When i scroll in safari the contents in the window become slightly distorted creating a ripple or wave like effect in the middle of the page.
I've read several reports from as much as a year and half ago about this issue, but haven't been able to find out whether its been resolved. Apple has a support doc from 2007 that describes the problem but offers no solution: (URL)
I'm running 10.5.2 ... and i've only seen the problem on macbook pros, but the apple support doc implies that it's an os x issue with ATI video cards.
I installed a copy of the Waves audio plugins into Final Cut Pro 5 to try them out, but no longer want them... and I'm having trouble getting rid of them completely. I deleted the actual Waves plugins folder and the Waves preferences (and everything else spotlight found that had to do with them)... but still when I open FCP it asks me where the Waves plugins had gone. The problem is, I get an error message like this for every single plugin and I have to hit OK on each one. So now whenever I open FCP I have to close about 20 error messages before it finishes loading.
I just finished deleting the entire Final Cut Studio and all associated preference files and re-installing the entire thing�but the damn thing still asks where the Waves plugins are when I open it! Does anyone know where I can delete the file that's telling FCP to look for these plugins?
My day in history widget has become invisible when I open up the dashboard.. Invisible but not gone because when I click in the icon in the list at the bottom of the page it sort of semi appears on the page but disappears with an effect like ripples in a pond (,which is in it's self a fantastic effect) The cross is still there in the top right corner though.
I've been using Safari 5.0.3 for a few months now, and I hate it! Before I updated (using Software Update) Safari was smooth and did not lag while scrolling or loading web pages. Now, almost all pages (including MacRumors Home) lags when scrolling and viewing.
While scrolling in Safari 4 the windows stutters or tears. I didn't have this problem with Safari 3, and I have reset Safari and cleared the Cache. I also get "Keychain Not Found" popping up when I load a new page. It IS out of beta right.
Not sure if this has been talked about a bunch but I have noticed that the scrolling is very jerky in Chrome but in Safari its smooth. Btw both are updated to the current version. Could anyone else chime in if they have seen this problem or are currently experiencing this.
Since installing Safari 5, I encounter the spinning beach ball when I try to scroll down a webpage or scroll between tabs. It appears that I cannot scroll/switch until the webpage is fully loaded.
This is extremely annoying because when my gestures are finally registered, Safari goes wacko trying to catch up with the previous gestures/commands. For example, if I use a swipe gesture to navigate between tabs, when Safari becomes responsive again, it will register all previous swipes and rotate between tabs until it 'catches up'. I hope that makes sense.
When I use Firefox, there is a slight lag, but I'm still able to scroll with only slight choppiness. By contrast, Safari 5 literally freezes for about 5 seconds. As a benchmark, I tried using both browsers while loading [URL]. Firefox worked fine, Safari 5 was crippled.
Before I installed the Logitech software, it was perfect. But without the Logitech software, the other buttons didn't work.
After installing the software, I noticed the scrolling to be very very slow in Safari. Even after maxing out scroll speed in system pref. and the logitech soft, it's still slow!
In safari for macbook pro, I can't seem to highlight text while scrolling down through to the end of a page. (Start at the top, click, hold, drag down). The highlighting stops at the bottom of what I see on the screen and can't go past to the bottom of the page. However, it works going upwards (start at the bottom, click, hold, drag up. I don't think it's a problem with the computer because, the highlighting works with all my other programs. It's just safari that's not doing it. I'm aware of the hold shift and click method, but I'm just used to the other way.
I'm trying to transition to Firefox in lieu of Safari but I CANNOT STAND THE SCROLLING BEHAVIORS in Firefox.They suck so bad.Could anyone here please recommend an extension for firefox that paralells the Safari scrolling behaviors exactly?
After realizing how much faster Safari is than Firefox at just about everything, I've decided to make the switch. However, along with mouse gestures, the thing that is really holding me back is that there doesn't seem to be auto-scrolling. The little icon that pops up when you press the middle mouse button and scrolls the page automatically. Is there really no auto-scroll or am I missing something?
Scrolling pages is jerky. It can't even keep up with my typing speed. When I am done writing a sentence, I wait and watch it type back to me. This list of websites that don't work completely correctly also is growing. These do not happen in Firefox...I hate to abandon Safari and lose all my bookmarks. What can I try to do?
I need put my cursor in the browser address bar for the site to finish loading and for the sculling to work. I've updated to the latest flash plugin. Problem seems to come and go. My 3 yr old is always pushing buttons on my keyboard so I thought he did something the browser settings.
I was wondering if there was a way to enable scroll button click scrolling in Safari 4 on Snow Leopard?
