OS X :: Removing Nested Table Formatting?
Nov 26, 2010
In copying a list in nested-table formatting on the Internet to Word, I find that I can't clear the formatting or convert the table to text. How can I remove the nested-table formatting? I don't want to have to copy and paste each item.
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Sep 17, 2008
When copying a table from say a webpage or even a RTF file, Pages does not retain its table formatting. Instead it separates the rows and columns and puts them on separate lines.
See it for yourself, try copying one of the tables on this page into Pages [URL]
The only way I can get the table into Pages is to paste into NeoOffice (which retains the correct formating), save the file with the .doc extension then open in Pages.
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Jul 2, 2010
Now, I set up a partition to run Ubuntu on my MacBook, but now I want to remove that partition to make room for Windows XP. When I go to Boot Camp Assistant, I try to click 'Continue' but it gives me this: I thought I could fix the problem using Disk Utility, but I couldn't understand what I could do. I thought it would work by erasing them, but I may have made the problem worse. Here is what it looks like: I tried booting the Ubuntu disc as I read I could remove the partition using that, but I don't understand how that would work.
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Sep 11, 2008
How can I assign a disk quota to a nested AD group in WGM? The control appears to be available for individual users only.
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Jan 30, 2010
Disk Utility when repairing said my laptop had some nested folders that when beyond the recommended 100 deep. But it does not say where or what. I know there must be a real physical limit, and i am having disk problems and what to eliminate all possible causes.
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Nov 8, 2008
It seems that whenever you open a nested folder in the finder, it changes the modification date of the parent directory, this is a real pain, especially in the nested folders of the ~/Library folder. I often trawl through these folders in search of Application Support files etc and don't necessarily want the parent folder's modification date to change just 'cos I view its contents. This happens regardless of whether I have modified the contents or not!
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Nov 5, 2008
I renamed a Mailbox, trying to rationalize my boxes. The mailbox contained six other mailboxes, some of which have sub-mailboxes. i.e. three levels. A new (blue) folder appeared with the right name but nothing it. No folders, no email. I suppose the actual individual emails have lost their addresses or something. I went into a separate hard drive back up, into my User Library, and made a copy of the correct mailbox which has the email in it. I dragged it into Mail (I think?!) but it is uncoloured and although it has the nested mailboxes in it, there no email in any of them. How can I restore the email? I tried dragging the individual email but Mail wouldn't register it at all. I am very nervous about losing this email because it represents a vital part of the last four years of my research and I use it every day.
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Jun 30, 2010
as an extension to my question regarding RAM utilization, I've decided to upgrade my RAM. I went through the process of removing the underside of my MBP. After taking the screws out and mentally marking which slot they came out of (some are of different size), I pulled the lid up at the black trim area (the "neck" of the display mount) as this was the easiest way to get a non-damaging grip on the metal underside -- read: I avoided using a screw driver on the lid. As I started to lift, I was surprised at the amount of force I needed to use in order to remove the lid; something near the center of the cover was still holding the lid to the underside of the body. In fact, the amount of force I needed to use made me pause to question if I missed an important step other than simply removing the screws. I decided to "go for it" and applied more pressure while pulling the lid up and away from the body and heard a "pop" noise.
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Aug 12, 2009
recently i gave first ubuntu and then windows 7 a shot on my macbook. i partitioned the drive using bootcamp, then repartitioned the non-OSX-part with the ubuntu and windows installer. At the moment windows and OSX ar on my macbook, both are bootable and work, though the partition table in OSX' diskutil seems messed up. It shows that there is still a linux swap partition left. The windows NTFS partition is mounted on bootup but shows random (not human readable) folders in finder. Windows in contrast shows the partitions as they should be (and probably are, considering everything is working). How can i fix the partition table seen by OSX? How can it be that windows and OSX dont show the same partitions?
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Jan 7, 2011
After getting Windows to reorganize my 2TB HFS+ partitions, I decided to create a small 300 GB partition on one of the volumes and format as NTFS for use in Boot Camp. I did this with iPartition (which was very easy), and when I booted into Win7 - all my HFS+ partitions, and the new NTFS partition were visible to Win7. I was a happy camper. After playing around in in windows for a while, I booted back into OS X, and much to my horror, all the HFS+ partitions on that drive, *except* for the new NTFS one, were not there! iPartition just shows a 300 GB contiguous space called Windows Work. In fact, my 2TB drive is now a 300 GB NTFS drive with a little free space. The rest of the 2TB's are gone....in OS X that is. I really need to get this data back so I can use it in OS X, so could anybody please tell me what I did wrong and how to get this volume's partitioning back to the way it was.
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Aug 31, 2009
I think at one point (probably when I switched from my 80GB to my 500GB drive) I screwed up and made the partition format on my drive Apple Partition Format. As I was just doing disk cloning, Leopard had no problem with this, and never mentioned anything being wrong (if it did I could have fixed it back then). However now, when I try to upgrade to Snow Leopard, it complains about this, telling me I can't upgrade and my only real option is to back up my data and fresh install. Problem being, I don't have a 500GB drive laying around, and I don't have the money to buy a 500GB drive to use once to back up all my data. It pisses me off to no end that Leopard didn't complain about this when I first did it if it was going to be a problem in the future (back when I could have fixed it) and only now it's become a problem. I guess my question is, is there any way I can get by this problem and install Snow Leopard? Or am I gonna have to wait till my friend needs to wipe his PC again and borrow his HD for a night?
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Sep 12, 2009
I've always just read them, but I need specific help this time! I have a 1st generation 13" white macbook with 2gb of ram and a 2ghz processor. I upgraded my internal hard drive to a 500 gb hard drive, and when I did that - for some reason, the default partitioning table was an apple partition. Now that I'm trying to install Snow Leopard, it says I need a guid partitioning table. I've cloned everything to an external drive, and I'm ready to reformat the partition table of my internal hdd to guid, but disk utility can't unmount the disk.
