OS X :: Recovering Accidentally Replaced Folder?
May 7, 2009
I accidentally deleted the contents of one folder by moving a folder into another folder that contained another folder of the same name (God, I hope that made sense). Thinking it would work like Windows, I didn't bother reading the dialog box that popped up and just clicked erase. Are my files gone for good or is there a way to recover them?
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Apr 2, 2009
Today I accidently moved a project I'd been working on from my flash drive to my desktop, I already had a folder of the same name on my desktop and when I merged it, it overwrote the old file and my project is totally gone. Is there any way of undoing this or recovering my work.
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Dec 7, 2009
My boss accidentally deleted all the messages in his inbox in Apple Mail and since it syncs with the server (mediatemple), they're all gone from the webmail too. Is there anyway to recover these files? I sent a support request to mediatemple to see if they have backups that they can recover too.
We have a tape backup system here at work that backs up his user account. Would there be a specific file to look for that might contain the old messages?
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May 3, 2012
I went to make a copy of an important drive and accidentally re-formatted it (re-formatted mac journaled, originally mac journaled). The drive contained a bunch of important disk image files which I need to retrieve whole. I'm fairly confident that the files are still there and only the table information got overwritten, as the re-format took about 30 seconds. None of the recovery software I've seen however, can retrieve .dmg files, or such large files (these are up to 32 gb each in size).how I can retrieve these disk image files?
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Oct 30, 2010
I have just added an SSD to my Mac Pro. I installed Snow Leopard onto the SSD but wanted to move the user directory off the SSD. However, I wasn't thinking, and rather than copying the user folders as created by the new installation to the HDD I instead altered the user directory under advanced user settings to point at the original HDD install. Further complicating things I specified a different initial user when installing - i.e Bob was user id 501 on the original install, and Fred user id 502. On this install Fred is 501 and Bob is 502. This means that when I pointed the SSD OSX install at the old HDD user directory (named Fred), I, Fred, didn't have any read/write permissions for the folder, Bob did. I know I have made this all sound complicated but I really am not sure what to do. Ideally I would wipe the SSD and start again but that isn't a trivial process. I am now feeling a little screwed and irritated with myself - I should never have pointed a new install at an old user directory complete with settings etc, and to compound things the user IDs are mixed up.
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Sep 24, 2010
I recently installed ilife 09 into my imac but I cant take advantage of the face detection feature. I deleted my jpg files in the data folder because I thought it was a duplicate file. I didn't know when downloading pictures from a digital camera, iphoto creates two jpg files. One in data folder and other in original folder. I tried copying the jpg files from original folder into the data folder but I'm still having issues. Is there any way I can recover my jpg files from data folder?
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Jun 23, 2008
How do I get it back on the dock?
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Jul 16, 2010
I was trying to add my home folder to my dock from dragging it from the finder sidebar to the dock, but it wasnt draggable. It did drag, but it wouldnt stay in the dock, when I let go of the drag, it vanished in a puff of smoke. How do I get it back in the sidebar, it was pretty helpful over there. Just to be clear I'm talking about when I open a new finder window, I see a few folders under 'Places' --> Desktop, Applications, Documents and My name which is the home folder. Now all I see is Desktop, Applications, and documents. How do I get it back if possible, and when I do how do I put it on the dock? Next to apps and downloads folder? Nevermind I found out how to add it. CMD+, for finder prefs, and then sidebar. I still have no idea how to put the home folder on the dock now.
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Jul 5, 2009
I just meant to do one folder, but I accidentally did it all, including Library. Is it okay to have Library as 777 or should it be something like 755?
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Jul 29, 2009
I accidentally deleted the applications folder under my user directory. I made a duplicate from the hard drive directory and put it under user, but when I add new applications to one, it does not show up in the other like it used to. I guess I had a wrong idea of what duplicate does.
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Apr 18, 2012
About a week ago, my MacBook Pro started freezing and getting the spinning wheel. When this happens, the computer is unresponsive. So, I will turn it off and on reboot, but all I get is the question mark folder. The weird thing is that sometime it will boot right up, but sometimes it wont. Even when it does boot, it only works for about 5 minutes, and then the spinning wheel occurs again. So, I bought a new hard drive, installed it and reinstalled the operating system.
