OS X :: Reauthorizing MacBook - Fixing Permissions
Jun 14, 2009My home folder is on my second internal drive. That's where my itunes library is also. I went to install a app from itunes and I got the message in my attachment.
View 3 RepliesMy home folder is on my second internal drive. That's where my itunes library is also. I went to install a app from itunes and I got the message in my attachment.
View 3 RepliesI am getting this when repairing permissions : "Warning: SUID file System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ARDAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/ARDAgent" has been modified and will not be repaired."
Doesn't look like permissions get fixed.
What can I do?
i accidentally set permissions in the Mac HD Info window for Everyone to "No Access". of course it locked up. i have an external drive plugged in running Time Machine. i understand i can use that to restore...?
I ran disk utility - it failed because it could not locate the clip art folder in word (?wha?) repair disk permissions ran for 24 hours and couldn't complete. anyway - I know there is an easy solution here - i just want to be sure i'm doing it correctly so i dont make it worse than it already is...would some kind soul please provide me step-by-step instructions to either use Time Machine to repair - or something.
I'm seeing this show up when I do a permissions repair in Snow Leopard 10.6.2
Permissions differ on "usr/share/derby", should be drwxr-xr-x, they are lrwxr-xr-x
Repaired "usr/share/derby"
It shows up each time I do this. Anyone else seeing this?
I repaired permissions earlier and I keep getting these that won't be repaired. Is it anything to worry about? Any idea what the issue is?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAs per title... Loud grinding sound, goes away on restart, seems to be happening more consistently in the past few days (noticed it last week for first time). The MBP is 3 years old I have an appointment at apple store for tomorrow, im pretty sure they'll just say that the right fan needs to be replaced (applecare warranty ended a month ago of course)
View 5 Replies View RelatedOnce anyone gets to test the new MBA out (next month?), if you can please post the results on heat issues. Eg the initial MBA in many cases was only usable at 50% CPU/GPU (for more than a few minutes) due to heat issues. Does the new one fix it? If so, it is effectively more than double the speed.. more like 3-4x faster if that makes sense. If GPU is much faster AND heat issues are fixed, this could be a huge performance boost..
View 5 Replies View RelatedReceived my i7 MBP yesterday, and try to run parallels, TVU player, safari, aperture side by side, and it's not over heat at all, just felt slightly warm above the CPU, it's amazing! especially compare to my 1st gen MBP. I don't have to use my coolermaster cooling pad at all.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI burned an ISO image file to a blank DVD and it ran fine on my desktop, but I when I put it in my MBP, it said my DVD is blank.
I put in a DVD movie I just bought, and when I insert it it just try's to run but eventually gets ejected.
I have been laboring for weeks to determine which macbook pro to purchase. We are new to apple having only enjoyed the iphone and ipad. We only have used windows desktops and laptops but love the look of the macbook pro's and imacs. We want a desktop replacement laptop. We just want to move it around the home and now and then take it out somewhere so we dont care about the 15 or 17 being too big. Dont want an imac as we do want some limited mobility.
Regarding the resolution issue I am drawn to the 17 because the 1900 x 1200 looks awesome. I am not sure if I like to 1440 x 900. It seems a bit blurry and not as sharp.Dont care for the antiglare as I love the corner to corner glass look and Ill have it indoors mainly. Any thoughts or experiences with the 1900x1200 vs the 15inch options as I have only used both for a bit in the local apple store?
I have heard the i7 2.66 in the 15 and 17 pros run extremely hot, too hot to even use on your lap. Is this true because I wanted to get the i7? I have had too many windows pc laptop fry over the course of two to three years from over heating and fear putting 2k into a good looking machine that will internally melt in a couple years. If it is just a design for the heat to dissipate out from the inside to be absorbed into the unibody that is fine if that is the case. Any body know, or does anyone who has the i7 in the 15 or 17 know?
