OS X :: Mouse Wheel Click To Access Widgets

Apr 28, 2010

When I had my mighty mouse, the mouse wheel when clicked opened my widgets. Now I've switched to a wired optical mouse, Non apple brand it doesn't work. I've searched all the settings and cant find an option to tick or select to allow the mouse wheel click to access widgets. I've googled around loads and I must not be using the right search terms as its just not showing up what so ever.

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OS X Yosemite :: Can't Access Any Profiles - Mouse Moves But Won't Click

Dec 2, 2014

I can't access any profiles. The mouse moves but won't click on anything. Not a mouse issue.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.5)

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Software :: Dashboard Widgets Appear On Screen When I Right Click?

Jun 7, 2009

Suddenly I find that when I right click all my dashboard widgets appear on screen. I would like to revert to the system where I could right click and then choose things like attach, save etc etc.

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MacBook :: Mouse Wheel Speed Unaffected By Mouse Preferences

Jun 11, 2009

I'm using a Logitech MX 518 mouse. It was working fine with the exception of the two side buttons; they weren't set up the way I liked and the mouse control panel did not let me change them. I installed some Logitech drivers (lcc213) that were supposed to support the mouse; upon reinstalling the mouse was not recognized by the Logitech software. The scroll wheel became very sluggish (maybe scrolling one line, and seemingly no acceleration). I removed the Logitech software and restarted, but now my mouse is stuck that way - moving the scroll speed in the Mouse preferences all the way to the left or all the way to the right makes no difference.

Is there any way to reset the mouse drivers or whatever might be messed up, short of a reinstall?

I even tried to use USB Overdrive and that likewise has no effect on the scroll speed.

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Hardware :: Logitech G3 Mouse Looks Like The Same As Trusty Wheel Mouse?

Mar 21, 2007

I'm looking to maybe replace my mouse, and I quite like the look of the Logitech G3 mouse, mainly because it looks like the same design as my trusty Wheel Mouse, but with a couple of side buttons added. The problem is that according to the Logitech site, the software is PC only, but I assume that the standard left/right/middle buttons and scroll work as normal. I've read in another post here about the MX518 that although the extra buttons on that mouse can't be programmed in the control panel (except for expose?), they work fine in other applications (World of Warcraft was mentioned, and it's that I'm specifically interested in).

So, anyone actually used one of these mice? Or should I just get the MX518?

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OS X :: How To Change Mouse Scroll Wheel Lines On USB Mouse?

Dec 16, 2009

I recently plugged my Belkin USB mouse into my Black MacBook. All works OK, except that I cannot change the number of lines jumped when I use the scroll wheel.

The "Scrolling Speed" setting in System Preferences > Mouse doesn't do anything.

Any ideas? Is there a config file I can change via Terminal?

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Hardware :: Unable Right Click/Left Click On Wireless Mighty Mouse After Disassembling

Aug 9, 2010

I had to dissassemble my wireless Mighty Mouse to clean it properly, as the trackball was unable to scroll up and down. As I had cleaned the trackball, I attached the two internal cables to their respective "slots" again and assembled the mouse.

Now my right button does the same as the left button (right click = left click). I tried dissassembling the mouse again, but I cannot see what I could have done wrong. After all, there are only two cables to attach and de-attach inside it.

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Hardware :: Mighty Mouse Not Working Fine / Right Click Acts As Left Click

Feb 12, 2007

I just bought a mighty mouse, happy as I was, plugged it in and started my ibook running OS X 10.3.9.I know the mighty mouse shouldn't have full functionality (as the software delivered with it is >10.4.2).The problem is that the right click doesn't work right. When I try to right click it sometimes takes the right click, sometimes takes it as a left click (which is extremely annoying in firefox or finder).

I have SteerMouse (I'm a windows/linux user too) installed but when I de�nstalled it the problem remained.
When I plugged the mighty mouse in my pc (at that time running windows) right click just worked.When using a cheap mouse (from pleomax) the right click on the ibook (with Steermouse installed) works all the time.

I find this al really confusing. Seems like it can't be the hardware because it works on windows, but it can't be the software because another mouse does work.

I noticed that when right clicking at the total right side near the "expose-button" (not a position my fingers lay naturally) right click works all the time. I don't hope this is normal?

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Applications :: Turning Webclip Widgets Into Normal Widgets Or Apps?

Mar 15, 2009

Is there any way to turn webclip widgets into normal widgets or standalone apps? With or without a 3rd party app or enhancement?

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OS X :: Cleaning Mighty Mouse Scroll Wheel?

Aug 21, 2007

Is there a way to clean up the mighty mouse? My scroll wheel no longer works right.

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Hardware :: Magic Mouse - No Scroll Wheel

Oct 30, 2009

Just bought the Magic Mouse. There's no scroll wheel, but the box shows that you can touch/click on the center and it will scroll. I can't seem to make it do that. If I click and hold, it highlights everything.

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OS X :: Mouse Wheel / Trackpad Scroll In Flash

Apr 9, 2010

In Flash apps, scroll fields don't respond to my mouse wheel or trackpad scrolls.

