OS X :: Reinstall Mac After Hard Drive Upgrade

Jun 11, 2009

I just upgraded my Macbook to a 500GB Hitachi hard drive. How do I reinstall Mac OSX Leopard? Does the reinstall disk that came with Mac have all necessary drivers to have Mac operating normally?

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MacBook Pro :: How To Upgrade Drive And Reinstall Lion Onto New Drive

Mar 26, 2012

I recently purchased a new macbook pro it has the 500gb 5400rpm drive I just wanted to know how to upgrade this drive with a samsung 256gb SSD and reinstall lion on to it? swapping the harddrive is no problem I just need help reinstalling the OS onto the new drive from the original drive.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)

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MacBook Pro :: SSD Hard Drive - Do I Have To Reinstall The Os?

Sep 12, 2010

im ordering my MBP 17" i7 online and im at the hard drive step that being said, if i get a normal hdd and when i get it and put a new SSD inside do i have to re-install the os? and does the disk come with it?

basically if i put the sdd in is it plug-n-play or do i need to re-install everything and buy a fresh mac osx disc?

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OS X :: Won't Work With Hard Drive / Can't Reinstall

Oct 18, 2010

but I have a Mac Pro 2008 that when I verify disk, I get an error saying I need to start up from the OS X install disc and run disk utility on it to fix errors. I've done that, it says it fixes errors, but back in the OS, it will give me same error again and say I need to run disk utility from the install disc.

So, my question is, I can reinstall the OS from my Snow Leopard disc, but I really don't want to... it's my freelance machine and I don't want to have to reinstall all of my applications (that can take years to install all discs, updates and media), scripts, plug-ins, media archives, etc.

Any advice on a way to fix disk errors like this without having to go back to all your install discs? I'm at work now so I can't remember the exact disk error, but I can post tonight if this can better direct me to a specific program/procedure that might help. I also haven't tried verifying disk from another admin account... which I can also try... just figured it seemed like a system-wide problem.

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OS X :: Erased Hard Drive - Cannot Reinstall Mac

Dec 24, 2010

I have never had this problem before: I deleted Bootcamp partition. Repaired my hard disk and then erased my hard drive. Now I am trying to reinstall Snow Leopard and after the install starts it says: 35 minutes remaining" for about 5 minutes. Then it goes to a screen that says: "Install Failed: Mac OSX could not be installed on your computer. The Installer could not copy the necessary support files. Click Restart to restart your computer and try installing again." I tried restarting and installing and I get the exact same situation. I am not sure what is going on here. This MBP is less than 6 months old and this is the 1st time I have tried a reinstall on this particular machine.

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OS X :: Reinstall Mac From External Hard Drive?

Jan 2, 2011

My MacBook does not start. Have Failed all suggested methods. I decided to reinstall Mac OS X, but my laptop does not like the installation dvd, which was scratched badly. I have the Mac OS X image file, but do not have a super drive to burn double layer dvd. With a functioning PC, a iPod touch and thumb drives. Can anyone tell me a method to reinstall the system to my MacBook.

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OS X :: How To Reinstall And Delete Everything In Hard Drive?

Apr 22, 2009

Just got a Macbook from a friend of mine and I wanted to reinstall OSX and delete everything else on the hard drive at the same time. How can i do that?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Reinstall It To New Hard Drive?

Jun 25, 2012

How to reinstall OS-X Lion to new hard drive

Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Lion oper sys

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OS X :: Unable To Reinstall / Not Showing Up Hard Drive

Aug 14, 2009

A friend brought his new 15" Macbook Pro to me after trying to install Boot Camp and Windows XP. He said that he made a second partition for Windows; however, the drive showed only one partition formatted with NTFS. I tried reinstalling mac os using the disk that came with the laptop. When it came time to choose the destination drive, none showed up. I then went to Disk Utility. The drive and the volume showed up in the left panel but I could not Erase or do anything else - all the options were grayed out. With no firewire port I am also unable to use target mode.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Reinstall After Hard Drive Crashed

Apr 23, 2012

My hard drive crashed and i ended up replacing it. I had downloaded LION OS from the app store and know i would like to re-install on my new hard drive.

Info:iMac (24-inch Mid 2007), LION OS

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How To Reinstall Quicktime Pro After Reformatting Hard Drive

Jun 21, 2012

I had to reformat my hard drive due to some bug I had. I don't have Apple hardware, but did have Quicktime (Pro?)- the version where you can create a .mov. I have forgotten how to download the software, and don't have an installment disk.

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Intel Mac :: Reinstall OS X After The Hard Drive Has Been Replaced?

