OS X :: Preserve Favicon When Dragging URL To Desktop?
Apr 15, 2009
I use both Firefox and Safari and often want to save a URL to my desktop to go back to the site later on to read it. Problem is: when I drag the favicon next to the URL in either browser down to my desktop, the icon on my desktop reverts to a generic "@" icon. I'm left with dozens of these identical icons--not so easy to browse. How do I get Leopard to preserve the favicon of a URL when I drag it from my URL window to my desktop from either Safari or Firefox?
Basic questions: When I drag an item to the desktop, say, a mail message, it always appears on the right side of the screen no matter where I release my mouse on the drop. Is there any way to have an item appear where I release the drag-and-drop, or will the dragged item always go to the right side of the desktop?
Another question: is there any way to select a bunch of mail messages and drag them into a folder. I know you can do it where all the emails get merged into one text file, but is there a way to keep them all as individual emails with a group drag and drop?
I just bought a new MacBook Pro to supplement my iMac.If I remember correctly, when I hook up a laptop to my desktop I can access it the same way I would an external hard drive? I'm wondering if it's possible to drag and drop PROGRAMS (self contained ones are obvious, but I'm talking programs like Creative Suite 4) over to my new computer? I'm guessing that certain programs that require registration will need the registrations to be re-entered? Just wondering what's the best way to transfer specific applications from my desktop to my mac. Also, Will any specific conflicts arise by transferring from Leopard to Snow Leopard? (other than program compatibility issues)
Is this bad? Just started happening yesterday. Restarted, but persistent... when I drag a file from an open folder on my desktop, the entire desktop flickers like you can see below. Like ghosted images of all the icons and open windows get scrambled around. It happens in a fraction of a second, but I was able to capture a screen shot. Please let me know what this means.
I'd like to change the Safari default favicon: I already looked through the Resources folder and used F-Script to see if I could find anything, but I was not succesfull. Is there any way to customize this icon?
I am enjoying bookmarking my favorite web sites on my iPhone by storing a webloc on the home screen. I am trying to do that on my Mac, and that works well by dragging the web address from Safari on the desktop. However, what I get is a webloc with the correct URL (link works perfect), but always the same HTTP@ icon. Why Safari does not get the favicon automatically as the iPhone is doing? Recoverig the favicon from a web site is easy by just adding favicon.ico after the website address and the favicon is automatically downloaded. But how to replace the HTTP@ icon by the correct one?
Was just wondering what the best way is to preserve the battery? Is it best to keep it plugged in all the time or fully charge it then run it down each time?
How can I best preserve my battery? When it is charged, shall I take the charger out and wait until its empty again or can I leave it in while working?
I'm ripping my movie collection so i can access it on my iDevices as well as my apple tv. I'm using ripit to rip it to my mac. Then using handbrake to encode te movie to be compatible with my devices.Everything works great except after I encode the movie I lose the DVD menu. When I play the encoded file the movie starts right away. How can I preserve the DVD menu after encoding e ripped file? The DVD menu is preserved from then ripped file, it only drops after I encode it. I'm assuming handbrake won't or can't keep the DVD menu.Is there a way to preserve the DVD menu with handbrake or another application on the mac? I want to be able to access the DVD menu when I watch my movies on my apple tv.
I have a 2nd gen MBP hooked up to a wide screen LCD (1680x1050) panel and I occasionally play games that don't naively support the wide aspect ratio and they get all stretched out when scaled to fit the screen. Is there any way to tell OS X to center the "odd" resolutions in the panel (leaving black bars) when a game wants to use that resolution? I'd much rather have a smaller picture than have it distorted.
I use OS X Mail v4.5 on Snow Leopard. I am about to change jobs and lose access to my IMAP mail account at my old institution. Is there a way to keep all of the mailboxes and store them locally on my Mac, for future reference? Ideally, browsing my old mailboxes would not require a live IMAP server connection.
On Snow Leopard I was very used to pressing enter and renaming a file by simply typing a new name while preserving the extension. Now I've noticed that in Lion when you press enter and start typing the new name, you'll have to type in the extension too.
I need to reinstall Snow Leopard over my current Snow Leopard installation because the system has failed. I need to know what will happen if I proceed with an install. Because there are no options for installation, I dont know how to do an archive and install and it is essential that I have my home folder and it's contents intact. Does anyone know if reinstalling snow leopard will automatically archive my home folder or if there is something else I need to do?