I'm sure there's a proper term for it, but what I mean is when you press down on the scroll wheel and a circle appears on screen with two arrows, when you move your mouse up or down it allows you to scroll through long documents quicker. I think Firefox and Internet Explorer have it.
I read that USB Overdrive might be of use, but it wont recognise my mouse (Logitech MX 620).
Ive updated safari to 8.01 this morning, and now when using safari, after a few minutes the multi gesture functions on my trackpad stop working. I can scroll down pages, flick across windows etc. even the accuracy of the cursor is limited (in editing this i tried to highlight some text to delete, but i had move about 10characters the left to get the ones i wanted).Â
Using a 2014 Mac Book Pro Retina with Yosemite and wireless trackpad
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
With the Snow Leopard versions of Safari, scrolling downward (either with "page down", tapping the spacebar, or clicking in the scrolling area) and upward is done with a "sliding effect". That is to say, for lack of a better term, the page visibly "slides" upward or downward in the direction you scroll.
In _older versions_ of Safari (thinking back to OS 10.3.x and 10.4.x), scrolling was instantaneous. There was no "slide effect" Page Down or Page Up would instantly result in that part of the document being displayed.
I dislike the "sliding effects" -- for all that I can figure, they are included as a "visual treat", the same as the effects when a window is minimized to the dock. For me, however, it's "visual aggravation".
Is there any way to "turn the effects off" in Safari? I'll assume that if this is possible, it has to be done through Terminal...
i have a early 2008 octo mac pro, with it im using a philips 220ws, the problem i'm having is that scrolling a page be it safari, firefox or a pages doc. it seems to jutter along and doesnt move as smooth as my mac book,and when typing into either msn messenger, pages or even text edit letters seem to lag behind what im typing, ok it may only be for a secon and about 2 letters behind burt it gets annoying worse when back spacing. does anyone else have the problem or possible fix? im not using anything more than than the word processor, safari and msn at a time
I'm having an issue scrolling in all programs). Running 10.6.5, Late 2008 MBP (not uni-body). This happens when using two finger scroll or dragging the scroll bar down and up. Click (jump) to scroll is still fine.
It takes about 5-7 seconds to scroll down at all, it's like a little ripple slowly works its way down the screen. I tried shutting down programs, restarting, etc.
EDIT: Ok the click to scroll is now slow also. What gives?
I just installed 10.6.5 on my MacBook Pro 5,3, but in iTunes the two finger scolling does not go down, it goes down and right. So basically two finger scolling in iTunes is now scrolling to the bottom right while in -as far as I can see- the other applications scroll properly (=down). Anybody else experiencing this particular issue?
I know this is going to sound strange, but my Mighty Mouse has been acting up recently. Put new batteries in it the other day, and now it won't scroll down a page. It will however, scroll up.
I use MBP (2,6G, 4Gb DDR2, Leopard 10.5.5), and I want to disable horizontal scrolling because it become annoying when I'm working with spreadsheet (always move right or left by it self....really annoying ). When I used Powerbook (1,5G, 1,25Gb DDR2, Tiger 10.4.11) there is an option to disable / enable this feature..it's great. But with this MBP and Leopard 10.5.5 there is no option for horizontal scrolling.
Is there a way here on the mac to just select one image file, have it blow up to full screen, and the just use the arrow keys to scroll through them like you can on windows? it is just a pain to have to select all of them, open it in preview, and them move around them that way.
Something tells me it's a simple solution, but all i know is, suddenly i cannot scroll =down= with the Apple Mighty mouse, only =up=. I restarted the system, but the issue remains.
Problem I have, on my last generation macbook, I would rest one finger on the track pad, and just scroll with the other one, and it would scroll down the whole screen. Now with the new macbook, I actually have to scroll with both fingers for it to actually work. Also can't get used to the two button tap, I keep doing it but mistake, mostly to the huge trackpad and me resting my fingers on it.
Anyone had this similar problems? I know it's nitpicking but I miss my old trackpad.
So at first I thought my eyes were going. But I guess not. Sometimes when I scroll macrumors things start to fade when I let go of the scroll bar. Clicking other window corrects this. Or moving it to my other screen. Any ideas? Is this another x1900 issue?
I just wanted to verify if other people experience this too. Ever since I upgraded to Leopard over a year ago, PDFs scroll like **** from the trackpad, both in Preview and in Safari. They scroll painfully slow, and then suddenly jump to way too fast. I don't understand why they don't just scroll naturally like everything else in the OS. They used to scroll fine in Tiger.