I would like some help before I do something I might regret. I separated the whole reason for what I want to do in that quote, or if you would like to help me you can go directly to my question below.I have a Mac mini, and connected in it I have a 500GB firewire drive from Iomega, from which I run OSX Leopard. The internal 80GB drive is used for some backups. I've been on this configuration for about 4 months.But now the firewire drive is really driving me nuts because of its noise. It's just so incredibly noisy when the computer is doing ANYTHING at all. Opening any application makes me feel the computer is slow because it looks like it's going to explode of so much disk reading/writing. When I used the Mac mini it was all smooth and silent.
I was thinking of removing my DVD Superdrive and adding a SSD drive. Will I be able to put the DVD drive in an enclosure and use it as an external drive?
I've been looking at a number of different Firewire 800 enclosures to use with my new Mac Mini and I have seen lots of complaints with almost all the enclosures that I have investigated, including the Newertech MiniStack v3 which I thought should be a good one. A recent enclosure I came across that I haven't seen any bad reviews about is the Icy Dock (MB559UEB-1S). I'd like to know if others are using this and what they think about it. The next question has to do with the type of hard drive to put into the enclosure. Is it worth getting a high performance drive, or will the Firewire 800 interface be the bottleneck even with an average speed drive?
as an extension to my question regarding RAM utilization, I've decided to upgrade my RAM. I went through the process of removing the underside of my MBP. After taking the screws out and mentally marking which slot they came out of (some are of different size), I pulled the lid up at the black trim area (the "neck" of the display mount) as this was the easiest way to get a non-damaging grip on the metal underside -- read: I avoided using a screw driver on the lid. As I started to lift, I was surprised at the amount of force I needed to use in order to remove the lid; something near the center of the cover was still holding the lid to the underside of the body. In fact, the amount of force I needed to use made me pause to question if I missed an important step other than simply removing the screws. I decided to "go for it" and applied more pressure while pulling the lid up and away from the body and heard a "pop" noise.
I am having difficulty removing the front bezel on my new 8X LG BD Burner. There seem to be 3 brackets holding onto it. Any ideas on how to get it off?
The manual states to lift the latch and pull out the bay. The latch is lifted but the tray feels like it's still stuck on something. I've never worked on a Pro before and obviously don't want to break anything. How much force is needed
So, I just got an SSD (vertex 2) and I decided to put it in the optical bay. The videos and instructions looked simple enough. You pull the enclosure straight out. However, I had to pull SO hard. The videos make it seem like it easily slides out, but I literally had to pull as hard as I could. I finally got it out and installed the SSD etc, but has anyone else had a problem with a really "stuck" optical drive enclosure?
I've cleaned all my components except the HDD bay fans on my G5 Powermac. I've searched google about 5 pages deep and no luck. I have the service manual but it doesn't show how to remove those fans either. Anyone know of a link that shows how to remove them? I'm very good at taking stuff apart but I just can't seem to take this fan assembly apart. Maybe it's my kryptonite?
I'm wondering if it would be possible to fit an extra 1.8" sata ssd in my macbookpro 15" without removing the optical drive. This way i can keep my 500GB storage and move the OS to a 128Gb ssd. I was hoping to stick a 1.8" ssd on to my standard hdd. since the 1.8" is only 5mm thick. This would require a new sata cable from the motherboard to my 2.5" and to my 1.8" I'm not sure this exists. Does anybody think this is possible? or not?
I used to have boot camp on my machine and now I reinstalled everything like brand new. But it still shows that dedicated space as windows hard drive. I wish to eliminate this and just let my original be the only one.
I have a flash drive that I purchased yesterday. The first time I stuck it in it was read like expected. I ejected it correctly, everything was fine. Now when I put it in, it doesn't show up on the desktop or in the finder. However when I unplug it I get the message saying it was not removed correctly.
I have a late 2009 macbook pro unibody 15" and I hardly use the optical drive, in fact that startup whine is really annoying, would it be harmful if I just removed the drive completly and not leave anything plugged in?
I know this isn't "Windows" per say, but I couldn't really find a closer forum to post in. I installed Ubuntu following their online guide using Bootcamp and such because I was curious. Now, it's not really working as much as I would like it to, and I'd like to remove the 90 or so Gigabytes I gave to Ubuntu in my partition.
I tried using the Disk Utility, and it always gets stuck on "preparing to remove partition". I waited for an hour and a half once, and it still had not progressed. I also tried using the Disk Utility off of my Mac OS X installation disk and saw the same failures and results. What can I do to remove this plaguing Ubuntu partition off of my hard drive for good?
A bit silly perhaps, but I was curious if anyone has ever considered removing the optical drive on their MBP in order to save weight. If you do not use it, and don't need to attach a 2nd HD inside, can you not just simply remove it and make your MBP lighter?I looked around for some specs on the internal drive but could not find how much it weighed. Anyone know?The gains would be minimal but hey every little bit helps right? I mean if it's a couple hundred grams that's almost half a pound.
I currently have a small partition on my 27' imac allocated to Bootcamp which I now no longer require. I would like to remove this partition and restore the complete drive back to OSX without losing any vital info. Yes, I have done research on this however I remain a little confused. I would be grateful if someone would take the trouble to confirm that this is possible and, if they have the time, write a simple step by step procedure for me.