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Nov 24, 2009
I'm working on something in pages and need to put in a table of contents, I've looked under sections but I can only see the option for a blank page, can anyone tell me how I insert a table of contents?
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Nov 30, 2009
how to create a Table of Authorities in it.
IF not, which program are you using for ToA, and is it compatible with the stuff you write in Pages?
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Jan 15, 2011
I'm creating a song set list in a table Pages (showing song titles and composers, etc), which I want to change the order of the songs and play with the order. Is it possible to grab rows and move them around? Or are you stuck with the order that you created?
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Feb 17, 2009
Ok so I am making a presentation using Keynote '09. I have one slide that has a huge table of different appliances and their cost. Here is what I would like to do: the first row is entitled "refrigerator". I would like there to be one slide that just has the table title and this first row. Then I would like to show the next slide, which has pictures and descriptions of the specific refrigerator on it. Then, the next slide would be the table again, except this time another row would appear, in this case entitled "heating", then I could show the next slide which has info about the heating system, etc., etc. I have used Magic Move (and love it btw), but that can only be used on the slide right after the target slide, so that would not work for this since they have a slide in between them. I have no idea if this is possible, and maybe the only way to do this is to make a different slide every time, but if there is an easy way to do this that would be awesome!!
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Aug 29, 2009
So much for upgrading... Does anyone have a fix for not having a GUID partition table scheme? I was hoping I wouldn't have clean install, I just got everything how I wanted it. *sigh*
Something tells me there's no way around this.
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Oct 13, 2009
I have a list in ascii/text format, where columns are separated by "|"'s. I'd like to read this into Numbers but by default it doesn't know what to do with those "|"'s of course. I've heard (though am unable to verify) that Excel has this ability to recognize separator symbols and put it in separate columns. Is there a way to do this with Numbers or any other Apple program?
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Oct 27, 2009
Is it possible that I can make it look like PDF file. When you open a pdf file on the right part for example it says chapter 15 and when you click it it opens chapter 15. Our instructor told us today that if you use table of contents you can do this. So, when you are writing long reports if you add a table or kind of thing to one part of your report nothing shifts.
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Jan 9, 2010
I'm building a presentation in Keynote 09 and cannot seem to add a shadow to text inside a table. I've selected the table, the individual cells and the text itself and the shadow checkbox on the menu is no where to be found.
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Apr 12, 2010
I'm trying to set up a table for our pharmacy's inventory. I want to develop monitoring parameters for certain drugs, but numbers isn't letting me merge cells together the way I'd like to. For example, say I have a drug, Lisinopril. I have Lisinopril in 1 column with 3 monitoring parameters in another column in 3 rows. How do I get those to all be associated with Lisinopril?
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Jun 7, 2010
I have been working on a Pages document with a automatically generated TOC, and I would like to have hyperlinks between the contents and the document. I know that clicking on the page number will work, but I would like to click on the actual Titles on the TOC... is this possible?
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Jul 13, 2010
I'm using the SUM() function in a Pages table to sum the numbers of a column. For example "=SUM(C1:C14)".
Unfortunately, it always returns 0 no matter what arguments I give it.
Manually adding cells works fine i.e. "=C1+C2+...+C14".
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Jul 29, 2010
I've been working hard on this document in Pages which had 3 tables in. I have been saving it as I have gone on and just now I have scrolled up to realise one of the tables is missing.
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Oct 21, 2008
my ibook g4 was dropped from a table onto the floor last night. now it only goes to the gray apple screen. i tried starting up while holding down apple and s key and got it to go to the reboot screen, but it just went straight back to the gray screen. i have a big presentation today. anything i can do soon?
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May 22, 2012
How do you create a table of contents on pages?
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Jul 1, 2012
The sound on my imac goes on. But the screen stays black.I put the mac to sleep and it won't restart.I've tried unplugging it with no success.
iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jul 3, 2012
In microsoft office 2007 for windows it was possible to embed an excel table into word.However i cant seem to find that feature in office 2011 for mac.Is it possible?
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Mar 12, 2010
I have a Word document I have been working in for some time on my Mac. I use an automatically generated table of contents and usually I just have to click on the heading I want in the table of contents to go to the section I want.
Today, this has suddenly ceased working. Even though the cursor still transforms into the hand/finger cursor (instead of the usual arrow) when floating over the table of contents, the whole table is highlighted and clicking on any part of it no longer redirects me to the selected section.
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Jun 27, 2014
I am a student and I use Preview to read my textbooks as most are available as PDF documents. However, since upgrading to Mavericks I am having trouble with very basic features that worked in Mountain Lion. Specifically, the table of contents no longer seems to function properly. My books are often well over a thousand pages, and thumbnail view is practically useless. I require the table of contents in order to navigate efficiently. My problem is that (since updating to the new OS last night) I am no longer able to hide the table of contents.
I will clarify further. In Mountain Lion, if one were to use preview in full screen mode, the user could select "Table of Contents" from the View menu and then select "Content Only" from the same menu. This would hide the sidebar. And upon mousing over the left edge of the screen the sidebar would pop out, displaying the table of contents and allowing successful navigation. Now, in Mavericks, after going through the same process, mousing over the edge of the screen causes the sidebar to pop out, but only displays thumbnails. Not the table of contents.
The 15" MBP screen is too small to display two pages side by side with the sidebar taking up 1/4 the screen. Hiding the sidebar is the only way to fit what I need on the screen. I am constantly flipping from page to page and need the table of contents handy. Why would Apple break this functionality?
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