Mac Pro :: Recovering Botched User Folder Move
Oct 30, 2010
I have just added an SSD to my Mac Pro. I installed Snow Leopard onto the SSD but wanted to move the user directory off the SSD. However, I wasn't thinking, and rather than copying the user folders as created by the new installation to the HDD I instead altered the user directory under advanced user settings to point at the original HDD install. Further complicating things I specified a different initial user when installing - i.e Bob was user id 501 on the original install, and Fred user id 502. On this install Fred is 501 and Bob is 502. This means that when I pointed the SSD OSX install at the old HDD user directory (named Fred), I, Fred, didn't have any read/write permissions for the folder, Bob did. I know I have made this all sound complicated but I really am not sure what to do. Ideally I would wipe the SSD and start again but that isn't a trivial process. I am now feeling a little screwed and irritated with myself - I should never have pointed a new install at an old user directory complete with settings etc, and to compound things the user IDs are mixed up.
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Oct 30, 2010
I know the prevailing opinion is to move the Users folder (i.e. all home folders) off an SSD boot drive and onto an HDD in order to increase available space and avoid thrashing the SSD. However, it occurs to me that by moving the users folder the Library folder is also moved (~/Library/). Doesn't this compromise the speed increase gained from having an SSD? The application will start quickly but then have to wait for the HDD in order to load preferences.
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Jun 24, 2012
I have set up my mom with an older Macbook Pro of mine to save her from the evils of the PC. I set up two users, one for her and one for me; hers is uber simple (big icons, only the essentials in the doc) mine is crazy complicated. We share apps, of course, which was fine until I realized she is going to want to download Mah Jongg game apps and the like from the App Store, and I would LOVE it if I didn't have to have all that cluttering up the root Applications folder. I already tried to move one app from root to her user's Applications folder and all that moved was an alias, the app stayed at root. So how does one move these things? Is there a way via the finder? Can I use terminal.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Nov 19, 2010
In Office 2008, you can move "Microsoft User Data" in "Documents" folder to "~/Library/Preferences/".
In office 2011, this trick does not work. Whenever I move "Microsoft User Data" to "~/Library/Preferences/", it will be re-created in "Documents" again.
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Dec 4, 2008
I was installing an upgrade for one of my applications, and i had to reboot my i mac. After reboot it was stuck on the white apple screen for maybe a half an hour, then on the blue login screen for maybe 5-10 I went to sleep after 5.
When It restored there were no user accounts, and I had to create a new one. All of the programs were available, but I had to authorize and all that kind of stuff.
I just wanted to know if there was a way recover the deleted user files on the mac?
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Apr 1, 2010
I do NOT want to change it; only recover it with Single User Mode.
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May 7, 2009
I accidentally deleted the contents of one folder by moving a folder into another folder that contained another folder of the same name (God, I hope that made sense). Thinking it would work like Windows, I didn't bother reading the dialog box that popped up and just clicked erase. Are my files gone for good or is there a way to recover them?
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Sep 24, 2010
I recently installed ilife 09 into my imac but I cant take advantage of the face detection feature. I deleted my jpg files in the data folder because I thought it was a duplicate file. I didn't know when downloading pictures from a digital camera, iphoto creates two jpg files. One in data folder and other in original folder. I tried copying the jpg files from original folder into the data folder but I'm still having issues. Is there any way I can recover my jpg files from data folder?
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May 5, 2009
I have leopard on my macbook pro and restarted the whole operating system from scratch. Before doing this I copied all my data onto an external. Although my time machine has a lot of information on it, the last time I backed up my computer was a good 20 days ago so I think that is useless. Anyways, I was wondering if there was any way to recover my ical calendars, address book contacts and mail inbox history from my library folder?
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Jul 13, 2010
I tried installing Sims 3 on my MBP but for some reason it stops at 569 out of 600 files so I force quitted and tried again and got the same results and force quitted subsequently too. I did that about 4 times. Sims 3 would put about 6 GB on your HD and I found out afterwards I had about 24 GB missing after that attempted installs. How can I remove that 24 GB?