So if the heat isnt too bad in the i7 I will get it in the i7. If the i5s run much cooler I will get the i5. If it is worth the money to get the 1900x1200 resolution I will get the 17inch, if not Ill stick witht he 1440x900 or the 1650x1050 or whatever that is. Is the higher resolution nicer and is the i7 cool enough?
My power connector strip has broken apart on my iBookG4. In the past, I would put it on, by using a safety pin, to short-circuit it to fire it up. It eventually froze up, I took the battery out and put it back in. Previously, in the past this has worked to get it back on. However, now I cannot get it back on.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI notice that the screen on my macbook air is not as sharp as my 4 yr old sony vaio s460. Is this the nature of the screen? I read chinese and there is a huge difference in sharpness with my vaio for small fonts compared to the air
View 24 Replies View RelatedI've done a search and not really found what I'm after. So here it is..
I like to edit photos, but I've never been confident in doing this on my Macbook, as I edit them and then on another display they always look different and over exposed.
Is it just a bad screen for colour accuracy or is it the calibration? What's the best way to sort this?
Im trying to connect my macbook to a networking external harddrive.
But when i go to the network tab in finder, the list is blank, and theres not any single networks.
It used to work, but i dont know what happend
My pops brought his macbook (older one) cross the boarder and on the way back i guess they took it apart and now when hes using it the screen goes from normal to random colors ( like the white noise things on tv, but colors) i will take pictures.
dad bought a mac book pro and i really dont want to keep using this Shi* acer so im trying to fix his old macbook.
Using OS X 10.5.6
When running Repair Permissions in Disk Utility, it reports that there are errors and that it's fixed them but if I run it again, the same errors keep appearing.
I've noticed that the current permissions on the errors are lrw-rw-rw- which I assume means that they are symbolic links and not the actual files which Disk Utility is expecting. Any idea what's going on?
My MacBook Pro 15inch makes a hollow sounding click/ping noise when I move along the track pad. It's NOT the motion sensor, that noise is more defined and pinpointed. This noise is random, sometimes occurs non-stop for an hour or two at a time every time I move the mouse, but usually occurs at random. Sometimes it also occurs when i have my computer on my lap or tilted and move it from side to side. But again, it is not the normal motion sensor noise.
I'm on my third MacBook Pro in less than 30 days. My first one corrupted all my files and my second one pinged like this one. I just need confirmation that this is actually OK and I will get a good MacBook and the money will be well spent. I think most of my issues stem from the fact that I'm new to Mac and just don't know what is normal.
just look at Safari!!!
with just 2 tabs opened and consumed over 2gig??
My Macbook had a wierd nosie coming from the fan. Its sounded like a ticking noise and got more frequent as the fan speed increased.
Its only a week old, but never notice it before, properly because I use it infront of the TV.
However, I have use a can of compressed air and blasted the rear ven, which seems to solved the problem. I have loaded the machine upto 4500 rpm and still no ticking noise.
not sure if anyone else is experiencing the same problems but every 20-30 seconds or so I can hear the hard drive clicking and going away, is this normal ? Its not the mentioned "loud screeches" or other kind of annoying sound, its just like a little click, this is after the 10.5.3 update, just wanting to know if some of you experience the same thing ?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIt just started this afternoon, every 15-20 minutes the screen goes blank once for less than a second and comes back. I haven't upgraded to snow leopard yet, haven't changed anything recently. It's only a few months old so should I take it to an apple store or is there something simple that might fix it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm a new bird to use Mac OS. This is my 1st Mac.
Initially I'm very satisfy with my Macbook performance, fast response. But after some time, I notice it running is a very very slow operation, even worst that my Samsung laptop.
I was install some software, like OnlyX, CleanMyMac, MacScan 2, MacTuneUp, SpeedTools Utilities Pro. I hope this things can give back my speed, but it doesn't sound that way.
Sometimes, the system it show a message, the content of the message is saying that, my startup disk is low disk space. So, I immediately using CleanMyMac to uninstall some software, finally it able to recovery over 7G. But the system is still the same, running at very slow respond. Especially when I open the Google Chrome (last time very fast), it take about 1 min to loading! Sometimes the message regarding the "startup disk is low disk space" is still popup.
