managed". I can tell because the log in screen has my own message on it. When I type in my user name and password, it finds it but then it says that there has been an error. So, its almost working but not quite. Can a 10.5 client work from a 10.4 Open Directory server?
I am trying to setup test server with following services:
Open Directory
Profile Manager
Software Update
But not having much of success. I have installed 10.7.3 on virtual machine (Using Fusion 4) on Mac Pro and given a 4 GB of RAM. This machine is running in its own bubble, it has no communication even with host. So I have configured DHCP and DNS services which seems to be working fine (I have confirmed with another client which can get IP and DNS server address from this server).
Now whenever I have tried to run OD setup using both tools (Server App and Admin Tool), it takes forever to configure (more than 1 hour) and then it fails with error saying "check your network settings". I have checked and machine has proper IP address (tried both DHCP and Static) and also used "lookup" utility to resolve the DNS address both ways (forward and reverse).
I've recently upgraded to Mac OS Lion Server, and I'm having a big problem that's keeping me from finishing my last bit of work on a project. I've been trying to create network users so that they can sign in on any computer, and access their files via the server, but I've been told time and time again to create a Directory Administrator.Â
Is it possible to store the user home directory on a Mac OSX Server? Such as how windows user can have roaming profiles stored on a Windows Server. I am planning to setup about 3 Macs and each user can use any machines and have there profile / home directory roam with him/her.
I have several messages "Module: SystemCache Misconfiguration detected in hash 'Kerberos'" in my System Logs. Having browsed the forums, I found this most likely to be caused by User Records in the local LDAP database created with Workgroup Maager instead of Server.app. [URL]I wanted to fix these entries with the directory editor pane but the tool fails to connect toDirectory service /LDAPv3/ I supply wrong user credentials, the message indactes a wrong username or passworf, but if I give the right credentials for the administration user of the LDAP directory, it simply sais "failed to connect (5000)". how I can convince the directory editor to let me edit the database?