I've had my MBP since August of this year, but only recently connected an NTFS drive via Firewire for the first time. I am primarily going to be moving the data from the NTFS drive onto an HFS drive. My only issue is that my MBP is only recognizing one out of two partitions on the NTFS drive (The "first" partition. If I connect back to my Windows PC, everything is recognized fine. I've since moved the data that I want to transfer from Partition 2 to Partition 1 and I'm able to access it correctly, however I'm confused as to why this is happening (still fairly new to Macs).
I searched on this and only became more confused. I have an external HD with only a firewire port- My new macbook only has USB. I looked on Amazon, is there such thing as a firewire to USB adapter? What's the best way to transfer material onto my new Mac?
i have an external western digital firewire/usb 2.0 drive that i use for backing up my stuff. i can read and write from it when its plugged into my PC but i can only READ when its plugged into my mac. how to change this so i can read and write when plugged into my powerbook?
G4 IMac, 10.4. I have a simpletech 1 tbite hard drive that does not mount almost always on my machine. I just brought it home from a friends where it does show up instantly. Ran disc utility for permissions on my imac, swapped cords. Power on before boot up, power on after, unplug firewire, etc., nothing works. I want to install OS X 10.4 on the drive to try & boot up my powerbook (panic kernel message there).
I have two sets of contacts in my address book, one on local drive and one from iCloud. How do I delete all the contacts from my local drive as they are all out of date?
I have tried deleting the contacts but they keep reappearing. I have tried to create a new group and they keep disappearing! I have read forums and some talk about removing the two addressbook.plist files but I don't even have those in my preference folder...
If I do not have those files, where is my address book storing these contact information and how do I get rid of them? It is driving me nuts having to deal with two lots of each contact and not being able to create groups or delete contacts.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I want to know if it is possible to go from my MacBook Pro to a firewire hard drive to a usb hard drive. I have a LaCie d2 Quadra Hard Disk (1TB) with eSATA, 2 FireWire 800 (9-pin), FireWire 400 port (6-pin), and USB ports and a 3 year old Western Digital Drive with only USB. Is there a way for me to connect them together so I am only using one port on my macbook pro?
No idea if this matters or not, but I have partitioned the LaCie drive in half for 1/2 time machine back up and 1/2 other. My Western Digital is only one partition all all three partition are in Mac OS X Journaled. A new enclosure is an option if that would make a difference and I can find out what type of drive my WD is if that would help. I have the info somewhere.
I just purchused a Hitachi 500GB Travelstar internal HD to replace the 250GB HD and I have a few questions about the directions on cloning. Do you need a FireWire or USB enclosure for the new drive? Do can you use disk utility or do you have to use a program like carbon copy cloner or super duper?
im looking for an external enclosure that provides a firewire option for my macbook pro. The reason i am doing this is because my macbook will randomly eject my usb powered one for no reason. I have been reading that firewire does not have this problem. Im only looking for an enclosure as I replaced my stock 320gb hardrive with a 64gb ssd for my main drive. Preferably something in the 30$ range because im a poor college student . Anybody know of a good enclosure to go with?
With a firewire drive, can I have the drive hooked up to my iMac via firewire, but also have it accessed through USB to my Time Capsule for wireless access?
I'm thinking of getting the new MacBook which only has USB ports. I have a Firewire/USB hard drive that I'll connect via USB. Can I connect another HD that's firewire only to that drive?
I've been thinking about getting a Harddrive Dock. I had a Seagate External USB 2.0 drive but in windows, I didn't get more than 40MB/s which is slow. The Macbook Pro's have Firewire 800 which I think is significantly faster than USB 2.0. I also found some HD docks with firewire ports. So, what kind of speeds can I expect with firewire ports? On another note, I wish the macbook pro had an esata port!
I recently bought a VANTEC NexStar 3 NST-360FBSU-BK. In the exclosure, I have a SATA drive capable of 3.0Gb/second. It's attached to my Late 2009 Mac Mini via FireWire 800. Based upon my understanding and in this situation, the FireWire should be the bottleneck. Therefore, I should be enjoying bandwidth somewhere shy of 800Mb/second. nfortunately, I'm not getting any where near that speed. I can transfer a 726MB file in 18.6 seconds. According to my math, that's ~5808Mb/18.6 seconds = ~312 Mb/second. This is not even FireWire 400 or USB 2.0 speed.For completeness sake, I also just upgraded from 2GB of ram to 4GB (both PC8500) but nothing seems negatively affected (in fact the computer is much, much more snappy!).
I have a powerbook which I've been told can only boot it's OS through firewire only. My question is can any of you recommend an external firewire hard drive? I'm after a 1TB of storage as anything smaller isn't ideal. I don't want to spend bucket-loads, but I know that the option of firewire costs more, so I'm prepared for that. I've been told not to buy any Western Digital drives as they don't like to be used as a booting drive (for older macs I think anyway). I also wanted to know, could I used the hard drive to boot my OS from and also use to to save additional files, or is that a disaster waiting to happen?