The Macbook of a friend of mine doe not boot anymore after an abordet Itunes-Upadte yesterday evenig.How ever, the Save-Boot-Log tells me, that "The System bootstrapper has crashed: Trace/BPT trap: 5" I assume that i have to reinstall OS X to get the Macbook run again. This is where i'm sure, whether the Install via Recovery-Partition -> Reinstall Lion does a complete Clean-Install (all Data that's been on the HDD will be gone) or does "only" some Repair-Install-Stuff which preserve the personal Data and Software on the HDD. Nevertheless i'm going to Backup (CCC) the broken installation to be on the safe side anyway.
I have been reading posts about charge techniques and usage to preserve the battery life but its often inconclusive and comes with different opinion. Even Apple do not have a proper usage/charge guide to maintain battery lifespan. Therefore, I have decided to conduct this study and perhaps produce a certain conclusion on what is the best charge technique to maintain the battery life of our Macs. Please fill in the following template and a final conclusion will be produced once we've received enough inputs. Use software like Coconut Battery to retrieve the relevant information required by this study.
MacBook Model (type,year,unibody): Charge Cycle: Age of your Mac: Battery capacity (current-original): Health in %:...........................
I want to preserve my family photos and videos on an external hard drive as I am filling up my MacBook Pro storage, meaning I need to remove some videos from my MacBook so I can add more. It sounds like Time Machine will write over old files to keep more recent updates. Is there a way to mark certain files on the external hard drive as ones that should NEVER be deleted by Time Machine?
I finally bit the bullet on a new i7 15" MBP today to replace my dying 3.5 year old MB. I want to transfer my music and pictures from MB and also preserve my playlists and photo albums. I currently have a TimeCapsule as well. My current MB is "faulty" so I don't really want to copy over the drive per se, just the music / pictures. What's the easiest that I can do this? Sorry, I've never done this before and in the past I've just used an external HD and copied over the music/pic files but I lost the playlist/albums. It's over 3 years of work to redo, so to speak, and I want to see if there was an easier way to do this.
I have been trying to burn a DVD with iDVD with DVD player selectable subtitles and every time I burn a disc the subtitles are removed. The files I am adding to iDVD are mp4 with external .srt subtitles added to them via a re-encode with handbreak. Is there any way to preserve the subtitles and make them selectable on a DVD player?
I've been kicking around the idea of reformatting my iMac and starting fresh. It's not slow by any means (2.4ghz aluminum, 4gb ram, 320gb hd), but when I create a new user account I can tell the new account is faster. That is what is primarily pushing me to go ahead and reformat the computer with a completely fresh install, however it seems like I really don't need to go that far since it is only that user account that is drug down with over a year of accumulation in preferences, add-ons (such as Candybar 3, Perian, etc). The master account just is not "snappy" like a fresh account and I don't see a need in reformatting the computer if it is still fast on a new account, so. what to do? I don't want to reload all my apps in a fresh install if I don't have to, and one in particular (iMovieHD) I CAN'T reload since I can't find the disk anymore (one out of 30 disks I have goes wandering, it had to be that one).
What's REALLY been bugging me though, is Safari. I'm on 3.1.2 and it really just isn't cutting it. On my test account it is easily faster than on my master account. What all should I delete in my Safari app to get it back to factory fresh speeds without attempting to reinstall it? It takes about one full second longer to load on my master account Safari than on the fresh test account I made on my iMac. I can open Adobe Photoshop CS4 in under 4 seconds so I know the computer isn't dragging. It seems like it is mostly Safari that is sluggish, but then at times it seems like that neck snapping speed of opening windows in finder also is just slightly delayed making it feel not as fast. I dunno, what should I do from here to snap things up in Safari and maybe finder as well? It can't be much slowing me down with CS4 opening in under 4 seconds. I mean.... I can almost open Photoshop CS4 as fast as I can switch web pages so. Safari really isn't working out at the moment. I'm on the upgraded 22Mbps comcast package so I have plenty of pipeline behind my internet.
Since upgrading to 10.9.4 i've been beset with numerous bugs and general odd system behavior. Previous to this update I had experience lag when using my Wacom Intuos 4 tablet. For example when doing a preview render in Maya the tablet would become unresponsive and laggy. This never occurred on my old Mac Pro 2008.