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May 5, 2009
I have leopard on my macbook pro and restarted the whole operating system from scratch. Before doing this I copied all my data onto an external. Although my time machine has a lot of information on it, the last time I backed up my computer was a good 20 days ago so I think that is useless. Anyways, I was wondering if there was any way to recover my ical calendars, address book contacts and mail inbox history from my library folder?
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Apr 6, 2012
I Accidentally Deleted the Downloads Folder From My Dock How do I put it back?
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 11, 2012
I accidentally emptied my trash with a very important folder. Can I get it back?
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 25, 2012
On Sunday night I found my macbook pro ("13, mid 2010, refurbished) in a frozen state a few seconds after waking it from sleep. So I did a forced restart and then my macbook wouldn't boot (blinking question mark folder). I troubleshooted with the OSX Install DVD on my own before taking it to the Genius Bar (disk utility & TDM could not find the hard drive), and we both came to the conclusion that I should install a new drive. So yesterday I bought a new drive, did a fresh OSX install and managed to migrate all of my info from my presumed damaged drive to the new one. Everything went smoothly and the computer was in working order all night. That is until this morning when I shut it down before bringing it to work. On my lunch break I decided to fire up my newly upgraded macbook only to find that it once again would not boot, still with the blinking question mark folder. I also tested to see if I have faulty RAM and it doesn't look like it (unless both sticks are fried).
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010)
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May 23, 2012
I was moving a folder (Beggs 5/12) from my desktop to my HD, and accidentally dropped it in the shaded area at the top of the HD when you are viewing your HD contents. I can't seem to remove it, only click on it to see contents.
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May 8, 2006
I'm a really recent switcher, with a long history with PCs. So far, the experiences have been great, but tonight, my PC history became a liability. I'm pretty handy with a Windows-based, so I know my way around the system quite well. But I was working on my Mac tonight. Having made my G4 PM my server, I was starting to move a folder from one drive to another, when decided that I wanted to reconsider where I was putting the folder. The process cancelled successfully and I had about 1 MB at the destination, and 50 GB still left on the source.
Having canceled it, I wanted to remerge my folder back to the original folder. Simple, right? I dragged the smaller folder onto the 50 GB folder, and OS X prompted me to replace. There is a similar dialog on Windows - in fact, it is titled "Confirm Folder Replace" - that merges the folders together. I didn't think twice about it all and clicked yes... And OS X promptly deleted my 50 GB folder and left the 1 MB folder in its place. My bad. Having said that, what's the best way to recover my 50 GB worth of information? I haven't mucked with the machine so much, so I'm not afraid that the data's being overwritten. But how the heck do I get back to it?
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Oct 31, 2010
I had about 40 short videos on an SD card and I thought I copied them to their appropriate file. Well, incidentally, I didn't get them copied, and I went to clean off the SD card. I selected all the files, and "moved" them to the trash. I did not empty the trash, but I opened the trash and they are no where to be found.... I was curios if my MacBook Pro might send those types of files to the trash in a different format, or do they send a bulk of files like that somewhere else? Here is an example of how the files read "IM000003.AVI" the number changes with its position... I am prepared to eat my mistake and not have those vids anymore, but I would sure like some direction if anyone has any.... they gotta be on my computer somewhere....
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May 25, 2009
I was curious about something. If I was to take a Application from the Application area in OSX and drag it to the trash, it is uninstalled.
Now I've downloaded a program call Apptrap, so it will remove all of the associated files along with the program.
If I were to decide to put the program back in the Applications area of OSX by dragging it, how do I get the associated files back where they belong? I wasn't sure if the program would create new files once I started the program again or what. I removed a program and it had some associated files with it but I don't know where they went and have since deleted them.
What do ya do in a situation like this?
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Nov 23, 2009
My mac recently crashed and did not start back on. In worry, I installed my leopard DVD to start back the computer. As far as I remember everytime I shut my comp. down it went though FILEVAULT. And now in order to the computer to work I had install everything again. So I did. It asked me to delete all files and folders and I clicked YES, hoping I have in my time capsule or filevault.But now I don't know to restore my files.