This was a widely discussed issue a few years ago, but I'm not finding any recent chatter.

Running Snow Leopard on a Blackbook; latest Flash (

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Intel Mac :: Desktop Moving With Mouse Scroll Wheel

Apr 30, 2012

My desktop is moving when I move my mouse.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Hardware :: Mighty Mouse Scroll Wheel Works In Only One Direction?

Aug 30, 2009

Recently my mighty mouse scroll wheel as lost the ability to scroll upwards. I presume it's like the ball on the bottom of an old mouse and needs cleaning but don't know how to get into it to clean?

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Hardware :: Disassembled Magic Mouse And Cleaned Scroll Wheel

Dec 9, 2009

Maybe i'm the only one that's tired of my "nipple" scroll wheel not working but i'm sick and tired of moving that confounded thing only to find NOTHING SCROLLING! AND NO,... i don't use my mouse while eating a handful of doritos. My solution? DIY breakdown, disassemble, and clean. Mind you,.. i had one extra piece when it was all said and done, but who's counting, this aint a cesarian for crying out loud. It turns out that in order to take it apart, you'll have to "break" the seal on the bottom which in turn leaves it so you can't put the bottom seal back on when your done. I didn't notice a difference in performance/usage though.

1) Using a small paperclip, i gently tore off the light gray ring around the bottom of the mouse - starting at the side buttons and working my way around like one would seal a tupperware
2) Using a medium paperclip (still folded) i gently pryed the front part of the bottom of the mouse away from the top carriage. The back of the mouse sorta hinges so don't go yanking the back our you'll do some damage.
3) Using a teeny tiny Philips, i removed the 3 screws holding in the "nipple".
4) Once the black cage is removed, i find the ball incased in an ingenius little contraption. A small white plastic top gently holds the ball in place so i remove that. Once removed it reveals 4 small "spindles" about 1/2 a cm long that formed a square around where the ball was sitting. These spindles were magnetic on the ends and were gently held in place by magnetizing to a small piece of metal at each of the four sides of the square.
5) I removed each spindel and scraped the "gunk" using a teeny tiny flat head.
6) Once clean, i reassembled and whola.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Changed Wheel Group Properties To No Access At Top Disk Level

Jun 2, 2012

I messed up, I changed my "Wheel group" properties to No Access ( or something other than the default) at the top level of my startup disk "Macintosh HD".now my computer won't start up, I just get the spinning wheel of death.I also am in Thailand right now, so I cannot go to a Genius at an apple store, nor do I have startup disks available.So I was hoping there was a way to change back the properties of my disk (Volume) in single user mode (via Command +s) during startup, i.e. can I do a chmod command on the Macintosh HD listing under the Volume Directory.Or where do i fix this? Is it fixable without startup disks, etc...

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X Mavericks :: Spinning Wheel Appearing When Use Safari That Prevents Internet Access

Dec 6, 2014

I have a spinning wheel appearing in safari that blocks usage


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Hardware :: Electronic Touch Sensor On Mouse - Useless Scroll Wheel

Feb 3, 2009

How hard is it to put an electronic touch sensor on the mouse for scrolling so we don't end up with a gummed-up, useless scroll wheel after a year of use?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Do A "middle Mouse Click" Without A 3 Button Mouse

Mar 8, 2012

#1:  Is there a keyboard command that will perform a middle click?  I have googled and googled and googled and found hardly any info except something about "option + click", which does not work. 

#2:  Is there a way to make the magic mouse perform a middle click?

powermac pro 3ghz xeon 8core, Mac OS X (10.5.3), 9gb ram, 4tb internal storage, 30" cinema display, 17" hitachi

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Configure Logitech Mouse Wheel To Cycle Through Desktops When In Mission Control?

Jun 5, 2012

When using the trackpad on my MacBook Air running OS X Lion v 10.7.3, I can easily access Misison Control with a three-finger swipe up, and then use the three-finger swipe left or right to view each of my individual desktops (while in mission control).  I hope to gain similar functionality using the wheel button and wheel of my Logitech mouse (when I am at work and am using a keyboard and mouse). 

I have downloaded the Logitech Control Center for Macintosh® OS X (available at [URL]) and configured Mission Control to load when I click on my wheel button.  I currently have the wheel itself configured for vertical scrolling (e.g., for navigating web pages in Safari). 

how I can specify a different role for the mouse wheel when in Mission Control - namely rotating wheel up will do the equivalent of the three-finnger swipe left, and rotating wheel donw will do the equvialent of three-finger swipe right?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Mouse Won't Click - Can't Respond

Oct 30, 2007

Yesterday I restarted my PowerMac G5 (dual 2.7Ghz) as normal. When it rebooted my system wouldn't respond to mouse clicks. I can move the pointer around the screen and the system even responds to mouseover events (e.g. the text when you move over an application in the Dock) but it won't respond to clicks. Funny thing is, I tried VNCing in from another computer on my LAN and clicking DOES work from there. I've taken the obvious step of repairing permissions, to no avail. I'm using 10.4.10 and wasn't doing aything unusual or stupid beforehand as far as I know.

