OS X :: SL Constantly Accessing My Hdd / Hdd Is Used Up By Some App?
Sep 29, 2009
The first time i install SL it would constantly index through spotlight, so i reinstalled and everything was fine for a few day s but now it occasionally gets in a fit where it keeps reading my hdd for no reason. Spotlight isnt indexing, and the apps i have open are Firefox, Thunderbird, and iMovie. Activity monitor shows that it has been reading away for a while, but doesnt tell me what app is accessing the disk and why.
Anyone else with this problem?
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Feb 22, 2012
My 13" MacBook Air Mid-2011 Version currently running Mac OS X 10.7.3. Is constantly overheating and the fan is constantly loud. The fan is around 5500rpm even when I am not doing anything on it or even when it is off.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 14, 2010
I am having trouble connecting my mac to the pc, when I try to connect to the server and enter the pcs ip address it says connection failed and the ip does not exit...etc. I've followed the guide on here to and on [URL]
Does anyone have ideas why this is happening...? My PC is the desktop connected straight to the modem and my macbook connected wirelessly through the router.
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Jan 5, 2009
My dad went to Florida with his brand new Mac (also, new to Mac from PC). Of course, he now has all these issues and questions which he just can't seem to solve when we are on the phone (for example, he doesn't understand the difference between his Mac hardware, OSX, the Broswer and Zillow -- to him they are all "the internet," so phone support is very painful.) I'd like to take control of his machine and just install some software remotely and do some tweaks that he needs. I thought Leopard could do this, but I'm having trouble getting a help/source page on how to do this. Is this possible with just Leopard (i.e. without 3rd party add-ons) and if so, does anyone have any basic directions, or a link to directions, to do it?
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Oct 3, 2009
OK, I run a MacBook 13in, OS 10.5.8 with the superdrive that came with the machine.
Really, I'm not stupid, and I actually do successfully troubleshoot stuff usually..
However, I am baffled as to why I can not access the DVD-ROM special features on my Disney DVD movie discs. (I actually installed Interactual Player for Mac thinking maybe I needed it, but I can't say it helped.)
I can play the movie, and my son can play the games, but their are printables on the disc that when I click on them it tells me to access these features, , insert your disk into a DVD-ROM drive.... OK, As many of you already know there is is only the one disc drive on this computer... I tried searching in the "folders" of the disc for any file format I thought would open in another application ( say a txt, doc, html, xml, etc) but none of those are the printable pages supposedly on the disc. I even tried to use my husband's PC (GASP!) but got the same answer.
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Aug 26, 2010
Im setting up my new 27" iMac, coming from a G5 PowerMac and am having an extremely difficult time setting up the network to see another Mac computer in the same room.
I am able to setup the File Sharing and I can see the hard disk drives that Ive allowed but on my old setup, I was able to view EVERYTHING on the networked Mac and I didn't even add them all to the File Sharing. I don't know how I did it but I can't seem to replicate it.
What is it that I'm not doing right?
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Sep 1, 2010
I start a new job next week, and I will be doing a professional qualification alongside it. I have work to cover before I start, the information is all on a website. It specifies that you need windows and internet explorer to access the information. I can log in, but when I try to load the information, a new window opens, but the literature doesn't load. It works on a windows PC at the internet cafe however.
Does anyone have any ideas about how I could access the information, I have already tried changing the user agent on safari to internet explorer which hasn't helped. Anything I can do short of parallels?!
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Sep 9, 2010
I ordered the Momentus XT and I will be using current 500gb 7200 drive in an external firewire case. If I take current drive out and throw it in the case, what will be accessible on it through firewire?
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Oct 20, 2010
I recently noticed a "device" in Finder called "imac 4". If I click on details, it says PC Server. If I go to the Sidebar preferences, and uncheck Bon Jour, then it disappears, so that tells me it has something to do with this. I have read a little on what this is,and it has to do with file sharing on networks, or shared printers and such. I haven't done anything new that I can think of, so I'm wondering why it just started showing up. Could someone be accessing my network? It is a secured network with an AirPort base station.