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Mar 2, 2010
I can only access Safari history from the past month - is there any way to access the older history? I'm looking for something in October 2009
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Jun 23, 2012
I forget my password? Recovering password for my [URL]?
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Dec 4, 2010
however, I never did find that one file I was originally searching for!
The program I was using ( Data Rescue 3 ) renamed all my .jpegs in its search of my deleted files. So when I searched for the one I wanted not only did it not come up, but I was searching through 40,000+ jpegs one by one. Didn't get too far before I gave that up.
Is this normal for a data recovery program? Since I deleted them, it deleted the file structure for it so it renames them?
And has anyone successfully restored a deleted item? Just wanna save a few jpegs, that I was attached to.
I've never backed up my HD in the 4+ years of owing a mac so thats out of the option unfortunately. Looks like I know what I'll as for for christmas. An external.
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Oct 2, 2007
My ibook g4 (1.42, 14") died recently - I tried a few fixes, they worked for 30minutes or so, then it died again. Seems to be one of these logic board/graphics cards solder problems. Anyway, while it annoyed me quite a bit, it was a couple of years old and allows me to justify buying a macbook (when apple get around to releasing leopard).
I had been making regular backups of my drive using carbon copy cloner, but the last time I did it was about 2 months ago. Not devastating, but ideally I'd like to get most recent stuff back as well.
Is there an easy way to get data from the ibook g4 or am I resigned to ripping open the case, removing the HD and buying a ATA/USB adaptor?
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Mar 13, 2009
My sisters PC laptop's hardrive crashed last weekend. She lost 1000's of songs, but they are all on her iPod still. Whats the best Windows solution to get these songs off the iPod and onto a new HD? I do have an iMac, so if theres an easier Mac solution, I'd love to hear about that too. Will there be an issue copying over the music she purchased from the iTunes store? A quick google search brought up 5 year old results though.
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Mar 25, 2009
I have a friend who has dropped his Home folder onto my external hard drive (including Photos, Movies, Library etc.). He was hoping that I could recover some photos from his folders that he says were accidentally deleted. I know traditionally you would just run recovery software like DiskWarrior or Tech Tool Pro but he no longer owns his mac and simply has these folders to work with.
So the basic question is:
Is it possible to recover deleted photos from the iPhoto Library using only the Photos folder (which contains his entire iPhoto library) and his home Library folder.
also if it is not possible to recover photos of any kind, is it possible to recover anything else? I would love to be able to at least show him some sort of results as I owe him a favor
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Apr 3, 2009
I accidentally deleted a file from my iPod (used as an external hard drive) while it was connected to the laptop.
It's not in Trash, can I still recover it ?
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Apr 6, 2009
I have been searching all over this site, but I am in a time crunch. I deleted a paper saved as a word file earlier this afternoon. I downloaded Data Rescue II and FileSalvage, but they are both pretty expensive and I am not sure if the demo actually found the file i need. Can anyone direct me to a free program that works well, or confirm that one of those two programs works before I drop $100 to save a 7 page paper.
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Jul 9, 2009
I recently killed my PC laptop by spilling liquid on it. It died instantly. I replaced it with a Macbook, which I love, but all my iTunes music files and photos were on the hard drive in the PC laptop. Is any of that information recoverable and capable of being added to my Macbook?
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Jul 20, 2009
The USB flash drive is Sandisk, 4GB, formatted for Mac. It became corrupted and I don't have access to stored files. The messages on screen is that disk can not be read and invitation to reformat it. I found special software for recovering files from corrupted drives but it is not affordable for a student like me. I've tried to find in forums and word of mouth some shareware/freeware working on Mac OS 10.3.9 but all I got is programs that take space on HD and do nothing, that is, software that is about selling and marketing stuff, not the real thing. Tried with 3 different such a programs, sheer time wasting. I found that this area is pretty much absolutely dark. Do experienced fellow mac users know about some truly working shareware/freeware that can help me retrieve the files from this corrupted Sandisk USB flash drive?
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