Running Snow Leopard btw.
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Jun 11, 2012
After installing Lion, I can no longer move program icons from my applications folder to a sub folder. When I do, it makes a copy and leave the original in the applications folder. When I then try to delete the icon in the applications folder it tells me it's required by the OS and won't let me delete. I'm forced to keep certan applications such as Time Machine and Stickies in the application folder.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 8, 2012
This is a recent occurrence i ust to be able to move hundreds at once?why this changed and what di I do about it?
I Mac, Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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Jun 7, 2009
So I've made the leap to an SSD boot disk on my mac pro... so I'm now a little bit short on space (120Gb is not enough for my picture and itunes library... also my downloads... the list goes on.
How can I move the follow DIR's to another volume without screwing up the permissions?
I've created alias's but it seems to stuff up the permissions. I even copied the original data over then created an alias.
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Jan 28, 2010
I want to move an account from my iMac to my Mac Pro, which would be in addition to other accounts I have on the MP. I know that there is migration assistant, but that imports apps over too doesn't it? Can I combine apps and a user account?
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Jul 3, 2012
How do I move all my iTunes stuff from one user to a different user (NOT to Shared) on the same iMac? I am the administrator.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 8, 2006
I'm a really recent switcher, with a long history with PCs. So far, the experiences have been great, but tonight, my PC history became a liability. I'm pretty handy with a Windows-based, so I know my way around the system quite well. But I was working on my Mac tonight. Having made my G4 PM my server, I was starting to move a folder from one drive to another, when decided that I wanted to reconsider where I was putting the folder. The process cancelled successfully and I had about 1 MB at the destination, and 50 GB still left on the source.
Having canceled it, I wanted to remerge my folder back to the original folder. Simple, right? I dragged the smaller folder onto the 50 GB folder, and OS X prompted me to replace. There is a similar dialog on Windows - in fact, it is titled "Confirm Folder Replace" - that merges the folders together. I didn't think twice about it all and clicked yes... And OS X promptly deleted my 50 GB folder and left the 1 MB folder in its place. My bad. Having said that, what's the best way to recover my 50 GB worth of information? I haven't mucked with the machine so much, so I'm not afraid that the data's being overwritten. But how the heck do I get back to it?
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May 30, 2012
Looking at upgrading my current 4 year old iMac to a new 27inch iMac - need more horsepower and memory. Wanted to know if there is a simple way to move/copy user accounts and their files from the old iMac to the new keeping permissions etc intact. Old iMac currently running Snow Leopard. Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), PC running XP
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Jun 2, 2012
I was having a lot of problems with my new (Christmas 11) MPB. It was very sluggish and occasionally would freeze. I took it to my Apple Store and the Genius said I was running all my apps in root and had too many files on the desktop.They should be under a user. Any files on the desktop are refreshed frequently, such as graphics (CAD, pictures, etc.) and that was what was killing performance. She then proceded to move my files/apps to my user profile.
Since I am the only user, I never paid any attention to where the files were.I would like to verify the information above and do the same process on two other computers, but I didn't catch enough of what she did to do it solo.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), I7, 8GB, 750GB, Lion
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May 10, 2010
I'm a computer consultant/network administrator that is new to the Mac world and could use some help. I have a professional photographer client who purchased a new MacBook Pro with OS X 10.6.2.
ViewNX from Nikon would not work. After many days troubleshooting, Nikon Support suggested uninstalling ViewNX, creating a new administrative account and reinstalling under the new account.
It worked, Yippee, All is right with the world!...Well almost.
Now we have to move her mail and AddressBook from one administrative account to the new account ON THE SAME MACHINE. These last words are of extreme importance. None of the instructions I find work in this scenario.
1. copy ~/Library/Mail to the same folder of the new account.
2. copy ~/Library/Preferences/ to same folder of new the account.