Jun 22, 2012

How do I reinstall Mac OS X after the hard drive has been replaced?  I had an authorized Apple repair facility replace the hard drive on my IMac when the original drive died.  I have the Mac OS X Install DVD which says "To start up from Mac OS X, hold down the C key as the computer starts up."  I've tried that and all I get is a folder icon with a question mark on it.  I'm guessing that's because I don't have the the OS installed to start from.  How do I get the OS X installed?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.6), dead hard drive replaced

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Applications :: Bootcamp Partitioning Hard Drive - Reinstall OS X?

May 28, 2009

I have been having awesome experience using OS X and Xp at the same time! But lately when I try to run the games on VMware... its starting to lack in graphics and memory. So, I was thinking of installing bootcamp. My first question is will I have stuff that I have installed in VMware Xp in Xp installed on Bootcamp? Secondly, if bootcamp is partitioning the HD then is that mean when I want to reinstall the OS X and wipe the HD will I only have the part that had OS X? Sorry I am pretty new to Mac and I never was brave enough to install xp on Bootcamp xD.

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OS X :: IMac Reinstall In Order To Wipe Hard Drive?

Mar 16, 2010

I am going to be selling my iMac, and I want to know something. If I securely empty the trash for all my files, is it necessary to use 7 or 35 pass when wiping the hard drive?

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Software :: Boot / Reinstall System From External Hard Drive

Aug 16, 2010

I'm selling my old Powerbook G4. Before I let it go, I want to wipe the hard drive and reinstall OS 10.4. I also would like to run disk first aid because I suspect there may be some corruption. The problem: I still have the original system install DVDs that came with the laptop, but the DVD drive no longer works. It just spins the disks for a bit then spits them back out. I do have an external USB hard drive with plenty of free space. Is there a way I can copy the install DVDs (there's a Disc 1 and Disc 2) to the external hard drive, then boot from that drive and treat it like I'm installing from the DVDs? I also have my new MacBook Pro with a working DVD drive. Can I make my Powerbook boot from a CD in the MacBook's drive? If not, how else can I wipe my system and reinstall the OS without a working DVD drive?

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MacBook Pro :: After Erasing Hard Drive With Disk Utility, Have To Reinstall Lion?

Jun 14, 2012

After backing up my data and then swiping my hard drive using Disk Utility, my OS seems to have been uninstalled as well.  Is there a way to recover the deleted information and go back to the last working configuration? I'm on a MBP IC2D 2.16 w/ Lion.

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MacBook :: Upgrade My Hard Drive From 500GB To 7200rpm Drive?

Aug 17, 2010

I have a MacBook (Mid 2009) and want to upgrade my hard drive to a 500GB (or maybe higher) 7200rpm drive. I have already upgraded the hard drive once, from the standard 160GB to a 320GB 5400rpm, so I already know how to do it.I just need more storage, rather than using external drives. Also, after I upgraded to the 320GB drive, the startup was much slower than when using the stock drive, so that is the reason for having a 7200rpm drive.

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IMac :: Hard To Upgrade New Hard Drive?

Oct 17, 2007

I plan to purchase one of the new iMac's and I assume that the hard drive is not user replaceable so I know there are warranty risks but a couple months ago I was able to upgrade the hard drive in my current generation MBP to a 250GB drive. When I get an iMac I plan to get the more expensive 20 inch version and want at least 500GB since it'll be dual boot (BootCamp) Windows XP/Mac. Even the 750GB is tempting. I may go the route of the smallest hard drive and then buy a larger hard drive and upgrade myself to save money but is this hard to do?

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MacBook Pro :: Hard To Upgrade Hard Drive?

Jan 13, 2010

I have a 3 year old Macbook pro which is still going strong. It's my birthday soon and I'm thinking about treating myself to a new 500 GB Hard drive. I have looked up how to upgrade it myself on iFixit.com and it looks OK but I'm just checking here to see what the general level of opinion is about difficulty / risk of buggering it up. The link to the process is here: [URL] I paid to upgrade the stock HD to a 250 GB whilst it was still under warranty but since that has expired now I don't think I have as much to lose by opening it up myself.

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Mac Pro :: Hard Drive Will Not Mount After Optical Drive Upgrade?

Feb 23, 2012

I recently performed an optical drive install. Had to remove the hard drive bays (I use three hard drives - Luckily, 2 run OSX).  I carefully removed all three drive bays and the empty bay. When I inserted the drives into the computer I had changed the position, swapping one OSX drive with a different one and reversing the drive bays. On restart, the computer started on the drive I had not selected for startup and I received an error message stating the other drive could not mount and it gave three options (Initialize - Ignore and Eject).  