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Mar 13, 2008
How do you access idisk via a pc? Does the pc need any additional software to access an idisk?
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Sep 23, 2008
i added a newer dvd-r drive today and used the original one as a back up when i press the eject button, the top one opens. how do i access the 2nd optical drive?
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Nov 14, 2008
Im trying to access my printers settings, so i can change it to B&W and to print draft only. how do i go aobut this, i cannot access the main settings
i have the new Alu macbook, canon iP1500 printer connected via USB,
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Jan 16, 2009
I've been struggling all week trying to share a drive out from a mac and mount it remotely onto a windows 7 machine. Also I haven't been able to see any of my macs in the network in windows explorer on the windows 7 machine.
I found this somewhere else on the web so can't take the credit, but it works for me and I can see my whole network, macs, windows and shared folders from either, all on windows 7 now.
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Apr 16, 2009
In windows I wrote http://servername/aliasname and the I connect to websites locally, But when i try to do this in Mac OS X, Safari told me "No file exists at the address" our web server is IIS, I've read all over the internet about this problem and found nothing helpful, If it is IIS problem how can i connect to IIS based website online with MAC?
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Aug 1, 2009
For some reason...I can't figure out how to access my Mac email account without my Macbook....from another computer.
i'm probably just missing something.
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Nov 17, 2009
Right so im a newbie, just received my 27" i7 and absolutely loving the switch from winblows. Heres the situation i have two accounts, 1 being family and 2nd being business. They are both administrators but i've uploaded photos, music etc. onto the family account but i cant open them with the business acc. theres a little red stop sign by the folder. how do i overcome this for full access
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Nov 19, 2009
While logged in to a mac (using 10.5) using an account with admin privileges ( the one that was set up on installation): How do I manipulate files in another users account ( my child's managed account) user>child'sname>documents?
The folder tells me I don't have sufficent privledges to access.
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Apr 5, 2010
I was looking into Apple's Remote Desktop application but it seems only working on local networks? Or did i misunderstood that? I need to be able to observe/ operate one of my mac's at another office for when i'm home via my MBP.
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Apr 9, 2010
Without going into too much detail about the crazy logistics of the two networks that are available here, this is the situation:
Up until last Sunday (it was working fine at about 11:45 Saturday night right before I left), I had always been able to use one particular network jack. I'd just plug in my RJ-45 (Cat 5) cable and power up the MB and be on my way. Well, when I came in on Sunday, the jack is dead. There are other jacks to this network in the building, but the closest one is about 75'-100' away. I'd just buy a longer cable, but I don't think they want me running RJ-45 across the office when I need to use it. Not only that, but the company that supplies that network will be moving out in June, and most likely shutting off all their jacks in the building.
Now, we have the other network here that is obviously still working, but I do not have the credentials to connect to it. When I plug in the network cable, I get the familiar "None of your preferred networks are available" dialogue box.
So my question is this - is there some way that I can tap into one of the existing networks and bypass the company stuff by just connecting to the Internet through the DSL account we have at home? I mean, if you have a network jack that is working, you don't need to have access to that particular network to get out onto the Internet as long as you have a login and password to a network, right?
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Aug 1, 2010
Is there any easy to follow video tutorials or other explanation for "ME" the ultra layman on how to access and share information on three computers at different locations via the internet?
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Jul 25, 2007
I have a new WD network connected drive array that has been set up as a CIF share. The windows machines on my network can access it just fine by typing "\foobar" in an explorer window and then mapping a drive letter to this. When I open the Network panes in the Finder it seems to see the share, but I cannot access it. Any thoughts on what might be the best way? I'd like this to automatically reconnect at login.
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Apr 9, 2010
I have a network consisting of three Macs and a PC running Windows XP. One of my printers (a Canon Pixma MP830) is USB-connected to one of the Macs with sharing turned on. Thus, I am able to print to this device from any of the Macs. How can I access this shared printer from the Windows device? I can't determine an IP address because the printer doesn't have one.