Those instructions work if you move them to a new computer, but if you are on the same computer the permissions are remembered and it doesn't work.
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Jan 9, 2011
I recently downloaded Amazon's Kindle for my Mac and it automatically installed a content folder in my Documents folder along with my other folders. Now, I like to keep my Documents folder neatly organized and this My Kindle Content folder kind of messes things up a bit - I really don't like seeing this folder in my Documents folder. question: Does anyone know how to move this folder to another location? I've tried to browse the Kindle app, but I haven't found any obvious way to move it. However, I may have overlooked it. Also, I have tried to browse the Forums to see if someone else asked this question already - no luck yet. Has anyone out there had the same problem? If so, is there a way to move the My Kindle Content folder without messing things up?
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Nov 14, 2010
How do I move photos in one folder to another one? Both are in the same external hard drive.
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Jun 28, 2009
However, I am apparently too dumb to figure out how I can move (cut and paste at the same time) a folder from on location on my hard drive to another without going back to the original area and delete the folder after the "fake" moving process. It seems that MAC does not support the physical movement of a folderfrom location A to B.
I have a folder called A
I select the folder (click with mouse)
I drag the folder to the desired destination B
I release the mouse and what happens: MAC starts to copy the folder and its files.
I read on several forums and pages that it is possible if you hold down the command key (after you click the folder you want to move) but it does not work for me. Does anyone has a simple, short answer whether it is possible to move a folder which contains files from location A to B on my mac (same hard drive)? This cannot be true that this does not work in the FINDER. Even if I select the folder go in the Finder menu to "Edit" (cut is grayed out and not clickable) it does not give me the option to perform a cut and paste. So, does cut and paste work for folders on a MAC or not.
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Sep 26, 2009
I need to know if it is possible to open two different folders that are in "MY Documents" folder at the same time so I can drag files from one to the other. I'm use to doing this in windows and can't seem to do it on a mac. It won't let me open two at a time.
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Oct 30, 2010
whenever i'm in finder and i double-click on a song to play it, when itunes opens the song it removes it from the folder it's in and puts it in a new one called music...this is getting VERY frustrating, as i have all my music neatly organized the way i want can i get itunes to stop this? other than that, i'm very happy with my macbook pro, and definitely glad i switched over from pc...but this is an absolute killer
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Jan 9, 2011
I have been collating files and documents over the past few months. I have decided to keep them in a more organised fashion so I created a folder for films, music, etc and then I want to put further folders in the folders so I can keep certain files together.
I have created the folder but cant seem to move the files in to it - I can copy it then paste it but that seems a bit long winded just to move a file in to another folder (folder within folder.)
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Feb 2, 2009
I use Lightroom 2 to catalog my photos. I am in the habit of shooting in RAW+JPG mode which means when I download my photos there is both a .NEF and a .JPG file for each photo. Having done this for several years on a PC, I now want to use iPhoto to view the jpgs and keep with Lightroom for the nefs. I therefore want to move the .JPG files from /Photography/RAW/<Year>/<Month>/<Day> to /Photography/JPG/<Year>/<Month>/<Day>. So far the only way I've worked out is to copy the entire folder structure then use Spotlight to find the nefs within the new folder structure and delete them.
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Aug 26, 2009
I'm trying to rearrange files within a folder. Like move episodes to have them in order. But I can't figure it out. First time i've ever tried to.
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May 25, 2010
Currently my music files are in the public folder however, the itunes library file is in my music folder. I want to move all my itunes media to an external, out of space. How to I handle this situation of multiple locations during move. I don't care to have my actual music files in the public folder anymore either.
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Mar 12, 2012
I was about to move a folder to another but then, when I let go of it, there was a small poof and it was gone! I looked in every other folder, but it wasn't in any of them.
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Mar 17, 2012
how do I move a folder with its contents? I can copy them but not move them.Intel iMac running latest Lion.
iMac intel, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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