When I open the Finder, I notice the disk space at "Macintosh HD" and "user" is ZERO byte (but sometime it could be >1G but sometime is lesses).
Macbook Pro 13"
Mac OS X 10.6.5 (latest)
Processor 2.26GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory 2GB 1067MHz DDR3
This is likely a Snow Leopard issue, but since it's happening on my Macbook....
Icons are (mostly) not displaying. In Finder my /Applications folder is ok, but anything new I install into it will have a name but no icon. In /Applications/Utilities no icons are showing My dock is ok, so far at least. On my Desktop (my default folder for downloads) anything downloaded will have a name but no icon. When installing a new program no icon for the app displays, just the name.
I've recently been getting a clicking noise from my hard drive, and when it happens 90% of the time my mac crashes for about 10 seconds. First thing I did was verify my disk in disk utility and I got a response I'm not entirely clear of the meaning so I've attached a screenshot of what my response is. I'm going to try some other 3rd party app to see whats up with my hard drive such as techtool pro...I'm on a 2.33 ghz 15" macbook pro with leopard.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a 13" MBP 2.53GHz, and I absolutely love it. However, I have one issue. I am using an Apple display port to DVI adapter to run the MBP in clamshell mode with my Samsung 221BW monitor. On websites or programs with a dark grey background, the screen flickers. The resolution is set to 1680x1050 (native) and 60Hz.
Does anybody else have this problem? Any ideas as to fixing it?
My late 2008 macbook intermittently makes a gentle "ding" sound. By gentle I mean it's a sound effect, not the kind of beep you get from about to die hardware. I cannot work out at all what is causing it.
Sometimes it doesn't happen for weeks then will happen several times in a single day. It happens when I am not doing anything at all (ie. not even pressing keys).
I've checked all the sound effects that you can choose in system preferences and it's not the same sound as any of them. I don't use Mail or any other email clients but just in case I checked once when I heard the ding - and I didn't have any new mail. I've also checked my dashboard, and as far as I can see the calendar, clock, weather and calculator widgets don't seem to be set up to make some random alarm sound.
So I spilled orange juice on my 2.26ghz mid 2009 Macbook pro keyboard. I turned it off right away unplugged it and turned it upside down. I took the back off and cleaned and dried it all out. after letting it dry for a while I turned it on and everything seems to be working normally apart from a few sticky keys which I'm slowly taking off and cleaning and the facet that the keyboard lighting is no longer consistent. So my question is How does the keyboard lighting work exactly and how might I go about fixing it? here are some photos so you can see what exactly is going on.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI cannot connect a macbook to the d-link di-524. Macbook model: MB403LL/A 13.3". When I try to connect thru the AirPort the connection gets timed-out. As far as I understand the problem is with the security system. The DI-524 is set-up for WEP 64bit HEX and i tried using the laptop set-up for WEP password with 40-128 bit range with HEX configuration. When I remove the security system from the router, connection is easy.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a noticed a couple of times when I move touch the MBP, I will hear what sounds like a hard disk "ping" sound, even though I have the hard disk sleep mode disabled on batter / power - everything functions perfectly though. It sounds like something tapping metal - only one "ping" sound (not constant ticking). Mine has the Hitachi 250GB hard disk. Should I be concerned and what is it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo I have just received my Mackbook back from an Apple store as I tried to install windows via Boot camp assistant. Turns out all my files are still intact however now, all my files have a copy of themselves. For example if I look into my music folder, take the band Radiohead for instance, all of there songs have a copy i.e. 01- Everything in its right place - 01.flac and in the same folder aslso contains 01 - Evrything in its right place.
As you can imagine having everything duplicated has taxed my disk space to the point where I have less than 2GB left and can't update the software for apple.
My question is what would be the easiest way to deal with this and delete the additional copies of everything? I was hoping they would be a better way than going through everything