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Apr 21, 2010
We have a client who has a MAC Mini running OS X. System is not booting into the OS, its freezing up during boot process. Data on the hard drive is critical to the user.
- The hardware utility on the OS X install cd says there's no problems, but when removed from the mini, connected to a PC, and tested using bootable cd IBM Drive Fitness Test and Seagate Seatools, the drive fails both tests.
- The drive has been connected to our data transfer system (running Windows XP) and unsurprisingly XP sees the drive in disk managment, but doesn't see the partition in Explorer.
- Research online led us to HFSExplorer, which dies see the MAC partition and file tree. But any attempt to extract files results in a Java runtime error saying that the source cannot be accessed. Once this error is received, HFSExplorer crashes and must be relaunched, and will not detect the MAC partition again until the computer is hard shutdown and restarted. THe physical drive vanishes from disk managment when the error occurs also.
- Further research led us to MacDrive, which mounts the drive (after reporting that it detected an error and asking if we still want to mount). We can again browse the file tree, but as soon as we attempt to copy anything, it fails and the explorer window with the MAC partiton vanishes. Again, the system must be hard restarted in order to restore access to the partition.
- Found a repair utility in the MACDrive program. Running that results in the error "80070002: The system cannont find the file specified."
- I'm out of ideas at this point. Anyone have any advice? As I said, the drive contains data critical to the client.
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Aug 24, 2010
i just realised that now on bootcamp you can see/edit the mac partition on windows via bootcamp; unlike before you could not without using software like macdrive. is this safe? now windows could alter your mac partition, viruses/spyware could infect it. is there a way to turn it off?
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Jan 11, 2011
how to save space on my MBA by pointing iTunes to my library on my Macbook Pro (While it is on). I've got sharing set up and I hold option while opening iTunes so that it asks me to choose my iTunes library. I try to point it to Shared > MBP > Username > Music > iTunes > iTunes library and it opens but doesn't show any of my media. Pointing iPhoto to my iPhoto library with a similar method works fine. Is there a file that I need to point it to hidden somewhere else? Apparently my media location on my MBP is iTunes > iTunes Media but it won't take that either.
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Jan 30, 2008
I'm working on a friend's MPB and when ever I try to connect to it from mine (I created the network from my MPB which is almost identical to his), His MPB shows up in finder, but it always says "Connecting..." and then "Connection Failed". Sharing is enabled on his MPB and the firewall is disabled. I have been through everything that I can think of to try and fix this, short of re-installing Leopard. His MBP came with Leopard pre-installed, so there is no need to worry about the upgrade messing things up. I have checked from a MacBook and that one cannot connect either, but both connect to mine with no problems.
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Nov 20, 2008
I recently got a MacBook to replace my Toshiba WinXP machine. I use a Mini with 3 external drives as a server, to which the laptop is backed up. The drives are accessed using Sharepoints. With XP I had no problems backing up and accessing the files as needed. With the MacBook I bumped into a variety of permission errors when I tried to access the files from the server. I finally checked "Ignore Ownership" and that seems to have made the files available, but I still get the do not enter icon on the directories. Clicking on the directory allows it to open, but it is annoying. My wife has the same problem, first with her ibook and now with her new MacBook. It causes problems with certain applications, as well.
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Feb 4, 2009
I have been using BowTie for a while, however I have a bit of a problem. I have unchecked 'show Bowtie in menubar' and 'Bowtie icon in dock'. I now have no way of accessing (known to me) the preferences for the application. is there a way around this?
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Feb 27, 2009
So I turned on my computers guest account today and while logged onto my username I tried to access the Guest's desktop folder. I was able to open the home folder but it said I was denied access to all the folders inside it, though I'm an administrator. It seems if I hit get info and add myself to the access list I can get into a folder, but is there a simpler way?
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Apr 8, 2009
I was previously having trouble with my aim and mail, and could not change the settings on my airport extreme for some reason. Well i figured out the problems with mail and ichat, the ports they used are blocked.
I have no idea how to figure out why they are blocked or how to unblock them without access to my aiport. Anyone have any suggestions?
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