I noticed there was an update to the Wacom Drivers (6.3.8-2) so I did the update. After updating I've been experiencing dramatically slow screen redraw. So whenever I drag a window or scroll, the image stutters, flickers and lags as it tries to redraw to keep up with mouse position. This makes it impossible to use the computer.
I uninstalled the Wacom drivers and the lag and redraw errors persist. I looked at Activity Monitor to if it was some other system resource like Spotlight that was momentarily hogging resources. The only thing I notice is that the dreaded "kernel_task" seems to be using a lot of ram (1.46 GB) and cpu time (usually at the top of the list). Also, "com.apple.IconServicesAgent" seems to be using a lot of CPU time (usually #2 in the list).
Here's my EtreCheck system report: EtreCheck version: 1.9.15 (52)Report generated August 26, 2014 at 11:34:29 AM EDT Hardware Information: ? Mac Pro (Late 2013) (Verified) Mac Pro - model: MacPro6,1 1 3.5 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon E5 CPU: 6 cores 32 GB RAM Video Information: ?
So I have been having an issue with my MBP 13" since I bought it, about a month now. At first the guy at Bes@ Bu@ attributed it to the fact that I was pressing too hard on the trackpad and sent me on my way. Two weeks later and the same issue is still happening. So I return to the store and they take the drag lock off, which I have tried before and I tell them this is not the problem-I am not an idiot-I actually know a little about computers. Oh well so here it is another two weeks and the same issue is still going. What do I do? A little background-I need a computer to be able to work on-this is not an option.
Best Buy said that if there is something truly wrong with the trackpad then they will have to send it off to "somewhere" and it could be gone for 10-14 days. That is just unacceptable. Is anybody familiar with their "Black Tie" protection plan? would it be easier/better just to run the thing over with my truck? instead of dealing with the headaches of shipping it somewhere? Basically it seems like the mouse is dragging and locking on everything it can. I have to hold and move, or double hold and move, its hard to explain, but there is definitely an issue. But since I mainly work nights, its hard to bring it up to BB when there is an issue.
1st Question: I've set my MBP to drag with a double tap. However, when I release the trackpad it takes a full second (it seems) before I can go about doing something else. In other words, I'll double tap a window...drag it to where I want, and then have to wait a second or so before I can move the mouse pointer again or else it will continue to move the window.
Is there a setting somewhere to minimize the time necessary between the double tap lock and when my finger is removed from the trackpad?
If I want to uninstall an application, is dragging it to the trash the same as uninstalling it? I get the impression that it isn't. What about all the files the app has left behind?
As a newbie to the Mac but with Windows experience since 1990, I am finding the most subtle things the hardest to get used to. This post is about dragging items.
1. The first thing I am still getting used to in dragging a single item: in Windows a highlighted item can be immediately "clicked and dragged." In OS X, it appears that very often you cannot drag an item unless you pause for a fraction of a second while on the item. However, the "fraction" seems to vary, sometimes being very short, and otherwise being longer. The result is I have to frequently try several times to get the object to drag.
2. Even worse, when multiple items are selected, it seems that sometimes they cannot be dragged no matter how long I pause. The action of attempting to drag simply un-highlights the items.
While I am typing this comment, I am trying to drag items in Mail. I have multiple items selected, and most of the time, anything I do to try to drag them fails, but simply reverses the selection on some items. On a rare occasion, the drag function works. It seems sometimes if I start the drag slowly, it works. I am still assuming that this failure is due to my lack of skills. But my instinct is to consider this a bug. What is the correct way to drag multiply selected items reliably?
How do I drag all the windows of say Compressor or FCP as a group? Is there a special keyboard command to just click on one window and then just drag your mouse to move all windows? I often would like to move Compressor to different sections of my screen. I cannot do that now without having to individually move all five windows.
Whenever I drag a tab out of the tab bar to make it open in a new window, it shows the window thumbnail and will not open in a new window (hangs up). Yes, I am letting go of the trackpad and it still does not work. I have tried removing the Safari plist and still no work.
On my MacBook Po I really like the (new) giant trackpad it always worked perfect until a while ago. Sometimes when I want to drag some files around it doesn't register I'm holding the trackpad down and it won't drag the file. Or it drags the file for a few pixels and release it by itself into the wrong folder. I have the same problem sometimes when I want to select some text, it only selects a piece of the text. Even if I work in Photoshop it doesn't always work great.