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OS X :: Both Mouse Buttons Are Right-click?

Nov 4, 2009

So I just installed USB Overdrive on my 10.6.1 iMac 2.66, and one of the buttons was conflicting; I thought it might be an issue with Apple's official mouse & keyboard prefs. So I went in, and I accidentally switched the right click/left click, and now I cannot click on ANYTHING because both buttons are right-click. I tried restarting in the hopes that USB Overdrive would override the system prefs, but no dice. Is there any way I can manipulate system prefs without the use of clicking?

I also tried hooking up another mouse to no avail, and sticky keys are off.

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Software :: MBP Mouse Won't Click

Aug 21, 2010

(Was) running: 15" Macbook Pro, 3GB RAM, Original Leopard (Computer is about 4-4.5 years old, so it's not a new one. 2nd gen?) Last night I was using Firefox as I always do when my cursor decided not to let me move a file I was trying to move. The file sort of stuck to the cursor and I had to hard boot my computer back up. When I got to the login screen, I couldn't click my account with the trackpad mouse. I was however able to select my account with tab and enter (I think it was), which let me login. I was able to get to system preferences but there was nothing unchecked with trackpad that shouldn't have been. (Trackpad = mouse? I think?) Logged in, I was still unable to click anything, which makes it pretty hard to use the computer! I've tried various things to fix it, to no avail:

1. Hardbooting
2. Waiting all night, letting it sit off, hardbooting
3. Resetting PRAM

I also tried using my original gray installation disc for disk utility. I pressed "c" on startup, but once it started up, it ejected my disc. (Also tried the 2nd gray disc and the original Leopard disc.) I was able to reboot into Safe Mode pressing SHIFT on startup and then hard rebooting. Just read about single user mode fsck -y and will try that shortly. I'll also see if "D" on startup keeps the install disk in to run AHT. From what I've read, sounds like it might be the logic board. Can't afford that nor a new Mac. Looks like I'm back to a PC if that's what it is. *mourns* Wow, I plugged in an old Mac USB mouse we had lying around and that works! Yay! But should I still be concerned about the logic board or some other major issue?

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MacBook Pro :: Mouse Pad Won't Click

Mar 20, 2012

so sometimes when i click on stuff itwont respond like deleting a tab on safari and also when i try to download an app.

MacBook Pro, iOS 5.0.1

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MacBook Pro :: Mouse Pad Won't Allow To Click On Anything

Mar 30, 2012

I can move the mouse around on the track pad but I can not click on anything

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.3 :: Disable Right Click Mouse On 10.3?

Apr 20, 2012

I have some old gooseneck macs that younger kids use. The right click is a problem. I can't see where to disable it under mouse preferences. The option is not there.

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OS X :: Mapping A Mouse Click To A Key On The Keyboard?

Dec 19, 2008

My roommate often hooks his Macbook to his HDTV. The problem he has it sometimes is hard to read text. He can zoom is while holding the Ctrl key and then scrolling up with the scroll ball on the might mouse.

What he'd like to do is be able to map the side button on the might mouse to the control key so he can just click that and then scroll up to zoom in (so there is no need to hold the physical key on the keyboard).

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OS X :: Mighty Mouse Won't Right Or Left Click

May 10, 2009

i have a wireless mighty mouse for 9 months and today i had a serious problem. I had the casual problem with the trackball but i used to rub it on a clean peace of paper and it was fixed. When i done this today it won't right or left click. All it does is open the dashboard which this is the middle button. When i set off the middle button it can left click but not right. What the heck is going on? What should i do? Can it be fixed or do i need to go on an Apple Store and get a new one? God i hate this mouse. By rubbing it on a paper, the trackball is now scratched. Will this affect my warranty?

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Hardware :: Mighty Mouse Won't Click

Aug 22, 2009

Someone dropped our Mighty Mouse, and now it won't register clicks. When it hit the floor, it kinda fell apart. We put it back together, but now it won't click. We've tinkered around with it a little bit, and opened it up to see if there was something obviously broken... And everything looks like it should be working fine. At this point, it looks like we need a new Mighty Mouse, but I just wanted to see if anyone had any ideas on how we might be able to fix it. There were some other forum posts about the mouse not clicking right clicking, or scrolling, but I get the idea that it was just a hardware problem, where it just stops responding. Au contraire, it isn't working because it suffered blunt trauma.

*also, for other users whose mouse isn't working who are looking for answers, if your track ball isn't working very well, it might just need cleaning. Try turning it upside down and rubbing the mouse on your pant leg or a piece of paper, with moderate force. This will help dislodge debris inside, and help it scroll more easily, and doesn't harm your mouse. If you're having trouble right clicking, try lifting your index finger off the left side of the mouse. The mouse has a sensitive electrical wiring circuit under the area of where your fingers touch, and your mouse may be confused by fingers on both sides of the mouse. The primary click is the left click, so it'll take priority over the right side. Ah, Apple technology is beautiful.

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OS X :: Unable To Right Click On Macbook Without Mouse?

Oct 17, 2009

unable to right click on macbook without mouse....?

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