I can see the drive in Disk Utility and repair the permissions (it's also located in the System Profile).  

I tried a few things I read in the community using various Terminal commands but was unsuccessful.   

(Let me point out that I recently switched from a PPC G5 to MacPro and swapped the drives from PPC into MacPro and all has been fine until I removed changed their positions in the bays) 

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Intel Mac :: Upgrade The Internal Hard Drive To A SSD Drive?

May 27, 2012

I have an iMac 24-inch 2.8GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (Late 2008).

Is it possible to upgrade the internal hard drive to an SSD drive. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Hard Drive Upgrade For MB Or MBP

Sep 22, 2009

I currently have an early 08 Blackbook, but some circumstances presented themselves to possibly upgrade to a MBP (probably 13in) and I am considering doing that. I was told that upgrading the hard drive in my current MB would help me to see some performance upgrades in some media intensive programs I used frequently. While I don't understand how that works, I will be needing more space soon anyway, so I am planning on upgrading. What are some of the best options for a HD upgrade that will working in my MB or a MBP if I upgrade. Specifically, advice about the 5400rpm and 7200rpm differences would be awesome.

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MacBook Pro :: Upgrade The Hard Drive To An SSD?

Jan 13, 2011

I am looking into Macbooks for college next year.

I have settled on the MacBook Pro 15" I5 processor. I am going to keep everything stock, but was wondering if it would be worth it to upgrade the hard drive to an SSD? If I were to do that, I could afford the 256gb, but would that even be enough?

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OS X :: Upgrade Hard Drive On Mac Book Pro?

Jun 24, 2009

I have just purchased the new OS X 10.5.4 operating system and wish to upgrade to this. Before I upgrade the operating system I want to upgrade to a bigger and faster hard drive. I currently have a 100 GB 5200 hard drive. I wish to upgrade to a 300 GB 7200 RPM hard drive.

What I need help is copying all my apps and files over to the new hard drive and to install the new OS X operating system. Shall I just upgrade the OS X on to my current 100 GB hard drive, then create a clone/ boot disk so then when I install my new hard drive I create the clone on to the new hard drive.

What is the best option for me as I want to upgrade my hard drive and upgrade my OS X, without installing my apps and files again.

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MacBook Pro :: Upgrade My Hard Drive To 500 GB?

Mar 9, 2010

My Macbook pro 13" is 160 GB . I need more, but I don't know what the kind is.

Could anyone give me a link of 500GB on a macbook pro 13" from amazon or ebay.

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MacBook :: Upgrade Hard Drive On It?

Feb 18, 2012

I am having all kinds of problems with my 2nd (in less than a year) WD external 1TB hard drive on my Macbook. I use it for my iTunes and iPhoto, as well as my Time Machine backup. So when my Macbook just stops seeing the hard drive that is a problem. The first WD 1TB My Passport HD did the same thing until I had to run the Mac HD repair program to see the hard drive. The problem persisted. I've ordered my third HD but this time it's a Seagate GoFlex USB 2.0. My Macbook has only a Firewire 400 and USB 2.0 ports. My iPhoto and iTunes files are too big to fit on my 160GB internal HD. Is there a Apple recommended internal HD upgrade to solve this problem? I have Mac OS X 10.7.3

Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3), FIOS wifi and Airport Express

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MacBook :: Upgrade My Hard Drive?

Apr 2, 2012

I have a Macbook that I need to upgrade my hard drive to the maximun size and speed possible. Is it something that I can do or only Apple?

Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Toshiba 160GB H.D., 4GB memory

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MacBook Pro :: Upgrade My Hard Drive To 1 TB?

May 4, 2012

Would like to upgrade my hard drive to 1 TB and RAM to 8GB. Is this possible and which products can one recommend?

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 13 inch Early 2011

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PowerPC :: Hard Drive Upgrade On Dual G4 PM

Oct 18, 2006

I need to add another hard drive to my dads Dual 1.0 PowerMac G4. how large of a hard drive can i add easily to this machine? its running Tiger.

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PowerPC :: G5 1.8 Internal Hard Drive Upgrade?

Sep 5, 2007

About outta space on my internal 80GB hard drive - purchased an external - rather increase the internal. Anyone know about options here - A web seek only came up with a place in UK mentioning a Hitachi 750GB internal upgrade. 2004 build iMac G5 1.8 OS X 10.3.9 17" 3 month remain on Apple Care Protection Plan

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